More meetings and a little adventure... I just want to go home though.

∆ Part 1

After teleporting us, Grayfia-san led the way out the building we used as arrival point.

I can only make a guess here, but in case something when wrong, this distance from the meeting place was going to be enough to buy time for important people flee the escene.

There could be a number of reasons, but I really don't care.

Two particular things were taking my full attention. First, the scenary around the Underworld. Second, Grayfia-san's appearance that I could appreciate better now we were walking walking to mansion of the Sitri household.

For the Underworld... It was less exciting than I thought, I mean... sure, there were weird looking threes here and there but... besides the sky which looks different colored than the one I am used to, this just looked like a foreign country, Urakyoto looked more wondrous to me. Although I might be slightly partial to one side, considering my procedence. But you can't blame me here, I was expecting the flying islands I read in the Canon. Sadly none of them are in sight. Perhaps a closer look into one of cities might change my mind later.

In the case of Grayfia-san, she does look like I imagined, a beautiful young woman. She is slightly smaller than Kaa-san, but still tall overral, with silver hair and red eyes. Her hair is long enough to reach her back which she keeps in two long braids at the front with even longer twin braids in back. Her blue and white long sleeved French maid outfit also stands out a lot.

Maids are life.

Well, she is attractive so there is no way that she will look bad... this is why attractive people are my ban. Wait, Kaa-san is rather beautiful too... perhaps I will be good looking!?, nah... genetic always screw up at times like this.

Having nonchalant thoughts I kept myself distracted from the really uncomfortable silence that the two young looking women made.

Even though I expected this after the comment from before we teleported... this is hard to take.

Even when I try to push a topic of conversation like...

"Should we take a chance later to look around? There are many places that seem interesting around here". I asked.

"Why here? I can take you to more interesting places later". Sourly answered Kaa-san.

Aaaargh, why are you making this so hard?. And you even told me before how you wanted me to be more strong before leaving Urakyoto to look around just the other day. Although we were in the Underworld right now.

As expected... the third party here did not take it nicely.

"Nora-kun, if you would like I could give you a tour, there are many interesting places to look around here". Offered 'kindly' Grayfia-san.

Why are you acting so different from your Canon self all of sudden?. I know that as a maid, and as the queen of the peerage from that overpowered Maou, you don't have much free time to spare.

You were suppose to be very throughly about your duties... but now...

I am not such a fool to believe that this a sudden rush of affection. This is to get back at Kaa-san comment from before, she would get angry if her son took someone else's side.

Any kind of answer will piss off the other party. This is a too high-level ordeal for me.



My salvation came in form of the mansion of the Sitri household.

Never in my life I felt such an appreciation for a building.


I just changed to the topic to what was now on sight.

A pretty big western styled mansion. That pretty much explains what I was seeing.

We finally arrived after a few minutes of walking.

Kaa-san, true to her desire to leave as soon as possible asked to be taken to meet the requester. I, being concerned about her possible reactions, of course, followed along... but against all probabilities...

They got along... thanks to my sacrifice(?).



"Isn't he cute? Isn't he soft? Look look!". Said Kaa-san while raising... me, in my cat form.

This is a nightmare.

"Kuh... You win... now let me pet him too". Said a slight dignified voice.

Kaa-san, in a rare moment of 'open-mindness' handed me to the person who asked her that.

"He is the son I am proud of!" Declared Kaa-san.

I would be happy if the reason for those words was not this... hellish situation.

The worst is that I kinda enjoy being cuddled as of late... my pride being crushed might had to do with it though.

Now in the hands of the other party. She began petting my head... not bad lady, you got talent.

In the room we were taken, only three people and me(in cat form) were talking(I'm being cuddled though).

Grayfia-san is currently placing tea of some probably expensive blend on the table, while peeking here now and then.

Kaa-san is smugly crossing her arms in a satisfied manner while observing me.

And... the remaining party who has me in her arms, Venelana Gremory is... well, petting me.

I was a little surprised at this but I decided to stop caring since I already met Maid-san. It was a certain possibility considering how she is here, it was either her, the Red-haired Maou... or that Red-haired Princess.

But really, what's wrong with the high-specs of the people I met so far...

She has flaxen hair that reach slightly bellow the shoulder and purple eyes. I think the purple eyes are one of features of her family.... She is wearing a purple colored strapless dress that reach until her knees. Although it has a simple looking design, it fits her perfectly.

This lady here, as easy going as she looks cuddling me... is kinda scary.

You should not consider her outer look, but inside of her head.

When Kaa-san entered the room, she immediately asked for the details of the business, and when I thought that perhaps we would have a second coming of Grayfia-san in our hands... this woman, Venelana just brushed off the hostilities and started a different topic. Changing topics for a while with a smile on her face, she led the conversation until Kaa-san was more of less calm. Then, as a critical hit, she started talking about her children, and while this could've been ignored by Kaa-san, they somehow started talking about who had the most adorable child. It was insane how the topic got there.

Out of nowhere Venelana-san got pictures of her children when they were smaller. This was the starting point of a competition in that area... which I only won after changing into a cat after Kaa-san urgings.

Really scary, they became really friendly rather quickly.

You should never underestimate a devil, and not to mention a female devil noble who has dealt with all kind of troublesome people. While she might look like this, she has lived much longer than I can imagine.

