(4) Black hole

10:43 AM, School

" Yes. It doesn't matter to me. It's all in the past anyway. " Janice said.

' Why it doesn't matter? I'm the bad guy. She doesn't even know me. Why does she keep taking my side? '

" The class will be starting soon. Let's go. " She said. " Don't you ever try to act like a brat in front of me. I won't forgive you again!"

I quietly followed her to the classroom. But I couldn't focus on the lesson. My mind kept taking me to the time I regret the most.

24. 01. 2018, 11:34 PM, Moonlight Bar

".. are you new here? " I asked the guy at the entrance.

" Sorry sir, I need to see your ID. We can't allow minors. "

" Call your manager. "

" Sorr- "


" Hey! Why aren't you letting them in!? " The manager came out.

" Manager Kim, why don't you train your employees properly? So annoying. " said Dong Hyuk, my then best friend.

" I'm so sorry sir. Please come in. "

Dong Hyuk's father is the chairman of Flamingo Jwellery, one of the biggest jwellery brands in Korea. So, we get special treatment wherever we go.

" Let's celebrate being in the same highschool! " said Min Ho.

" I think my father will hand me his business as soon as I finish my high school. Then I wouldn't be sitting in this lousy bar. I'll travel around the world in some private jet. "

My phone buzzed, it was a text.

'' Code red. Near your house. ''

" HEY. CODE RED. " I exclaimed.

" I was thinking that it was too quiet for quite some time! "

We rushed to the streets near our house. The boys of the nearby highschool was fighting with one of my classmates.

" Hey. Stop. " I said

" Boss. It's Sun Ho. " said one of the boys.

" Oh. So you're Sun Ho. " the leader looked at me dead in the eye. " Heard a lot about you. So you're the best fighter of this area? "

" What do you want? "

" Why do you keep ignoring my texts? See because of you your classmate is in trouble." He pointed at the guy in back. He was trembling in fear. He was bleeding.

" How dare you touch him? Min Ho get him."

" You can get him since I met you. "

" I won't ask you again. What do you want. "

He approached me. I clenched my fists, ready to fight.

" I want you to fight me. Not today. Saturday. 3 PM. I'll wait for you by the bridge. " He said.

" Are you scared of fighting me right now? " I smirked.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He lunged at me. I moved to the side. He almost fell down.

" You're awful at it dude. " I laughed.

" You- ! "

He lunged at me again, aiming his punch at my face. I dodge it. Barely. I had enough. But I knew that if I start to hit him he'll end up in hospital and I'll end up in the police station. But again, who cares?

I curled up my hand in a fist and aimed at his face. My fist hit his jaw and he tasted blood.

" Boss! " His minions shouted rushing to help him.

" Stay where you are! I GOT THIS! "

I punched him again. This time harder. He knocked into the ground and spitted blood.

I grabbed him by his hair and made him look at me.

" You're pretty easy to be taken care of. I'll leave now or else you'll be lying in the hospital. " I said.

" That punk! He thinks that he can beat us. Sun Ho alone was enough for him. Hahaha." Min Ho laughed.

" Only if our boss wasn't sick today! You'll taste blood next time! " One of the minions shouted.

I flashed him my middle finger.

" What do you even expect from an orphan? Leeching off other people! "

Blood rushed my head.

" Sun Ho. No. " Min Ho grabbed my hand.

Dong Hyuk striked towards him. He grabbed him by the collar and punched him hard.

" HOW DARE YOU!? " He shouted.

" Dong Hyuk stop. Let's go. " I said.

We were best friends, willing to do anything for each other. I owed him a lot. He's like a coconut, although he's a spoilt brat on the outside, from inside he's soft. I valued him the most. He was with me when everyone abandoned me. But this friendship at some point became messy. He lost me.

Present day, 11:30 AM, School

A chalk hit my face and I woke up from my train of thoughts.

" Sun Ho! Why are you not concentrating? " The teacher shouted.

" Sorry teacher. "

No matter how much I try to escape it. I keep getting sucked by the black hole.