Faraway part 3



The sounds of a clap resounded outside a pastel-colored house and soon accompanying the clap were the sharp sounds of sparks.

"Woooow!" The voices of children rang out entranced by the sight before them, the ground rising and molding itself into a statue of one of the children.

"Wooow! Look It's me!" Kel said out loud his eyes brimming with glee at the sight before him.

"Can you make another one like me next mister?" I heard Aubrey ask, which I went along with and created another statue made from the ground beneath me.

"Amazing!!" I heard Aubrey yell out in excitement as well.

Now the funny thing about transmutation is that even though I'm skipping the math and transmutation circle needed to commence it, it still needs materials to actually transmute.

So per say if the ground around me was a very nice lawn with well-kept grass….

Well, let's just say that I can practically feel Hero and surprisingly Basil's stare at the back of my head.

"Can you make a giant orange joe statue next?" I heard Kel ask, stars practically brimming from his eyes due to his excitement.

"Ooooh, can you make a giant bunny statue?" Not being let out of the fun Aubrey also asked me to make a statue.

"No." I flatly stated since any more would practically destroy the entire yard, and I kinda feel bad for Hero now.

"But whyyy?!" Kel asked, sounding like I just crushed his hopes and dreams with tears ready to burst out of his eyes.

"Yeah whyy?" And surprisingly Aubrey as well.

(Crap. Quickly think of a reason why I can't do that.)

"My power is very limited and I uhhhh- I am also tired?" Quickly speaking my on-the-spot excuse, I could see that Kel and Aubrey seemed to believe my excuse.

Both of them seemed to pout at my words, which was honestly adorable to look at.

"Heh, maybe I'll make one another day, But for now I need to go and solve this problem," I said, getting up and getting ready to leave. I've already spent too much time here just talking to them and entertaining these kids.

And honestly I quite enjoy these little moments, No matter how fleeting they might be.

"Wow, so you really are like a superhero! not just a normal hero!" Kel enthusiastically spoke out, I'm pretty sure he hurt his brother's feelings with that but I'm just gonna ignore it.

"Perhaps… Well.. It's been fun chatting with you guys, But I'll see you all later, I still need to find your friend Sunny and solve what's happening."

Just as I turned to leave I heard Aubrey, Mari, Hero, Kel, and Basil call out to me.

"Wait!" All simultaneously shouting wait to me.

"What?" I questioned Instinctively, not really expecting them all to simultaneously yell for me to wait.

"Please take me with you, My brother would be scared if you were the one to find and take him back home to us," Mari spoke determined to help find her brother.

Remembering Hero's words that he had to drag a passed out Mari back from the outside since she kept trying to go and find her brother, I could understand why she would want to come with me to find her little brother, Heck I'm even touched at her display of love for her brother, I would even cry... if only I wasn't insulted in the process.

"We all want to help, Sunny is everyone's friend so we want to go with you... please." Basil spoke his voice filled with worry and determination at finding his best friend.

"Yeah! We want to help find Sunny as well!" This time I heard Aubrey speak.

"That's right, Sunny is our best friend as well!" Kel declared.

"Sunny was like another little brother to me, so of course I'm going to help," Hero added in.

Amazing such dedicated friends. Such camaraderie, I would have agreed in bringing them along as a way to peacefully convince Sunny to stop.

"Alright, but how am I supposed to bring you guys along?" I stated, having no idea how to bring them along without them passing out.

"You guys said so yourself that every time you try to go outside you end up passing out." I voiced out reminding them that they were the ones who said that they pass out every time they go outside.

"Actually we were hoping you would know since… you can go outside without passing out." Hero sheepishly spoke while scratching the back of his head.

Holding my chin I began to think of any way to bring them along, since they would be a great deterrent for Sunny to not attack.

(Perhaps I could use transm- no that doesn't make sense... Transmutation as far as I know can only change physical objects so I don't know about messing with something like the consciousness.)

After a couple of seconds of thinking, I thought of nothing to be able to help me in my current situation.

"Is there really no way?" I mumbled to myself still trying to think of a way to take the group with me to increase the chance of a peaceful ending with Sunny.

(I could try asking the board for help? But how would I contact them? And they said that they won't contact me till after this task.)

"I'm sorry guys but I really have no idea on how to bring you with me." I spoke apologetically, I really had no idea on how to bring them with me.

At my words the whole group became a bit sad.

"There has to be a way mister!" I hear basil desperate plea sounding in my ears.

"Please I have to find my brother!" And Mari's desperate request to help find her brother.

Clicking my tongue I began to scour my memories again for any way to grant their request.

(God, I wish transmutation had a solution for this.)

And like my memories of my family nothing came up.

"I'm sorry guys but there really is no way to bring you with me."

"Plus I don't even know why I'm not passing out when I'm outside."

At my words, the group became silent and looked downcast.

"But no worries, I'll bring him back if I see him."

"I promise you guys, I'll bring him back if I see him."

With that I walked away, leaving the pastel-colored house behind.

Taking a last glance at them I saw that they were in a group hug, most likely to console each other.

Feeling a bit like an asshole I shook my head and I began to move towards Sunny's house based on my pizza delivering memories.

As I was walking towards Sunny's house, I searched around for materials I could use to help me in fighting Sunny.

I just found some chemicals in a pharmacy that was along the way, Things like Benzene, Chloromethane, dichloromethane, Nitrogen gas, Etc.

All of them could potentially help me in solving this peacefully as I recognized some to be the ingredients to Chloroform…. Don't ask why I know.

