eRRoR : Unknown

[Author Pov]

There has been no such instance regarding previous encounters between his darling Erza and him. But those were nothing, but years ago.

Oh, just for how long he wishes to stand by her side and watch her, oh so miserably suffer; that painful ecstasy is what drives him beyond crazy, to the point his mind feels awfully clouded and corrupted.

The estranged feeling of pleasure with the random beating of his sole heart, is it love? Has this been following the traces of his bloody crown befitting the name of, 'Tyrant of the Organization'?

Would she still look at him with the beautiful, sharp, viridescent gaze of hers?

Would she plead for mercy just like before, quivering her lips?

He thought if he were to come back into the origin of where it all began, then he might have been the closest to her ever; keeping her close by his side forever.

Yet when he is so close to changing everything, why was she so far from him?

He did all he could, just so she could escape from this place and be with him forever…

"But you had to go to that 'Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School.'" The grip of his around the plain golden alcohol-filled glass tightened. He again stood in front of the pictures lying in front of him, pinned on the wall, filled with her stances. "Moreover, on that bastard's orders!" He clenched his jaws.

"Oh, Erza, hurry up and finish your objective, for there lays a beautiful rose-filled path ahead of you." He murmured. "Don't make me wait anymore."

He took a sip of his drink.

"How come there is not one positive log from ?" His eyes squinted as he traveled his gaze from the green-colored logs of the legit information conversed with the obtainer. "Come on Erza, it's not likely of you to be so indifferent to your actions."

'Just what has been happening over there? Knowing her, she would be so inclined to complete the task, she would do it ever so promptly; the task would have been completed at the blink of an eye.'

Knowing there was something that made her unable to send out the required information; he called out for the [N_Class] member from before.

'God! Why did he send for me?' The newbie mentally contemplated. 'Is my head going to fly over the Tokyo Tower?' He gritted his teeth with fear. "Shit." He mumbled.

Upon arriving at his called destination, he saw the automated door sliding apart as the trembling soul met with the dominating ones. He gulped as he greeted the man in front of him.

'Holy sheet- this is our boss-!? It's my first time seeing him in person-'

"I want you to tag someone in the 'Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School.' The man with piercing golden eyes, with a mask on his face, with the black locks of his hair descending over his left eye; authorized.

The recruit in return answered, "If I may ask, does it involve member ?"

The man looked askance over the build of the other boy; as he hummed over his response of a question.

'He is quick to catch on, very well.' The man smiled behind his mask as he said, "Tag the person closest to the member, I want every detail to what they are up to."

That could've meant only one thing.

'The boss wants another mole near the member!?' The boy got bewildered. "Um, but sir, if that is so, then the member would easily dispatch the mole. Moreover, they are a [Z_Class] member!"

"Yes, that's very correct." The man went near the boy's height, as he bent down near his ears and whispered, "Make sure to not let what you stated, happen." He squinted his eyes over the astonished self of the boy. "I am counting on you."

The boy postured himself properly as he showed determination upon receiving his orders.



'Goddamn! What an aura, he carries! No wonder he is called the Tyrant.' He bit his lips. 'I hope Miss Erza is not in a problematic situation.'

"Dammit!" He cussed.

The order was passed and soon a recruit was commanded to follow the [Z_Class] member, Erza Wistaria.

"Yes, this is Dispatch Number 41." A young girl stated, positioned behind one of the trees. " is now currently with two students from the Academy. Evening. Alarmed Situation, confirmed."

"State the identity of the two." The voice asked from the other side of the voice communicator.

"Kushida Kikyou. Female. Class 1- D representative. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Male. Both 17 years old."

"It would be difficult if one were to know her identity. Deliver the potential mole name." The voice wavered.

"Closest to Sakura Airi, from the same. Along with these two. Though with the student named Kushida it seems to be rather a Foe-like familiarity."

"What about others?"

"They are pragmatic with her."

The voice replied with a hum, as it concluded, "Find a proper potential and state their reasonable conditions to work."

"Got it." The female wrapped up the call. 'Kushida Kikyou or Sakura Airi.'

She went away from the scene as for the last time ever, she looked over to the three figures.

Instead, she met the gaze of the male standing between the females, Kiyotaka.

'Shit, did he see me?'

