
∆ Part 1

She kept running in the forest. More than a few times she fell but quickly stood up. Her pursuer was nearby so she could not take the time to whine about getting hurt.

Sometimes she would use Youjutsu to make illusions appear and try to buy time to escape, but it would probably only delay the inevitable.

She was getting tired. Her Ki had been used in her escape so she had to be careful with her use of the rest of it.

Suddenly, the root of a tree seemed to gain life and moved to entangle her leg. She had her guard down for a moment so it managed to catch her. Pulling with all her strenght she managed to release herself from that root. But unfortunately the time she spent doing that, other roots caught her.

Her escape was sealed just like that.

Aware that she had been caught, she just stared hatefully in the direction she felt her pursuer coming closer.

Kuroka was feeling bitter. All her effort had been for naught.

"Kuhn, kill me-nya!". Kuroka exclaimed in a strong tone of voice when she was able to see her pursuer.

Her pursuer paused for a moment at those words. He then glared at her expresionlessly.

"You have been reading those mangas without my permission again. *Sigh* Why do you make this so hard?". Spoke her pursuer... Nora. "You run like this everytime it is time to study. Isn't it too much? It is the 7th time this week, and it's barely Wednesday".

Kuroka flinched at those words, her expression crumbled a little but she shook her head. She won't give up.

"You are being mean... Heartless-nya. That is too much for me, I am sad-nya. Where is the kind Nora-nya I met? Demon-nya!". Complained Kuroka.

"It is just history. And you don't even have to do it the whole day". Muttered Nora in a defeated tone.

This conversation had been reapeted over and over whenever Kuroka escaped. But she could not help to do so.

"Can't you do it... for me?". Spoke Nora in a pleading tone.

Kuroka received some damage as he used the upturned eyes technique as well. She is usually the one who uses that one him... for Nora to pick up that skill, maybe she used it too much.

"...Alright-nya. Only because Nora-nya is asking me. Remember that I am only doing because of that-nya". Although she seemed to not like what she had to do, Kuroka accept it.

Nevertheless... she actually forgot that Nora had caught her so he would be able to take her if he wanted it whether she liked it or not. He still tried to make her go back on her own, instead of forcing her(too much, since he used tree's roots to entangle her).



"I brought her... *Sigh* Although...". Spoke Nora in a defeated tone.

Having arrive at the living room inside his house, the other people(youkais) waiting there turned to look at him in wonder.

"...Quite an interesting way to bring her back. Fufu. Ins't this why she actually escapes?". Muttered Yasaka giggling.

She was seated comfortably on the tatami with her daughter playing with a plushy just in front her. Who stopped her actions when Nora arrived.

The only other person(youkai) in the room who could understand those words nodded repeatedly. Although she soon stood up carrying a notebook and showed it to Nora.

Having ignored the comment from the kitsune, Nora oberserved what Shirone had written. Checking the contents... he just smiled and patted her head. Only to be pulled backwards... by Kuroka whom he was carrying on his back.

"...Don't forget about me-nya". Complained Kuroka as she pouted.

Nora just sighed in response since this was becoming the norm.

"Enjoying the popularity?". Asked Yasaka with a grin on her face.

"Please, stop teasing me. There is no way th-". Trying to deny Nora spoke, only to stop when Yasaka point at his feet.

Looking down, he smiled wryly when he saw the little Kunou crawling... almost reaching him.

"...You were saying?". Yasaka asked again.

Nora just avoided looking at her.

"This proves nothing". He denied.

Shaking her head in response, Yasaka did not pursue the subject.

"Putting that aside. What do plan to do from now on? Although technically your self-sufficiency is enough for you and the girls to survive...". Inquired Yasaka in a serious tone.

"I would like to search Kaa-san whereabouts. Yet you won't probably let me". Nora said while smiling wryly because Yasaka put a scary smile when he spoke about it. "I would like to check on her previous patients for now. But... Is there something else you want me to do?".

Taking a moment to observe how he despite calmly speaking still kept trying to peel off Kuroka off his back but failing, Yasaka wondered if it was time for him to get involved in those business already, he was barely having a breather after going through quite the traumatic experience.

"It is like this. There is a job passed down directly by Amaterasu-sama, it seems like the Ame no Murakumo has been stolen along with the choosen wielder being kidnapped". Explained Yasaka.

