An overlapping and static-like voice stated, arousing me from my dreamless sleep.
Recognizing just what those voices belonged to. I slowly began to open my eyes, and the first action I did when I fully became conscious was look at my surroundings.
(I'm here...again.)
Black, smooth like rocky structure as my foothold, I looked up at a looming inverted pyramid over in the distance, and the overlapping voices that spoke to me.
~The Astral Plane~
(...why am I here again?) I thought to myself, recalling that I refused its offer for a contract.
This time I was surprisingly calm, even though I've found myself here again. It might be due to having been subjected to all the events that have happened lately.
As I pondered over my strange sense of calmness, the voices spoke out again.
Like last time, it asked me for a contract, and like last time I'll reject it again.
But just as I was about to refuse it spoke again.
I stopped, became confused, and began to think about what it was referring to.
(Is he talking about that kid with a trauma?...wait he doesn't have trauma right now, so that doesn't make sense...but didn't he mention black space?)
Other than him, I couldn't really recall anything that could fit an anomaly other than him.
So who else could it be other than that boy, Sunny?
Also, I am also pretty sure that the original Sunny didn't have magic hands that can beat people up or throw them around in reality.
Yeah…yeah, he definitely didn't have supernatural powers. He was just supposed to be a normal kid right now, just your everyday introverted 12-year-old kid that was going to have his life turned upside down...so it could only mean that he's the anomaly the voices are talking about.
So they're talking about Sunny as the anomaly now about the contract.
Why do I have to take this contract? I have no reason to help them, nor do I want to.
So why should I accept this contract?
(Hmmm, should I accept?)
Or should I decl-
The voices spoke again, interrupting me from my contemplation, stunning me. That made me realize a fatal variable I forgot to take account of.
It's right she'll have to leave that monochromatic room eventually, and when she does what then? Will I accept it? Will I be able to protect her from reality? How can I protect her if I can't even protect myself?
God, I don't want her to leave the room, we should just stay there forever-wait.
(Was I perhaps hoping to stay here forever with Es?)
The answer to that was...yes.
Deep down, I was hoping to just stay like this forever, same with every other thing back before I died. I wished my childhood would just stay like it was forever, I wished that I would live forever and most importantly I wished...I wished...where was I going with this?
Ah, right.
I was in the middle of worrying about Es leaving for the world. I shouldn't worry about things out of my control, and instead prepare for when It's time.
I was also in the middle of contemplating the contract. Speaking of which, what are the terms of this contract? Call me paranoid, but once you've read through one end user license agreement, you'll never be able to not read another one.
After thinking things through a bit, I began to ask for the terms of the contract.
"Last time you said any further information was redacted, but I won't accept this contract if you don't give me the terms of this contract you speak of."
I might be stupid but, I will never sign a contract with some supernatural entity without knowing it first.
I think.
Shortly after the voices spoke, a podium started to materialize from the ground. The podium looked to be made from the same black rocky material that the floor was made of. Lying on the podium was an ornate paper that looked to be the terms for the contract.
Not questioning the appearance of the podium, I calmly walked over to it and started reading over the contract.
'I. The employee is expected to deal with anomalies that are found, and can use any method available to deal with the anomaly peacefully...or forcefully.
II. The employee will be given a temporary service weapon that will be lent to him. Available only until the contract is still in effect, should the contract ever be renounced it is required that the service weapon be taken back to the employer.
'III. Any items found by the employee can be kept by them unless the said item is deemed to be uncontrollable by the employee, and so therefore it will be given to the employer. If it cannot be controlled by both then the employee is tasked with destroying said item with the service weapon or any available assets.
'IV. The contracted employee has free reign in which task he shall choose, and has free will in what actions to take unless specifically ordered by the employer or needed by the task.
'V. If one side wishes to renounce from the contract, unless still under any type of task, will not be free to leave till said obligation has been finished. If there is no such task, the side that wishes to renounce the contract will be free to leave.
'VI. The employer will not harm the contractor or any of his familial relations, acquaintance, friends, etc. The contracted employee will also not be able to harm the employer nor in any way steal from the employer. The consequence of doing so will be death, physically and metaphysically.'
'VI. The employer will not forcefully make the employee stay in the contract. If the employer is to force the employee to uphold the contract then the contract will be forcefully terminated and made into nothing.'
VII. The employer will...
So that's basically it.
