The Daily lives of Ego and Es part 3



That single thought was the only thing I had in my mind as I realized my situation, Those words were bouncing in the walls of my mind like the DVD logo on a T.V screen constantly bouncing on it's borders without rest.

Once again I Thank the mask stuck to my face for concealing my facial expressions, since behind this mask I'm certain that my face was flushed a crimson hue.

"-id all the talking before, Now it's your turn." I soon snapped back to reality to hear Es speak to me, she was looking down at me with an impassive gaze as I rested my head on her lap.

"Uh-ummm what do I do exactly?" I questioningly asked waiting for Es to reply.

"Since you listened to my troubles before it's only right that I listen to yours, So please tell me the fears or troubles you usually can't disclose." She spoke softly while not letting her impassive gaze leave her face.

"Talking to someone quite helped me, I'm sure it's important for you to put feeling into words too." She stated, making me recall sometime ago when she was literally having a breakdown.

(huh, glad to know I helped her somewhat. that makes me feel better I guess.)

"The more details you can tell me, the better I can interpret them." She added.

"Don't really feel comfortable telling people these Es." I replied stating my concerns.

"Dont worry your secrets are safe with me, what's said here stays here, I wont tell." She said back promising her secrecy on the matter.

"Hmmm," I mulled over her words and contemplated them seriously.

(I know for certain that Es isn't the type of person to tell this to anyone so I can be rest assured there... But... Should I really worry Es about myself?)

"Sorry Es, but I'll have to decline." After a bit of thinking I decided that No, I won't concern her with myself, she already has her plate full.

"I see, May I ask why?" She inquisitively inquired, sounding a bit worried.

"Thing is I don't really have any thing bothering me lately, so I don't really have anything to say." Lying through my teeth never felt good, nor am I any good at it.

"I see, but do remember that if you ever need help I'll always be glad to lend a hand, so don't hesitate to ask." She uttered, not sounding convinced that I don't have any problems.

"I'll remember Es."

"Still, I get the impression that you are still on your way, little by little throughout your ongoing journey, you will come to learn who you really are.

If you simply don't trust me yet, then set your mind at ease. I vow that I will never breathe a word of what you say to me to anyone else.

I really do hope that you will find it in you to tell me exactly what it is you think or feel. Set your words free." She said gently, concern lacing her voice.

"Again, I'll remember Es." I reassured her that I would.

"Thats good to know, now if you excuse me I must get back to thinking." Saying her piece she began to stand up and shoo me away from her lap.

"Wait!" Before she could however I hurriedly shouted as she was about to shoo me off.


"Ca-can we stay like this for a bit, I feel a bit sleepy... Please?" What I am doing is a very bold and stupid move, the likes of which I would never do under any circumstances... Yet Here I Am.

"...?" Es meanwhile raised an eyebrow at my scheme and placed her hand on her chin to adopt a thinking expression.

"*Sigh* Very well I suppose I have nothing to do, I'll let you sleep like this... but only this time." She sighed and eventually agreed to my proposition.

I mentally did a fist bump in my head as I mentally thought.


"Thanks Es." Saying that I made myself comfortable on her lap and the couch.

"You're welcome, its the least I can do."

"By the way Es, have you ever left this place- err world of yours?"

"Hm? what brought this on?" She asked curious as to my intentions.

"Nothing much, just curious on you." I replied with innocent curiosity, She seemed to buy my words, refreshingly enough.

I really am just curious if she had left this place before.

No ulterior motives at all.

"No I haven't, and also I can't. The facade stops me whenever I try." She answered solemnly at first before her words began to seethe with anger at the end.

"I see, well if you can't leave, how about I tell you some places I've heard of before, granted I've never actually been there, but at least I can give you an idea on different cultures and places?" I offered to her calmly, silently hoping that she would say yes.

"Tha- that would be very wonderful actually. I'd love to hear about them from you." She earnestly replied, intrigued by my offer.

"Thats great, so how about I start with what I know about japan." I excitedly spoke, starting with explaining all I know about Japan as of today-errr what I know from my world at least.

"Go on." She began to enthusiastically listen to me as a small smile adorned her lips from above my head.

"Right! So modern-day japan has-"

Our conversation or my explanation continued on for some time with Es sincerely listening in to my words and commenting on them to ask questions every now and then.

This went on for sometime until I had eventually tired myself out and dozed off due to the comfort I felt on Es's lap.

The last thing I felt when I went to dreamland was a hand Gently stroking my hair as I fell asleep and said.

"Have wonderful dreams."

End Chap---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: Hey here's the next chap. Have a wonderful day. Es_Simp out.