I Feel Like No One

How bad was it?





Stuck as the vines grows around my chest

Feeling my ribs constrict

In the bed I can't move out of,

My body has become a silent thunderstorm

The clouds are my depression

It comes out of the sky

As my suicidal thoughts thunder in my head

Until I'm stuck in the cold

Wondering how long I can last

When I can't feel anything.

It's one of those nights again,

The kind where you want to

Yell and scream and cry because nothing is okay

And your not sure it ever will be.

The kind where you stare at your scars,

Wanting to make more.

Just to feel something other than this ache

It is nights like these

Where I'm terrified to keep living.

Where I'm so silent

I can feel my own heart beat.

Retreating into myself

Knowing it's worse than last summer

Slipping away

Realizing I lost everything about me

I feel like no one.

Just a reflection I want to punch

As I beg to see all the good

Others see in me that I can't.

I want to believe it

I want to absorb it like photosynthesis

Trying to keep a plant alive.

I would do anything just to feel anything.

I know I made people worried,

Honestly I'm worried about me too.