First fights are always hard...

∆ Part 1

Cat-like vertical green eyes glared at the blooshot red eyes

I could not move away.

The moment I did so... that thing would move.

I tried as slowly as possible to get a hold of the frozen devil duo. Grabbing them from the first place I could... the nape of their dresses. Thankfully I did not commit any crimes here.


The black hound kept growling in a threatening manner, but held itself back.

This thing is hostile, I don't need to use

Senjutsu to feel it's aura just to know that.

Preparing for the worst, I started to strengthen myself with what I am most familiar with... Senjutsu. I can use Touki as well, but I can't manage to use for long periods of time yet. Controling it is harder.

Uncounciously, I let my ears and tail appear again.

I usually had them out when I did mock-fights with Kaa-san so I might've do it because I am used to.

At that moment, I saw how it pounced at us at once.

I did not think it twice and while holding the two by the nape of their dresses, I jumped to the one side with all I had. And while I wanted to land safely to be able to evade again... I was not able to maintain the right posture at landing.

The fall was harsh since I could not balance very well while carrying these two.

We rolled on the ground for a bit before coming to a stop in front a tree.

"Argh...". I groaned.

"That hurt...". "Ouch..". Complained Rias-chan and Sona-chan.

Not only I failed to land well, I used too much force when jumping... which contributed to the fall.

It seems that the two girls were not the only ones affected by fear. I unknownly put more strength on my foot when I evaded.

That thing...

I can tell that it is not as strong as Kaa-san but the aura it has is giving me the chills. It is a simple feeling of not wanting to be near it.

I take a look at the place where we were standing a moment I found that thing with its jaw closed tightly at the spot were my body was.

Yeah, that's scary.

"Sona-chan, take Rias-chan with you and fly away". I said to the bespectacled devil.

I stand up while covering those two behind me. Hopefully I can't take that thing's attention from those two while they take off.

Once again I turn to that thing. While it might look like a black hound, the aura, and that black smoke makes me thing otherwise... It's size is another matter altogether.

I can't expect that the next time I will be able to evade while having those two with me.

I start thinking what to do. Beating this thing is not realistic, but fleeing is not going to be easy either.

"Wait, Sona-chan.... We can't just leave him there alone". I could hear Rias-chan voice.

Sona-chan is cool headed child, so I expected her to understand why I told her that.

There is no way she can carry two people while flying so one had to be taken while the other had to be left behind.

She might hesitate for a moment because of her kindness, but I told her to choose Rias-chan.

Looking at that thing, I know that she understand how much of bad news it is.

I will buy them a bit of time to get far from here before I start to run as well.


I decided to ignore anything else and focus on what is in front of me.

Evading on my own should be possible unless that thing can suddenly get stronger like in video games during boss battles.


A short growl was directed at me again.

Cat vs Dog, who is stronger?.

I will test it here.

It pounced at me again to which I evaded the same way as before, but this time landing on feet.

I started writing in the air a number of symbols, Youjutsu can be used with it, but that is only for very skilled users. A beginner like me, reduces the power too much if he tried to do so.

After I finish...

"". I chanted the name of the spell in a low tone of voice.

More than ten sharp and long shards of ice appeared on the air in front of me, before they were sent flying at the highest speed I could make them go.

But that thing moved to one side, making most of the icecles miss.

The ones that hit it were ineffective because they broke upon contact.

Damn it, even though I choose the weakest but with wide range of attack, it did nothing.


Other than enraging that thing.


It starts to madly dash in my direction with and even faster momentum than it initially had.

I uncounciously backed away at that sight, with my back hitting a tree.

That gave me an idea.

I waited for it to get closer before evading the same way as before.

The black hound ran into the tree, shattering it completely.

The sight made me sweat coldly. A hit from that will not be nice.

That seemed to slow down its movements for a moment after the hit, shaking its head left and right that thing seemed stunned.

Should I run now? I am not sure if I bought enough time for those two.

If I continue doing the same thing for a while I should be safe. Although it is very dangerous, it's movement pattern seem simple.

After regaining it's bearing again, it angrily turn to me and...

Charged at me.

I was already in position in case that it recovered fast, I had moved as soon as I evaded it before.

Things looked the same, so I just did the same thing.

Bad idea.

As soon as I moved from the tree, it stopped in place and send it's paw my way, along with the claws it had.

I only caught the attack from the corner of my eye, I instinctively used Touki the best I could. Aimed at my back, I could only twist my body slightly before the impact came.

I was sent flying, stoping only when I crashed into a tree.

My left arm and part of my back had claw wounds, which were not too deep thanks to using Touki at last minute. Otherwise, it would've been uglier.

As soon as I noticed my wounds, I started to send Ki to keep the wound from bleeding and worsening.

I wanted to use Senjutsu but that thing did not give me time.

Seeing me lying on the ground and bleeding it walked slowly, growling with each step it took.

