Chapter 9(Repair)

Master Gu raised his eyes and saw a girl with long wavy hair sitting in front of the studio.

A small black bag with Armani's chain was slung, and a Tiffany diamond key pendant was hanging from the collarbone. At this moment, he looked at her and Ling Xiaomei somewhat mockingly.

She is one of the new teachers in the studio, Zhao Xian.

Like them, they just graduated and are still in the probation period.

Now, they are all faced with the question of being eliminated or left behind by the studio.

But Zhao Xian is obviously very confident.

She seemed to have just arrived, and was chatting with the store manager Liu Li, not knowing what she was talking about, making the store manager cover her mouth and laugh.

At this moment, she was looking at Master Gu with interest.

"Teacher, I thought you were on vacation and you were in retreat to prepare for today's employment assessment. After all, your performance was the most unsatisfactory before, but I didn't expect you to go shopping and buy clothes?"

Zhao Xian's eyes were somewhat contemptuous. Smile.

"Let me guess, is this the legendary A-goods that are cheap and realistic East Street?"

"Haha, wearing this way can especially increase the confidence of the assessment!"

Gu Shishi is holding the painting apron corresponding to his nameplate.

Hearing her strange choking noise, she couldn't help but pause.

The original Gu Shishi is the bottom of the new employees.

Whether it is painter or performance.

She is most likely to be eliminated!

"Xiaoxian, what do you say about this? The teacher is beautiful, so what looks good to wear anyway."

Ling Xiaomei, who was next to her, noticed that it was wrong, and immediately rounded it off. She also pulled the teacher Gu next to her to keep her from arguing.

Arguing in front of the store manager will definitely leave a bad impression.

And several other teachers in the studio are also there.

Today, we will assess all employees in the probation period.

Several old employees should discuss their stay with the store manager.

Based on their performance in these three months and on-site exams today, a final result was set and reported to the boss above.

Zhao Xian smiled, but pressed on every step of the way.

"Meimei, I don't think much. But after all, our classroom is in the most popular financial and commercial center. Many white-collar workers and full-time wives are our customers. There are so many elites bringing children over the weekend."

"In case, let They know that our teacher wears fakes and leaves a bad impression, isn't it bad?"

"Teacher, I'm not targeting you. It's just for the good of everyone, and for the studio to have more guests, what do you think?"

She said with a face. It seems to be thoughtful, as if particularly worried about the future of the studio.

I also respected Master Gu and wanted to ask her what she thought.

This is a high-sounding remark, but it is obviously digging a hole for Master Gu!

Liu Li, the store manager next to her, looked at the clothes on Master Gu at the moment, and she did not agree with her.

"There are work aprons in the store. There is no need to wear them like this. You can do whatever you like during breaks, but be careful when you work. After all, we are teaching children."

She was completely on Zhao Xian's side!

Many of the other old employees in the studio were nodding their heads and flattering Liu Li.

But Master Gu bowed his head and glanced at the double C Peugeot on his T-shirt.

A goods, fake?

No one knows better than her the price of each piece of clothing.

"I'm relatively straightforward, Shishi, you are not angry with me, are you?"

Zhao Xian squinted.

But her vision was full of superiority, and she even reached out and brushed the Tiffany drill key on her neck, somewhat proud.

"I didn't mean to look down on you..."

But she sneered, halfway through.

But he was interrupted by Master Gu.

"The clothes are five thousand sixty, and the skirt is eighteen thousand."

Master Gu pinched the corner of his clothes with an extremely complicated expression.

She glanced at the system just now.

The numbers are very accurate.

Zhao Xian's voice suddenly stopped.

But soon his eyes became even more ridiculous.

"It's so expensive, doesn't it cost all your salary savings?" During

their probation period, their monthly salary was only 4,000 yuan.

And Gu Shishi's family background is average, as can be seen from her usual clothes.

Now, suddenly the shotgun was changed and bought a set of more than 20,000 clothes?


Zhao Xian doesn't need to reason at all.

"No, someone bought it for me."

Gu Shishi was very honest.

Zhao Xian was stunned, "Someone?"

