Chapter 8

"Ding Ding Ding—" At

seven o'clock in the morning the next day, Master Gu was woken up by the mobile phone alarm clock.

Last night, she tossed until the early hours of the morning before going to bed. She ate too much for dinner. She couldn't fall asleep and could only play the game of love and producer all night.

Now awakened, she is dizzy and sleepy.

I wanted to get up, but fell down after yawning countless times.

Finally, being urged by the alarm three times, she finally struggled to step on the ground with two serious dark circles, and walked to wash in a daze.

Her eyes were swollen and couldn't open, she simply squinted, brushed her teeth, and fumbled in the cloakroom to pick out a dress and put it on.

After wiping her face and looking in the mirror, she found that the white T-shirt she was wearing was printed with a large and eye-catching Chanel logo, and the double C with cool sequins overlapped.

And the light blue denim skirt she put on casually had two dark blue ribbons drooping on the waist, with the hand-embroidered'Givenchy' Givenchy British standard.

It's really high-profile.

She used to like comfortable clothes in cotton and linen, but rarely pursued brands.

But... this is fate!

Master Gu turned around, grinning and admiring it in front of the mirror for half a minute.

Wouldn't it look good if you wear a life blood bar of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan?

It's so beautiful to burst!

Teacher Gu nodded with satisfaction.

She organized her small bag again, checked her mobile phone, keys, and employee badge, and walked out of the room yawning.

Walking down the stairs and crossing the red-carpeted corridor, the servants met all bowed their heads and did nothing, and no one looked at her too much.

The whole villa is like a pool of dry wells, everyone is expressionless.


Master Gu smiled and waved to them.

It doesn't matter if they respond or not.

When passing by the semi-open small dining room next to the living room, when Master Gu glanced over the table, reluctant light flashed in a pair of water eyes, lingering softly and watching every lovely food...

Orange juice, hot spring eggs, tuna toast with bacon...

it's all blood!

They are all longevity panacea!

But I can't eat it today, huh!

Master Gu touched his hungry stomach, and regrettably slowed down.

But her gaze went all the way to the end of the dining table, her watery apricot eyes suddenly crashed into the cold black eyes that looked like a pool of ice, cold as ice and bottomless.


Gu Shishi was stunned with her pink lips slightly open.

Huo Sishen, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, was sitting at the top of the table with a serious expression on his breakfast.

He seemed to have just finished taking a shower, his slightly wet hair caught his forehead indiscriminately, revealing a full and straight forehead, adding a bit of toughness and wildness to his already handsome and extraordinary face, like A beast that wakes up early in the morning.

"Big, big..."

She had never seen him in the restaurant these days.

It turns out that the boss gets up earlier than her every day?

The fork in Huo Sishen's hand paused.

Deep eyes narrowed.

"Big brother?"

Gu Shishi suddenly wailed in his heart!

How did she smoothly call out her heart?

"Uh, slip of the tongue... slip of the tongue, Mr. Huo, early."

She blushed slightly.

Huo Sishen's cold eyes swept across the water eyes that had become evasive and retreated because of panic, and her thin lips suddenly became cold and hard.

"Don't let me hear it a second time, this kind of boring name."

His voice was dull and cold as iron.

Master Gu suddenly spit out his tongue, "Okay."

Huo Sishen withdrew his gaze indifferently, and ignored her again.

But Master Gu looked up carefully.

I saw the man's slender and powerful fingers, with well-defined joints, holding the silver fork elegantly and standardly, with a piece of bacon that looks crystal clear, delicious and fragrant...worth at least fifteen dollars worth of blood , Several minutes of life!

Her watery apricot eyes moved up with his slender fingers suddenly and unconsciously.

The juicy bacon was bitten into his handsome and thin lips,...with the twitching of his lips and teeth, the rolling of the apple tree...was swallowed...

Master Gu followed and swallowed. Drool.

She wants to eat too, wants to replenish blood!

The sound of swallowing was originally insignificant.

However, in this quiet and almost silent restaurant, the abrupt sound is just like the crisp sound of a fork hitting a plate.

Huo Sishen's face was gloomy, and his cold black eyes pierced sharply at the girl in front of him.

But seeing her crystal clear water eyes, the eyes looking at him were wet, soft and messed up, making his chest suddenly startled.

This gaze was something he had never seen for many years...

like a stray cat waiting to be fed by the roadside, with watery eyes open, softly approaching...

