
I yelled at the mysterious boy. He says " Chill girly.'' "Girly?" I thought. "What does he mean by that?" Some how I felt offended by that. We were in a complete awkward silence until the mysterious boy opened his mouth and said " Well I gotta go. Bye!" "Wait!" I said. He turns and faces me. "What's your name?" I ask. "My names Damien. Yours?" "Oh I'm Dawn." "Well nice seeing you Dawn." He faces back to the window ready to jump out but something urges me to tell him not to leave. I speak up and say " Can you stay here?" Damien looks at me with a confused face. "What I mean is that since you woke me up you have to stay with me till I fall back to sleep " I say with a shy look on my face. He looks at me and smirks "I must be good looking then. " I blush then I say " No not really I-I just told you. " He steps away from the window and starts to float like 2 feet off the ground. "Soooo. Wanna explain why you were in my house... and in my room. " "Whoops, Sorry about that. As you know I'm a vampire and it was a blood mo-." "Blood moon. Was that it." I interrupted. "Yeah! And on blood moons us vampires go crazy and go on some sort of rampage looking for blood. " "Wow" I say. "Tonight was my first night since I just turned 180 years old." "What. That's crazy. You don't even look 180." I look at him completely dumbfounded. He laughs an then says "Well in your terms of age I'm basically 18 years old." "Oh okay that makes more sense. I'm 16. "Wow so your a year younger than me. Well actually a few hundred years older than you." We talk all night until I fell asleep. I opened my eye and saw Damien leaving "Wait!" He looks at me and I say "Will I see you again?" He chuckles and says "Probably." I smile and go back to sleep. *4 hours later Dawn's sister comes in* "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADDD!" I throw a pillow at my sister and I lift my head from my bed. "What do you wantttt" I say sleepily. She looks at me and says "Gurl you have school today so get your lazy butt of the bed and get ready." It took me 1 second to figure out what she said. I scrambled out of bed and got ready. For school I wore a sweater, jeans, boots, a scarf, and a pair of sunglasses.

I ran downstairs to see my mom making breakfast. "Morning sweetheart. How was your night." "It was fantast-." Suddenly it came to me and I remembered what happened last night. I thought that was all just a crazy dream. "Earth to Dawn, earth to dawn, Hello?" I snapped out of it and my mom looks at me. " Are you okay honey? " "I fine mom. " I grab my breakfast and start walking to school. When I arrive at school I bump into Charm. "Oh sorry Charm." "Its fine Dawn." I get up and help Charm off the floor. "Sorry again." We both walk to class and learn some boring things. *Lunch time cuz no one gives a flip about what people learn in school* *Yawns* " Finally Lunch time." Me and Charm run to the lunch room and bump into Ember. "Whoops sorry Amber." "ITS EMBER! MY NAME IS EMBER!!" I roll my eyes and walk past her. "Wow your so brave enough to stand up to Ember." "Eh. I only stand up to people who are annoying... like Ember." We eat our lunch and go to class. * After School* "Hey Charm!" "Oh hey Dawn! What's up?" "I was wondering if you wanna hang out at my house." "Oh sure!" "Okay come on lets go" We leave the school grounds and we arrive at my house. "Hey Mom! I'm home!" "Hey Dawn. How was school?" "It was fine. I also brought a friend over." "A friend? Already?" "Yeah mom. Already." She steps out the kitchen to see my friend. "Hello. You must be Dawn's friend." "Yeah. I'm Charm. Charm Garcia." "Very nice to meet you Charm." " You may go up to Dawns room if you like?" "Of course. Lets go Dawn!" "Sure!" I show her my room and she stays here till its time for her to go home. " Well its time for me to go home Dawn. See you tomorrow!" "Yeah bye Charm!" She leaves and I sit on my bed day-dreaming (LOL me).

*Okay so Ima just end it here. I'll post chapter 5 after this * Bye have a nice day/night/afternoon