Ling Xiaomei exclaimed, even the store manager and old employees looked over in amazement.

"Really? Teacher, boyfriend? I haven't heard that you are in love."

"Boyfriend is so rich, what background! Hiding it and not letting us see it!"

Most of the women in the studio love them. Gossip.

Originally it was not time to go to work, and now I have forgotten all the evaluations during the probation period.

A man who is rich enough and willing to buy big-name clothes for girls makes women excited.

Zhao Xian looked at Gu Shijiao's good face, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

I just found a rich second-generation boyfriend last month, with a sense of superiority, but only a few days later, Gu Shishi succeeded in finding one? !

"It's nothing, it's the marriage contract made at home."

Gu Shishi confessed.

Paper won't hold the fire.

She commutes to get off work every day, contacts with people, and one day she will be exposed to her engagement and living in the man's house.

Rather than being discovered by others, it is better to make it clear directly, so that no one will slander her after being slandered by a man, such as an idler like Zhao Xian.

"Marriage contract?"

Zhao Xian was shocked, but the jealousy in her eyes disappeared mostly.

Can an ordinary family be engaged to a rich person?

She almost laughed.

Then this rich man is not a second marriage, but he is old and ugly, right?

Otherwise, it's just a fabrication of Master Gu!

"Wow, isn't that the fiance?!"

Ling Xiaomei, who didn't have much scheming, was envious.

"Is there a photo, let us see the real person!"


Gu Shishi didn't even ask for the boss WeChat, let alone take the photo.

"Then he will come to pick you up from work? We want to watch!" The

old employees also suddenly roared.

"Hey, in the future...that, do you want to do the assessment first?"

Can the boss pick her up from work?

It's not bad if she is immortal!

The dodge of Gu Shishi was completely seen by Zhao Xian.

She felt amused, but when she was about to reveal it, she was stopped by the store manager Liu Li.

Liu Li checked the time and clapped her hands, "Okay, we'll talk after lunch break. Class starts at ten o'clock. Hurry up now, let's take the assessment first."

She said, and everyone else accepted the playful heart.

"After three months of practice, let's see where you have grown up."

"Today, with the theme of your favorite flower scenery, you draw a small work each and give a teaching trial."

"It is aimed at Zero foundation students."

Liu Li said the test questions.

Several old employees all sat down in the classroom and acted as students.

"Then I'll do it first."

Zhao Xian did his part.

The first one to play, the most impressive points.

To be a teacher requires enthusiasm and initiative.

Liu Li nodded.

Ling Xiaomei is not a scrambled personality.

And Gu Shishi has never had the experience of teaching zero-based courses, so he decided to observe it silently.

"Watercolor is a method of painting with water and transparent pigments..."

Zhao Xian said rightly.

"I'll draw a lotus flower first, and introduce these different techniques to everyone." The

store manager Liu Li and the old staff nodded in approval.

Zhao Xian speaks clearly and clearly, and is also very skilled in the application of the writing.

In less than ten minutes, her hand-painted summer lotus was completed.

Four or five double lotus, the color is pink and tender, and the green lotus leaves are in harmony. It is a simple entry painting.

Very suitable for newcomers to learn.

"Thank you everyone."

Zhao Xian finished speaking quickly, leaving the main drawing board, and turning his provocative gaze to Master Gu.

"Next, do you come first? The jammed paper on my side is not used up yet, and the blank space is just right for you to continue using."

Draw it on a piece of paper immediately behind her, which can highlight her Painting skills dumped all the way to Master Gu!

When I was in the Academy of Fine Arts, Master Gu was a waste, totally different from a student with good grades like her!

There is a comparison, it is more harmful!

To eliminate an employee, it must be Master Gu!

Zhao Xian smiled and handed the pen to Master Gu, not allowing her to refuse, waiting for her to make a fool of herself.


Gu Master accepted it openly.

Watercolor painting is slightly similar to Chinese ink and wash painting.

She had tried watercolor paintings before, but now she watched Zhao Xian do it again, not timid.

Moreover, after practicing painting for 20 years, she can tell at a glance that Zhao Xian is still short of fire.