I tried to sit using my other arm and wondered what could I do.

My eyes darted around for anything that could come handy but I could only see the pieces of the shattered tree on the ground along with a number of branches that broke when it fell. It gave me an idea.

I stood up as fast as I could.


It growled shortly at the sight of me standing up and was preparing to pounce on me.

I needed to evade it's charge but using the same method too often proved to be ineffective.

Writing symbols quickly in the air, I prepared to use a simple spell to help me do this successfully. This time I had to wait until it got even closer than with the icecicle, or it could just evade it.

"". I once again chanted.

One of the easiest to learn but most popular spell to use.

I had no doubts that something of that level would be ineffective... but my aim was it's face. I was planning to blind it for a moment.


The effect was the intented as it stopped in its tracks while growling from what I hope it's pain from damage, giving me a chance to dash successfully at the rest of the tree.

I kept losing blood but I was already doing my best to reduce the amount of it that dripped out of my body with Ki.

There was a slightly effect of healing the wound, but I could not focus on that at the moment. If I had time, I would use Senjutsu to close the wound as soon as possible. But that thing won't give me time.

Runing as fast a I could, I got at the place I wanted.

There were branches scattered everywhere.

I hastily started to arrange the ones I could use to prepare for that thing's arrival.


Which will be soon judging for the sound.

Taking a particular sturdy branch with a size a bit longer than my arm.

I am not sure if I bought enough time for the girls. But I won't be able to face this b*stard for any longer. My wound needs treatment or I will just be getting weaker because of it. If that thing takes advantage of that time and catch me off guard, I doubt I could avoid a direct hit.

It did not take long to come after me.

Come on, get closer... some more, a little more.

As the distance between us decreases, I prepared myself for what is to come.

Youjutsu was not effective on the outside, and trying to hit that thing with my bare hands is a ridiculous idea considering my wound. I also doubt that I would do enough damage anyways.

So I thought that I should try something different.


It is finally where I wanted it so the time to try my idea is now. I spread my Ki around as much as I can, covering the branches I set up before.

Senjutsu is the power to control the flow of life... and right now, I could use that to do the same I did in the fight with Kaa-san.

I don't need to control the output because I don't care about the safety of that thing.

Just make them strong, guide them with Ki to entangle that thing and give me an opening.

So... the numerous branches grew and grew, taking the back hound's movement away.


It growled at me even while trapped.

Bad idea...

I took that change when it's mouth opened and without hesitating, I thrusted a branch I had on my hand into the gap of its mouth and teeth.

Pouring a big amount of Ki... I made the branch grow inside it's mouth.


It first cried...

But latter rather shattering pain-filled growl was heard.


Black blood dripped from the wound inside its mouth.

Even while trapped it tried to free itself, and it partially did. I saw it's tail being set free... then with an absurd speed it hit like a whip from my left side, sending me flying at full speed until I crashed into a tree head first, then bouncing to fall on ground lying face down.

My wound opened up again from the hit.

I felt dizzy, my counciousness was barely there.

The attack came faster than I could react so it was a direct hit to the unprotected me.

If it's not because I already had my Senjutsu strengthening me somewhat, the hit could've killed me.

Jeez, why does everyone use their tail like they were whips... that's cheating...

I look up to see how he could hit me with the tail and finally noticed it covered in more strands of black smoke, it's length being much larger than I had seen it before. So it can strech it's tail too?. How unreasonable.

*Cough* *Cough*

I coughed some blood, and that movement made me wince from pain.

This looks really bad. It was engaged and trapped because I made those branches grow... but what kept it there was the strenghtened version of those. Losing my Ki... they weakened, finally setting it free.

Still bleeding somewhat, it turned to where I was... enraged.

I was doing my best to stand up but I would need some time to be able to do so.

I began sending my Healing Senjutsu to every part of my body, focusing on the place where I was hit and my head.

It takes time to heal myself, but I can't really move so there is no much choice.

Kaa-san really warned me before... how dangerous is to face an enemy for the first time. Lacking knowledge on its abilities is deadly.

"*Groan* I should been more careful... *Cough*". I groaned before muttering that weakly, although that made cough more blood again.

That thing was not coming here because is trying get that branch out its mouth. I really put almost all my Ki reserves there so the durability should be higher... That thing still did not die from that though.

Finally, the branch broke and that thing was able to focus on me again.

Coming this way... it seemed wary of me even if I was lying on the ground.

But it eventually reached where I was.

I saw it walk my way, but the damage was higher than I estimated originally.

My right hand managed to change my position from lying down to sitting down, but it was just a meter away from me.

I would not be able to evade it in my current position.

Many thoughts quickly went through my head, some blamed me for putting those girls safety before mine, how stupid it was... and how this was the result.

I could only bitterly smile at that.

I truly don't want any regrets in this life.

So I stopped thinking about those things.

I was not dead yet.

