
I turn around in my bed and look at my ceiling. All of my thoughts are scrambling around and one image always pops up in my head... the face of Damien. I quickly brush my thoughts away and try to fall asleep. I close my eyes and wander off to dream land.

*Meanwhile with Damien* BTW since this is Damien's pov we are going to the day when Damien goes to Dawn's room and then goes through the window to get back to his castle

I quickly ran to my castle at the top of the mountain and scurried into my room before my parents realize I wasn't home. As soon as I got in my room I saw my younger brother Drake in my room. I look at him and he looks at me. We just stood there in silence until Drake broke the silence. "So. Where have you been big bro?" "Nowhere." "Oh really then why are you home late?" "Your not my mom Drake, so stay out of my business!" "If you don't tell me then I'll tell dad and dad won't be happy." He was right. If dad knew I wasn't home I would be in big trouble. I sigh and say "Fine! I'll tell you where I was." I tell Drake the whole story on how I met Dawn and everything else. Drake looks at me like I made up the whole story and then says "YOU MET A GIRL!" "Keep your voice down Drake!" "Sorry but you met a girl... more specifically a HUMAN girl." I shot a look at him that made him shut up. "It doesn't matter if its a human girl and probably became friends with her." I say to Drake. And of course he uses his big mouth and yells "YOU BECAME FRIENDS WITH HER!" " SHUT UP DRAKE! YOUR TOO LOUD!" Finally Drake stops yelling and calms down. "So... When can I meet your girlfriend?" "What! She's not my girlfriend." " Yeah okay. So when can I meet her?" "Umm we could go right now if you like?" "Really?!" His eyes show excitement. "Yeah. Lets go." We fly out the window and head towards Dawn's House.

*Dawn's House*

"Alright were here." I whisper to Drake. We climb through the window and find a sleeping Dawn. "She's asleep Drake. Maybe we should come back tomorrow." When I turn around I see Drake already near Dawn trying to wake her up. " Dude no! Don't wake her up." But I was to late Dawn woke up and the first thing she saw were to vampires standing in her room. She blinks her eyes so she can focus on what she is seeing and turns to me and says in a sleepy voice "What are you doing here and who's the guy you brought over." I was going to say something but then my beloved brother stepped up and said " I'm Drake. Damien's much cooler younger brother. " "Oh you are?" "You never told me you had a little brother Damien." "Well I just met you the other day-." "Oh yeah your right. I did just meet you the other day." She looks around her room and turns her head back to me. " So wanna explain why your here?" "Oh umm. Well you see my little brother wanted to meet you and yeah that 's it. " We just stand there in awkward silence and then the silence breaks because we hear a loud crash coming from the living room. "What was that?" Dawn asks. "I don't know. " We both go to the living room and see Drake, a ball, and a broken vase. "What the heck Drake! What did you do!? And where did you get a ball from." "Well as you can see I-... " Before Drake could finish his sentence we hear footsteps coming towards the living room. " You guys! You have to hide before anyone sees you. " I nod my head and drag Drake to a closet.

*Dawn's POV*

The footsteps come closer and I brace myself for my mom yelling at me and my dad taking away my phone. But then when the person comes into the light it wasn't my parents. It was my sister. "Dawn? What are you doing awake at 3 o'clock in the morning" "Oh umm well I got thirsty and I needed a drink of water and I thought I heard something and I dropped my glass of water and that was the sound. I say nervously" "Okay?" Brooke then leaves the living room and I let out a deep sigh. I turn to the closet and open the door. "You can come out now." Damien and Drake come out of the closet and just stand there. "Well... What are you waiting for? Go!" They look at me like I'm crazy. " Yes you have to go. Like right now before someone catches you." I shove Damien and Drake to a window and push them out. "Buh-Bye. My dear friends." I let out a breath of relief. I walk to my room and go back the sleep.

*Meanwhile in another place*

???-So you found another one.

Worker 1-Yes ma'am

???-Excellent.But please just capture it for me. I'll do the dirty work.

Worker 1-Yes ma'am

The mystery woman leaves and heads towards her destination

???- *gets out of her car* Where is the creature?

Worker 2- Right here ma'am

???-*walks toward the cage* So this is the creature you've captured huh?

???- Open the cage!

Worker 1-Yes ma'am!

The guy opens the cage and the creature starts speaking

Creature-Let me go!

???-But why would I? You are way to precious for me just to let you go.

*Mystery Lady take the creature in the sun*

Creature-No. Stop. *struggles to get out of her grasp*

???- Stop trying its not going to work. Plus this is the best way to protect my town. So buh-bye!

*Mystery Lady throws the creature in the sun and you already know what happens when a vampire touches the sun*

???- Okay now that has been taken care of. I must get home. My daughter must be waiting for me. Also can someone get me a coffee.

Worker 3- Yes Miss Alaska.

* I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it and you have a really good day or night. Also chapter 6 might take longer. I don't know how long but somewhere in November it will be posted.*-Misty.