Faraway - part 4



A large explosion rang out inside a house, looking inside a house two supernatural people were fighting each other inside a living room.

One was a young boy holding a steak knife, his appearance was that of a 12-year-old boy with black hair, a short frame, and eyes that seemed to hold no emotions at all, he was summoning Red hands from around him and flinging them at high speeds at his foe.

The other was our protagonist Jack who was dodging the boy's attacks and blocking them by making walls made from the surrounding materials, be they wood, drywall or stone from beneath the earth.

Red hands emerged a few feet behind Jack, five of them in total, they were quickly rocketing towards their target at fast speeds.

As if sensing the incoming attack, He quickly rolled out of the way before they hit him.


The Red hands shot past the young man as he successfully dodged the oncoming attack.

He then retaliated to the boy by clapping his hands together and making a pillar of stone shoot out of the ground and in the direction of the boy.

As the pillar of stone was shooting towards him, the boy remained as indifferent as he could be, not seeing the pillar of stone as a threat to him.

And the boy's beliefs came true as Red hands formed a dome like shield around the boy and stopped the stone pillar in its tracks.

Jack, seeing that his attack was blocked clicked his tongue.


(This isn't good, the fight is in his favor, I can't even touch him. No matter what I do, those Red hands just shield him from my attacks.)

(And even if I get close and personal with him, I just get batted away by him.)

Looking a few feet to the masked man's side a broken wooden shield could be seen lying on the ground.

(This is very troublesome... I need to be more creative in my attacks.)

He began racking his brains trying to think of a plan to win this fight.

As the masked man was pondering on a solution he heard the sound of something flying towards him.

Quickly realizing that it was an attack flying towards him, he hastily made a dome of stone that had tiny holes for air to go through around him, giving himself some breathing room to think.


The attack shook the stone dome the masked man created but otherwise held together and protected him.

"This is harder than I thought." He stated letting out a sigh of exhaustion, "Maybe I can confuse him long enough to knock him out? I could try that."

"But the question is how?" He muttered to himself, holding his chin in a thinking pose.



The stone dome shook again, being hit two times.

Although he saw the dome being bombarded by attacks, He made no movements of worry

(It should hold for a bit more, I can escape below. Wait, that's It! Below!)

In a stroke of creativity he finally thought of a plan, Clapping his hands together he began to transmute the ground below into a tunnel for him to disappear into when the stone dome breaks.

Outside the stone dome, the young boy was currently besieging the protection Jack created with more attacks of his own.



The Red hands were beginning to get faster and fiercer in their attacks, meanwhile, the boy was looking at the stone dome with an empty expression.

*Crash* The dome finally broke leaving behind a cloud of dust in its surroundings, Not wasting a single moment all the Red hands that surrounded the dome capitalized on this and immediately attacked.

They began to rocket through the cloud of dust with the intent to find and incapacitate the person inside.

Only to find nothing but a hole in the ground.

Seeing this the young boy's eyes flashed with the brief emotion of annoyance before settling back into its empty look.

What could the boy be thinking perhaps? Did he think that he escaped? Or that he was planning something? Even so one thing was for certain whatever the masked man had planned he would be ready for it.

The boy then started to order his Red hands to circle around him in case Jack was planning a surprise attack.

Everything was still and silent for a few minutes and the boy thought that he had left till.

"Your next line is! '...' To you!" A voice yelled out from behind the boy.

"..." True to the voice's prediction the boy stayed silent and calmly gazed over where the voice came from.

There standing a few meters behind him was the same masked man the boy had been thinking of, pointing his finger at him and striking a weird and bizarre pose.

"Did you think I left?" He questioned.

"..." The boy didn't answer and merely flung his Red hands at the masked man.

Dodging the attacks coming his way he continued.

"Well you're dead wrong, I was In Fact bringing your friends for help!!" He shouted in an imposing manner and posed with his hands covering his face.

Widening his eyes and stopping his attacks the boy faintly showed the expression of anxiety and anger at the masked man.

"Come out! Everyone!!" The masked man yelled out and stretched his arms wide to the sides.

The look of anxiety was now prominent in the boy's eyes before his eyes started to dart around and eventually calmed down when he noticed no one was coming out.

