(5) Where the stars land

Same day, 6:58 PM, Cafe

That punk Sang Woo didn't even come. I felt so awkward with me and Janice only.

" Ok. So, you'll present it. There's some work that's left.. let's meet at my house. "

Janice said.

" Why will I present? "

" Because I'm saying so. " She smiled. "Let's go now. I've to go somewhere. "

" I wonder why Sang Woo didn't come. He would have never missed it. After all you're his crush! " I teased her.

" Do you have a death wish? " She glared.

"Leave that. Treat me some meat. " I said.

" Why would I? "

" Hey come on! I really want to eat some meat and I forgot my wallet. "

" Ok this time I'll treat you. But next time you have to buy me something delicious. "

" Let's eat there! " I grabbed her hand and ran.

" Why are you running?! "


I sensed blood rushing to my face when Sun Ho suddenly grabbed my hand.

" Why are you blushing? " He asked.

" Wh- what? "

" Are you fine? You're turning red like a tomato "

" I'm fine. It's just hot. "

" But it's December... "

" Oh.. It's just stuffy here. "

" I don't think so. " He smirked. " Is it because we held hands? "

" Held hands!? Wh- What? You grabbed my hand! "

" Okay. Why are you so worked up? Can't even take a joke! "

" Aren't you teasing me too much today. Don't cross your line. " I pouted.

" Stop it now. Cheer up. Let's order. "

We ended up ordering two sets of spicy pork.

" Where's the fork? "

" Wha-? You're quite a lady aren't you? Its a street shop. Use your hands. "

" My hands? How? "

" Should I feed you? " he said.

' What- ' My heart started racing.

' Quiet you darn heart. I can literally hear it pound! '

" Here. Take a bite. " He held out his hand.

" NO! I'll figure it out. "

" Do you have a fever? Your face is becoming redder! "

" Oh? I'm fine. "

' What am I doing? I should be focusing on my work! Why am I being like a 13 year old. '

" Let me check your fever. "

He placed his hand on my forehead before I could react.

It was like my heart will bounce out.

' Get a grip! Are you in middle school?! '

" You're burning up. " He said with a little bit of concern.

" I'm fine. It's just hot here. "

" Ok then. Eat up. "

" Eat what? You already ate it all. "

" You- You ate more than me! "

" Leave that. I'll go pay the bill. "

" It's OK. I'll pay. "

" But you don't have your wallet."

" You believed that? I just wanted to eat with you. "

' He wanted to eat with me? Why? Why me?'

" Why ? " I asked.

" I don't have anyone else to eat with. You're my only friend. "

' That means he wouldn't have eaten with me if he had other friends. What was I even expecting? '

" I paid the bill. Let's go. " he said.

" Ah. Okay. "

We walked in silence for a few moments.

' It's awkward. '

" Do you want to come to a place with me? " I asked.

" Right now? "

" Yes. It's the perfect time. "

" Where? "

" You ask too much questions. Let's go. "

I grabbed his hand and started to drag him. He resisted.

" I'm very tired today...." he said

" You'll feel better when you get there. Come with me. "


Janice dragged me until we reached a set of stairs going up.

" You wouldn't regret it. I promise. "

She ran up the stairs in excitement.

" Hey! Slow down! "

She didn't listen to me and jumped all the way up to the staircase.

"Hurry up you punk!" She shouted from the top.

"Wha- Punk? How dare-!" I mumbled

I continued to climb more slowly to annoy her. It's something I really enjoyed.

Janice continued to dance around on the top. This was a new side of her I had never seen. She seemed happy, bright and... beautiful. I hope she can be this way for a long time....

"Why are you so slow?"

"I'm already very tired. How come you have so much energy?" I tapped her forehead. "Where do you even store your energy in this small body?"

"I'm tired too, but this place I'm taking you to is so beautiful that it'll melt all your issues!"

She led me through some bushes and shrubs. Thorns were pricking my limbs.

"Why are we going through these bushes?"

"You ask too many questions! Shut up and follow me."

We ended up on a small clear land, surrounded by thick bushes and trees. It was a bit horrifying. It looked like a cursed place. I wondered why she dragged me here. WHAT IF SHE SACRIFICES ME?!

"Hey! Why are we here? Let's go back."

"Why? Let's sit there." She pointed out at a bench near the end of the cliff. That bench looked more scary.

"I'm going back." I said. I was freaking out.

"Are you scared?" She giggled.

"As if."

"Stop being a mood killer and come sit."

I followed her to the seat even though I was scared. What's so special about this creepy place?

"See. You can see the whole city from here. It's so beautiful."

For the first time I noticed the city studded with lights. The dark sky blended in with the city and the city lights looked like star studded. It calmed me down for some reason.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Janice asked.

"It's like the place where stars land."

"Wow. What a fair combination of words!"

"But how do you know about this place?It doesn't seem easy to find."

"This part of the park was abandoned a long time ago... Do you wanna see something cool?"

Janice picked up a stone and threw into the damp bushes in the corner. Hundreds of fireflies started rising.

"Now we have stars around us." She said.

I looked at her excitedly trying to catch fireflies between her palms. The soft glow of the fireflies lit up her face.

"What a beautiful sight." I said. "I wish I could look at it forever."

"Stop staring at me you'll dig a hole through me."

"When did I?" I blushed and looked away. Fortunately it was too dark to figure out that I was blushing.

"When did you find out about this amazing place?" I said as I caught a firefly between my palms.

"Three years ago when I last came to Earth to discover polar bears. Our planet doesn't have them."