"So... You are telling me to find it? Sure... I think I saw that thing on the back yard, wait, wielder? Who is it? You were serious? Eh? You are not joking?". Jesting at the beginning, Nora changed expressions when he saw the serious look Yasaka was giving him.

For a moment he stopped patting Shirone on the head due the surprise, but he pulled himself together and picked Kunou using his tails .. who was trying to climb up using his leg but was not able to. The white cat girl seemed dissatisfied but regained her happy mood when he started to do it again after picking up Kunou.

"I am not asking you to look for it or its wielder. That brought a lot of issues actually, and that could put you in danger. Anything related to it, must be avoided, alright?. My point is... Do be carefully when going out of Urakyoto. That is what I wanted to say... No, just stay inside Urakyoto". Muttered Yasaka in a worried tone.

She could help but to get worried over her friend's child. Everytime he has left for some business he ended up getting entangled in problems.

"Hmmm, I don't have that much people I need to check outside... but there is still a couple of people that I can't overlook. By the way... I have another favor I want to ask you. There are a few people I want you to find... Is that possible? I will write the names in a note, and their descriptions and give to you before you leave". Replied Nora.

Shaking her head, Yasaka wondered why this child made things this hard. He still planed to go out. She considered keeping him locked inside Urakyoto but she did not have the heart to do so after what he went through. Instead, she decided to leave some of the other caretakers of Kunou to watch over him. While they are young, they are talented and reliable people.

"Finding someone? If you are talking about the pair of lovers, you know that after arriving here and healing their wounds they left. They wanted to stay to help to find you but they were afraid to cause problems". Explained Yasaka a little doubtful if that is what he meant.

Shaking his head, he denied it.

"Not them. You will read the names later. Anyways... The Ame no murakumo huh. That sounds really bad. Was that under the youkais' watch?". Spoke Nora while he tilted his head.

Action that was imitated by Kunou, then Shirone and later by Kuroka who seemed to feel left out.

"I shouldn't have mentioned it... *Sigh* No, it was under the Imperial family protection. It is usually used in ceremonies. But once in a while there appears someone capable of actually wielding it". Explained Yasaka despite her complains.

"I see, I see. Then, Those people wouldn't happen to succeed as the next emperor... right?". Asked Nora in a slightly joking tone.

Although he had asked as a joke... Yasaka's serious expression made him to facepalm himself.

"*Sigh* Isn't the culprit clear?". Spoke Nora tiredly.

"I am afraid not. It was not them... even if we considered that possibility, they would lose the Shinto Gods trust if the truth came to light. Although I understand were you are coming". Explained Yasaka once again but this time smiling wryly at his words.

More than one person(youkai) arrived to that conclusion before, they suspected them, but there was nothing that pointed at them. And her job was to find the sword and the wielder, not catching the culprit.

"Well... I will be careful. Hmmm, wait. Careful of what exactly?". Said Nora who was finally able put Kuroka down.

Pointing somewhat sternly at the place where Kuroka left her study books, Nora sent her there.

"Using the search as an excuse, many exorcist are roaming around. Some of them are stray exorcist, while some of them belong to the 5 great families. They seem to be up to something, and in numerous occasions they have fought with my people". Replied Yasaka.

"Eh? Then this could be rather complicated. Remember the favor I asked? It will be more than a simple favor it seems". Muttered Nora in a bitter tone.

Blinking in confusion, Yasaka did not know what he meant.


Such a deep sigh was heard and Nora, with Kunou in arms, and Shirone in tow... went to out of the room a while later, only to be back quickly. On his hands he had a number of pages of paper which he handed her.

Reading the first names, she did not found anything weird until...

"Nora-kun... Do you have a thing for troubles? Are you not happy with only the ones that occurs naturally but you go and look for them? Tell me". Spoke Yasaka in a frustrated tone.

"Hehe, it is not like that. I did not expect this to happen before I wrote about it. How about I make you a special order of sweets as a repayment for this favor?". Nora spoke in a rarely seen child-like manner.

To be honest, it felt strange. His normal speeches is usually similar to an adult so it was unnatural to hear him speaking like the kid he is now... not like she disliked that he acted his age. But... sweets.

"You know, this is a really hard re-". "Two special orders". "quest, but I will do my best to help you. Let me show you how reliable I can be".

Such a exchange happened in a few seconds.

Everyone in the room looked at Yasaka with narrowed eyes... except Kunou who just stared curiously at her mother. But perhaps she suffered more damage from her innocent stare as she turned her head away.

