The Daily lives of Ego and Id: Part 2


"~ Heartaches ~ Heartaches~ My loving you-" An old timely song briefly appeared on the screen before it was changed with a click.


"We are currently expecting a super typhoon to make landfall in the next few days and it is expected for citizens that will be directly hit by the typhoon to evacuate their premises and find shelter fo-" A weather caster was describing the current situation of the super typhoon while behind him was a screen showing where the typhoon will hit and it's landfall estimate.


With a click of a button the T.V turned off and turned pitch black as it revealed the reflection of Jack who was lazily sitting on a Sofa with his mask.

(*Sigh* wonder when will Es be done with her self-reflecting?)

He sighed as he thought about Es and what she had said the day before, it was supposed to be a normal day where he showed Es the wonders of a T.V he thought, but noooo he's stupid mouth had to answer her questions about herself half-assedly.


Sometime he hates his stupid self- Actually scratch that he hates himself all the time, but still what's happened has happened, and he should focus on getting Es out of her brooding rather than regret what's already been done, and now the best course of action should be to make sure that he listen to Es seriously and attentively from now on. Just to make sure that nothing similar to this would happen again.

Now for his next course of action.

(I should ask her if she's had enough time to think.)

Deciding on his next course of action, he stood up from his seat at the couch and walked over to the table where Es was and took a seat opposite of her.

They sat there in silence for some time before Jack broke the silence.

"Sooo, finished thinking yet?"

Acknowledging his presence, Es looked up at him from her book and spoke.

"Yes, sorry for worrying you yesterday but now that I've had time to think I'm even more confused." Es calmly spoke with a hint of worry as she stared at Jack.

"There's nothing here for me. nothing at all." She furrowed her eyebrows as she continued.

"These books around us, I've read all of them." She spoke as her eyes darted around the room that seemed to be made of bookshelves.

"But it's hilarious really because I was utterly ignorant."

That's strange... Es being ignorant of her books? I always thought of her as a knowledgable sort, but hearing this from her.. I can't help but think I'm lacking in my understanding of her.

"For example to whom do these books even belong to? I don't know." She spoke as a small hint of confusion adorned her face before it was gone and replaced by her usual look.

"What? are these not yours Es?" I instinctively asked, as I thought over her words.

"I-I I don't know... I'm not even sure when I read them all."

"..." I made no comment and merely the continued to listen to her and let her vent out all her frustrations for now, I would speak up once she had finished venting.

"These memories I have of having read all of these books.. are they fantasies? delusions I cooked up to hold on to my sanity? If that is true, then what do I have left." She spoke looking down-casted as she uttered those words.

"The only thing I have... You're the only... unless you're just another of my delusions... It doesn't matter if you are. You're time here with me are the only times... I Feel Stable."

(I-I don't know how to feel about that... but what I do know is that from now on I am not leaving until she's fine again,) Deciding to himself to stay with Es until she was mentally healthy again he continued to listen to her to figure out more of her problems.

"I feel like I can be myself. But when it comes down to it... I don't know..."She had now dropped her book and started to slowly clutch her head with one arm while the other lay on top of the book, before saying. "I. I... I, I, I... I use this word so unconsciously. What does it even mean? What does it refer to? My body? or perhaps my thoughts? If I halved my body in which half would I reside? If all the cells in my body swapped places, would my "Self" just be an optical illusion?-" She sounded more and more worried over time as Jack listened to her. it had sounded like she was discovering new aspects around her that she was unaware of this whole time before Jack came here.

That worried Jack... The thought of him being the main cause of her slowly going insane was enough to make him shudder from contempt for himself, he wondered if he should leave to fix the problem? Actually scratch that, that sounded utterly stupid he was certain that would only worsen her situation.

He idly noted that Es was starting to look more deranged as she spoke, he hoped that he would be able to help her before it was too late.

"-The same goes for thoughts. No those are even less certain. How can I say for certain that my thoughts are my own? My thoughts could belong to some other person I dreamed up. Am I hallucinating the thoughts of someone from a book I read are mine? If I am not my body or my thoughts.. then my interactions? Am I defined by my relation to the world? If no one is here to perceive me do I cease to exist? If that is true... I can only despair... For in this world there is only the stone wall that denies me."

"-With this world as all I know. I may as well be dead. If I don't exist without someone here to perceive me... Where do I go when you're not here? If I do not exist when you are not here with me... Does that mean that you are.. me? or Am I you?" I don't know when but she had started to look more and more mad with her grey eyes starting to have a tint of red in them.

"I beg of you... Tell me the answer. You're the only one here. the only one who can answer me. sO PleAse What Am I?" Her voice had a tone of desperation as she asked me for an answer to her question.

It stung my heart to see her like this, From the cold and solitary Es to THIS, It truly hurts to see her slowly change like this, add to the fact that I'm one of the reasons for this doesn't help my conscious at all.

Still regretting it would do nothing, and ignoring it is out of the question since it involves Es.

I need to think of my answer carefully.

Taking a moment to think, I eventually decide on an answer that I thought was safe and positive for Es.

"You are You, no matter what anyone says Es. Don't ever forget that." I firmly stated as I watched her face for any change in her emotions and eyes.

Es seemed to have accepted my answer and slowly her face had started to calm down back to her normal expression.

"Yes, Yes, Perhaps I am myself... and yet I am not.." Es spoke as she slowly leaned back further on her chair.

She rubbed her gloved hand on her head and said.

"Oh, my... How much we have discussed. Ah, but how badly. I wanted to hear someone say it." She said relief in her face.

"Im glad I asked you."

Ladies and gentlemen, Compliments, it does wonders for my heart.

"It feels like just talking to someone can resolve the issue.... Not that I found any answers, but... I do feel better." Hearing her words I felt my body release tension and relax.

I didn't even know I was tense during this talk. But now that I'm not I feel so much better.

"Therefore... I think I will dwell on the mystery of myself for a while longer." Crap- Well at least she doesn't look insane anymore? that's definitely a plus in my book.

"I have to stand and face these thoughts. Nothing good comes of avoidance."

Even though she's been alone for so long she's somehow stronger than me mentally, shown by her willingness to not avoid her problem.

The exact opposite of what I would do.

"So, you feel better after all that Es."

"Yes... Apologies for the sight and if I worried you." She said as she was now back to her usual self, that voice of indifference that I didn't know I missed.

"Yeah, you really did worry me back there for a minute, but it's good that you got that all out...

If it was me I probably would've ignored it and push it to the back of my mind rather than confront it."

"That doesn't sound healthy for your mental health."

"Never said it was... but enough about that how about we do something that'll take your mind off what had just happened?" I offered while measuring her reaction.

"Like what?" Es asked curious by the offer.

"How about..." I spoke as I began to think on an activity for both me and Es

"Oh! how about your personality test? I am wiling to know more about myself.... even though that sounds stupid." Deciding on what to do I suggest one of Es's personality tests again since I am intrigued by her little tests.

"Hmmmm, If that is what you want then let us start... but You know I think we should change things up a bit." She said mysteriously as I had no idea what she was implying.

"I figure that you would like to lie down for the test instead." She spoke as I suddenly found myself in a very intimate position, just like last time after she did a test with picture books.


End Chap----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: I like practising the Dao of cliffhangers don't you?

You do don't you? Ha that's my boy but perhaps if you drop some power stones I'll drop the next chap soon?..... Again this is Es_simp signing out.