I only stored some of them in my pocket as I had limited space.

(I mean I'm not some Wuxia Mc that has a spatial ring.)

As I got closer to what I think is Sunny's house the slight feeling of dread began to make its way up to my spine.

That slight sense of dread only confirmed that I was heading in the right direction.

As I continued walking that slight sense of dread became more and more prominent with every step I took.

And soon I was in front of a house with its front yard littered with Red hands coming out of the ground.

Thankfully there seemed to be a path clear of the Red hands.

(I see... So he was expecting me.)

Judging from what I've seen, no one in this town could freely walk around since they were either unconscious or stuck at their properties.

So therefore he was expecting me.

(Alright, I'll walk into this obvious surprise.)

Putting all my fears and trepidation aside I pushed open the door.

Peering around the inside of the house everything was shadowy and dark with only the faint shine of moonlight coming in through the glass doors that looked to lead to the backyard.

Even with this dim lighting I could still see a bit, just enough to know that the front door directly led to the living room, As per common sense.

There was an unkindled fireplace next to an open doorway that led deeper into the house, I couldn't see far through the door due to the lighting.

There were also two hallways to my left, both seemingly obstructed by Red hands.

Taking a step inside after peering around from the door I was immediately assaulted with the sense of coldness throughout my body.

I shiver slightly due to the icy cold temperature of the room. But other than the sudden icy cold nothing else seemed to occur.

After that brief moment, I strode towards the only entrance that led deeper into the house.

Once I was close enough, I could see just enough to discern that through the doorway were stairs that directly lead through the second floor.

Continuing forward, I walked up the stairs while gripping the handrails on the side.

(Is it me or are these stairs really long?)

Glancing behind me I was horrified to see that the stairs started to stretch itself endlessly till the bottom could no longer be seen.

Seeing that the bottom stretched itself, I quickly turned my head back to the top of the stairs in case it too started to stretch endlessly.

Thankful it didn't seem to stretch like with the bottom.

(So no going back huh...)

Seeing that there was no going back downstairs, I continued heading towards the top of the stairs at a faster pace than before.

Once I was at the top of the stairs I saw that there were three doors in front of me.

Seeing that there were three doors, I used my common sense and started walking towards the room labeled Sunny and Mari's.

Trying to open the door I could see that it was locked since the doorknob wouldn't budge.

No problem, There's a very easy solution to this.

Clapping my hands together I began to transmute the door open.


White sparks began to make its appearance as I began the transmutation, and as soon as I was done it went away as abrupt as it came.


The sound of a door creaking open rang in my ears.

Now what I did to open it was simple, I merely destroyed a part of the door, specifically the part where the doorknob used to be.

The door now looked like there was never a doorknob there in the first place.

(My apologies for the damage, Mari and whoever her parents are.)

After mentally apologising for what I did to the door, I began to focus back to the matter at hand.

Looking inside the room I could spot several things inside, just some normal everyday objects that can be found inside a house.

Yet the most prominent thing or should I say person inside was a 12 year old boy lying down on the bed peacefully sleeping as if nothing was wrong.

Taking in a deep breath, I step inside the room readying myself for what could be a fight like last time.

As I walked inside the room and towards Sunny, I couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous of what's to come.

Nothing has happened so far, But that doesn't mean something won't happen.

And with every step I took my nervousness only grew, As the suspense of what's to come was weighing down on me.

Finally in front of Sunny nothing still happened, I was practically next to him and just looming over his sleeping body.

"Huh, Well would you look at that nothing happened.. I thought for sure that something would happ-"

Just as I was mumbling about how nothing had happened so far, I was immediately besieged with the sense of danger to my right.

Taking a step back and whipping my head to the right I saw that nothing was there.

Seeing that there was nothing to my right, I let out a sigh of relief and turned my head back to the Standing and very much awakened Sunny.

(Wait, standing?....Oh)

Realizing what was In front of me, I quickly opened my mouth.

"Now now, Let's calm down and not make any rash decisi-"

I wasn't able to finish as I was grabbed in the face by Red hands and thrown across the room.


And Crashing through a wall into a wooden railing and falling downstairs.

I quickly got up and cursed my big mouth for jinxing myself.

(Ouch, God I hate me and my Big mouth.)


I hear the sound of something falling down in front of me, looking at it, It seemed to be the small pieces of the wall I crashed through.

Dusting myself, I look up at where the pieces of the wall fell from.

There stood a 12 year old boy with black hair holding a knife, Beside him were Red hands slowly peeking out of the wall I crashed through.

Seeing Sunny menacingly standing at the edge of the railing, I start to prepare myself for this upcoming fight.

Stretching my arms, I spoke.

"There's no chance for you to win, kid."


And began to transmute a wooden shield made from the floor.

"So just give up quietly."

Taking a stance I prop the shield up in front of me.

In response to my words he merely tilted his head and stared at me, As Red hands began to crawl from the walls and into my line of sight.

"That's just creepy."

I spoke, A bit creeped out with the sight in front of me.

"Let's just get this over with, kid."

And with that began the fight.

End Chap-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: That's right I'm late! What you gonna do about it? Yeah that's right, Nothing…. But in all seriousness there were a lot of grammar errors and I uhhh might've made a lot of mistakes this time around. Also the editor is gonna need to Edit this first before i post this so expect it to be late.

With smug Es_simp

P.S. - Don't forget to drop some power stones.

P.P.S. - I feel sorry for the editor.

P.P.P.S. - Doing a mass release so this may come out late since im still pumping chaps out and forcing- i mean asking my editor to do his job.