"*Cough* Well, I have a lots of things to do. Come on Kunou, your mother will feed you so you can take a nap". In a swift manner, Yasaka took her daughter out of Nora's arms and left the house.

"That lady can be simple-nya". Spoke Kuroka who had put her book down... after a minute of reading... again.

Shirone nodded at her words.

"No... You girls are no much different. *Sigh* Are the youkais really alright?". Muttered Nora in low tone of voice while shaking his head.

∆ Part 2

Walking around the streets of Urakyoto, I couldn't help but be thinking about what Yasaka-san warned me about before. I wondered if the two situations could be due the same incident or it had no relation to each other.

The Ame-no-Murakumo, as far as I recall... only holy swords users could wield that. In the canon it was broken, then repaired by the Khaos Brigade using the soul of Yamata-no-Orochi. The one who wielded it was... Masaomi-san who was revived and burned with desire for revenge. Although here, he did not die, neither did Cleria-san... last thing I heard they were going somewhere around Europe. Another thing that differs is the 'wielder' that was kidnapped.


I am not even sure what to think anymore... not like I originally had any idea to begin with.



While I am enjoying the simple stroll, I should hurry and check on the people(youkai) I need to check. As Kaa-san disciple, I can't simply let my skills rust. Not to mention I would feel bad if something happened to those people while I happily enjoying my free time.



As Urakyoto is basically a reflection of the real Kyoto, the structure is similar... although it lacks any of the technological advances and gadgets like outside. The buildings are also the same... in that sense, the way to travel around is not that advanced either. Meaning? I take a long to visit patients... so I won't be finishing that today.

"By the way... Aren't you bored? I mean, I am the one leading you around but you are the one following me?". I spoke aloud glancing behind me.

I earned more than one strange stare from the Youkais walking around.

"Not going to talk back? What a shame...". Shaking my head, I put my hand in my always handy pouch(improved version that I asked Yasaka to give me), and pulled a tasty... donut. "Too bad, too bad, I guess since I am all alone, I will have to eat this all by myself".

Glancing in that particular direction, I just shrugged my shoulders and as I was about to eat it...

"....You win. Gimme that". Spoke a soft female voice that did not seem to belong to anyone in the surroundings, until with a puff of smoke... appeared a girl in her teens.

Wearing a hakama with simple design with blue and white, she looked like a Shrine Maiden. A fox-eared one. She has light blue eyes, her hair and tail color could be described as light gold or blonde... and she was quite, like most girls in this world, well endowed. *Cough*.

Hatefully looking at me, I saw turn her eyes to the donut in my hands before quickly approaching... and taking it from my hands.

"...Thanks, although you didn't have to go this far". Muttering a slightly complain along with words of gratitude for the snack, she proceeded to eat it.

I could only smile wryly at her words. It was not until I did this that she showed herself.


"You would just stay silent while you followed me all the way since I left my house. I know that Yasaka-san asked you to keep an eye on me... and make sure that I don't get into any problems, but it doesn't feel good to be tailed". I said.

This chick is really good at it, I couldn't feel her presence not see her, until I used Clairvoyance... and somehow, I was able to spot her. Truly 'be able to see through things'.

"It is my job so I won't complain. I do apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable, Shiki-sama. I am rather impressed though, I hid my presence perfectly, but to be able to find me... As expected of the child of that person, you are amazing. At the beginning when you started to talk me I wondered if you had found me or not, but this was the proof". Replied the fox-eared teenager just a she took the last bite of the donut.

In the canon, there was not much explaination about them, but Kunou-chan did have a small entourage to take care of her needs sometimes... that entourage was composed of 'Onee-sans' though. I suppose that she is similar albeit younger.

"It was simple luck that allowed me to find you, that said, your skills are amazing. I never got the chance to practice in that area that much. By the way, you seem to know my name, but I don't know yours". I said.

I can't just call her fox-eared teenager or chick forever. Although Mofu Mofu Onee-san would fit her as she still pyshically older than me... *Cough* I can really see that. Yeah.

"My name is hardly of importance, my duty simply requires me to esco-". "Got another donut here". "My name Shizuku, Shiki-sama".

A rather familiar exchange occurred as I just pulled another donut and gave it to her.

What the heck? My sweets can't be that good.

"Wasn't that too easy? I doubt my baking skills are that good". I asked.