These petals seem to be complete, but the painting method is monotonous and lacks spirituality. The curvature of the lotus leaf, the texture of the petals, and the skinny feel are not natural and lack vitality.

She took the paintbrush and stood up calmly.

"Come on."

Ling Xiaomei looked at Master Gu worriedly.

Master Gu returned her with a relieved expression.

She looked at the front of the pen, and scribbled twice on the absorbent paper on the table, and wiped off most of the pale pink that was dyed on the pen.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

It only took a few days to come back to life again, but it seemed like a lifetime.

But as soon as I gripped the pen, the familiar feeling returned instantly!

Zhao Xian watched her all the way, and when she saw her eyes closed, she felt that she had a chance to win.

"Heh, Master, are you nervous, take it easy..."

But before the last word of'pine' was spoken, it was stuck in her throat.

She stood nearest, and she could see Master Gu's movements at a glance.

She lifted the tip of the pen smoothly, dipped in a puddle of water like a dragonfly, and then lightly dyed it in the pink block.

After a certain action, there is a bit of elegance and indescribable beauty that is not usually available.

And after her brushstrokes circled the palette twice to neutralize the tone, she hung her wrist with her right hand, from bottom to top.

When you mention it and pull it, you can add a smooth stroke in one effort!

On the cardboard, in just two seconds, there was a pink flower bone blooming ready to be placed, as if swaying in the wind!

The color of the petals is full and full, and the peach color is gorgeous, and the central part of the flower bud is slightly dyed by clear water, making the flower belly white and round.

Master Gu's brush strokes are very arbitrary, but one lotus stroke, blossoming lotus, is actually done in one go!

Zhao Xian's mouth opened, and her face was red in a few breaths!

The upper right corner of the jam is painted by her, and the lower left corner is by Master Gu.

At this moment, the difference between the two contrasts is extremely remarkable.

Her hand-painted lotus flower looks good on a single look, but in comparison, it looks like a printing effect of fifty cents!

On the other hand, Master Gu's lotus is lifelike and agile. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and told her that it was painted by the store manager, she might believe it!

how come! ?

Zhao Xian was stunned.

After taking a few days off, did Gu Master take some big pills? His painting skills are earth-shaking! ?

how is this possible? !

At the same time, Master Gu's explanation also said, "Different angles and strengths of brush strokes will create different painting effects, such as this..."

As she said, her subordinates kept on, and another lotus leaf seemed to be floating in the wind, almost jumping out of the paper!

"Watercolor focuses on highlighting light and shadow through the intensity of color, and shaping the difference between flower buds and flower bones through the thickness and fineness of brush strokes..." The

entire classroom was quiet.

The store manager Liu Li looked at the painting she made with some surprise.

When Master Gu left after speaking, everyone's eyes changed dramatically!

All those present are experts, and the quality of the paintings can naturally be appreciated.

Waiting for the next Ling Xiaomei to play, she was about to cry, "Yaoshou! Teacher, I knew you just let me go first!"

Now the pressure is great!

"It's okay, relax."

Gu Shishi smiled and patted her shoulder.

And Zhao Xian's face was completely black.

Even Ling Xiaomei, this soft bag, doesn't take her seriously!

But Master Gu, who was about to sit down and rest, was about to cheer Ling Xiaomei, but the phone suddenly received a message.

It was actually a verification message for adding a friend on WeChat...

She suddenly opened her eyes!

This person's head is a Chinese character for the Secretary!

Huo Si Shen!


Did he take the initiative to add her to WeChat! ?

Master Gu excitedly held the phone in both hands.

However, I clicked it on and glanced at the remarks.

She was stunned.

[Note: Miss Gu, I am Siyi. ]


Pour down a basin of cold water!

Master Gu bit his lip and chose to pass his friend.

Big brother, it really is impossible to take the initiative to add friends...I

was disappointed, but the phone jumped off again.

[Si Yi: Miss Gu, I will bring you lunch at noon. What time is it convenient? ]


Master Gu's little heart suddenly shook, and he rode on the roller coaster again, rushing to the sky!