I get a cool temporary weapon and have the chance to keep the items I find if I can control them. I'll also be able to leave the contract anytime if there's no task. Sounds good...too good...could they be after something.
But what could it be after? There are almost no downsides for me in this, and there are a lot of safety nets for me and it, so what is it really after?
Thinking for a moment I decided that just stewing in my thought's would do me no good instead I directly asked It.
"These rules are good…. too good. What are you really after?" I blatantly spoke out not caring one bit of the consequences.
"Oh, I see."
Deciding to trust its words by 1%, I made my decision.-
Wait hold up…'non-hostile?'
"Wait, just now you were implying that there are other hostile entities not from this world before, am I right?" I spoke, realizing the hidden meaning between its words.
I've never gotten Its name. I usually just call it 'the voices' or 'it' and it's getting kinda tired referring to it like that.
"You know I'm getting tired of calling you it or you, can you give me your name or title?
(I see, so The Board...that's interesting.)
"Alright, Board I'm willing to sign this contract with you."
Shortly after declaring those words a pen began to materialize in front of me, a black pen with gold symbols etched across its surface. The body of the pen only reached 3 inches and at the end a blue feather was attached to it.
Using that pen I began to write my name on the contract.
After writing my name I started to feel a strange feeling...like something was slowly drawing on my mask, etching markings along its surface.
Caressing my mask I felt something different on it, like there were weird patterns on it.
Not being able to see what's on the mask I decide to check it later, and focus on the current situation.
"So...is there anything else that's supposed to happen other than the weird feeling on my mask?"
I have to say, I felt a bit annoyed at that. So many questions are still unanswered.
Its static-like voice spoke blatantly.
I should've expected that honestly, But when they say hostile foreign entities...do they mean things like outer gods? If so, I'm not gonna pursue that line of thought anymore.
That's another question to my long list of questions that I'm never going to ask, or they be answered.
I feel like I was forgetting something...but what? Oh right, the service weapon.
"Hey, what about that service weapon that was stated in the contract?"
Informing the board of my lack of the promised weapon, I began to wait patiently for it to materialize.
And lo and behold, there it was in all its glory.
Floating in the air were two black gloves, with a symbol on their backhand, the symbol looking extremely eerie and familiar. It was a pyramid inside a circle, surrounded by what looked to be runes. In addition to that, there were also silver lines on the fingers tracing back to the symbol.
I'm a bit disappointed really.
(I expected a katana or a gun, I mean honestly what is it going to do? What, am I supposed to snap my fingers like Roy Mustang?)
(On second thought...)
With that realization, I began to snap my fingers at a space nearby.
Nothing happened.
Silence engulfed the area, and I began to feel awkward.
"*Ahem,* that was just a test, just a random action my mind made me do."
(Like hell!! Thank God there was no one around except The Board to see that embarrassing moment, or else I would've just killed myself right there and then!)
Calm down me, I should just ask The Board on how this glove works as a weapon.
Yes, that is the most reasonable solution now.
"So...what does this do exactly?"
(But wasn't that exactly what I just did?!)
"Can you be more specific please?" I asked almost calmly.
It was silent for a moment before the board spoke again.
And just as it finished speaking, rocky creatures resembling people started appearing in front of me as the board spoke again.
As soon as the board finished the rocky creatures started to move.
"Oh dear lord-"
Realizing that I need to take this seriously, I tried to follow what they said.
(Okay, just think of a switch and think of what I want. Easy as that.)
Think of a-
Quickly realizing that I was hit in the mask, I blankly stare at one of the creatures who threw that projectile.
"Bitch you're dead."
I openly declared, clapping my hands together, followed by placing both of my hands flat onto the ground, I began to think about what I want to accomplish.
(I'm gonna impale you fuckers with spikes.)
True to my imagination, the floor beneath my feet started to spark with white sparks, as spikes violently sprouted out impaling the one who threw that projectile at me.
Feeling victorious I didn't realize another one was sneaking behind me before it was too late.
I felt a punch hit my back as I winced from it.
Quickly turning around while retreating back, I saw one of those creatures behind me just standing there after it punched me.
A bit angry that I let one get behind me, I clapped my hands again and touched the ground.
And with a spark of white electricity, another row of spikes sprouted out from my position towards the creature.
The sound of rock breaking could be heard as the creature was successfully impaled and destroyed.
Marvelling at my work, I started to look around for other hostiles.
(13 around me. Let's get creative with my newfound powers now shall we?)
