The start of ID


Such a pleasant sleeping spot I have, Lap pillows truly are the best for resting, I even fell asleep in a single minute!

Sadly it's overshadowed by the relentless Rag- irritation that I have, When The Board decided to pull me from my dream less sleep and lap pillow and into the Astral plane.

I mean really, couldn't it have waited till next time for a better moment?! I wanted to enjoy the Lap pillow to its fullest Damnit!

Chances like these only ever come once in a lifetime!

Registering the words of the Overlapping and static-like voice, my irritation began to die down as I registered his words.

Curiosity took its place instead, course I was still annoyed a bit but knowing that I wasn't brought here for nothing was a good reason at least.

"Hmmm? already? where is it? and can I decline?" I asked as I thought on whether to deny its mission or accept if it was too far away.

Heh, Far away.

< You cannot decline this mission. As it is an anomaly/problem of your own making it is expected/needed that you cleanup this anomaly/problem.>

"What? my fault? how?" I instinctively asked as I tried to recall if I did anything that would cause this.



Nope, got nothing, I don't recall anything I did that would cause this, so it's either I unknowingly caused something like this or The Board is wrong.

I'm betting that The Board is wrong.

< You are already in the territory of the Anomaly/Problem, Due to your presence its existence has become dangerous and unstable, It has only been worsened by the Altered Object- Alter Ego.>

"What!?" For some reason, my usually slow mind was working at Extreme speeds today, as I immediately understood what it was implying.

"Are you saying that Es is becoming an anomaly due to me?!" That was a scary notion right there, Es becoming dangerous and unstable because of me, Granted I already knew she was becoming a bit unstable because of me...But still!! that was due to her circumstance of being stuck in her world for as long as she could remember.

So of course she would be a bit nuts from someone suddenly interacting with her and- and..

*Sigh* I need to calm down and think things through, getting riled up over this is unproductive for both me and everyone involved.

Right this fucker is still here.


Calm down, I'm sure it didn't mean anything by that.

Es is in trouble because of me so I should take this seriously, I'd never forgive myself if something bad happened to her, So I need to focus.

"What do I need to do to help her?" I questioned and waited for it's response.

While I waited for it's response I began to sort through my options on helping Es.

Perhaps the book cou- No that's a stupid idea, The Board told me that it was one of the reasons why she's becoming an anomaly.

Wait, if the book can affect her why can't it affect me? I should ask just in case it could be something that could help.

Good, very good, Onto my next question then.

"The book, if it can affect her while she isn't even using it, why am I not affected by it even though I'm using it for everything." I inquired, eagerly listening

Great, it doesn't know as well, I'm just gonna sum it up due to me being a protagonist.

"Es, you said she's dangerous, how so?" I asked another question hoping that it would have an answer to it.

"Okay, how does that equate to Es being dangerous now exactly?" I asked confused.

"I fail to see how that- Oh fuck." Realization began to dawn on me as I realized what Form Alter Ego took.

A fucking book.

This has just turned to be a very complicated situation.

Why couldn't it have just be a grail? I'd prefer Grail-kun rather than it's current form right now.


"Can't I just throw the book away into some volcano or fire to destroy it or something? Or heck maybe even just put it away from Es."

Each word it said only served to make me feel more and more guilt as I felt knives stab into my heart.

"Let me guess it being indestructible is also my fault?"


Fist meet Face.

"*sigh* anything else I should know about?" I asked exhausted from everything that I've learned in my time here.

"I wish to take my leave then." I stated, frankly quite tired and wanting for the blissful emptiness of my sleep to take me.

Those were the last things I heard from The Board before I lost my consciousness and went back to my dream less sleep.

The next day when I eventually would awake, I would find things to be different.

End Chap--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A/N: BRO I swear to God Webnovel decided to be a dick and delete my fucking chapter I had on Draft!!!! 3 Pre-made chapters Gone in the blink of an eye! Needless to say you can guess why this chapter took so long to make.

*Sigh* I'm gonna store my chapters somewhere else now that I've learned my lesson.

Anyways make sure to leave some power stones to lessen my suffering on my Pre-made chapters being deleted, This is Es_simp signing out.