My mind packed it's bags and it's leaving,
I packed all my thoughts
And I stopped wasting them on you.
Don't talk down to me because my mind has left
The house of abuse you keep tracing
Because I've outgrown you denying who I am
I've broken so many times
Emotionally, mentally, and physically
With the razor to my wrist.
It's come to a point where I'm unbreakable.
I laugh saying this but your hugs feel like dad
I'm suffocating on an embrace
Warm like a knife dipped in honey,
A sugar cookie with poison as the frosting.
It's like I'm running on the track,
My legs are disintegrating crumbling to dust
The faster I go when people tell me
To keep pushing, to keep fighting for who I am
When my mind tells me no.
When you tell me no.