I gathered my remaining Ki to prepare for its attack but I stopped what I was doing...


That thing received a direct hit from its side.

It came in the form of something I only saw in a certain anime.

A burst of demonic power colored red and black... Or instead of red, Crimson.

I only know of one person(devil) who could be nearby and be able to use it.

I turned my head into the direction of that attack and found the devil duo flying.

Sona-chan is carrying Rias-chan, who was the one who attacked just now.

Those two...


A while back, after Nora started to fight the black hound.

A flying devil could be seen carrying another one who seemed to struggle from the former's grip.

"Release me, Sona-chan. We need to help him". Exclaimed the crimson haired devil, Rias.

Flying with much difficulty due Rias flailing her arms in sign of protest, the black haired devil, Sona, tries to calm down her friend.

"Calm down, Rias. Even if we stayed there, we would've been more of a dead weight for him". Explained Sona.

While she felt terrible leaving him behind, she knows her limitations. That thing terrified her. At that time, if not for Shiki-san's timely moving her and Rias out off the way, the first attack that thing did would've been enough to been enough to hurt them severely or even kill them.

Besides, devils might have much sturdier build and higher strength than humans, but there is a limit to that, not to mention that both Rias and her are still young. Never particularly trying to train their bodies, they were only slightly stronger than human children. How could they hope to match that thing?.

The biggest concern is how lacking she is in firepower, while her friend does not have a proper control of her Power of Destruction even though it has more than enough power.

They would do more harm than good if they stayed.

"But you saw that thing. It is too strong for him alone". Refuted Rias.

Sona, of course understood her point.

But even though it was like that, Shiki-san told her to take Rias and run. He might be able to run on his own or so she wants to think.

She was truly scared, feeling her powerless self back there did not feel good. But she not only feared her safety, her friend would be in danger if they stayed.

Many might refer to them as 'High-class' devils, but that is more of a title than the representation of their strenght.

In other words... they were weak.

The crimson haired devil, noticing how her best friend kept silent while biting her lips, seemed to understand how her friend felt.

Rias understood how naive she is. As a noble's daughter she has already caught a glimpse of the ugly side of people even though caring her parents and her doting Onii-sama try to keep her in the dark of such a thing at an early age.

But she believes that there is much more people who has a radiant heart than a dark heart.

That is why she can keep smiling brightly.

But now she can not do so.

She knows that Sona-chan is doing this for their own good, taking the heartless decision of running own their own... she is doing it because she wants to protect her. Acting cool and collected is just so she does not blame herself... but Rias know how kind her friend is and how this decision will cause her pain.

But that is not all.

She might've met Nora-chan today, but they already became friends in a short time. He acted somewhat reserved at the beginning but they later hit off while playing chess, he was even considerate of their feelings while playing, going easy on them during their matches. Something that made her and Sona-chan somewhat mad. He probably did it without any bad intentions.

Sometimes he might say something weird like the words he said when they met. Really, who would ask if they believed him not being suspicious when he suddenly appeared like that?.

Not to mention how he went along with her reckless outing.

She can't help but to smile wrily.

In her family is normal to deeply care for their friends and servants. You could say it is their pride to see those close to them happy.

That is why, for the sake of her best friend Sona-chan, for the sake of her new friend Nora-chan... They have to go back for him.

She might be naive... but that is what she think.

With a new found resolution...

"Sona-chan... We need to stop. I know what you are thinking. But we can't leave just like this". Seriously said Rias.

The black haired devil just kept flying, she did not bother to reply.

"We might've met him today... but he is already our friend. There has to be something we can do for him. If... if I try hard enough, I think I can use my Power of Destruction to help him. There is no need to fight that thing with our fists". Reasoned Rias.

At the word 'friend', she seemed to lower her flying speed. Sona knew what her friend meant to say when she called Shiki-san, their 'friend'.

Both of them have always disliked how a great deal of High-class devils behave towards their people. It is an extremely cold treatment that some are subjected to. Acting based only on profit, they can abandon their allies and friends if the situation calls for it.

This is one of the reasons why she became friends with Rias. Besides the good relationship their parents share, the two of them found their personalities really likeable. And while she finds the crimson haired somewhat selfish, Rias is someone who cares for other people well being as much as her. While also having many things in common like their interest in books and the like.

Coming to a stop, Sona seemed to struggle deciding what to do.

Anxiousness mixed with fear is what she felt right now.

"I... I... you might be right...". Started talking Sona.

Ross just waited for her friend to continue talking without saying a word.

"But... Isn't it too late? He might be disappointed of me because I left him alone...". Said Sona.

The black haired devil forgot for a moment that Nora was the one that told her to take Rias and leave. Even though she might try to keep a cool head, she is still just a child who is feeling insecure about all that happened.

Although his well being weighted on her mind, she seemed more afraid of the reaction her new friend might have for her actions.

"It will be alright, Nora-chan won't mind it. But we need to go now. He needs our help". Said Rias while trying to encourage her friend.

