The Betrayed Son

I decided to ignore the strange card given to me by Harvey for I had no intention of being involved with such people but fate had other plans as a few days later a man approached me.

" You know about Verum Iustitiae I suppose? " the man asked.

" Never heard of it "  I replied as I walked faster away from the man.

" Don't lie to me Isaac "

I stopped for a second and asked

" How do you know my name? "

" Oh you've been famous recently, having the guts to face Spade Drase and losing completely "

" Is that some sort of insult? "

" Oh ofcourse not you've been very entertaining to us "

" who would this 'us' be? "

" Oh you shouldn't be concerned about that.... yet.... "

" Ok weirdo see you around " I said as I continued walking home.

" You know I've always hated the name Isaac "

" Stop following me then "

" Do you want to know why? "

" Nope "

He then pushed me towards a nearby wall, strangled me and stared angrily.

" No you will listen to me! " He shouted.

I had barely noticed with his hoodie but this man was actually well built and powerful enough to lift me up and along with that bipolar attitude I could possibly be the next dead body to be investigated so I decided to humor the man whom I cannot clearly distinguish the features quite yet.

" Alright I'll listen " I conceded to his demand

And to that he came let me go and went back to his cheery attitude.

" Do you know the story of Esau and Jacob from the Biblical Times ? "

" Didn't peg you to be the religious type " I commented.

He replied to me with a stare that was longer and more intense making me more uncomfortable by the second so again I conceded.

" No... no I don't "

" I shall tell you then " He smiled blissfully like a child.

" Isaac the son of Abraham had begotten two boys Esau and Jacob. Esau was Isaac's favorite and the proper heir for everything Isaac had but their mother thought differently which led to a sort of hatred of Jacob towards Esau. One day Esau became starved from hunting to the point of starvation so he went to Jacob and asked for some Red Pottage but Jacob refused to do it even at the cost of his brother's life but he did offer it in trade for Esau's inheritance and Esau having no other choice agreed and all his father's material possession had all been taken from him "

" Well that sucks " I commented again

" Is it not? " The strange man agreed dramatically.

Then he became serious again and continued

" But that's not all, as Isaac was near his death bed he called Esau and ordered him to hunt some meat so that he can give the blessing and his mother hearing that decided to take away everything Esau had left and called Jacob to steal the blessing from God and Jacob agreed to it as soon as his mother was wiling to take all blame and just like that Esau was Betrayed by everyone he loved neither his mother nor brother thought of him and not even when Isaac found out the truth but refused to act upon it. "

" So where do you fit in all of this? " I ask the man.

" I'm Esau and I presume you've met my brother Spade? " The man claimed

" Wish I didn't. "

" Now what I want you to do is for once act and we shall give Jacob the rightful punishment " He ordered

" So you want me to shoot some guy named Jacob then? " I teased sarcastically but became silent afterwards knowing full well what's going to happen next.

But unlike earlier where he went berserk now he was still calm and continued talking.

" I want you to join Verun Iustitiae and become my eyes and ears there and help me take them down." He continued ordering

" If I refuse? Spade isn't really someone I want to fight especially since without any retaliation still took me down. "

He then took of partly the jacket sleeve of his black hood and revealed his wrist till his elbows showing a tattoo that I was warned about by my colleagues at the precinct for it is the symbol for The Mafia, a bloodied club and although it's name has not been made public that's what people are calling them Bloody Club and they are infamous for their brute strength and numbers that even the police cannot take down.

" I'm the one you don't want to be an enemy of Isaac "

I was silent knowing that it's in this parts of the city that those goons can be lurking and if this feeling isn't wrong, we're not alone.

" Don't worry I don't want to hurt you, no I'll even do the opposite. For a job well done I can give you money, wealth, anything you want. But in exchange of Spade Drase's head in a silver platter"

Knowing very well I do not have a choice and brought on by his proposals I agreed and he gave me a cellphone that has only one contact and he said he'll be in touch even without giving his name but going under the alias "Esau".

The next day I did not waste anytime knowing that my every move is being spied on and any sign of betrayal will get me shot or stabbed in the back.

That's when I realized that this feeling is the very reason I became a cop in the first place. I was just a kid when everything I had was burned and I saw clearly as it all happened.

My father was a banker in this city but sadly he was dealing with some shady people and one day my father became late on paying his debts so a group of big men came to our house and held a gun to my father's head and one of the men took me and hoisted me saying he'll shoot me to make an example but my mother wanted to protect me but how could she? She was just a humble house wife commited to helping his husband and serving God  but she had no money.

I remember I was just 8 and the man came pointing a knife in my throat, I remember it being so close that it left a scar and my mother not knowing what to do allowed herself to be raped by those men in exchange for my life so the men tied both me and my father up but just enough that we could see as my mother was defiled by those ruthless man.

And my father couldn't bear it any longer so he bit his own tongue and I saw as slowly he died from choking from his blood. From all the noise, my mother's screams and my father's coughs as he gasp for air, what made me craziest was the silence in all of it, as time seemed to have slowed down every second felt like an eternity.

I cried and cried until it was over. I fainted and the next thing I remember was waking up, fire everywhere and I was tied up but I could see my mother as her throat was slashed and my father next to me lifeless and still bleeding and from there on I thought I too would die.

But I didn't, the neighbours came running inside saving me. I was being comforted but I only felt disgust for these hypocrites. They knew what was happening! From the noise those men made or from the screams of a terrified mother as strangers raped her, they did nothing out of fear. They waited until it was safe for them!

It's ironic that people would put their own lives over anyone else's but still get the guts to preach about selflessness.

If only they would have helped! If only they were more scared of an innocent family making an honest living losing their lives to a corrupt system than those themselves who created this system then maybe this world wouldn't be buried in the corruption of humanity.

Then maybe humanity would still have its value for in the eyes of a little boy who lost everything in man's greed humans are the most evil and vile creatures that lived or ever will.

More terrifying than the boogeyman under the bed, more loathsome than the devil's they sold their soul to.

This is humanity, beneath it's pure demeanor is a beast more terrifying than anything imaginable.