Clapping my hands again I began to make a spear straight from the ground. As the spear was being made, I noticed white light coming off from where the spear was being made.
Putting that little detail in the back of my mind I began to focus back when the spear was finished being made.
(Not fast enough.)
Storing the information that the creation of the spear was slow for later, I started Inspecting the spear, it was made from the same rocky black material as the floor, which only made sense seeing as how that's the only material here.
Gripping the spear tightly, I started charging at the closest enemy near me.
At a meter away I screamed out something that appeared in my mind.
Piercing through the creature's head, It was silent for a moment before the sound of rock crumbling apart was heard.
Seeing the creature destroyed, I internally cringed when I realized I shouted out my attack.
(Gae Bulge? Really?)
After that momentary moment, I focused back on the matter at hand.
Quickly moving on to the next target, I start dashing towards the nearest one to my right.
My spear aimed at the creature's head, and it strikes true again as it pierced through it just like the last one.
(This is gonna take me forever if I keep using a spear.)
Realizing the inefficient speed of using a spear, I discarded It in favour of just going full-on spikes.
(5 to the scattered through the front and left, another 6 to the right.)
Mentally noting their positions, I start to prepare my attack.
The creatures seeing me stood still, started to throw rocky projectiles at me.
(Are these easy mode enemies or something?) I mentally questioned myself as I moved slightly to the right, successfully dodging all incoming projectiles.
(These are fucking easy mode enemies!)
Internally complaining about how easy this is, I shook my head and decided to just get this over with.
(I thought this would be fun. Instead, I get easy mode AI. Ah well, might as well end this quickly.)
Clapping my hands and touching the ground with my palms, Spikes began to extend from the ground all around me as the creatures were successfully impaled by my attack.
The creatures started crumbling like a pile of rocks getting smashed to dust.
Seeing that there was no one left, I started to admire my work.
The platform I was standing on except for the spot I was standing on was full of spikes reaching up to my waist.
Grinning proudly at my work I start to theorize on what else I could do with this newfound ability.
Speaking of weapons, How does this even work anyway?
"How does this work?" I inquire to The Board.
So It can pass all the math needed for transmutation? That's overpowered! But wait, where am I getting the energy needed? My bioelectricity perhaps?
(Hmmm. Maybe The Board knows?)
Deciding to ask The Board on my question, I spoke out.
"Where do I get all this energy from?"
After asking my question, there was only silence...
Until they finally spoke again.
So even they don't know.
It seems that I'm the only one who can answer my question.
Perhaps it's from the InBetween?
"Wait, I have more things to do!"
Finishing their words, I immediately felt a strange sense of vertigo as the landscape in front of me was soon replaced with the familiar ceiling of Es's room.
Instantly getting up from the couch, the first thing I did was check for the gloves to see if they came with me.
Seeing that I was wearing them on my hands I inwardly cheered as I started to stretch, trying to get rid of any discomfort that was left in my sleep.
"Hey, my body doesn't hurt anymore."
Realizing that I said that out loud for anyone to hear, I panicked and searched for Es around the room.
I didn't have to look for long as there she was silently sleeping on her desk with a smudge of chocolate near her lips and the wrapping lying on her desk.
Seeing this sight I calmed down.
"I wonder what happened while I was asleep?" I mused, as I walked over and started cleaning up the mess that happened here.
While picking up the wrapper and storing it in the plastic bag I came here with, I heard the small sound of snoring.
Amused at the cute snoring of Es, I make sure to carefully not wake her up from her sleep.
After successfully cleaning up while making sure not to wake up Es, I decide to read through the book about alchemy again.
Even though I could bypass the math needed for transmutation, I should still study a bit on what transmutation could do, since there should be more than just creating spikes from the ground and making weapons from the available materials.
Searching for the book in the last spot I put it in, I eventually found it.
(Ah there it is.)
Sliding the book out I start to walk back to the couch making sure to be as quiet as possible to not wake Es up.
Successful in my actions in not waking Es up, I began to read through my book.
{Alchemy-Transmutation...by Hohenheim}
End Chap------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A/N:Whats up It's me Es_simp sorry if this comes out late this is partly due to me being lazy and the editor being lazy, But if you had to blame someone…..Blame yourself for not giving more power stones!!!! Just kidding. Anyways make sure to leave a power stone if you enjoyed it and leave a review if you noticed anything wrong within this chap this is Es_simp signing out.
Edited by: Daoistofboredom