Both stayed silent for a moment until Sona finally changed directions, preparing to go back.

Whether Sona calmed down on her own or by her friend words, she doesn't know. But they will have time to think about it later.

Going at the fastest speed she could, they arrived a good time later. Hearing the sound of battle and the cries of that thing, they were nervous about what happened. What they found was Nora being sent flying by a strike of that thing's tail.

"Nora-chan!". "Shiki-san". Rias began flailing again, while Sona felt a scared at the possibility of the worst.

Worried about Nora, Rias wanted to rush at once. But Sona did not budge.

Turning to Sona again, Rias was going to say something but...

"Listen, Rias. You need to calm down. We can't rush just like that. If you truly want to help Shiki-san, you have use your strongest attack in that thing. Now that it is not paying attention to us is your best change". Explained the black haired devil.

Sona felt that the situation was dire, but going there recklessly with only add to the count of people lying on the ground.

They were still at some distance away so they werebnot noticed yet.

They had to use this opportunity while it was distracted with something else to attack.

"...ok". Rias bit her lips but accepted her friend's idea.

She knew that the only reason that it had to be like this. She was really lacking in her ability to use her Power of Destruction. She had felt inferior to her brother and did not take serious her practices because she didn't found much meaning in that, comparing herself to her brother, the gap was too wide and she was discouraged. But now she regrets it.

Gathering as much demonic power as she could... she prepared to do her best.

She did not think of those times her spells failed, or the power was pitiful.

She decided to imagine. A strong attack, one that destroy that hateful thing that scared them before, that hateful thing that hurt her friend.

She kept her eyes closed without caring about anything else.

A strong desire, a strong belief.

Not noticing when Sona got close enough to guarantee a sure hit.

She focused and focused, then she opened her eyes when she thought she was ready and that thing getting closer to Nora.

She just unleashed all her demonic power in the attack.

A huge burst of Power of Destruction came out to directly hit that thing.

The result was simple.


A cry mixed with rage and pain was heard from that thing.


I watched as the burst of Power of Destruction directly hit the side of the black hound.

Regardless of the pained cry I heard, I could see that the creature still seemed to be alive.

A good part of its side along one of the front legs was erased during the attack just now, but the thing is still among us.

It clearly has an incredibly vitality.

If you think about it, the branch which I used to attack it probably pierced its brain but it did not die at that time.

Truly a monster.

Even when all that happened I kept healing my wounds with Senjutsu.

Having a little break from facing it gave me enough time to take care of the damage I received when I hit my head.

Giving it one more try, I stood up.

The two little girls were on the air flying.

Rias-chan seemed somewhat tired from that attack but her expression was still bright. While Sona-chan was sighing in relief.

I should warn them just in case.

"Don't let your guard down, it is still alive". I yelled.

The two turned to look at me and nodded. Coming closer.

Resisting the urge to cough more blood that came as I probably aggravated my wounds with that yell, I observed the state of that thing.


Even while weakly growling I would not lower my guard.

The missing leg gave it problems to stand up but it was almost done with that.

While I kept healing myself, that does not mean that I am completely recovered.

This can count only as a first aid due my level of skill along the fact that I am doing a throughly recovery, only enough to be able to move.

The amount of Ki I have left is not even a fourth of my usual quantity. Even when my Ki is compressed... the quantity is much lesser than what youkais might have... there is a difference in quality Wich makes even a tiny bit of my Ki as effective as a large amount from other youkais.

There was no much time, but I would prefer to finish of this thing if I could. The problem is that I might not be able to as I am now.

Lacking a proper finishing technique is troublesome.

"Nora-chan, Nora-chan, Are you alright? You are bleeding...". I heard Rias-chan speaking from behind me.

Turn to the voice, I saw her with watery eyes almost about to cry.

Girl, the one who wants to cry is me. I think I broke a few bones during that hit and now that the numbness from the impact is disappearing I started to feel the pain.

But I can't just say that to her... Sona-chan behind her is trying hold her tears too.

Not sure I wanted to show this bloody escene to them but... there is nothing I can do about it.

"It's ok, it looks worse than what it is. That aside... we need to leave". I seriously said.

I considered asking why they came back when I told them go but... they saved me by doing so. We can also deal with that later.

"But that is still alive... Will it chase after us?". Asked Sona-chan doubtfully.

I had the same question as her.

Dealing with that would be the best, but Rias-chan is the only one who has enough power to do so.

While that last attack saved me, I feel reclutant to ask a little kid to kill in my stead.

Not to mention that what we have to do is to remain safe, this is not a game where we absolutely have to kill that thing or we can't move forward.

"It should have a hard time doing it like that. But it would be dangerous to face it. At the end, our safety comes first. So leaving now while we have the chance is the best we can do. Sona-chan, you should carry Rias-chan and go flying". I explained.

