So I have a right to freak out

"I don't understand, why won't he talk to me?"

"Aren't you supposed to be happy about that?" Chan asked absentmindedly as she was typing away at her phone.

I don't blame her though for not showing more interest, I freaked out during lunch and they got me to calm down and after the first class after lunch I start freaking out again, even the kindest person won't have that kind of patience.

"You don't get it Cam, he bullied me for five years or more  then Santa finally granted my wish and he went away, now he's back and didn't say anything to me except 'hey Cassie'."

"So would you rather he put out his foot for you to fall on your face?" Chan asked giving me an incredulous look.

"Exactly, I mean then I would know that he is still Miles unless of course he wants me to let my guard down so he could hurt me worse or something." I said.

In our school, we have a library period added to our timetable and all the years have it at once so right now we seniors have library but it's so useless because everyone practically uses this time to update themselves on the happenings and the librarians can't stop the noise because then the 'bad boys' will make fun of them so this one hour is now called 'funtime'.

However Cam got the key to drama room and we are always here during 'funtime', well except Kayla, she uses this time to help at the school sick bay seeing as she like blood and IVs and those kind of stuff.

How Camille got the key?

To be honest, I don't know and I never asked but it is Camille we are talking about, maybe she hooked up with the drama teacher seeing as he's about twenty-four and he's hot and I repeat, it is Cam we are talking about here so that is a huge possibility.

Anyways, during class, Miles won't talk to me (not like I wanted him to, I just kind of expected it seeing as he's my designated bully from hell), he did not pull my hair, did not jab me with his pencil or prank me or blame a fart on me( I know, disgusting) or... nothing.

So I have a right to freak out. Won't you too?

"If you want, I can go speak with him and ask him to deliver by bullying you as you are expecting it, but you will have to introduce us seeing as I do not know the kilometer ocean dude." Chan said.

"It's Miles Wells... Lord why am I talking to you two, Kayla would understand." I said as I moved towards the door.

"Really, going alone? Don't you think you will run into the lake boy?" Cam said and she and her sister began laughing at my expense.

"It's not cool," I deadpanned. They just continued laughing.

"I hate when you guys do this." I muttered as I moved back to join them.

"What, the twin thing? We totally love it right sis?" She grin and kept her palm for her sister to high-five, which Chan did.

I gave them the finger and they laughed.

I tried to stop thinking of Miles and the only way I could was to start watching a movie so I started rewatching to all the boys I've loved: ps I still love you. Noah centineo's face will calm me.


"Chantelle Davis to the principal's office now, Chantelle Davis to the principal's office please."

All heads turned to face all of us—kay, Cam, Chan and I in our seats as we were seated together in English.

"I murdered someone, stare at me, why don't you?" Cam said as she noisily stood up from her seat. Most the heads quickly turned, except some jocks and Ashlee, your practical indie girl.

"Miss Davis, can you please leave?" Mrs Johnson said from the front of the class.

"Chill, I'm leaving." Chan said as she fist bumped her sister and left.

The class continued.

Some of you might wonder why Cam and I are less bothered by Chan being called to the head's office. The thing is, we are used to it already.

Chan has being called to the head office more times than Will Smith makes someone laughs while watching the fresh Prince of Bel-air.

Whether for filling Xander Harrison locker with green paint, or pushing Stacey's face in the lunchroom into a plate of spaghetti, or punching Tony Hubert on the face, you get the picture.

And no, she's not a bully, she only does this to 'protect' us.

I mean the saint Patrick's day in Xander's locker was because he suddenly took an interest in bothering Kay, what made Chan act was when he purposely chucked a ball during gym at Kay. Tony was punched because he got a dare from his friends to mess with me and  Stacey's was for, well being Stacey.

I don't judge her if she thinks that's the suitable way for standing up for your friends, in my opinion thumbs up Chantelle Davis. Honestly, some of the things she does make me happy. I know how long I had to go through shit in Miles Wells hands so having someone who cares about me enough to get in a fight for me is nice.

Plus Chan kinda prefer action over words even though they get her into trouble more times than Cam drools over Nick Bateman's beach pictures.

Thirty minutes later, we were saved by the bell, literally.

"Hey, we're going straight to our place right?" Cam asked as she linked her hand with mine, her right hand texting on her phone and Kayla fell in step with us, beside me also checking something on her phone.

"Yeah," I replied while Kayla nodded.

"Chan already texted me, she's helping the janitor clean the old principal's office," Cam said.

We all got into Kay's car, she's the only one with a car yet, Cam and Chan had one last year but their brother crashed it so now Kayla's our everywhere ride except she has her 'med student stuff' then we'd have to order a cab.