For a moment she seemed to hesitate, but after one bite at the donut and her expression softened and she spoke.

"...We receive training since we are very young, and they keep a special diet so our grow is more efficient. It does not include sweets so... only after we done with it is when we are allowed more freedom. I am technically a trainee so... I kind of broke the rule". Explained Shizuku in a pitiful tone.

I just stared at her with disinterest eyes.

"So, if I ask Yasaka-san she will tell me the exact same story?". I asked while rising my left eyebrow, my tone did not sound amused.

She flinched at my words and just lowered her head.

"My apologies, I lied. I woke up late today and couldn't eat breakfast because I was late for my duties. I was just hungry". Shizuku-san spoke in a sincere tone.


You can't forget. Youkais are a rather strange bunch. Kitsune, are youkais that love pranks and mischief... or so I have read in Kaa-san's books. As prankers, believing their words all the time can be difficult. Although that mostly occurs when they are younger... said the book.

Probably that training she mentioned is not a lie, and the purpose of that is to teach them to behave themselves and not cause problems.

Looking around, I did not find any food store. Pondering for a moment about the mental map I have of Urakyoto, I tried to recall the closest food establishment.

"...Don't mind it. Let's go. And don't go 'puff' on me. You can walk normally besides me". I called Shizuku-san who remained with her head lowered until now.

"...Yes". She replied simply like that.

She will be a troublesome girl.



"Slow down, it won't run away... *Sigh*". I muttered in a defeated tone.

"I am a girl who never stops until she accomplish her goal". Replied Shizuku-san heroically for a moment before going back to eat.

Feeling slightly pity for her, and considering that it was time for lunch, I decided to invite her some food. Although... this girl is too much. The closest place I could recall was a ramen restaurant so after telling her to ask for whatever she wanted... the shameless kitsune asked for four bowls as the firsts order, only for her.

Muttering something about dreams, and having always wanted to do this... she just began eating regardless of the stares she recieved from other customers. For my part, I did not particularly mind it. But I saw no need to ask the four bowls at once... indeed, at the beginning I did not understand why. But oberserved her speed while eating, I understood.

What a fearful child.



Right after feeding the fearful child(Shizuku-san), I continued with my job. Thankfully, no patients presented any issue so far.

Looking at the sky, it was starting to get tinged with a reddish hue, so it was time for me to go back. The girls will worry when I take too long to go back. Particulary, Kuroka-chan can get really clingy.

"I guess, I should go back. What will you do?". I said while staring at Shizuku-san, who despite me asking continuously, walked a few steps behind me.

"Oh, I will be acompaining you until your house. I need to take you home safe and sound, or your young wife will get worried". Cheerfully said Shizuku-san.

My what?.

"Who?". I reflexibly asked.

"That black-haired girl of course". Replied instantly Shizuku-san.


"She is not my 'young wife'. I don't have a wife. Where did... No, if I ask the topic won't end. Don't one-sidedly decide that on your own, alright?". I sternly warned.

I don't want that child to think that it is her obligation to follow that as example. Me bringing them out was not with that intention.

Maybe my tone was more severe than I thought because she seemed intimidated.

"Sorry, I might've said too much. You were just teasing me and I did not have to take it that far". I tried to explain myself.

"No, it was my fault. Even though I am only suppose to be a simple escort, I have been acting overfamiliar because you are easy to talk". Somewhat downcast, she replied.

"You know what? Forget about that escort thing. I am not used to that". I concluded.

It actually annoys me, but saying that could be taken negatively by her.

The air is awkward thanks to the last part of our exchange but not all meetings can go smoothly.



The rest of the way back we walked in silence, I tried to distract myself to avoid the still awkward air we had. It was difficult to get bored while you glance around here. Besides the well preserved architecture, the habitants of Urakyoto are really diverse. Going from the easier to recognize for me like the Kitsunes and Nekomatas, there were also Gorilas, no, Yetis... wait, those were Yuuki-Onnas now that I recall. What a unfair world. Those guys climbing in a nearby tree... must be like Sun Wukong, Monkey Youkais. To be honest... many of these guys look like UMAs.

Hmmm? Those little furballs over there... Could it be!? Kesaran Pasaran!?. Am I right!?.

As I kept staring in wonder I could not help to hear what those furballs were speaking... not like I could see their mouths.