However, his world was cursed from the beginning , Any life contaminated with him will only usher in bad luck and be approached by death!

Huo Sishen's dark pupils shrank suddenly!

"Have you never eaten?"

In the next second, he threw down the fork in his hand!

"No manners, disgusting!" As

soon as the voice fell, the cold light glowing in his black eyes suddenly stagnated.

Her pink face just turned white!

In the water eyes looking at him, all the shiny colors disappeared, turning into great fear, helplessness and panic!

"Ah, I'm sorry, big... Mr. Huo, I, I'm just a little hungry..."

Master Gu said in surprise.

She seems to have aroused the anger of the boss to 100, which is about to burst! ?

The dissatisfaction on the big man's face at the moment, as if he wanted to throw her out of the window!

"I won't disturb you, I'll go to work first!"

She ran out of the small restaurant hurriedly and quickly like a rabbit, even the last wave of goodbye gesture was a bit out of shape.

For fear of taking a step slower, you still have to deduct your favorability!

Huo Sishen pursed his lips, looked at the back of her escape, and slowly lowered his eyes.

As he wished.

She was frightened like a kitten, and she retreated far away!

No longer staying for one more second.

Looking at the dinner plate in front of him, Huo Sishen's dark eyes sank, and the handsome face was overcast.

He has no appetite!

Next time you talk to the boss, you have to be more careful.

Master Gu patted his little heart and walked out of the villa summing up his experience.

At this moment, the hot sun has emerged.

She held up the parasol and walked along the tree-lined path for more than half an hour before catching the bus to the city center in sweat.

Because Huo Si Shen likes quiet, the location of the villa area is very remote.

If you are not driving, the traffic is very inconvenient.

Obviously, Gu Shishi has not yet received the treatment that matches the wealthy fiancée, so he can only rely on himself.

He rushed to the city center on two legs and changed the crowded subway. When Gu Shishi rushed to the work store, it was almost the start of the first class.


Before getting on the elevator, she was stopped by a crisp voice.

Looking back, I saw a girl wearing black-rimmed glasses with a cute ball-shaped head, wearing a pair of wide-legged and big-pocket overalls, waving at her joyfully.

"Is your health better?"

This is Ling Xiaomei, a colleague of the original body, who has just graduated from the US school.

The original engagement ceremony was held, and all he took was sick leave.

I concealed the fact that I was taken back by the rich and I was about to get married.


Gu Master blinked awkwardly.

She has physical memory and knows the concealment of the original body not because of low-key. But she has always had illusions about Huo Wencheng, not wanting to admit her marriage contract with Huo Sishen.

After being retrieved by the Gu family, she also wanted to show off in front of her colleagues only after she was approved by the Gu family, so she kept it secret for the time being.

Ling Xiaomei hooked her arm and walked into the elevator, turning her head to see the dazzling dark circles on her face.

"But you still don't seem to look very good, you have no energy... Huh?"

She was halfway through, but suddenly came forward.

Dan Fengyan behind the black-rimmed glasses looked sharply back and forth at Master Gu's small face.

"Master, what brand of foundation did you use today? This nude makeup has a good effect, it doesn't have any powdery texture. It looks so translucent!"

"If you cover a little bit more concealer and cover the dark circles, then Invincible."

Ling Xiaomei was a bit shorter than Master Gu.

Moving closer, the tip of her nose almost touched her neck in a short while.

"Huh? Did you still spray perfume today?"

Ling Xiaomei stared, sniffed hard in the air.

"Uh... it's almost."

Gu Master's face was a little red.

This is a gift from the system, within ten centimeters, you will be smelled of rose body fragrance.

Normally, the normal distance between people is about 50 centimeters to one meter, which is theoretically undetectable.

But Ling Xiaomei was obviously a little closer now.

"Ding—" The

elevator door opened in response, and Gu Shishi took the opportunity to escape, but was quickly caught up by Ling Xiaomei.

She was scrutinized from head to toe by the fiery gossip gaze.

"Master, are you in love?"

Ling Xiaomei stared.

"The whole body exudes a delicious smell of love..."


Master Gu almost bit his tongue.

While they were talking, they had already reached the door of the studio.

"Heh, the teacher is obviously a youthful breath that is super A-good!?"

Suddenly, a sarcasm, mean female voice rang, interrupting their conversation!