Taking Back The Power

Silence is an answer too,

Because I'm wondering

Where everything went wrong.

When I cried clinging to you

As you hugged me tight

While he was screaming at me.

Oh how the roles have been reversed

You became the parental abuser screaming at me

As I hold in my tears standing up for myself.

My pillow is the only one that I hug,

Holding my tears I cry at night.

But I've stopped fighting for myself

It's not worth it anymore

Trying to make you understand and accept me.

Silence has power,

I'll take the bullets you shoot at me

Standing there defenseless.

I'm not strong for doing it,

I'm weak just trying to survive.

Being strong is realizing

Things aren't going your way

But still waking up everyday and trying again.

Suicidal thoughts hitting harder,

Daydreams of taking the easy way out

The more I get hurt

But I still keep moving on

Because that's what you do.

It will end soon

It might be a lie but I'll keep believing it,

I will keep believing with what I have left of me.

Where I will walk on my own

With my future in my hands

And no one can take it away.