I think she is scary, but I am grateful for her efforts.

She might have not done this for Kaa-san's sake, but she is having fun. From what I can tell while she is near me, there are not many people she can call friend.

I have an idea why the topics did not touch the heart of the matter. Perhaps it is because of me.

The Gremory lady is abstaining from talking while I am present.

It makes me slightly curious but I can ask Kaa-san later.

Although... we are suppose to be in the Sitri household, but I have not seen any of the members of the family here so far. Maybe they left for today?. Too bad, I was kind of curious of the appearance of the parents of that Student Council President and Magical Girl.

Maybe I should leave for a while to see if they start talking about the topic. Yes, for that reason.

It is certainly not because while I was lost in thought, I was passed to Grayfia-san's hands and then to Venelana-san's a couple of times. Yeah, it is not.

Freedom is overrated.

∆ Part 2

Asking for a breather was easier than I thought, making me think that the idea about waiting for to leave to really start the real topic might be true.

Although, I truly did not expect meeting these two here.

Who was the idiot that said something about they not being here? Ah, that was me all along.

Grayfia-san guided me to another room but there... we're already two people(devils) already.

I wanted to change locations but the Maid-san just closed the door behind my back leaving me with the two.

Without noticing me, the two seemed to be absorbed in a game of chess.

"Sona-chan, that's not fair!". Complained one of the two people(devils).

With long Crimson hair and a strand of hair standing strong a top of her head(called ahoge), and blue eyes. Different from her buxom figure in the future, the current her is but a child. Using the word beautiful would not fit the current her, but rather cute. Wearing a light pink dress... Rias Gremory.

"It is not unfair, the rules of the game say that you can do that, Rias". Explained the other person(devil).

Black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes, wearing purple framed glasses. Another person(devil) also different from her adolescent version in the canon, now a child wearing a blue dress with few frills in the design. Like her friend, beautiful does fit to describe her child form. The word cute is what fits the most. Sona Sitri.

"Ehh? Why are you calling me Rias? I like it more when you call me Rias-chan...". Said the young Rias.

What the heck? I am meeting too many canon characters at once...

Is it because I spent so much time living secluded with Kaa-san that these meetings came all at once?.

"We need to act more befitting to our role as heirs of our clans and families. I certainly do not do it because I am feeling shy when you call me like that in public". Said the young Sona.

Little girl... your true thoughts just leaked.

But, to think I would witness the child version, no, the loli version of these two.

The description from their respective sis-con brother and sister were true, they are rather adorable.

So far, the canon characters I met were extremely similar to their counter-part in novel, appearence-wise though... only that. Meeting them was a 'novel' experience if you get what I mean. But this time I get to see a new side from these two.

Really, life here can be pretty interesting.

Seeing new sights seems like worth to pursue goal.

Doing that should be fun.

But, these two sure get absorbed in their bickering. They still have not noticed me... and continue to talk among themselves.

"To begin with Rias, you need to learn more about the game before you-". Sona... Hmm, Sona-chan was going to lecture Rias-chan when she turned to me and made eye contact, stoping talking.

Widening her eyes in surprise, she just stared this way without saying a word.

Now I feel bad. I wonder if I scared her. If suddenly you find a stranger staring at you inside the room with you, and you don't know how he got there... yeah, scary.

"What is it? Sona-chan, you just suddenly went...". Said Rias-chan after noticing her silent friend, turning her sights my way... she also stared at me with wide eyes.

Well, this is awkward.

"...Hi there". I said while raising a hand.

The first one to recover her bearings was... Sona-chan.

Wait... Should I use '-san' for these two instead of '-chan'?.

"...Who are you? Are you-". She started questioning me but was interrupted by Rias-chan.

"It's a Youkai, look Sona-chan, he has a tail and cat ears". Said excitedly Rias-chan.

Hmmmm? Tail? Cat ears?.

Moving my hands to confirm that... Yeah, they are out.

I seem to have forgotten to hide them after the whole cat-form-and-cuddling situation.

Funny thing how I got used to have them in this life, when I just became aware of them I could not help but be conscious of them and feel every little movement, but now days I just accept as a normal part of my body and don't pay too much attention to it unless I focus into moving or feeling their changes.

Quickly hiding my Nekomatas traits with Youjutsu I turn to face the two girls in front of me.

"Awww, the ears are gone". Said Rias-chan with mild surprise and disappointment.

Glad that you are at least having fun.

"Rias, wait... I have never seen him before in the mansion, and you did not bring any servant with you having a similar description. You can't carelessly approach him". Said Sona-chan while taking Rias-chan's hand and backing off.

Oh... so she had a good head on her shoulders since young age.

"I know, I know... It's just that it is really rare to meet a Youkai at the Underworld". Said Rias-chan.

She was always carefree compared to Sona-chan, but from the signal of danger I am feeling from one of her hands... she must be preparing in case I am really a suspicious person.

That is not a bad idea.

But... this room is not that big so I could reach them rather quickly if I tried. Instead of facing an unknown person, you should call for help, little girls.

While those two backed away, I wondered what to do to dispelled this atmosphere.

"If I say that I am not a suspicious person... Would you believe me?". I tried asking just in case.