Even while I tried to explain them that, that thing warily kept its eyes on us.

Somehow, I am starting to feel a chill here.

Rias-chan wanted to say something more but Sona-chan stopped her.

"Rias, we should leave as he said. We are still far from home, and there might be more dangerous creatures around here". Reasoned Sona-chan.

That sounds like a terrible death flag, little miss.

But... there is something that she said that bothers me.

More creatures?.

I turn to observe closely the black hound and... I finally found the reason of my bad feeling from earlier.

"We need to leave quickly, like, right now. This thing is a different on-". I hurriedly tried to tell them but something interrupted me.


There was the sound of growling coming from nearby.

But one look to the thing we fought and it is easy to tell that it did not make the sound.

That's right.

There were some signs before but I did not bother to consider them given our situation at that time.

But upon closer obervation earlier, I noticed that the black hound is a size smaller than the one I saw using my ability.

When we found it... it was not because it caught up with us and went ahead to stop our advance. It was a different one all together.

Damn it.

Now there is a half dead and a healthy one here.

Can't I go home now?.

I shook my head to get rid of any nonsensical thought, then I glanced at Rias-chan and Sona-chan. They are pale but they are not frozen like last time.


"There is no time to waste you two. Before they start attacking us, we must leave". I urged them.

They both look at me then at the creature who appeared just now. Rias-chan wanted to take me hand and bring me to Sona-chan, but I couldn't do that.

If she tried carrying both of us, that thing will catch us quickly.

"Nora-chan, let Sona-chan carry you. You are injured. I can-". She tried to reason with me but I was not going to have that.

"They will catch up to you in no time if you went alone, and she obviously can't take both. Don't worry, I took care of my injuries for now. I told you that I can use Senjutsu, it can be used to heal wounds. Besides, I can move by running faster". Even when I explained this to her, I walked behind her and pushed her gently to Sona-chan.

Sona-chan wanted to say something more seeing my wound, but I shaked my head in a sign that she should focus on Rias-chan.

I turned one last time to see what those two things were doing and came to a stop when the healthy one started to prey on the injured one.

*Crunching noises*

I uncounciously gulped at that sight, but the most bizarre of the situation is that there was no reasistance nor even cries of pain.

Once more, I felt the chills while looking at that existence.

Close to the two devil girls, I had them turn their heads when the sounds picked their interest and I warned them.

"Don't look, we have green light to leave now". I urged them more strongly this time.

Perhaps because I sounded somewhat anxious this time or maybe the noises were bothering them. But I saw that they obediently did as I said.

"Don't turn, I will go after you two". I said before any of them could think of asking.

I began my preparations after they took off.

Covering my body in Senjutsu and Touki to reinforced the best I can, I started to run in the direction of those two left.

Leaving behind the two-soon-to-be-one creatures.

I had some experience in running through the forest at full speed thanks to my training with Kaa-san so the terrain posed no problems for me.

Usually, by flying you can cover a good distance easily but I caught with the two pretty fast.

They were flying somewhat slowly and glancing bellow from time to time.

By chance, Sona-chan caught my figure running and came to a stop, signaling Rias-chan my direction they seemed to be talking about something.

I was getting closer to them until they came down again.

Aware that they were flying slowly because they were waiting for me, I was not sure why they came to a stop now.

Also stoping in place, and feeling the pain I suppressed while running I waited for them to talk.

"Where should we go?". Asked Sona-chan briefly.

That is a good question.

I thought of answering 'home' but I feel like the black haired devil will not take well my joke at this kind of time.

Instead, I began asking a couple of questions I had.

"I recall that you said you were not sure exactly where we are. But... Isn't there some indicator that could give us even the slightest idea where is the best place to go?". I asked.

After teleporting, I had asked questions regarding our location but both of them were unfamiliar with the place and could not tell me anything useful.

"I am afraid not, when we took off the first time and this time, I did not find something that could give me a hint. The Underworld is a vast place so I don't know every little part of it". Replied Sona-chan.

Figures, I expected as much. But even when they traveled some distance away they found nothing. Are we that far away?.

"Do you think we should stay close to where we were teleported? If someone were to come to look for us... they might come from there". Suggested Rias-chan after thinking for a moment.

I shook my head at that.

"That could be dangerous". I said.

Recalling that maid who sent us here, I doubt who teleported us here will be an ally.

Someone sent us here to have those hounds to deal with us. But I don't understand why that someone did not try to kill us by themselves.

"Let's continue getting as far from here as we can for now. If that thing comes after us then we will be in danger. You don't have to mind me and go, you already saw that I can run pretty fast". I said.

"But... Are you sure you don't want to rest for a moment? You look pale...". Asked Sona-chan.

That is something I would like to do but we can't stay here for long.

Pale? That's probably because of the blood I lost.

Once again I shake my head at the suggestion.

"Not here...". I responded.

With that I started walking in the opposite direction from where we left the black hounds.

