Faraway part 2 (Edited)


Sitting Inside a monochromatic room, a young man was muttering in a low, barely audible voice.

"What would happen if I tried human transmutation? Would I be subjected to rebound...or would I bypass it?"

The shady masked man was speaking in a very shady manner, his fingers rubbing his chin as his body language seemed to be implying that he was in deep thought.

This young man was our protagonist Jack. He was currently reading a book on alchemy.

Truly how wise he must be to ponder on alchemy, the knowledge he must have must be sought after by many men and women alike.

"Would I be able to make my thong bigger?" the young man said thoughtfully, stroking his chin in a sage-like motion.

It would've been much better if it was a long white beard he was stroking.

Whatever respect The narrator had before him was squashed as soon as he said those words, for what sane man would use a power craved by many to merely increase the size of his bodily organs.

"Experiments for later I suppose I don't even know how to make it bigger without fucking my body up." he stated as he just closed the book he was reading.

A wise decision, as in a fit of intelligence, Jack had decided to not change his body in any way as it would lead to detrimental faults.

"So for now, we commence the mission of taking care of the anomaly or in this case the beating of a child." Jack declared, wording his words in a way that would get him arrested.

Suddenly remembering that there was another occupant in the room he quickly quieted down as he didn't want to rouse a certain sleeping woman from her adorable rest.

And so he began to look for a note to notify Es of his trip when she wakes up.

But Jack, in all his competence, tripped over his own two feet, making a ruckus and nearly waking up the sleeping Es from her slumber.

"Nothing happened."

He quietly declared forgetting everything that just happened, soon enough after rummaging around a bit he found a piece of paper and a pen to write with.

Jack then quietly wrote.

'Went to buy more sweets for you. Be back soon. -with love, your humble friend.'

After checking to see the grammar was alright, he put down the note near the sleeping Es.

Finished with everything here, he soon left the monochromatic room through the door.

All that was left in the room now, was a peacefully sleeping Es, blissfully entranced by her dreams.

With this, the narrator has decided to quit his job, thinking about how disappointing this protagonist is.


After leaving Es to sleep in her room, I was immediately greeted by the sight of the sane dark and dreary monochromatic hallway that looked like it had no end in sight.

Taking a moment to observe the seemingly endless hallway, I recalled my first memories of this place.

My dumb self going through the door of the InBetween, arriving in this place and meeting Ego rex, the giant stone wall that had its face split between an old man and a woman.

After that short recollection of the past, I began to make my way through the Exit, or the 'Egress' of this place. Arriving upon the door, I opened the door without hesitation, and was again greeted by the sight of the morning forest.

Not wasting time and daylight by admiring nature's beauty, I began to test my newfound ability in the real world.

Crouching down, I clapped my hands and touched the ground while envisioning a small statue of me.

At the thought, shortly after sparks of white electricity began to make its appearance, and was shortly followed by the ground rising, moulding into a figurine of me.

"It works...it works!" I first spoke with disbelief shortly followed by shouts of elation at the sight in front of me.

A part of me still didn't believe in it working since it only happened in my dreams or the astral plane.

But now that it happened in reality...that part was now squashed like an insignificant bug.

Wait...can't I mimic Mustang's alchemy with this? Wasn't his alchemy just concentrating oxygen in the air making it combustible? The only real problem with it before was the insane skill needed to individually concentrate and keep the oxygen directed at the enemy although I might be wrong, wasn't really that into FullMetal Alchemist.

Yeah...yeah! I think I can do it...these gloves bypass the calculations and skills for me after all..

So technically I can do it, just think of exploding the tree in front of me...easy as that.

Ok...think of exploding...just the tree.

I can do this...


Silence engulfed the area, and a man in midpose with his hand out started sweating.

(Ahem...well of course that wouldn't work, snapping isn't my trigger, clapping is.)

Yes, This time let's try clapping.


Nothing happened.

You know what, flame alchemy can suck it.

I can destroy things with spikes and pillars alone…I don't need flame alchemy. I'm better at using the environment as my weapon.

Yes, I should just stick to the superior basic material transmutation; it's much more versatile.

What if my allies were being held hostage then what? Would I have to blow them up as well? Well not with my alchemy!

Of course, my alchemy is the more decent one.

Flame alchemy is overrated anyways.

I nodded to myself in assurance.