I could see both of them shaking their heads...

Yeah, figures.



Things were awkward for a while until my silver haired savior came.

Grayfia-san, the cause of this situation, just nonchalantly came carrying a tray with snacks and tea for the young girls and I. Apparently that is why she left after dropping me here.

I had my complains, but the snacks were good and no harm came to me. I kinda feels like I was being tested somehow but the feelings was just faint.

After clearing my identity as a guest, the two girls apologized.

Not much they could do about it, I was pretty suspicious to suddenly appear, not to mention that I never let them know of my presence until they found me.

With that out of the way... Grayfia-san just left to take care of her duties... whatever those were.

I was left alone with the girls alone again, and without much to do... I joined them in a match of chess.

Currently, I was sitting on a sofa by myself, a table was in front of me, placed on top of it there was a chessboard. On the other side, seated on a sofa too, were Rias-chan and Sona-chan facing me.

The sitting arrangements came simply because their somewhat shyness to sit so close to a stranger like me, and while Rias-chan was curious about my traits as Youkai... she became focused on the game.

They were taking turns playing with me considering that they play with each other often.

Thankfully for me, I knew my way somewhat in chess... although I was far off from being a pro, I had experienced a good number of matches so I could put up a fight.

At the moment, I was facing Rias-chan.

"Hmmm, if I move here then the match will finish quickly, here too... and here too". Said Rias-chan while paying attention to each of her pieces.

While I think I was somewhat bullying her, I could not go easy on any of them, because when I tried it before, they got mad... although they were frustrated to lose too. It makes no sense.

To be honest, I am mostly relying on strategies from people I played in the past so this is not really my victory.

"No good, I am almost out of moves". Said Rias-chan.

Oh, the guilt.

By Rias-chan side, Sona-chan seemed to pay attention to the board too.

This game is close to finishing so she might be trying to learn about my strategy to use it during her turn.

Talk about hard working.

With time to spare I start to look around the room, but quickly lost interest. Everything looks luxurious, but there is nothing that I find interesting.

I wonder if there is a library around here. Although I have tested somewhat the ability to understand a good number of languages, I would like to see how it would fare with books written in tongues from the devils. He(?) mentioned that I would be understand all languages here but... He(?) is rather unreliable sometimes.

Even the other ability that he gave me is too hard to use often.

But, back to the library... if I ask the girls, they would not deny me of that information right?.

Can't deny the possibility of them doing it for reasons like preventing me from reading some important family-only related books though.

"Excuse me... Do you have a library around here? I am curious about what kind of books you have here...". I tried asking.

"Library, is it? We have one but...". Answered Sona-chan while looking at the board.

She must be worried about interrupting her friend's match.

Said friend though...

"That's right! I forgot. The book I told you about before... I had left it there for you to read later but we can go now to look for it". Vigorously stood up and said.

"But what about the game...?". Asked Sona-chan.

She does really care about it huh.

"Let's leave it like for the moment, we can continue after coming back. I will show you the book first, I am sure you will like it". Cheerfully said Rias-chan after thinking for a short moment.

Not like I really mind but... we are coming back to play huh.

"*Sigh* Very well, follow me, Shiki-san. I will lead you there". Said Sona-chan.

She sighed at that but still followed Rias-chan idea to go there at once.

I could only sigh at that too.



At the library I opened different books to take to test if I could read and it worked perfectly.

While I tested that on a few more books I could not help but to listen to the pair's conversation.

"This is the book, it became pretty famous in the human world. The Author, Kuroneko has also published light novels and mangas too, I read all his works". Rias-chan proudly explained.

*Dropping book noises*

The devil duo turned to the source of the noise.

"Are you ok?". Asked worriedly Rias-chan.

While she did not say anything, Sona-chan was also looking with concerned eyes at...

Me, who dropped the book on his foot.

Ouch... It is quite heavy.

"It's ok... I thought the book was going to be lighter and it slipped off my finger when I was reaching for it". I answered.

"Do be careful, they can be pretty heavy sometimes...". Said Sona-chan after she heard that I was fine.

Rias-chan also stopped looking this was a kept cheerfully telling her friend about the book.

Back to me though, what I said was a...

Lie. I can break regular logs if I want to, this book is nothing. I dropped the damn thing after I heard what they were talking about.

Kuroneko is the creative(it isn't) pseudonym I chose to publish my original stories. Only my original stories. The light novels and manga were suppose to be published under another pseudonym... but this is... damn, Kaa-san and Yasaka-san had a hand on this.

I hardly deal with the people working in those areas, I only write the manuscripts... the closest think I had to do with the publishing process was during those meetings regarding the manga adaptations.

Those two... I would eventually found out, were you even trying to hide it forever?.

Besides, I am surprised that one of the copies ended up here... even my original one. Well, Kaa-san mentioned how it became popular with kids.

Rias-chan, good job!.

Such a good kid is spreading the word about my book, I should reward her by... Hmmm... giving her a sign?. She does likes the book...

Wait, I recall this girl liked Japan a lot so... japanese sweets would be good.

As I keep having random thoughts I heard them speaking.

"It is unusual to hear you talk so much about a book these day, perhaps I should buy one too". Said Sona-chan while opening the book to take a look.

