Yay! my life is super

You know that feeling you get when you know that someone has all the power to help you and just doesn't wants to?

Good. Because that is exactly how I am feeling right now, okay with a little bit of freaked out.

As fate and I don't go together like water and oil, I have just been partnered with...can you guess?

Miles Wells.

Yay! My life is super. You had better detect the sarcasm.

Let's go back to yesterday morning.

After being handed out our detention slips, the late trio moved for classes and since I missed English, I missed the project Mrs Johnson shared out so I had to go to her office to get mine.

The conversation went like this:

"Good afternoon, Mrs Johnson. I'm here to get my project since I couldn't make it in time for your class this morning."

"Okay, take a seat and wait." She said shuffling through a file, probably looking for a project to handout. A knock sounded on the door and after a 'come in' from Mrs Johnson, Miles Wells walked in looking stressed.

Without sparing me a glance, he went on stating his purpose in her office and he had the same issue with me, so guess what...he had to sit beside me.

I was fidgeting, I nearly jumped out of my sit when he said, "Hey Cassie."

After an eternity, Mrs Johnson pulled an A4 paper and handed it to me.

"That's your project." She said and waved her hands towards the door, dismissively.

Are you kidding me?

"Excuse me Mrs Johnson, but I think we've been given the wrong project. I mean other students projects had something to do with where you see your life in five years and they had to do it individually, this is the wrong sheet," I said.

"It's the wrong sheet when I say it's the wrong sheet," she said raising her head up to glare at me, "other students in good terms would have tried to converse by now here in my presence but I'm sensing an ice cold relationship between both of you that's why your project is different and also its a punishment for missing my class."

Okay, what's she, a therapist? So what if I have an ice cold relationship with one of my classmates and I thought she was only our English teacher when did my personal relationships (or lack of) become her problem?

"I'm sorry, but I just..."

"You may leave now, and remember this is twenty five percent of your grade and you know you need it for your college resumé."

"Mrs Johnson..." I started again while Miles just sat there, he looked like his mind was faraway. Of course he's okay with this, another chance to bully his sworn enemy.

"You're done now, close the door after you." She faced the book on her table.

I honestly don't know when Mrs Johnson became a bitch, I can't wait to leave highschool.


"Can you stop pacing, you are giving off this edgy vibe." Cam said as she sat on my bed painting her nails...big surprise, pink.

"Stop being mean, Cam." Kayla replied from the side where she was filling in a work file.

"What part of that was mean? Honestly you need to calm the fuck down Cass. He bullied you, he went away and he's back now but not paying you any attention and you were bothered by, I don't understand why by the way then you both were assigned a project together, stop being dramatic and handle your shit." Cam replied, she looked frustrated and I didn't know why. Am I not the one who's been paired with Satan's favorite spawn?

I scoffed,"are you done ranting?"


"Good. Because you tell me to handle my shit yet you can't handle yours. And FYI I'm pacing because the project was different from everyone else's and it is with my arch nemesis." I replied, sitting down now.

"Oh my God, grow the fuck up Cass. You say he's your arch nemesis but he doesn't even notices your presence, how do you know he's not change it's been two years and who even says FYI anymore." She returned.

"I do." Kayla muttered at the same time Chan said, "okay timeout."

"I should grow the fuck up? Well I've got news for you Camille Davis, I'm grown. How about you do some of that and stop hooking up with different guys every minute." I was mad right now.

She laughed humourlessly, "I honestly cannot deal with this shit. A boy comes from somewhere and suddenly we're pep talking you every second and I'm grown Cass, the hooking up is just my lifestyle and—" I couldn't wait for her to finish.

"Please get out Cam, I don't want to say something I would regret." I said as I pointed at the door.

"You might have crossed that line already, Cass." Kay piped up.

I pointed my index finger at her, "you shut up."

"Timeout everyone." Chan said in a strong voice and I opened my mouth to reply but she shut me up with a glare," I said timeout."

Chan suggested we needed space so they all left then I shut my door with enough force to make a renowned juvenile cower in fear then I picked my laptop and proceeded to watch Netflix in anger.

The most annoying thing is that I know Cam is right.

I just hate the way the whole dynamic shifted. I'd have preferred it if he continued bullying me or if he chose to leave me alone, atleast he'd have apologized for all the shit I went through in his hands or did he forget how much I went through in his hands, did he get Alzheimer's? But he didn't forget my name though.

And another annoying thing is why I am letting this get to me, I wish I had Chan's hard exterior or Cam's I don't care attitude or Kay's habit of not letting things get to her.

Well I can't get out of this one, I'll do the fucking project with him as quick as possible and forget him. Easy peasy.

I just have to stop overreacting when it comes to anything to do with him and apologize to my friends tommorow. Then ask him to meet me in the library during 'funtime' so that we can finish the project and hand it to Mrs Johnson to shove it up her ass.