"Aniki, Did you hear? Zen got taken killed by those damned exorcists. Those b*stards are going overboard. Should I call the guys and go to take those guys down?". Spoke one of the furballs in a rather profound male tone of voice. He was as white as snow... and was wearing glasses.... Why though?.

"Good luck with that then, I went with Zaki and Kino already, but those cowards had already ran away. I have some friends among the tengu. They will let me if they find them. Those guys are good at patrolling and searching so they will find them faster than us...". Replied another Kesaran Pasaran, in an equally deep male tone of voice sounding a bit older. He was black, with some of his fur colored grey.

I know that I should be used to this kind of things considering the variety of youkais I have seen but... damn, this is so surreal. They speak like they belong to a gang.

"Hey! What you looking at!? Never seen one of our kind before!? You think that cuz you are a kid I won't do anything to you, huuuh!!!???". Speaking in a intimidating tone, one of the furballs started to talk to me.

I might've stared for to long. Although I was more like lost in thought, as it is quite interesting to watch them. But, to get threatened by a furball, I wonder how I should react.

"YOU IDIOT!!! Don't you know who this is!? He is Anego's child. Are you blind!?. Ah, I am sorry, An-chan. Please forgive my stupid subordinate. I am in Anego's, no, in your mother's debt. She has done so much for us. I heard that she is missing, but worry not. We have not stopped looking for clues of her whereabouts. Have some faith". Yelling at his subordinate(?), the furball consoled me.

Wait, wait, wait. Anego? What the heck? Kaa-san...


"I know, why don't I invite you dinner as an apology. I know a great soba restaurant that you will surely like. Is that Miss behind you... your girl? Hmm, doesn't look like. Your friend? Anyways, I will pay for her share too. You might have not heard from me from Anego, but I am called Takeru. I run a humble loan company and work on immobilizer business". In one breath the fur- no, Takeru-san said that.

"No... I have to go home. I need to make dinner... and she, well, I think she will have to report to Yasaka-san". I replied in a hurry.

Loan company... this smells like that thing I read before... 'loan sharks'. Although instead of sharks it should be furballs.

"Eh.... Ah, yes. After taking Shiki-sama home as requested by Yasaka-sama, I would need to report. The opportunity to have dinner can come another day". A little distracted at the beginning she did not answer instantly, but Shizuku-san she seemed to get a grip and took part in the conversation.

"Oh... that is too bad. Here, you can have this. It has my company address, anything you need, you can come knocking". Sounding a little disappointed, Takeru-san handed me a business card that he pulled out of... somewhere.

I reflexively accepted it.

Having confirmed that I had the card in my hands, Takeru-san just left followed by that other Kesaran Pasaran.

"...I am so loss right now". I muttered as I kept staring at the card.

"Shiki-sama... You made an interesting acquantice. How impressive, at the beginning I thought that a fight would break out. Seriously, I was prepared to interfere... But to thing you became friends with the other party. I have no words". Exclaimed Shizuku-san sounding a little impressed.

I have no words either.

"Let's just go. I suddenly feel very tired". Replying like that to the kitsune, I just kept the card I received inside my pouch and started to walk away.

"As you wish". Said Shizuku-san in response before following along with light steps.

∆ Part 3

As expected, arriving home was hectic. A black blur was all I saw before I was tackled by Kuroka-chan. It was not until I cuddled her for a long time before I was released. Only to have to do the same to Shirone-chan who stared at us enviously.

With those two here, I won't be able to feel lonely no matter what.



"Nora-nya. Take us with you-nya.... Don't leave us behind-nya". Such a thing was said by Kuroka-chan when I was writing my next manuscript in my room.

Of course, I stopped writing and turned to see what this was about. I must say... it was really sneaky of her to bring Shirone-chan, and stare at me with upturned eyes. I received critical damage and was almost instantly defeated. Almost.

"No, I mean... I am not going out to play. I explained to you what I was going to be doing". I tried to reason with the two.

"But, but-nya... It gets boring-nya...". Muttered Kuroka-chan pityfully. And Shirone-chan nodded in support.


"Ok, I guess spending too much time here is not fair for you. Last time we went out was to look for clothes for you". I said while scratching my head. "But, I still have things to do. And tomorrow patients are not people I want you to meet. So... I will arrange someone to accompany you".

I wonder if she didn't like the idea as the black kitty just stared at me.

"...Alright-nya. In exchange... get home earlier". Replied Kuroka-chan in a serious tone that left no openings for refusal.