Once again, Rias-chan good job!.

Now this girl will buy one too... sweets for you too.

Like this... more and more people(devils) will come to know about it. Should I make a manga version?.

Well, I am happy that people liked my work so I will just leave it at that for now.

"Rias, there is no such a thing nearby...". I could hear Sona-chan troubled voice.

Wait, what?. Wasn't she defeated by Rias-chan sales pitch and started reading the book?.

"There is, I heard the maids of the mansion talking about it. Let's go and take a look". Insisted Rias-chan.

What happened to your sales pitch?.

"Rias, I don't think you should believe in those rumors. It is true that we have a big forest just out of the mansion, but there is no treasure to be found". Said Sona-chan.

You tell her, girl! And the start reading again... then get hooked and buy the bo- wait... What are they talking about?.

"Sona-chan, let's just take a look... Please?". Rias-chan said pitifully while putting her hands together, and lowering her head a bit... even her ahoge seems crest fallen.

The heck, how do you do that?. Can you move it on your own... how unrealistic... No, never mind. This is not my previous world.

"Rias.... You... *Sigh*, let me ask you this. I just did a quick read and don't know many details but... You wanting to go... Is it related to this book?". Said Sona-chan while pushing her glasses and using a stern gaze to question Rias-chan.

"Urgh... Nooo?". Said Rias-chan while avoiding eye contact.

It does sound that way if you act like that little girl.

Although... I did not think about what kind of influence it might bring to other people who read it. Well, I did not even think it would sell this well either.

At her answer Sona-chan narrowed her eyes.

"So, you don't want to 'look for a treasures' because the book is about that particular theme then?". Said Sona-chan.

Her question sent Rias-chan into panic.

"Eh? Uh... maybe?". Confesed Rias-chan after giving up at the pressure that the gaze of Sona-chan was releasing.

You gave up fast little miss.

"You also said that we should go alone? You know that it is reckless to do so". Sona-chan continued questioning Rias-chan.

On the other hand, Rias-chan was not sure what answer, her eyes were darting left and right in hopes to find some help.

Oh no, this is no good.

I try to turn my head again to pay attention to the book in hopes that I don't get involved. But my green eyes met certain miss blue eyes, and the effect was as I expected.

She opened her wide, and seemed to regain her vigor, heck, even that damn ahoge was standing proud.

With a beaming smile, she started to talk.

"We will not go alone, he will come with us". Rias-chan proclaimed.

What about asking me first?.

"Shiki-san will? But he never said that". Asked Sona-chan, finally lowering the hand that was raising her glasses.

Her stern gaze softened and her tone was filled with doubt.

Turning to me, Rias-chan included me in the conversation by asking me something which basically did not give me freedom to chose.

"You are coming with us, right? Great". Rias-chan said in a high-spirited voice without waiting for me to answer.

"Rias... *Sigh* I am sorry that you got dragged into this, but would you mind coming with us? I am not sure about that 'treasure' but going to take a look is the only thing that will calm her down now that she is like that. The forest is a few minutes walking from the mansion". Exasperated at her friend's action, Sona-chan decided convince me instead.

As loli she might look, but she does have a responsible personality. Although she also wants me to come with along.

Well, I don't have to think to deeply at this.

They are both nice girls, and we might become friends in the future.

Coming here today, I thought of taking advantage to form a good tie for the sake of Kaa-san and Yasaka-san, but I don't think my councious would stand using these two for that.

Due my lack of response, Rias-chan came closer to me and waved her hand in front of my face.

"Are you ok? Are you not feeling well?". Asked the Crimson-haired girl with eyes filled with concern.

Even though she might act somewhat spoiled, she does put others well being first. She does stick to her nature in the canon.

While not saying anything, the bespectacled was looking at me the same way.

"No, I am fine. Do lead the way, I will follow you". I said with a slightly smile to dispel their worries.

I am suppose to be the adult here.

"Great, I will take you there then". Said Rias-chan cheerfully while taking my hand and Sona-chan's hand, then dragging us.

I could only smiled wryly at that.

While being dragged I turned to look besides me and found someone with a similar expression.

We both laughed at that.

Really, I might be an adult, but I could not help to remember those times when I was a kid and could play around often. Those times of pure freedom are slightly foggy but the feeling is something I won't forget because it was before that happened.

A child like innocence is something you lose real quick. Even in this new life, I did not use my time to play around like the child I look like, but that is why I think that I could play along with them for now, eventually, this will become a fond memory.

I am doing this because I was slightly nostalgic of my past, that I can't deny.

Yet, instead of the feelings of the past, I would like this to be a memory of the present.

I don't know if I will meet them again after all. Not that I would be against it.


After getting out the mansion, we were walking to the location of the 'treasure' mentioned by Rias-chan.

Talking about the way I refer to them... it is something they decided after we started to play chest.

Rias-chan was quite eager to be called by her name in close manner, thus she became Rias-chan, wanting to call me in the same manner. At least while we play, I think if something official cames up, I need to use the whole 'Gremory' thing.

Regarding Sona-chan though... She was more reserved calling me 'Shiki-san'. Well, she did allow me to call her by her name... but not use '-chan'.

I think that this is mostly because she is shy, but her education as a noble might have to do with it.