She gritted her teeth as she went away, quietly.

'I cannot fail this!'


Erza stood before the computer she had in her room, holding the 'Communicator', still indecisive as to what she should have been doing to avoid all these unnecessary wild thoughts.

'What was I thinking?' She frowned. 'Saving Ayanokouji? From that shitty place?' Her hands scrunched together. "Was I even in my right mind? Me, who couldn't even save myself from that upbringing, suddenly wants to save someone who is more likely to be identified as a 'Thorn'? It's all concluded, the moment I affirm my objective is completed, anyway.'

She took the communicator and wrote the following.

|Position of Thorn. White Room. Confirmed.|

She gritted her teeth, as a flashback haunted her mind.

The electricity.

The water.

The unwavering gaze of his.

The gun.

The scarlet and warm blood.

"Fck, shit!" Piles of sweatdrops accumulated over her forehead, as she aggressively clenched the eyelids together; along with heavy breathing.

Minutes later after the panic attack, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the thing in her hands, aimlessly; and changed the log.

|No disturbance related to White Room identified. End.|

Pressed Enter.

She scorned herself as she mumbled, "Can't believe I was really going to do that." She drank the cold water from the fridge and took a long breath. 'Already been months and I have been sending negative assertion. Hope they aren't wary of me or anything. Not like anyone would have the audacity to do that.'

"Unless it's Xeref…" Her gaze shifted towards the Communicator and a visible crease between her brows was evident. "As if he would be back there, tch."

She went near the kitchen to find something edible. There was none.

'Wow, I have been neglecting this food thing, aren't I?'

She pondered upon something for a while, as she looked at her mobile.


The bell rang.

Resulting in him closing his book and opening the door for the guest.

He was a tad bit surprised with the fact, the person in front of him, never called or messaged about them arriving at his doorstep.

"Busy?" The female said.

He glanced over his leftover writing on the book as he said, "Never too busy." He parted the door open for her to come inside.

Seeing no reaction from her, he implied, "Arent you coming in?"

"Let's go outside, I feel stuffy."

'What's gotten into her? She has been a bit different these past few times.' He looked at her immensely with that unfathomable gaze. "Alright, let's get a drink first."

She nodded.

They reached the vendor machine on the ground floor, without any communication or so.

"Why didn't you text me that you were coming?" he asked as he opened his can of coffee and other; handed it over to the female.

"Thanks." She said, "I was just tired that's all."

He narrowed his gaze on her and grabbed her head by the side of her cheeks, to face him.

"I know you can lie very well, but do not forget I am myself too, quite experienced to see through lies, like that."

She flinched as she realized the position they were in.

" I want to end all of this." She started. "But the moment I end it all for me, someone other will be placed in the same situation. It's a living hell." She looked down towards the shirt he was wearing.

He clasped their forehead gently as he whispered, "If it's about before, don't worry, I won't let them take advantage of me. I have suffered worse."

"I know you have suffered and that's the sole reason I cannot make you go there because I know you finally gained your freedom." She ensured.

He detected no lies from her; by the waves of her voice or by the judging attitude, it was a pure intention.

"I'll be fine, but if it comes to that, I know you will reach out to me, right?"

A short silence filled between them, as he gazed at her. Thinking of numerous possibilities of answers which he could receive.

"Mhm, yea I will." She glanced once more at him, but instead some the silhouette of a familiar figure.

She jerked on her place a little making the guy look over her, "That was Horikita, right?"

He followed her line of sight and saw the figure of the known.

"Yeah, sure is."


The Midterms were over, Erza and Ayanokouji succeeded in making the Class Performance stand at a neutral position, along with postponing Sudou Ken's expulsion.

Horikita has inexplicably set her eyes on the two people, who she wanted to not be close to but without them, it might be impossible to stand where they are currently.

It was just right after the dusk, she had to meet with that someone, with whom she never had one familiar relationship, but instead, was like a dog-chasing-a-cat.

She stood for a while playing with her fingers, soon was approached by the tall man, who was definitely older than her.

"Follow me." The man ordered quite whimsically.

Horikita, in return, could say nothing but felt overwhelmed by his stature. She quietly followed him, to the back of a building.

It was dark.

"I have something to say, brother…"

[Author Pov]