Not waiting for an answer, she just carried out Shirone-chan like a big plushie. The lack of response from the white kitty could be read as she don't minding that treatment.

Nevertheless... get home earlier, huh.



The next day, I had to awake the girls earlier so we could all leave together. They didn't take well my intentions. Thankfully, they only had pillows to throw me.... maybe tickling their feets until they woke up was a bad idea.



"Alright. Before we leave, let's recall a few things...". I exclaimed while having the Nekomata sisters standing in front of me just outside the house. "Be careful of strangers. Don't go with suspicious looking people. Eh... Ah, even if they give you candy. Specially if they do that.".

Both were wearing kimonos that contrasted their hair color. Kuroka-chan was wearing white while Shirone-chan was wearing black. Besides their kimono, they did not carry anything with them, well, the little sister had the camera I gifted her hanging from her neck. She likes that thing a lot. I had to get her a laptop for her to store the pictures she took because the memory got filled pretty quickly. As for Kuroka-chan... that hairpin is almost impossible to be seen in another place than her head.

I am kind of happy that both liked their gift.

Although I would be even more happy if they listened to me. The white Nekomata paid attention to what I said, but the black one seemed disinterested.

I might be repeating the obvious here, but I can't help to worry.

"I left some money here, you can use to buy anything you would like. And since Kuroka-chan is not paying attention I will have to entrust this to the Imouto. Shirone-chan, take care of it. It looks smaller on the outside... but inside can contain many things bigger than it's size". I explained to the one who will probably be the responsible one.

Taking the pouch I handed it to her, she just nodded while puffing her chest.

How lovable.

"Since the basic has been said... let's go with the last part. Hey! Come out. I know that you are here". I called a certain someone.

Is there a need to hide? She even got permission from Yasaka-san to come here so why does she act like that.

Silence met my words.

"Nora-nya, I think we should stay home today. You are not feeling alright-nya. There is no one else here-nya". Spoke Kuroka-chan worriedly.

"Ghosts? Are there ghosts?". Somewhat excited, Shirone-chan muttered and raised her camera to be prepared to take pictures.

I felt like face-palming myself.

"Oi! Stop playing around! Come out!". I yelled a little irritated.

Taking a pebble from the ground, I added a good chunk of Ki and threw it near her. And of course, having seen my actions, she evaded the pebble that... left a hole on the ground. Yikes... Gotta fix that later.

"Shiki-sama! Do you wish to kill me!?". Said the certain someone who was hiding nearby in a hysterical tone.

"Don't be silly, that was hardly life threatening. Besides, you did not come out so I had to make you appear". I replied while shrugging my shoulders.

She is making a big deal out of it. It was just a pebble. The hole it made when it crashed had the size of my head? That is nothing.

"I think that there is a need to teach you how to treat a lady". Said smiling Shizuku-san... although the corner of her mouth was slightly twitching.

"You are exagerating. Anyways, you surely know who these two are. I will leave them in your care. Don't let anything happen to them". I declared.

Someone picked by Yasaka-san has to be really trustworthy. Not to mention that she was allowed to come here on her own.

"... No, I am suppose to keep an eye on you though...". Replied Shizuku-san.

Of course, I ignored her.

"Listen, Kuroka-chan, Shirone-chan. This will be your guide today. You can call her... Shizuku-san. She works for Yasaka-san so you don't need to be wary of her". I explained to the duo who had remained silent since she appeared.

"... Another one-nya". Muttered Kuroka-chan begrudgingly.

I decided to ignore how she stared hatefully at Shizuku-san's ample bossom. You don't have to envy anyone. In the future you... *Cough* no, I better stop right there.

"....Can I take a picture of you?". Spoke a little shyly Shirone-chan.

I stared at Shizuku-san in a way that was more like 'do as she said'. Or so I would like to believe.


"... Don't I have any saying in this?". Asked Shizuku-san.

I... shook my head sideways as an answer instead of speaking.



One of the reason I woke up earlier was because I expected that it would take a while to settle Shizuku-san to accompany the nekomata sisters in their outing. But she actually was easy to convince.

That said, I left them on their own so I could focus on my task today. Visiting patients.

∆ Part 3

My next destination is a place Kaa-san did not dare to bring me a second time. In fact, I think it is surprising that she brought me even once.

Despite my curiosity about it, I kept walking... to the Red Light District.