Reinforcing my body with Senjutsu and Touki I turn one last time to tell them.

"We wasted quite a bit of time here, I know that you are getting tired but... let's move away". I talk to the duo, in particular Sona-chan who is doing the effort in flying.

I am not the only one getting tired, those two are getting weary. Even Rias-chan who used that attack was showing signs of fatigue.

We need to rest later or we won't last to much.

∆ Part 2

Although she did not enjoy being carried by this woman, Saya had no other choice.

She was currently trying to locate her son and the two other devils that were with him.

Coming with her, the maid from before Grayfia was carrying her by flying.

After talking to Venelana about the special token she had with her. They both concluded that using it they could track easily the location of the children, but going on foot would take too long in case that they were in some sort of danger.

That much Saya already knew, Venelana offered her a solution that came from lending a hand.

It all came to be having Grayfia coming with her as support.

While she disliked the maid, she was a powerful Ultima-class devil, with her coming they should be able to handle most problems.

But... when they were going to depart after calling Grayfia back, the maid asked her if she was able to fly fast.

While Nekomatas could not fly normally because they lacked wings, she did learn flight magic.

It all started when she confidently said that she could it.

Grayfia took off first...

But, Saya could not catch up to her.

Thus, this was how things ended up.

Putting aside her petty grudges, Saya kept using the token to guide them.

But things were never easy, the range of the token was pretty large, and while it could still catch the other's side signal, it was still faint... meaning that they still had a long way to go.

Saya was anxious, but it was not time to let those feelings show for now.

Suddenly a voice pulled Saya out of her thoughts.

"Should I continue going in this direction?". Said voice, belonged to Grayfia.

Before answering she looked at the token once more.

"Change directions to that place". Said Saya while pointing to the place they should go.

Without saying any words Grayfia changed the course.

None of the two spoke more than necessary.

There was no need.


We continue moving forward for some time, but we had to stop a little while later because Sona-chan could not fly anymore.

I was not in the best shape either, the blood lost weakened me considerably.

I could still move because I used Senjutsu and sparingly Touki to keep me going.

With no other choice, we decided to take a rest near a small pond Sona-chan and Rias-chan found while flying.

Exhaustion was clearly written on Sona-chan's face while she was sitting leaning on a tree.

Rias-chan had used a somewhat large amount of demonic power during her attack but while she was tired, she was in much better shape considering that she got to rest while they were both flying.

As for me, I was covered in cold sweat. Aggravating wounds is never a good idea, I kept recklessly running but now I am paying the consequences of that.

Leaning on a tree in the same manner as Sona-chan, I was trying to catch my breath. Pressing with my right hand the area between my ribs, I was doing a self-diagnostic.

It was rather easy to tell that I had a few ribs broken, but dealing with that was beyond my current abilities. Using the space amount of Ki I had, I eased the pain somewhat.

Distracting myself by observing my other companions in this 'adventure', I saw Rias-chan coming from the pond with a wet handkerchief using it to take care of her friend.

A sight that brought a smile to my lips until the pain erased it.

Searching in my sleeve again, I found the token again. Quickly activating the 'map' function, I could see that the arrow was getting a lot more clearer than before, which means that Kaa-san must be getting close... although... I noticed that we were going in the oppositive direction she was coming from.

I would laugh if doing so did not worsened my injuries.

Hopefully she gets here faster because that thing will catch up to us sooner or later.

I don't think that those creatures were here by mere coincidence. Their existence feels wrong, or at least that what I felt when I sensed it's presence with Ki.

But... I can't put my hands on something no matter how I think about it. Why do they use those things when coming by themselves would guarantee an easier job. Sure, if those things attacked together then wiping us out is easy to do. But they were separated and that allowed us to deal somewhat with one of them.

My thoughts come to a stop when I feel something cold on my face.

Turning my head to see what this is about. I see Rias-chan wiping my sweat with a handkerchief.

"This... is the least I can do. I have done nothing so far...". Said Rias-chan crestfallenly.

I smile wryly at her words.

"That's not true... You did save me back there". I tried offer words of comfort.

But it did not work too well this time.

"But you and Sona-chan did so much... if you two had not been here...". Weakly muttered Rias-chan.

When people get tired, they usually tend to be really negative. In this case, the emotions that they tried to keep hidden are showing again.

"Listen, this is not about who does more or who does less. While it is true that equal relationships require equal amount of effort... well, friendship is not about keeping in check such a thing. Helping each other is not something you should try to measure". I pause at her blank look. "You look like you don't get me huh. Just take it as something natural between friends... but if you still feel guilty, you can always do something nice later". I said.

While I tried to explain her something that I am not completely sure myself, she seemed lost because my terms were maybe too hard to understand.

At the end of my explaination she regained a bit of energy back.

"I don't really understand, but you might be right... Maybe I should indeed think of doing something for you guys later instead of being depressed". Rias-chan spoke after pondering for a moment.