That could only mean one thing, that he was bluffing the entire time.

Silent anger could be seen in the boy's eyes as he looked at the masked man.

"Heh, Distracted you didn't I?" As soon as he said those words the boy's eyes widened and Red hands started encasing him in a cocoon.

"Too late!" With that, he clapped his hands and touched the ground creating white sparks around the boy.

And soon the ground around the boy began to break and fall as the boy fell along with it.

Seeing the boy fall he began to cover the hole the boy fell In using his transmutation.

(God I hope he's not immune to chloroform.) Jack prayed to whatever deity he believed in that the boy was not immune to chemicals.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

The sounds of something trying to break the cover, Jack transmuted, were heard, the noises getting intense for the first few twenty seconds before becoming less and less intense as time went on.




Eventually, the sounds of banging became silent as the masked man let out a sigh of relief that he had been holding for the last minute.


Standing up from his position he spoke.

"Not even close kid." He stated while he dusted himself from the dirt and dust on his clothes.

(Now to see if he's not faking it.)

Jack began to transmute two small holes to see through and one for light to come into the spot where the boy had fallen.

Peeking through the small hole made by Jack, you could see the unconscious body of the young boy lying down on the ground still breathing.

Confirming that the boy was rendered unconscious from the sleeping gas he made, He began to celebrate his successful plan.

"That's right me, You're the man!!" He raised his fist into the air and made a victorious pose.

"That plan was genius as well, As expected of one as great as I."

(The plan was pretty simple really just creating chloroform using the materials I took at the time and putting it in gas form using transmutation while trapping it in an enclosed space below sunny,

Of course, this plan had things wrong with it like how much chloroform was needed so that I don't accidentally cause permanent damage and where Sunny was standing exactly, But thankfully I was right in my last guess and he never left his previous spot.)

While the masked man was explaining his mediocre plan, he suddenly remembered that he needed to quickly bind the boy so that he wouldn't wake up and escape.

"I should get him out of there first." He spoke as he transmuted the cover away and began to get the boy out of the hole.


Dusting his hands, the masked man began to examine his binding skills.

What lay in front of him was what you would call a spider's cocoon made out of cloth surrounding and binding the young boy only leaving his face to be seen and to be able to breathe.

"Hey kid, wake up." The masked man spoke, trying to wake the boy up.


"I know you're awake." He stated as he silently waited for the boy to respond.

Seeing that the boy wouldn't respond, the masked man then continued.

"Kid I'm being serious here, you're hurting a lot of people, have you seen what's going on outside?"


The boy didn't respond, still closing his eyes in ignorant bliss.

"Is what's happening outside you're doing?" The masked man asked and pointed outside the window, a red sky could be seen outside along with unconscious people lying down on the sidewalk. Although he knew the answer, he still needed to fully confirm this.


"Your friends are worried for you. You know? So how about you end this madness and stop whatever it is that you're doing."


"Sounds good, yeah?"

"Wait, are you even awake? Crap, did I put too much chloroform?" He questioned himself, thinking that he might have knocked the boy out for more time than he intended.

Realizing that he had been questioning an unconscious person this entire time, Jack began to blush in embarrassment behind his mask.

"Ahh, that's my fault right there." realizing his mistake he continued. "I'll question him when he wakes up, for now, I'll have to take him to his friends."

"Damn I had an epic speech planned and everything. *Sigh*" He spoke a bit disappointed that his speech went to waste.

"Oh, well that's that I suppose, Now time to drag you to your friends, maybe they can knock some sense into you and stop this mess." He spoke as he started to drag the cocoon that bound the boy.

"Hopefully you'll be awake when we get there." The masked man muttered beneath his breath in a voice low enough only for him to hear.

"Christ this is heavy! Who made th- Oh right," he complained before realizing who exactly made it like this.

"I should've just gone with a simple rope."

And with that, he started to drag and walk the cocooned boy back to his friends.

End chap-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: You may be wondering why I posted 2 chapters.. Well that's because I was feeling quite generous, also i may be wrong since the editor takes a long time to edit this. Soooo if you only see one chapter in a day….. It's not my fault, blame the other guy.

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