If my life was a movie, I won't see it.

Okay y'all remember my epiphany from last night? Well I can't follow through right now due to my lack of guts and my only excuse is that the epiphany was made in the heat of the moment.

I did do one thing though, I made up with my friends. I apologized for overreacting and being overly needful recently and Cam apologized for being a major bitch (her words not mine) about the whole thing and that even though it was true that I was overly needful recently, it was okay but she just wanted me to stand up for myself with Miles if he bullied me, Kay and Chanelle supported her view on the way I behaved and I understood them and apologized.

Then the next hurdle: Meet Miles after English class and ask him to meet up in the library. He came late to class today, Mrs Johnson ignores her late students once they're quiet, stating that if she stops the class to reprimand them she'll lose focus so he's lucky.

I started going through different ways to start conversation with him which is funny because normal girls my age think of ways to start conversation with their crushes and I'm thinking of a way to start with my ex-bully.

My life is really something else. It's like a really bad teenage movie that a wannabe film producer produced with limited budget.

Hey, I thought we could start...

No. I want us to to this today if I say 'i thought' I'll leave room for disagreement.

Hey, how are you. I saw you come in late and...

Okay Cassandra, calm down.

For some reason, everything seemed wrong so I paid attention to Mrs Johnson as she kept talking about how she met a student in the hallway who pronounced his words wrongly. I like English and even when Mrs Johnson ramble on about something she saw, I still enjoy her classes but right now I could not stop glaring at the back of her beautiful red chiffon shirt hoping to make a hole in it.

It's the wrong sheet when I say it is the wrong sheet.

The bell rang.

Screw it, you can never be fully ready anyways so I quickly walked to him,"hey Miles, so about that project I thought we could do it in the library during the library period this afternoon."

He rubbed his eyes, he looked really exhausted,"okay, cool." Then he went on his way.

I raised a brow and muttered,"that went too good."

This project might not be that bad.


I sighed and took a spot near a window which was kinda secluded from the rest of the library. The main part of the library was so bloody noisy.

I read a Locke classic as I waited for him. Some people *cough my friends and brother cough* think reading Bronte, Austen and Locke for pleasure is as boring as hell but honestly besides watching TV I couldn't think of anything else to do with my spare time.

And no, I am not a nerd.

Ten minutes later, the chair next to me was dragged out and Miles sat on it. I had since snapped out of it and gotten over my initial silly fear of him.

"Locke, nice." He commented as he looked at the book I was reading. I raised my brows. Since when did Miles become interested in books not to mention classics.

He slid my cursed project paper to me and I took a look at it.

This is 25% of your grade so take it seriously. You are to turn in your project as a hardware report ( but video clips  are also welcomed)

The aim of the project is to make you know more about the other person. The more you know someone, you get to appreciate them .See if you can take a walk in someone else's shoes, know that everyone has different preferences and respect that and relate more with your partner to promote a more stabilized environment.

At the end of this project, you should be able to know the following;

The height of your partner.

His/her best food and snacks.

Their best subject and dream college.

Their ideal life in five years

Their family life( only what you need to know, don't go snooping)

And blah blah ....

Who even makes up this kind of projects? Had it been the normal one she gave out to other students I'd have been done by now because I know where I want to see my life in five years.

I want to live in New York City, forget I have a dad, keep in touch with my other family members and friends, be the writer I have always wanted to be alongside college, have a healthy love-life, have a dog named boxer and be best friends with Yara Shahidi (because I love her).

Honestly Mrs Johnson project sounds a little creepy to me so I said, "we don't really have to do the real thing, let's just make stuff up."


"Because I'm sure...." Wait what? Back up the motherfucking horse.

"What?" I looked at him bewildered.

"I said no, Mrs Johnson looked pretty serious about the whole thing and I'm not about to mess up my whole result so we do whatever it is we need to do and fill in the project." He replied.

"Very well then, I'll give you my number, text your answers to me and I'll text mine to you then we both make our 'reports' and turn it in when we're both done." I said and began scribbling my number.


"Okay, why are you being deliberately difficult."

He ran his hand down his face, "I'm not being difficult, I just don't want to fail. Let's do this the normal way—"

I didn't care, I cut him off, "oh and what is the 'normal' way?"

"Spend time together and actually listen to ourselves not some text messages."

Okay WTF?

"I honestly can write down shit right now and take to Mrs Johnson office, can't we just stick with the text messages?"

"No, we can't because I actually want to do a video clip." He replied.

You know when I said this partnership shit might not be that bad? Yeah well, I spoke too soon and my only excuse for that is that it was in the heat of the moment.


"You heard me and can we stop bickering and actually get to work now? We've wasted enough time."

Yay! My life is super.

"Okay," I said as I peered at the paper eager to get the hell away from here and calm down "what's your full name."

"Miles Andrew Wells." I wrote it down.

"Cassandra Kirsten Collins." I said mine and he wrote it as well.

"Favorite flavor of ice cream?" I asked.

"None." He replied.

"So you like all?" I tried again.


I raised my head to glare at him, "please give explicit answers, you are the one who wanted to do things the old-fashioned way."

"The right way and I don't like any ice cream, infact I can't remember the last time I took one."

I'm pretty sure my mouth remained open for a long time after that. Who doesn't like ice cream? Even my asshole of a dad does.

"What?" He asked, puzzled.

"You don't like any ice cream?"

"I believe I just said so." He replied calmly.

I rolled my eyes.

"What's yours?" He asked.

"Vanilla." I replied easily.

"That's weird." He muttered.

"What is?"

He shrugged, "you like vanilla, I mean aren't girls supposed to like strawberry or chocolate with sprinkles and all that crap?"

"Okay one; here's how this works, you ask your question I answer and you write it down, no judgement or backup questions and vice versa. Two; that's kinda sexist."

I know I am being hypocritical as I did a backup on his ice cream hate thing but what can I say, I am me.

He just smirked and shrugged.

We asked more first date questions till the bell rang and we had to leave for class.

We were headed in the same direction but I walked faster, texting my friends as I went. Guess what? They skipped during 'funtime' and now they're having too much fun to come back to this hellhole (again Cam's words) even though Kay is freaking out.

I just made one more realization. Alex( I named the stupid film producer) hates me.

There is no other explanation for this.

I sat through class and made sure to take notes as I know I'll be the one saving my friends asses later and took assignments even though I just wanted to bang my head continuously on the desk in front of me.

Mr Welsh better retire soon, today he came in extra-sour as if someone ordered a bag of limes alongside the history teacher and went on the talk as sad as Ted in Scrubs.

Halfway through class, I gave up. I better borrow a book from the library and read through it than to listen to this man.