I think this is going to be troublesome later... I don't know why though.

"Eh... I am fine with just a simple 'thank you', you can't just give objects to others in order to repay their help". I tried to explain.

I don't really want to lead this girl into the path of repaying any good act like that... she won't be making friends like that.

"Then... What am I suppose to do?". Rias-chan asked feeling lost.

Why do you ask me? I am not an expert.

"Let's consider that when we are safe". I replied at last.

Then, I closed my eyes in order to meditate for a little. I will try to gather some Ki now that I got the chance.

It is really not because I am trying to run away in order to avoid answering her. Yeah.


Our little rest was cut short when there was a sound coming from the distance.

I thought of giving my ability a try but I did not see the point when I already new what was coming. I needed to save my strength the best I could.

"You two, come here". I called the devil who were already standing nearby.

The noise already had them on guard.

"Can you continue flying some more?". I asked Sona-chan.

"I might for a little but not like when we got away earlier". Explained the bespectacled devil.

I expect as much, we did not get to rest that much.

"That attack from before... Can you do it again?". I asked Rias-chan this time.

"I don't think it will have the same power as before... but I can still give it a try". Said Rias-chan.

That last attack did not kill the creature... a weaker attack will not be able to put it out of commission either.

Me? I am not in my best shape either. One hit and I will not be able to move again. My Ki reserves did not raise that much since I kept treating my injuries albeit a little.

The question is how long we can last with our current abilities against that thing.

I could make the two leave again... but I doubt they would listen to me.

Not like I could really buy much time as I am now anyways.

"Let's await for that thing from the other side of the pond". I said.

We were on the side of the pond were that thing will be coming, by going to the other side we will have some time to observe it better.

I take out the token one last time before the last fight starts.

Confirming that the arrow was much clearer... I wondered how much longer it will take but soon stopped doing it. My focus should be in what is to come.

"Sona-chan, take this. Don't lose it". I said while I handed the token to Sona-chan.

She looked at me before taking the object in question.

"What is this?". Asked Sona-chan.

Rias-chan besides her was also curious.

"Our home ticket, keep it close". I only said that.

"*Gulp* ...ok". Sona-chan nervously replied.

I gave this to her because I will probably need Rias-chan help later and she will be quite free, having nothing to do is difficult sometimes.

*GRooooOooOwL* *GrOoooOwL*

Taking me giving Sona-chan the token as a cue, it appeared between the trees.

"That is not fair...". I weakly muttered.

The damned creature was bigger, that I thought it might happen, but I did not expect that it would get a new head as well as a new tail.

What the heck?.

Did I get into some strange game and the difficulty was set at nightmare somehow?.

We could barely face the 'normal' one.

"This will be harder than before but... You two still think of staying?". I asked one last time just in case.

"Running away is impossible, don't you think?". Replied Sona-chan in a resolute tone.

"I can't leave you alone like that". Answered Rias-chan boldly.

Even while each have their answer they could be seem somewhat scared but... they decided to stay.

"Sona-chan should take Rias-chan flying and wait for the moment to attack. Aim to one of the heads or front legs... That should be better than going for some other place, I leave the timing to you two". I said.

I really did not want to make them fight, but now there is no choice.

"What about you?". Asked Sona-chan.

She looked worried.

"I will give you an opening...". I responded.

Sona-chan wanted to saying something else but the two-headed creature was not going to wait.

*GrrrooooOoooOwl* *GrOooOooOoOowL*

With a strong growl from both of its heads, it charged full speed this way, circling the pond really quick.

When you use spells, having a medium makes the use of said spell easier.

While I am not really good at spellcraft because I lack proper practice... I can at least do some things.

Close by I have... a good amount of water.

Hastily writing the corresponding symbols in the air, I prepare to use Youjutsu, I began to prepare two spells.

The best outcome would've been having Sona-chan take advantage of the water here, but apparently frying consumed demonic power which is why she did not have enough to fight now.

Even while thinking, it kept getting closer...

Water alone was not going to stop it, I myself was not adept at using it for attacking but... water can become something that could stop that thing.

When it was close enough, I activated one of the spells I prepared before.

Without time to even mutter the name of the spell, I took control of a good amount of water and moved it to block that thing's path.

Seeing how it was only water, it did not stop it's charge.

When I saw how it did not stop... I used the second spell. The water started to freeze, forming a big chunk of ice.

That thing did not have enough time to change course or stop, and the two-headed creature crashed into it head first.

The hit stunned it for a moment.

I started to write more symbols in order to use more spells.

I would not make it before that thing was free from the effects of the crash... but it was not my time to attack it, this was someone else's.

Just when the thing moved its two head in my direction, a burst of of demonic power attacked it again.

Rias-chan was being held by Sona-chan who was flying.

Black and Crimson were made the colors of the attack, Rias-chan burst of Power of Destruction hit it in one of its heads... erasing it.


