The Origins

Emric City is the capital of a large country and its mornings to evenings are always bustling, this is a town that never sleeps and it's people never tired. A city richer than most and in this city are some of the wealthiest, intelligent, and most cunning individuals that has ever lived. But this wasn't always the advanced place it is today.

It all started with a wealthy business man who invested in this once barren land and cultered it's land and educated its villagers.

That man's name is Alraud Emric, he was a child of a bureaucrat but rather than going into politics Alraud found a knack for business and he also loved to help people which is why he stayed in an isolated, barren land filed with uneducated tribesmen and poor villagers instead of soem developing town where his parents lived.

As he stayed in this place he began to establish rapport with the nearby tribes and he also started the market rolling as he found the quality of products the tribesmen has created with skills they have mastered through generations of practice.

Alraud spent most of his days educating the people of the town on fertilising their crops and trading with nearby villages and sure enough the once poor village started to slowly grow.

Alraud was recognised by the townsfolk who was very grateful for his help and even decided to name their town it after him along with their chief offering his daughter's hand to him.

Alraud accepted their offerings and continued to help them even further, now with his new family and greater status he started to further expand their trade and develop their crops and animals of which the local tribe gather for them in exchange for education.

Emric excelled in trade and agriculture for Alraud was a man of great intelligence but also kimdness and that's why the people revered him and treated him like a king.

All was good for Alraud Emric for he did all he could for the people and his efforts bore fruit, but alas humans are a kind that would go against their very creator and Alraud's story was a testament of that.

Soon a poor harvest would befall upon the proud city of Emric and after that a famine which devastated many.

The people turned to Alraud in his room filled with books deprived of sleep having been stumped and confused upon the events.

The people not knowing what to do went back to their old pagan ways of having a sacrifice to make peace with their gods and who better than their own king?

Faced with a mob Alraud told his family and his servants to flee and so hesitantly they did leaving him alone to be burned at the stake as an offering and after that mysteriously the poor harvest was replaced by a great one for years to come inviting new people from all over to invest and stay in that town soon becoming the largest city in the continent and that is the story of how Emric City became a great town because of the sacrifice of one man.

Or so it was told by the people but the truth was far darker for Alraud was a mere slave to foreigners who wish to conquer this primal village using a man who wish nothing more than to ease people's suffering.

Seeing the great success of Alraud foreigners from outside the country approached him trying to steal his genius methods and trade secrets but they could not for Alraud as much as he trusted each one of his people held nothing but hostility towards outsider, hostility that was well placed for these invaders want nothing more than to steal their land and all his studies.

The invaders soon became tired of trying to steal from Alraud secretly so they decided to do it by force. They poisoned the land and contaminated the waters and blamed it all on Alraud taking advantage of the people's naivety and superstitious nature saying that Alraud has angered their god and must be killed.

The people believed it because it was far easier to blame one man for all the misfortune than seek the hard truth.

One night a horde of villagers decided to attack Alraud and only then has he realised what has happened and the reason all the misfortune has occurred but it was far too late as the people took to heart all the lies told by these foreigners, even his beloved wife whom he treated with love and offered his life to now looked at him with anger in her eyes.

The people then burned his mansion and Alraud with a piece of paper and a pen ran out writing down one last sentence before he was caught,

massacred by his people, made to walk the plaza naked while he was striped of everything he had and soon burned in the stake. And his last words were as written on the paper "fate is a double edged sword, it has lead good men astray and Kings forsaken by its people as it will give it will also take. Never be a slave to it, trust no one other than yourself".

While the people celebrated the burning of their once beloved King, the foreigners called upon fellow countrymen and began to kill every single one of the villagers and after the town was covered in blood and all of Alraud's research was stolen they began to inhibit the land where they further expanded it using any means they could think of like mass murder, poison and even burning the villages.

The origins of Emric City was fitting for it's currents state where people would rather trust foreigners than their own citizens because they very well know how cunning and traitorous they can be.

Perhaps the name of the city is Emric not because of the man who led to its success but because of the analogue of it's name "Crime". Very fitting indeed for this is the city which betrayed the first and only outsider who truly ever cared about the town and worshiped the treacherous invaders who poisoned their land and stole their gold.