They work at night so they should be free about now.... I think. I only came here for one person so there is always the chance that she is not here.



"I came here from so far away! Why are you throwing me out!?". I heard a male angry voice yelling as I got closer to the establishment I was going to.

Ignore it, ignore it.

"Sir, you are breaking the rules. Those girls are not courtesans. They are only tasked with cleaning, thus, they won't be attending you. We warned you that forceful behavior would not be accepted". Patiently explained a female voice, although the frustration could be felt from her tone.

This feels like one of those times when you... Oh, never mind. Speaking of it and you will call for the situation.

"What's wrong with what I did!? They working in this kind of place so they should be ready for that kind of stuff". Replied the same angry voice.

Waaaah. I detected a messed up guy.

Despite that I continued to walk. Some steps more, and I was able to see what the ruckus was about.

A middle aged man of average height who looks like he drank too much alcohol was standing in front of the damned building I was going to go. I could see him gesturing and making all kind of... signs?. Whatever. The guy is obviously a drunkard.

A shameful display, but no one else wanted to get involved. As expected of this district.

The other party, a familiar looking Onee-san... who is a calico nekomata, that greets customers from what I can recall, looks frustrated. Things can get complicated sometimes in this kind of business. There was suppose to be a bouncer that keeps drunkards like that guy in check. It was a tough-looking Yuuki Onna. Hmmm, no matter how I say it. It seems strange to use Yuuki Onna and tough in the same phrase.

"Then what are you gonna do? You wanna take her place!? You are a little plain but whatever". Spoke Mr. Jerk like there was no other choice. His expression spoke a lot about what was going through his head.

Can't I hit the guy?. I have connections so I won't probably get arrested if I break his nose. Wait... I don't need to leave a wound. I can use that.

"Sir, it is time to close. And you are going overboard with that comment". Replied the Onee-san who besides looking frustrated, was getting angry. Although she did keep a cordial speech.

I agree with the Onee-san. Cat-eared Onee-sans are justice.

Staying at some distance I was, but this was going to be troublesome and to save some time, I decided to solve it the quickest way.

Moving exactly in the direction of the establishment, I was close enough to be noticed by those two.

"What's with you!? What are you looking at!!? Kids should be home!". In a tone that was too similar to when you pick a fight Mr. Jerk spoke to me.

I just smiled in response and while getting close enough, I ignored him.

"Are you deaf!? I asked you what are you looking at! Why is everyone so hellbent on making my day so hard..!?". Annoyed, Mr. Jerk was about to extend his hand my way.

"Sir, please leave him alone. He is not doing anything. Maybe he just got lost and is looking for someone to guide him". Sounding worried for my safety, the Onee-san wanted to stop the guy.

I for my part, just evade the drunkard hand with ease. Strengthening my right arm with Senjutsu, I punched him on his chin after taking the perfect stance slightly below him to do so. I did not forget, to use something that Kaa-san drilled into me during training.

"Guuugh!!!". Groaning in pain the drunkard just fell back uncouncious.

"Huh, that went well. I kinda expected a second guy to appear yelling something about revenge but... It did not happen". I muttered slightly at a loss.

My expectations for a template were betrayed. Not sure if I should be happy or not.

"Eh... I am not sure if I should be feeling relief over your safety or I should be worried for that man". A little confused, the Onee-san spoke.

"He wouldn't be able to hurt me, and he is fine. I just knocked him out cold. By the way, I am looking for someone...". I said while observing the fallen drunkard.

I did not leave any wounds so there is no evidence against me.

"Looking for someone? Around here? Do you mean you got lost and you are looking for your mother? Don't worry, leave it to this Onee-san. I will help you reunite with her". Trying to sound upbeat, the Onee-san spoke in a bright tone.

In a sense... she is not wrong.

"I am looking for Sora-san. Is she here? As for the other... thanks for the offer but it is not as easy". I replied.

She seemed surprised at my words.

"Eh? You are actually looking for someone here? And it's the boss?". Said the Onee-san. "Could he be older than what he looks?"

Pondering she seemed to wonder my age.

How rude, I am... wait. Never mind.

"She is here but... It is already closing time. As I was explaining the Sir just now. If you are...". Unsure about what to say, she left her words unfinished.

I kind of want you to call her though.



A while later, after some back and forth with the Onee-san. I was able to convey the information I wanted. And she, although doubtful of my words... called Sora-san. Who allowed me to pass right away.