An pain filled cry was heard.

But like before, it was not before to complete deal with the creature.

But the attack bought time for my spells.

Once again, I controlled the water coming from the pond.

I used it to cover it's whole legs... and froze them.

This should keep it in place for a little as long I keep the freezing spell.

While I did not recover that much Ki. Having the water already here saved me in cost.

Still, I won't last long...

Even now, cracks keep appearing on the ice.

"Nora-chan! Sona-chan says that the token is acting weird". I heard Rias-chan yelling from behind me.

Wait? Weird? I don't recall anything about that... What comes to mind is...

Distracted by what Rias-chan said, I forgot to pay attention to that thing.

Once I looked again, it's tail had already changed in length again.

I gulped, fearing for what was to come.

I hastily broke the spell and jumped backwards barely avoiding the whip-like hit coming the tail.

While I avoided the hit... I allowed that thing get free.

I gulped again.

It looked angry and it was still healthy... I on the other hand was pretty weakened.

It took one step forward.

I reinforced myself with Senjutsu and Touki in order to avoid whatever it would do next.

But there was no next action... for the black hound.

A large barrage of familiar looking bullets came raining on top of it. I was pretty close so I could see how strong the bullets hit it.

That gotta hurt.

I turned my head to see the one who attacked and saw Kaa-san being carried from behind by Graifya-san.

Jeez... She's finally here.

The tension finally left my body.

Relaxed at least... my body started to fall.

I might've overdone by moving in my condition, but now things will be alright... so I can sleep for a little right?.

While falling I could Kaa-san pushing Grayfia-san in order to be released, ah, Kaa-san... she probably won't be able to get along with Maid-san like that.

∆ Part 3

Watching the Nekomata woman Saya landing and running toward her fallen son, Grayfia focused on the reason she came here.

Flying closer devil duo she was looking for, she asked before any of them could say a word.

"Are you two alright?". Asked Grayfia in a concerned tone.

While she did not show her feelings too much during her working mode, she can't help but to worry about the safety of Rias whom she treats as a little sister, and her best friend Sona whom she also takes care of sometimes.

But the attention of both devils was somewhere else.

"Nora-chan!? Sona-chan, let's go and check what happened to him". Rias said urgently.

"Right". Replied Sona with an equal tone.

The two pretty much ignored her and went to see the condition of the child being treated by that woman.

Grayfia was honestly surprised at their reaction, she expected them to be worried about him but they even ignored her... while it made her slightly upset, she was more curious about why it happened.

So she followed after them.

Looking at him, she could see how bad his state was. Just the dried blood in his clothing was a proof of how hurt he got. The external wounds were almost taken care of, but considering the anxious state that Saya was... there must be considerable damage to inside him as well.

She turned to look to the other pair that had an anxious look.

Neither Rias or Sona had a single wound on them, and while their dresses had tears here and there, they were not really hurt.

Grayfia considered all that and came to the conclusion of what probably happened.

That child, Nora-kun kept the two of them safe.

She really did not expect that things would turn out like this after meeting the Nekomata pair earlier.

While she acted kind to him as thanks for covering for her error in judgment. She allowed him to call her name as he liked, just to bother that Nekomata woman later.

At the meeting she found him adorable when his mother made him into a cat. But that is a different point all together.

Later... when she took him to meet those two, she wanted to test how he would act without adult supervision.

Yet... he did nothing that could be called bad, he remained standing meekly by the door even when Rias and Sona were alerted and were even prepared to act him, but he did nothing threatening to them.

Even now, those two were in one piece because of him.

She feels regretful for being too harsh on her judgment about him.

This is something that she really needs to apologize for. Even if she has to take a day off later.

Putting her thoughts aside, she decided to use her time more efficiently than standing without doing nothing.

While she could offer to heal him with magic, that woman is doing a better job than what she could do in the same time. Truly proving her competence.

Grayfia decided to being inspecting the remains of the creature, who's body was inside a crater that the barrage of attacks from the Nekomata woman made.

Even for her, Grayfia found the sight slightly exaggerated. Saya attacked with no intentions to leave the creature alive.

Upon closer look, there are parts that are still moving. The head was somewhat spared and was still twitching. Showing really strong vitality. But when Grayfia thought of finishing it off... it stopped and all the black substance began to evaporate.

There were traces of that before it stopped moving but this time, all the black parts just evaporated and what was left was parts of a creature, but much smaller.

It looked like a dog... but it did not seem to be an animal. The feeling it gives is... similar to youkais?.

With that thought she immediately turned warily to where the woman was but... she did nothing else.

Recalling the state of that child, she decided to not act hastily.

So... she contacted her king. While he can be rather playful sometimes, he is still one of the four strongest beings in the Underworld, the Maou.

There were many points that she could not make a judgment by herself. And while her findings put a heavy suspicious on the youkai pair... she would like to believe that there is another explanation.