"So this is a T.V?" Es asked, her voice and eyes brimming with curiosity for the object in front of her.
The receiver of her question let out a *Huff* as he settled down the plasma screen T.V on a table made by yours truly.
"Hmmm, sometimes I forget that you've never gone outside before, but to answer your question, Yes this is a T.V." He replied as he gently carrased the plasma screen T.V that he had acquired using his Grail-kun(Magical book.)
Although some may complain that using a wish granting device for a simple plasma T.V with free reception was a waste, He didn't think so, since he's true purpose in making it was for Es and not reaching the root like some maniac(*Cough* Magi from Nasuverse *Cough*)
And now seeing her like this he was pleased at himself with the reaction that Es was showing, if he had to put it into words he would describe it like a puppy or baby cat being curious on new things.
Suffice to say he was more than delighted at Es's reaction.
Deciding to fuel the fire in her Curiousity more he turned the T.V on with a click.
"Interesting I've only ever read about them in books before, so seeing one personally is a new experience for me." She spoke marveling at the object in front of her.
"I see," Jack spoke dissatisfied as he looked at the T.V screen showing the channels it had.
"Is something wrong? you sound disappointed?" Es asked worried on his mood.
"Yeah, it's just- it's the T.V all the channels are black and white." Jack replied as he started to skim through the channels faster looking for one that had color, but alas his actions proved futile when he discovered that there were only black and white channels available.
"Is something wrong with that?" Es asked carefully as she looked around her Black and white room.
"No no no not at all, the T.V was just supposed to be colored and I'm stumped on why its not, *sigh* I guess it's because of this world then? Not that I don't mind it being black and white just- You know what Meh I'm just gonna stop thinking about it," He eventually gave up on solving it and fell down comfortably on the couch besides Es.
"No worries, even if all color is gone the wonder is still there, there's still tons of things to watch that won't need color right?" Es reassured as she picked up the remote from his hands before asking.
"Now, mind showing me how you use this?"
"Oh yeah that's easy, just press this and that." He began to instruct Es on how to operate the T.V remote slowly, Es was able to quickly know how to use it thanks to Jack's help and soon began to go through different channels.
"Amazing, and there's a show for almost everything here?" Es asked in wonder as she settled on a documentary channel on animals.
"Pretty much so." Jack spoke nonchalantly as he snuggled deeper into the couch.
"How I envy you and your world." Es spoke envious of the outside world.
"Don't be, I envy your world more." He replied casually.
"You know, you asked me once what this place is? do you remember?" Es started as she set the remote down and stared at the T.V in front of her.
"Yeah." He responded.
"This place is closed off from the outside world it doesn't need a name, I believe that is how I answered you." She solemnly spoke as she gripped her skirt.
He sensed a 'But' in there and wisely chose to keep his silence.
"I don't know anymore though." she continued.
"I thought I understood this place, I didn't question it for a fraction of a second, I didn't consider it for even a millisecond, Maybe its strange for me to ask you this, But what do you think this place is for me?" She finally asked as she stared directly at the side of Jacks masked face.
"hmmmm, I think... that this is a place where no one can bind you, where you can be yourself." Jack replied shortly and looked back at Es.
"Free you mean? From the facade? from you? am I really? I suppose I shouldn't overthink it, it's as you say don't think about it."
"Yep," He replied popping the P.
"Its just as I've been telling you, Your interpretation begets your story. And my interpretation begets mine."
"Yet if that is so, then when you're not here.. I'm.... I'm.." She began to trail off as she closed her eyes and said.
"Excuse me, I need some time alone, to think." We're her words before she got up from the couch and began to walk back to her reading table.
Meanwhile, while Es was having her own crisis, Jack was having his own as well.
(What!!? No no no no don't leave! What did I do wrong?! Gahhhhhh! Why did I even answer her!? I should've kept my mouth shut! I keep putting my foot in my mouth!!!! You Stupid A## *@√ Mother-) He kept hurling insults at himself as he believed that it was his fault that Es was now having her own self-crisis.
He motionlessly stared at the T.V in front of him as he now understood why it was in black and white.
(Everything has lost its Meaning and color.)He thought depressingly as he began to discouragingly and robotically go through the different channels on the T.V.
This went on for a while until he eventually decided to go to sleep and try to forget about today.
(Today was a big turn of events, I want to forget it now.) We're his last thoughts as he drifted off to sleep.
End Chap---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A/N: Short Chap.. I know, but don't worry your little hearts as I've finally decided on the fi- I mean Ending of Alter Ego. and will now write more frequently... after my birthday of course.(Fingers crossed.) and once again be sure to drop some power stones below Es_simp signing out.