I was guided to her private chambers which were located at the highest floor. Walking inside, I found her waiting for me there.

Sora-san is a voluptuous beauty with long, wavy brown hair that is tied up in a ponytail with tasselled red string with long bangs covering the right side of her face and green eyes.

She is wearing a white kimono dress with flower patterns on the bottom. She wears her kimono loose, which reveals her bosom. She also appears to wear a sort of bandage or binding across her chest beneath the kimono. Her race is... a youkai. A kejoro to be precise.

"Hmmmmm.... It's been a while. To be honest, I did not expect you to come here, Stray-kun". Spoke Sora-san in a lazy tone.

Oh, yeah. I forgot that she called me like that.

"I guess it has been a while. Kaa-san did not bring me here again since that time. And well... things have happened. But let's save all that for later. You should know why I am here". I got straight to point.

Sora-san, who was laying sideways did not seem bothered with my words, instead she slightly smiled in a rather flirtatious way.

"Oh my? Did you not come here to request for my services? You will break Onee-san's heart". Teased Sora-san.

Not gonna work, not gonna work. Yasaka-san has more sex appeal... even simple gestures from her can be dangerous.

Love can be blind.

"Please, don't tease me. I won't fall for that. This is a serious topic". I reminded her.

"Oh really? Then that blush in your face has to be because of fever then?". Replied Sora-san still teasing me.

I unconciously put a hand on my face, but looking at her who grinned somewhat wickedly... damn, I've been had.

"You can act maturely since a young age, but don't forget what I do for a living. You are far from beating me". Maintaining a grin plastered on her face, Sora-san kindly explained.

Urgh... This is one of the reason why I was reclutant to come here.

"Still, I am glad to see you looking healthy. Mentally... and physicaly, hmmm, I will need to thoroughly check that last one. Only to make sure". Seductively licking her lips she said the last part in a rather low tone.

I got chills as I heard that. Yeah, another reason why I was reclutant to come here. And the reason why Kaa-san refused to bring me here again.

Sora-san either likes young looking males or she is into me. No matter what, it is quite dangerous for me... in a different sense that what it would usually be. A fight but not a fight.

But she is just joking... I think. Last time Kaa-san was with me so she only teased me.



"You can put on your kimono again...". I spoke behind Sora-san.

"I expected something a little different when you asked me to take it off though...". Replied Sora-san pouting slightly. "Still, to think you really came here for this...".

I ignored her pouting since it did not fit her age... although I can't deny that it would make your avarage guy fall.

"This was not a game. Your problem is really serious.... I am afraid that I can barely do a thing about it. Such a vicious wound... *Sigh*". I lamented her state.

This is not your run of the mill wound. Whoever did it, did no hold themselves back.

"Oh my, to express your worry for this Onee-san...". She tried to hug me as she was moved by my words.

I evaded her. It feels like this will lead to something more. And it would cause me many problems. So while recalling Yasaka-san... and for some reason Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan. I hardened my heart.

"Hands off-nya!!!". Bursting through the door, certain Kitty said.

Leaving me blinking in surprise, and it seems that Sora-san was the same... an angry Kuroka-chan, along with a curious Shirone-chan and a somewhat amused and exasperated Shizuku-san. That last one will receive punishment later. Why did she bring them here?.

At times like this...

"Hi there! Fancy meeting you here. Want a cookie?". I put on my most innocent innocent smile and offered.

The imouto-chan honestly walked my way and extended her hand. While the Onee-chan seemed torn between remaining angry or following the younger sister's example. Although it seems that the Nekomata sisters were not the only ones interested in my offer. The kitsune and the kejoro were also staring at me.

Stop it. I got nothing for you two. Only for the younger ones. And Sora-san, put your kimono. I will have a hard time explaining as it is.

What a day.

















Author's notes

Hi there.


A rather short chapter this time, well, usually prologues are like this.

A few new characters are being introduced, do I wonder how did you liked them.

About the furball, the Kesaran Parasaran it has been imagined in many ways but I settled for that shape. Some places call him UMA, but considering that some UMAs are similar to youkai... I grouped them together.

Now, for the appearences of the new characters.

To make this easier for you. I imagined Shizuku as Yukikaze from Dog Days. And Sora as... Kejoro from Nurarihyon no mago. And no. This is not a cross over. Although I won't deny that using their images can be seen that way.

Any questions? Leave a comment.