What was I doing here again?

Embarrassingly forgetting my original objective in favour of experimenting with my newfound ability, I began to try and recall what my purpose here was.

(Oh right, I was gonna go to...Faraway, and take care of the anomaly...which is Sunny.)

Finally remembering my task,I began to turn serious as the psychotic boy would most likely attack me again if he saw me.

Sadly for him, I have a bunch of new tricks up my sleeves.

(I should be fine fighting him again, heck I might even win if I fight him again...

Pfft yeah right, like I'll be able to win. I'll most likely need to play dirty if I don't want to kill him.)

I mused as I began to think of a plan to counter Sunny's red hands.

While I was thinking to myself I started to notice that it was becoming noon, and that it had already been some time since I'd arrived.

"I should probably start walking towards faraway again, or I can hitchhike...but with my mask, I doubt anyone will let me get in the car with them."

Letting out a sigh, I started to leave the forest and towards the road using the path I took last time.

Once on the road, I saw a black car passing by me going towards faraway.

(As expected no one would stop for some creepy guy wearing a mask if they did stop. I'd rather run away from them than go with them. Since really, who stops for a masked man in the middle of the road? A bigger psycho, that's who.)

Comforting and amusing myself in my thoughts I began to walk towards Faraway again.

While walking a bit, I started to see the sign saying that faraway was 500 meters ahead, Going past that I kept walking, mentally noting the distance left.

After walking for what seemed like forever, the atmosphere and surroundings around me began to change, and everything was getting darker, gloomier…

The sky was becoming redder the more I walked towards Faraway.

It was like reality was changing. Like I was entering a plane parallel...but darker.

Once I could finally see Faraway and the entrance/exit sign where I got thrown at, everything was already dark and gloomy, and the sky was now a reddish hue. Shadows began to outstretch from the ground and colors lost their once vibrant textures.

I could see bodies on the sidewalk just lying still.

Wait…. bodies?


Finally realizing what was in front of me, I quickly became alarmed.

Quickly running over to one of the bodies, I started inspecting it to see if whoever this is was still alive.

(Strange, there's no blood on him or any kind of injuries.)

It's as if he just passed out.

Quickly going to another body a few feet away, I also saw that it was the same as the previous one.

(They're just passed out on the sidewalk.)

Roaming a bit more while checking the occasional bodies around, I could only be left baffled and confused as none of them were hurt in any way at all, they were only passed out.

People in their cars we're quietly sleeping, heck I even saw the black car I saw back there in the middle of the road. It's as if they were all passed out together.

(What could've happened here?)

There was a question plaguing my mind, But most importantly, who could've done this?

(No, I already know who's responsible for this, but I still need to confirm it...)

Deciding on my next course of action, I began to rummage through my memories to remember where sunny would be.

(Now where was his house again?)

I didn't need to wonder for long as I soon saw a house, the only house with its vibrant surroundings and pastel-like colors, differentiating itself from the dark atmosphere and colors of it's other surroundings.

Seeing my destination, I steeled myself as I began walking towards the palette like house.

As I neared the house I began to see movement through the upstairs windows, seeing that I began to prepare for a fight in case it's sunny.

I was now in front of the yard, whoever I saw move at the windows was now unlocking the door as it slowly opened.

Clenching my fists, I positioned myself in order to dodge in case he starts with a surprise attack.

Finally, the door opened revealing the person behind it. Seeing the person, I immediately lowered my stance, calming down as I recognized who it was.

(Ah, it's 'a' Hero.)

The person behind the door was Hero, one of Sunny's friends. Even if Sunny was there with them, he won't try anything with his friends around.

Hero seeing me widened his eyes and shouted out loud.

"It's a person!"

As soon as he shouted, I could hear multiple voices ring out inside the house.

"What?!" Multiple people shouted out, one sounded like a teenage girl while the others sounded like the voices of children.

Four people began to go out the door.

A teenage girl, two young girls, and a boy, all of whom I recognized to be Sunny's friend group, appeared behind Hero.

After they went out the door, all of them just stared at me in shock.

Well except for one. Specifically Kel, who just went up to me and impolitely asked-

"Hey, mister, are you okay? Aren't you the weird pizza delivery man?

What's those weird symbols on your mask?"

Hearing that from an innocent child stung more than I expected. I still can't blame him, as even Es agrees that I look creepy.

