(3) To the darker side

Two days later, 8:09 PM

It's been two days since I last talked to Janice. That day, she didn't say anything and just left and hasn't been coming to school since that. I didn't had her number so I couldn't call her. For some reason, I was worried about her. I kept thinking if something happened to her.

I felt someone following me. There was literally no one in the streets. I was scared. It could be a psycho murderer. I heard that a murderer ran away from the jail. I pulled out my phone to call my sister.

' Shit! How come there's no connection! '

The person started to walk faster. I rummaged through my pocket only thing to be used as a weapon was my lighter. I took it out. My heart was pounding as of its in my hands.

" Hey Sun Ho. "

" Don- Don't come closer. "

' Wait this voice... ' I turned around 'JANICE!'

" What a scaredy cat you are! " She laughed.

" What are you doing here? " I asked, embarrassed.

" I live near here. "

" Hey! Don't you know? It's dangerous to go out alone at night! There's a murderer on loose! Don't go out by yourself! "

" Why are you so concerned? We aren't even friends! " She pouted.

" Sorry for that day.. I didn't mean to hurt you. "

" Who said I'm hurt? "

" Then why didn't you come to school? "

" Uh... I had to go somewhere. "

" I thought you were hurt. "

" It doesn't matter because I'm not your FRIEND! "

" Now stop teasing me. "

" Pfft. Whatever. "

" Let me walk you home. "

She nodded with a smile.

" Why don't you want to be friends with me?"

" That Sang Woo.. bastard. "

" What? Are you scared of him? "

" I'm not scared of anyone. I just don't want to get in fights anymore. "

" But if Sang Woo tells you jump in a well or else he'll beat you up.. will you? "

" Am I stupid? "

" You humans are weird! "

" As if you're not human. "

" ... yes, I'm... "

" You're sounding like an alien! Haha! " I laughed.

Janice's face became pale.

" ... are you fine? "

" I've to go... My brother is waiting for me. "

" Oh. Okay. But you seem sick.. where is your place? "

" It's fine I'll go alone. "

Before I could say anything else she already sprinted away.

' This girl is weird. '

Next day, 10:00 AM, School

"... this assignment is important so I want you all to work hard on this. Don't take it lightly. I've grouped you all randomly. Take a look at the notice board after class. " said the teacher.

" YES! " Exclaimed Sang Woo in joy, " Me and Janice are in the same group! "

" Good for you man... " said his friend.

Janice rolled her eyes.

" Hey. Sun Ho is also in your group! "

" WHAT? This bastard... "

Sang Woo glared at me.

" Sun Ho.. Me, you and Sang Woo are in the same group. " Janice said.

" I know.. Shouldn't we have a small group discussion? "

Janice called Sang Woo.

" Let's do it nicely without fighting. " I told him

" Are you scared? You didn't do anything that day.. " he smirked.

" I need a A. I don't know anything else. Don't you even dare to fuck it up. Both of you. " Janice said, annoyed.

" Let's meet up at Smile Cafe after school today. " I said.

" Let's go to the snack bar. " Janice asked me.

" I'm not hungry. You go with the girls. "

" Ok. Do you need anything? "

" Nope. "


" Don't hang out with Sun Ho. He's a strange guy. He never talks. " Said Min Ji.

" Why? He's a nice guy. You guys don't know him properly because you guys are so drowned in Sang Woo. "

" Why are you taking his side? Do you know he was in prison because he got in a big fight? "

" Who told you that? Do you have proof? "

" We are just being ni- "

" Fuck off y'all. "

" Wha- We're being nice. Why are you being a bitch to us? "

" Talking about someone behind their backs isn't nice. "

Why the hell do everyone think Sun Ho is a brat. He never did anything like that!

Well... I don't know him that properly but still this all is crap.

" Hey! Sun Ho! "

" What? "

" Why do you let everyone talk crap about you? Tell them you weren't in prison! This is going too far! "

" Hey. How much do you even know about me? Stop meddling in this stuff. Let them say whatever they want. I don't care! "

Why is he like this? I always try to get close to him. To be his friend. But he's always scolding me and pushing me away.

" You're right. I shouldn't care about you either. Sorry. " I said, tearing up a bit.

" Janice. " he caught my hand. " Sorry. I'm so stressed out these days. "

" Let's meet at the cafe later. I've to go now. I probably should apologise to the girls for taking your side. "

I stomped out of the class. At this rate, I'll never get to complete my mission! I also had to attend school. I missed my house and my dog.

' I'm homesick! '

I started to tear up. I sat down on the outdoor bench. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

" Janice. " Sun Ho put a hand on my shoulder. " I looked for you all over. "

He sat down with me.

" I'm sorry. " he said. " I bought you choco milk. "

" I don't want it. "

He let out a big breath.

" They weren't lying. I've been to the police station quite a lot of times. I got a lot of guys hospitalized. Do you still want to be my friend? "