Nonchantly having such a thoughts kept me busy for good part of the way.

As we entered this forest, the young misses were in high spirits(well, Sona-chan won't admit it)... Although Rias-chan was not completely sure of the place we should go.

One thing is to hear about a place but another one is to be able to get there based on hearing about it, particular to this situation, it was a rumor so the weight of the information was somewhat weak.

She still kept a high tension talking about this and that, but now they are tired and don't feel like talking too much.

Just in case... I should lend a hand to those two.

I can't exactly cure wounds at the same level as Kaa-san but restoring fatigue is simple enough.

"Wait you two, I think we should take a rest". I said to make them stop.

Both of them did not even question what I said and stopped.

Adventures and the like are not always sunshine and rainbows, but you can't expect that two children will know about it. Traveling around requires a lot of stamina, which these two are lacking.

But that is ok.

At times like this you would normally want to back, but the two friends-and-rival duo are quite stubborn and won't stop that easily.

That is no good.

But with me here, things change for a bit.

I walk closer to them, enough to reach them with my hands.

When treating someone, you can raise the efficiency by making contact with wounded area, that is mostly the case with normal Senjutsu users.

But Kaa-san goes beyond that with her long distance healing... And while the efficiency would drop somewhat, she is skilled enough in her craft to make the difference almost nill.

In my case, I can barely treat someone a few meters from me. And it only works on fatigue for now.

In this opportunity, I went with regular fatigue relief with physical contact. No need to make an extra effort when there is no need.

Although I will only touch one place, the hands. There is no need to do more than that anyways.

Extending my hand, none of them reacted to my gesture.

Well... that was awkward.

"Would you lend me your hands for a moment?". I asked slightly embarrassed.

Really, when the other party doesn't react and leaves you hanging... It's kind of embarassing.

While the usually cautious Sona-chan did not move her hand, the curious Rias-chan did it without thinking much about it.

Upon contact I start sending strands of Ki into her.

She widened her eyes as soon that felt the changes, she glanced at her hand then to my face with a surprised face.

"Amazing... Is this a youkai's technique?". She asked while still being surprised by the effects.

Finishing the process, I released her hand.

"That's right, although I did not do anything complicated, just relieving you of your tiredness. This should make it easier for you girls to keep moving forward". I explained.

I once again extended my hand to Sona-chan, who took it this time.

I repeated the same process as before.

The bespectacled girl just blinked in wonder as response to the feeling of Ki.

Done with the process, I released her hand.

Both of them kept opening and closing their hands, the lingering feeling perhaps was still there.

I do recall how I reacted when Kaa-san used it the first time so I understand their reactions.

"Say there... Have you heard of the Evil pieces?". Asked Sona-chan after a moment of silence.

Sure do.

"Ah, that's not fair, I also wanted to talk him about it". Protested Rias-chan.

Yeah, this is going to be a sales pitch of joining their peerages.

At times like this...

"Shouldn't we continue walking? We don't have all day". I said trying to change the subject.

"I guess so...". Rias-chan agreed with me.

Ah... so gullible, she is so naive and adorable now... to think that she becomes a buxom onee-san type in the future. Life is such a mystery.

"Hmm, you are right... but let's continue when we get back". Said Sona-chan with her eyes narrowed while she adjusted her glasses.

This one knows that I wanted to change subject.

Smiling bitterly at that I just started to think what to say later.



Walking for a little more, we came before an open space.

A small wooden hut was located just in the middle.

For some reason I felt slightly discomfort at this sight.

I raised my alertness somewhat, and started to look around. With no luck, I started to spread my Ki around to sense the surrounding space.

I think I caught a presence but...

"This has to be the place, it just as the rumors". Said Rias-chan excitedly.

Without any sense of danger whatsoever, she headed to the hut.

"Wait, Rias. I don't recall a building like this being here before. Let's go back, this is a bad idea". Sona-chan said, trying to convince her friend.

But said friend did not stop so she went after her and as she grabbed her hand to stop her...

A magic circle appeared below them.

As soon as I saw that, I dashed at them with all I could.

This situation looked really bad, but I could worry about that later. Because the feeling I got from the magic circle is somewhat similar to the one where used before coming here.

I felt a chill at that possibility.

I really could dashed the other way, that would've been the safest and most rational choice but... I have never been the rational type.

They are good girls, and I don't want anything bad to happen to them.

At the moment, I was not thinking about their status as canon main characters... no, I knew it at all along, but I kept denying it. I was treating them as if they were only characters of the light novel, but they were not. They were people(devils) of flesh and blood.

When a crisis strikes, many curious things happen, like now, when even though a great number of thoughts went through my head, the time outside moved really slowly.

One step, two steps... I kept getting closer but it looked so slow to me.

But, I made it. I managed to get a hold of them.

Taking them by their wrists, I prepared to flee somewhere else at full speed, but sadly, the magic circle activated at that time. Without any other options, I took something out hidden on a secret pocket of my sleeve and crushed it.

Hoping that it worked, light started to cover my vision.

I glanced at the possible culprit this time and saw a young woman with maid dress, but there was something uncanny about her... there was some sort of strands of black smoke coming out of her, but before I could observe more the scenary completely changed.

We are now standing on some sort forest I think(the trees in the Underworld have some differences to the ones I have seen so far), but it was not the same place that we were before.