While feeling downcasted at the thought of Es finding me creepy, one of the girls started berating Kel.

"Kel, you stupid idiot! You don't just say that to someone!"

"Hey-what the hell Aubrey!"

While the both of them began fighting and arguing with each other, I looked at Hero, who seemed embarrassed.

"...so what happened-"

I was interrupted when a teenage girl, who I suspected to be Mari, grabbed me by the shoulders and started asking me questions, shaking me back and forth. She was even smaller than me.

"Have you seen Sunny?! Did you see him anywhere?! You were with him at the exit before, remember? He's small, frail, he has black hair-"

"No, no, yes, and I know what he looks like. Is there a problem?"

"You haven't seen Sunny? " The other girl, wearing a crown of flowers, shyly spoke out, sounding a bit depressed and worried.

"No, flower girl, I haven't seen...Sunny anywhere."

"...I'm a boy."

...ah. I see. I knew that, but I forgot. Traps are hard to spot as well.

"Sorry about that," I nodded to him, a bit embarrassed that I didn't recognize him at first. It was plain obvious as well, with the blonde hair and flower crown.

"Have you really not seen him?."

"Yes, I'm sure I would have recognized him across all those bodies."


All of them shouted out loud simultaneously, sounding as alarmed as anyone with common sense should be.

(Oh, it seems like they didn't know about that… How could they not see the unconscious bodies outside?)

Turning my head, I could clearly see how there were no bodies visible anywhere near here.

Hmmm, were they positioned so that they won't be able to see them? Won't they just stumble on them outside?

Storing my questions for later, I turned back to the panicking group.

"Oh, you didn't know? Well, you don't have to worry, they're just unconscious and they're breathing."

Hearing my words the three of them looked a bit relieved to know that no one was dead.

"Right now back to my first question before I was interrupted, what happened here exactly?"

Finally asking my original question I began to prepare myself for the worst answer.

"We don't know." Mari replied, Gotta say I was a bit disappointed at that, not that I blame them of course, This whole situation is weird.

"We were just having a slumber party at our house, then all of a sudden, everything became like this." This time Hero replied.

"What about the kid Sunny? I'm sure he was at your slumber party when it happened."

"Well the slumber party was just a cover-up to watch over sunny since H- Well we were worried about him, Then he...he just disappeared,'' Hero responded solemnly.

I noticed a stutter there, but it was strange, I thought he would be here.

Where else could he be?

"Wait, you said our house right? So this is your house?"

"Well yeah, since our parents weren't home we could have a slumber party."

"Have you guys tried checking his house?"

"No, everytime we try to go outside we end up passing out."


(That's weird, how come I didn't pass out when I was outside.)

I stored that information later.

"So that explains why you didn't see those bodies outside," I said thoughtfully, putting my hand underneath my chin in a thinking pose.

"So when did this start exactly? Since if I remember correctly, Yesterday I was just delivering pizzas and then trying to survive a superpowered kid trying to kill me."

At my words, the group of kids showed a range of emotions, from a small frown to a glare, with one looking furious.

"Sunny wasn't trying to kill anyone!" Mari almost spat, fire fueling her eyes.

"Yeah! Sunny is the nicest boy I know!" I heard Aubrey yelled back as well.

When did she get here? Wasn't she just arguing with Kel?

"Okay, whatever you say," I replied holding my arms up in defeat as arguing would only lead to more wasted time.

"Now, my question from before…"

"Since last night."

Thankfully Hero answered my question this time as well, although I could still hear a bit of anger? Or was it disappointment?

"I see."

"What do you mean? What happened yesterday?" I heard Basil speak, confused.

"Well yeah, I was running for my life."

"But it's been three days since that happened," he said thoughtfully.

Hearing his words I became silent.

(What? Three-three days? H-How? Time dilation maybe? Wait, was I knocked out for that long? But Es would've tried to wake me up, tight?)

My mind was in turmoil at the thought of wasting three days. Even though I wanted to be angry, there was something else that occupied my mind.

One thing was for certain, the only singular notion I had on my mistakes was…


Chap End-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N:hello there, we meet again, once again I ask of you to tell me if there's anything wrong with this chap, and once again I ask of you to drop some power stones below.

This is Es_simp signing out.

Edited by: DaoistofBoredom