"Are you girls ok?". I asked the devil duo.

Both girls were slightly out of it but recovered quickly.

"What happened?". Asked Rias-chan while glancing around.

Well, she seems ok.

"A teleportation magic circle sent us somewhere". Answered Sona-chan to her clueless friend.

She also seemed fine... look, she even took off her glasses and wiping them.

Sona-chan is really the cool type huh.

Confirming their safety, I continue to glance our surroundings.

Now then... What to do?.

I used the token Yasaka-san gave me before, or rather, gave us. Kaa-san has one too.

They are made of wood, carrying a number of enchantments engraved. The one I broke was made easy to be destroyed to accomplish its job.

Considering the nature of the request this time, we came somewhat prepared for a couple of situations, one them included getting separated and in trouble. Truly a common possibility, but worth preparing for.

We even have one that can track our whereabouts... but the thing is that if they can locate us.

The token is not all powerful, the further the distance, the less accurate it gives the location.

It is quite complex so making one is hard, Yasaka-san wanted that we carefully kept them in one piece.

Thankfully I have these tokens with me.

They were prepared in case that the people who wanted to harm Kaa-san showed up.

And although they were not used for their true purpose... they still will do the job.

Breaking one let's the other know of the danger, but it will not be a specified warning.

I do wonder how Kaa-san is doing now. She is the only one I can truly trust out here.


At the previous location of Nora, Rias and Sona.

A young woman could be seen standing still while looking at the fading magic circle.

She was wearing a maid outfit.

The uncanny about her presence was the the strands of black smoke coming out her.

She kept staring for a while longer before speaking to herself outloud.

"This is somewhat different from what he said the plan would go... That kid was not suppose to be here. Well, not much I can do about that now. Using too much power just now broke the concealment magic, they will be coming here soon... I should leave this body or they might catch me, but I won't make it easy for them...". Said the maid in an emotionless tone of voice.

With a wave of her hand, the magic circle was destroyed.

With that done...

Suddenly, she felt forward, like a puppet who's strings were cut, she did not move.

The smoke was no more and silence returned to the place.

∆ Part 3

A little after Nora leaves the room guided by Grayfia, the remaining parties, Saya and Venelana, continued talking about their children for while.

However, the atmosphere changed when one of parties, decided to speak about the subject they intended to talk in the meeting originally.

"Now that we are alone, I would like to explain the reason why I want to ask for your services this time". Seriously said the flaxen haired woman, Venelana.

"You could've talked about this with my son here, although he might not look like it, he is very talented in my craft. But considering you waited for him to leave... I take that this won't be something easy to deal with". Said the black haired woman, Saya.

"It's simply because the topic is not particularly of good influence for children". Replied Venelana.

Saya thought about the mental age of her son and could help to wryly smile at the other's party consideration. She was thankful of course, but she was thinking how Venelana would be feel if she told her about Nora's circumstances after she took the precaution of him leaving. Then again, it was just a thought, that was her son's secret and she would keep it for him.

"I see. Then do explain to me what is it that you want from me". Said Saya.

Even though she found talking with Venelana enjoyable, much more than with that maid. It was important to separate private matters from work.

Having dealt with different factions a couple of times in the past already, she knew that going straight to point was important in order to avoid falling into the other party's pace. Although she slightly forgot how she fell into the other woman's pace after arriving at the room. Proving once more that she could be quite careless.

At her words that sounded somewhat harsh, Venelana did not change her expression since she did her research about the other party acttitude when dealing with Non-youkai requesters.

"Have you heard of the 'Devil Sleeping Disease'?". Asked Venelana.

"I have heard of it, it's a disease that cause devils to fall into a deep sleep which is similar to a coma... the origin is not something I know since I do not deal with devils that much". Replied Saya with a frown on her face.

Even while not getting involved with the devils too much, Saya had heard about it... but only that. Since it was mentioned just now then this request is most likely related to it.

"That's right. Although the causes are not completely clear, there are several cases where devils get sick because their physical state deteriorates too much. The reason I called you is because I want you to treat someone who recently fell victim to that disease". Explained Venelana.

As Saya expected the request had to do with the disease mentioned before.

The question was, why did Venelana need Nora to leave if that's all the request was about?. The only possibility was that there was more to it and...

"As you might've guessed, there is a troublesome aspect in my request, besides treating the person(devil) in question, access to the patient will have to go through rather unconventional methods... you could say that going as far as being in secret". Explained Venelana.

That sounds 'troublesome' indeed but there had to be something else.

The lady in front of Saya was from the Gremory house, a devil household with great influence. To say the words 'in secret', makes you wonder... secret from whom?.

"You should elaborate some more, I don't plan to accept if you start hiding things from me". Said Saya narrowing her eyes.

Venelana could see how displeased was the woman seated in front of her, and so... she explained all about it.

There was no need to hide it if this would cause the other party to leave, Venelana did ask for her presence for a reason.

The story of why it had to be done like that was rather simple in structure but did take a long while to explain.

It all started when her younger brother who is the Lord of the Bael household, banished his wife to the country side because she had given birth to a child that did not have the Bael clan distinctive Power of Destruction. She who had a great relationship with her sister-in-law tried to bring her into the Gremory family but was prevented from doings so by the Bael clan.

Since the birth of the child, her nephew. Both were shunned in the clan, having no allies in that family made harder her life. But the tragedy striked when her sister-in-law had a decline in health until she felt into a coma.

During that time, she tried different methods to aid her but most of them were prevented by the Bael clan.



Concluding the explaination both women remained silent.

The first to break the silence was Saya.

"I understand the request, and I accept. But there is something I find difficult in all this... I am not sure if I can treat it. Besides, I need to meet the patient before doing anything, and from what you said it.. that is a very difficult thing to do". Said Saya.

Her reason for accepting even when the request seems hard is for pure sympathy. She feels bad for that woman. Although as a doctor she hardly ever turns down treating a patient, the only cases where she does so is because she does not have the ability to treat them or she knows other people who are better than her at treating that particular case. She is by no means almighty, she knows several people who specialise in treating unique cases and she will not hesitate to send a person to them if she believes that they might do a better job.

"That is something I have taken care of. Through trial and failure I found a way to create a secure route secret from the Baels where I can give some help to my sister-in-law and nephew. Regarding you treating her, I am extremely thankful. I am also aware of the difficult challenge it represents. There are not known effective methods to treat that disease, but I have to keep trying for the sake of not only my sister-in-law but my nephew too". Spoke Venelana.

Saya was not found of devils, but she has to admit that she could get along well with Venelana.

She had heard before of how friendly and kind the Gremory were, but she denied to believe any of that due her extreme dislike of devils.

Now, she had the chance to witness how wrong she was.

Really, her son helped her to make the right choice at coming here.

While she was thinking of her son, she felt something on her sleeve. Quickly taking it out, she saw the wooden token given her friend to keep an eye on Nora(she was told that), sending a signal that she did not want to see.

This signal meaning that her son was in trouble.

At the same time, the door opened and a maid came flustered to inform something to Venelana.

"Venelana-sama, we can't-". The maid stopped mid sentence after noticing Saya.

"You can speak in her presence". Said Venelana after seeing her stop.

I was not interested in what she might say because she had to find Nora but before Saya could stand up...

"Rias-sama, Sona-chan and Nora-sama are missing. Grayfia-sama found some traces of their tracks and she is on her way to look for them". Explained the maid in one breath.

Saya could not believe that it was that simple, her child would not make use of the token for something like getting lost or just play a prank after hiding somewhere.

"Is that all?". Clearly Venelana could tell that there was something else going on.

"Well...". The maid still found it hard to speak about the rest in front of an outsider like Saya.

"That's her child how is missing too, you can speak without minding anything else". Reminded Venelana.

The maid seemed to finally leave behind any restrain and...

"We found several of the staff suffering from effects of brainwashing, after finding about this Graifya-sama started to investigate the situation. She also sent staff to confirm the safety of the children but they were not found in the room they were left playing together. We searched everywhere and did not find them here. Grayfia-sama started questioning the staff but none of them had recollection of seeing them go anywhere. She immediately sent me here to report while she went along some others to search the surroundings". Said the maid in no time.

Saya could see how Venelana bit her lips in frustration, even she was tightening her fist pretty hard.

She was feeling a great deal of worry, but above all, she felt rage, at herself, at the devils, at everyone who was responsable for this.

But she kept it to herself.

It is not time to lash out.

She is not suppose to blame others like that.

Doing her best to calm down, she started to think rationally.

Nora has certain level of strenght, if he was taken in the mansion, he would've done something besides using the token.

They did not mention any kind of damage due a fight, and if it had happened they would've been able to heard about it sooner.

They left the mansion peacefully on their own or with some else.

The last statement is not possible for Nora.

He would not go with strangers like that.

So they left in their own, but if he did that... he would only do so if he did not notice anything dangerous.

So they probably were unaware of what was happening in the mansion at that time.

Saya tightened her fist stronger.

Then where... Hmm?.

She remembered something that she missed due her rage.

There was another token.

She hastily brought it out.

The token was suppose to display a simple 'map' to find something if the distance was close. If the distance went more than certain point, it could still point a vague direction to follow.

There was no 'map' after she activated the token. Only an arrow pointing to a certain direction... meaning that Nora was pretty far.

She thought of going alone, but one look a Venelana made her hesitate. As a fellow mother... They should help each other.

"Venelana, listen to me". She called the flaxen haired woman.

∆ Part 4

Checking the token, the feature of the 'map' did not display anything more than an arrow point vaguely south of my location.

The distance between Kaa-san and me must rather large but at least not enough to lose the signal completely.

Turning to the two devils, they were each displaying a different reaction.

Sona-chan kept frowning while wiping her glasses. I originally thought that she was keeping her cool, but she has been doing that for a while know, enough to clean the glasses several times over. This is perhaps her way to calm herself down.

In Rias-chan case, she looked crest fallen after understanding the situation we were in. She probably feels guilty because she thinks this is her fault. Her emotion meter, the ahoge was expressing her mood pretty honestly by lying down. I still don't understand the logic behind that.

I would not be too hard with the girl. I am the adult here and I let this happening. I was overconfident because this was the main residence of the Sitri household. Besides, there was someone like Grayfia-san around.

But thinking about it, this looks way too bizarre to be a coincidence. That maid at the end, clearly looked abnormal.

Although those things can wait.

We need to keep ourselves safe.

I turn to face the two girls.

"You two, I know that this look bad. But, I think the help with come pretty soon. In the meantime, we should be careful of our surroundings. Working together here is important". I spoke slowly for them to take my words more easily.

I am not sure if I am capable of reassuring them with a motivational speech so I won't try that. Sadly my charisma is pretty low, using words was never my forte. But I can at least explain them what they can do to ease their anxiety.

"I am a Youkai, and while I am not master in any of the abilities that youkais have, I can still use some of them. Sensing my surroundings is one of them and something I can do, it's a skill that comes from Senjutsu. What can the two of you do?. I heard that devils can fly, Is that true?". I inquired.

While I explain it to them, I began to scan around us using Senjutsu. I am not sure how are the abilities of the two at this age.

While I remember that they were adept magicians, that is from the Canon. They are much younger now so I don't think they would be able to do the same.

Now, I need to consider them to be different beings that from the light novel, they are not characters to me anymore.

Using my knowledge as reference is the only thing I might do.

Interrupting my distracted self, they finally began talking starting from Sona-chan.

"I can fly but not too fast, I am still practicing. I can use the innate ability of the Sitri Clan which consist of Water Manipulation but it lacks power when there is no much water around, I can create some with magic but it will take some time". Explained Sona-chan after finally putting her glasses again.

Flying will come pretty handy, but as she said, there is no much water to control around.

"I can't fly yet but I can use the innate Power of Destruction from my family... Ah, but I can't control the power very well". Rias-chan timidly said after thinking for a while.

She has high firepower but no mobility, basically the oppositive of her friend.

Judging by her tone, she still feels guilty. It is odd to see her so meek.

"Rias-chan... You don't have to blame yourself for anything that happened. This is not your fault, I don't blame you for this and I know that your friend here does not either. You might've rushed at that time but that does not mean that it would've been different if you hadn't. Listen, I need you help now, the help of the cheerful Rias-chan". I tried coaxing her gently.

She was looking down when I started talking but at the end she seemed to regain some of her vigor.

"You are right... thanks". She said while slightly smiling.

Glad that it worked, kids have to be energic and not depressed.

Now then... It was just in time because I caught something coming this way during my scan.

Whatever it is... it feels disgusting.

I had to cut my scanning because the feeling it gave off started to make me sick.

Extending your Ki like that is a double edged sword at my current stage. You can get easily influenced... or perhaps that thing is really bad.

Just to confirm, I will take a look.

Glad that it will come in handy.

Back then, He(?) kept telling me to see but I could do nothing, but now I learned to use that ability to 'see' somewhat. As I am now, I can only use it for a few seconds even after practicing for a long time.

I could only come up with seeing through things... in this case, I can ignore the number of trees between that and me. That is why, I will try to identify what my Senjutsu caught up.

A moment later, I do it. Not only I can ignore the obstacles in front, I can also zoom in what I am seeing. Similar to clairvoyance's remote viewing... maybe I could do more, but I lack imagination to so.

What I saw was... well... a black hound?.

How to say this, it's pretty big.... forget about eating my hand in one bite... this one could eat my head like that. Almost two meter tall and four meters in length, black all over, and with red eyes. Around his body, strands of black smoke keep leaking... his tail looks pretty long, close to one meter. Overall, I can conclude that it is bad news. Really bad news.

Cold sweat covered my back as I imagined that thing close to me and...

The vision of the black hound gets cut, and sharp pain assaults my eyes. An small groan almost escaping my mouth.

I quickly cover my eyes due the pain.

Noticing my actions, the girls panic.

"Shiki-san, what happened?". Asked worriedly Sona-chan while she came close to examine me.

"Are you ok, Nora-chan?". Asked Rias-chan concerned while peeking at me from bellow.

Although it's heart warming to receive their concern... there is not time to waste.

"Listen, you two. We need to move now. There is something really dangerous coming the way I was looking just now. We must avoid that at all cost". I seriously said to the two.

Maybe they understood the seriousness of the situation from my voice but after sharing a glance for moment and nodding, both them quickly starting walking in the oppositive way... is not what happened. Before moving, they each took me from one hand and pulled me, taking me with them.

I felt slightly embarrassed but also grateful since I used that ability for more than I should use. It puts a strain into my body, or rather my head, and I can't move very well for a while.

I planned to ask for their assistance but they did it without me mentioning anything.

I should give them thank you gift after we get out of this one. I wonder if a signed book would make them happy.



After a few minutes of walking I felt much better and could walk on my own again, but not all was good news because we ran out of luck by finding the damned creature in front of us.

This is absurd, it was at a considerable distance, how did it catch up? No, it took a turn and came at us from our front?.

Damn it.

The devil duo besides me are getting paler and paler at the sight in front of us. None of them is saying a world.

Really, what an irony.

I liked dogs in my previous life... and dogs were suppose to be the man best friend. Now, I am a Nekomata, technically a cat.

Dog and cats do not get along that well.

We are doomed.

We really are out of luck.

Ah, ah... Can I go home now?.


The black hound started growling.

I will take that as its answer to my question. Probably meaning... No.