Peaceful(?) days...

∆ Part 1

"So, I hope you give me an explanation... or that is what my 'client' would ask herself if she did not start eating". Explained Shizuku-san while pointing at Kuroka-chan.

She who lost against the allure of the cookies was not in shape to question me.

Hmmm, client?.

"When did she become your client? What happened to your job with Yasaka-san. And what about me?". I asked slightly... no, rather confused.

"I am a woman who can't stand injustice. That is why I joined Kuroka-sama's cause". Replied indignantly Shizuku-san.

This pattern...

"Again... Should I ask Yasaka-san?". Lowering my tone, I inquired.

You can't just trust this girl. And as expected...

"*Cough* I am sorry. I actually just thought that this would be amusing. And it slightly crossed my mind that it would be great if you had a bad time after leaving me with this job out of the blue". Confessed Shizuku-san who judging by her tone.... is no sorry at all.

I will have to apply some petting punishment for this one later.

But... to confess as soon as I mentioned that glutton Youkai... What did you do to this girl? Yasaka-san.

"*Bites* Nora-nya. Don't *gulp* change the subject-nya". Even as she ate, the black Nekomata tried to speak.

Not standing that, I moved near her. Taking a handkerchief out, I wipe the crumbs of cookies that were on her mouth. Jeez.

"Thanks-nya. *Cough* Now, answer what is happening here-nya. When I came here... nya. I found you and this lady-nya". Inquired Kuroka-chan trying to use a harsh tone. Although her voice is as lovable as always to me.

Now... What should I say?.

Before I was able to give a reasonable explanation...

"What is this? This child came looking for you... just like you were a... bad husband doing bad things". Spoke Sora-san jesting. Although I can only be doubtful about what she originally wanted to say as I glared at her mid-sentence.

Certain kitsune, had her eyes shining when she hear what Sora-san said.

"Stop with the nonsense. Kuroka-chan, this is just a patient. A slightly strange person, but she is not a bad person... I think". I tried to explain.

"Stray-kun... I am not sure if you want to defend me or diss me. Please make up your mind". Complained a certain lady.

Shhh. Don't complicate things.

"But... You came here secretly-nya. Aren't you getting bored of us-nya?". Like all her anger from the beginning was a lie, Kuroka-chan spoke.

Shirone-chan also stopped eating cookies and stared at me sadly.

Can't say I did not see this one coming...

"Hmmmm... Stray-kun. Can't you leave these two to me, to talk them alone? Of course, you can take them with you and do the talk yourself. I am sure that your words would reassure them. But this would happen again soon. That's why... Leave them to me. I promise that I won't say anything bad. You have my word". Unbeffiting of her teasing tone from before, Sora-san stared straight into my eyes and seriously spoke.

Hmmmm.... To leave them with a stranger....

"I can understand why you would hesitate. But... You can't always solve their insecurities for them if you truly want these two to take care of them on their own". In a tone like lecturing a child, she said.

I hate when people do that. But I guess she is right. These two... need a serious talking.


Sighing deeply, I continued to hesitate for a while.

"Shizuku-san. You are mess of escort. To be honest, I wonder how you are still working as one. But... You are someone who earned her trust. Can I trust you with something?". I asked staring at Shizuku-san.

I still feel reclutant to leave them alone and have many doubts. But if I could leave someone trustworthy...

She did not answer me at once. I was not really sure what was going through her head.

"I actually wonder why she put her trust on me too. This kind of duties are not my thing. But... Hmmm, Can I ask you something? Why do you want to do so? Is it because I am the only here?". Somewhat hesitating, she asked.

Hmmmm, I wonder. I would be lying I said that it is not one of the reasons. She is someone I never heard about in the Canon. So I don't have a good grasp of her alignment. She could be a whacko under her... attractive and somewhat careless self(I can't help but complain about how high are everyone's specs).

"Haha, I can't say. I mean... I don't want to lie. It could be because of what you said. But... I also think you are a good girl, putting aside your rather easy going, and careless self. Even though you are a glutton, and you can be said to have abused my trust by asking more than 20 bowls of ramen even when we barely met. There is also the fact that I am not counting when you asked for grilled meat as we passed a place selling it. Or when you begged me for more food an hour later. Yeah. Let's put that aside. I don't mind it one bit". I couldn't help but to vent a little. "I think you would not allow any harm to come to me. And in extension... these two".

This feeling... I guess there is a way to describe it quite aptly. Guts, my guts are telling me to trust her.

I would qualify this as nonsense... If I hadn't met that old man. I mean, he being in that place is a proof that following your guts is not a foolproof 'never fail' card, but he certainly proved that it is helpful.

"...Can you please forget about all that? My paycheck surely won't be enough this month. *Sigh* I have my complains about the method where you sneakily reminded me about that. But... I doubt you are doing it just to get your money back(don't expect it)". Muttering something in a really low tone, she continued to talk. "It would be foolish to trust someone for that reason. However... You still wish to do so. And this is hardly a difficult task for me. I will accept".

Slightly bowing my way, she declared as such.

Honestly, I wish to just go and cuddle those two until their sad faces are no more. I really hate to see them like that. But... Argh.

"Sora-san... I will leave Shizuku-san here. I certainly hope that you don't tease them. Even if you are Kaa-san's friend and patient, just make those girls cry... and I will turn to dust everything. My apologies for my choice of words, but I mean every but of it". As I left the room, I said those stern words. I also pulled a small pouch from my own pouch and left it where I was just now.

"Kuroka-chan... Shirone-chan. Could you... Hmmm, follow along with this? I will leave you guys for a while. Don't worry, I won't pry whatever you speak. So you can be honest". I spoke to the two who seemed to be uneasy?. Not sure why. But I will come flying if they need me.

Shaking my head, I wondered... Could I actually be the problem?. Maybe being overprotective can be bad.

That was going overboard. No. I will protect those two. That much I decided, meaning that I won't shy away from doing everything I can.

∆ Part 2

As Nora left the room, the people who were left behind all sighed in relief as the air that got heavier with the last words he said. It goes without saying that they all had different reasons for doing such a thing.

For the Nekomata pair, they felt slightly pressured by Nora. It was the first time they heard him mutter such a words in their presence. Being honest, they always considered him somewhat silly and harmless. He would always be kind to them so it was a new part of him that they came to know. Not like they were actually scared, surprised maybe, but not scared.

In the case of Shizuku, she did not have more than 24 hours of having met Nora, but she can tell already that he has been extremely forgiving and patient of her actions so far. It made her sweat coldly thinking about whether those words he said... were to be followed. Turning to look at the two sisters that now that he was gone had cuddled together, she wondered what kind of relationship they actually had. From what she could see so far the small bits of time when it was time to guide them around. The way they acted in his presence was way too different as the way they acted when they were with strangers alone.

Her gaze, could not help to be directed at the last person in the room. The woman named Sora is not exactly looking comfortable either. And for some reason she still keeps her kimono down. Somewhat rude, but Shizuku will consider her a lewd woman.

"Kitsune-chan... Do you know how to brew tea? Then go to that shelf and you will find all the equipment necessary to make some. This will be a rather long chat so it will be a good idea to drink some green tea with... hmmm, he actually left some snacks so let us all enjoy them". Lazily exclaimed Sora.

She did not sound affected by Nora's words. But she did look uncomfortable.

Following her words, Shizuku went to brew some tea. It fitted her quite well as she was repeatedly taught how to do it over and over, as it was a basic skill for an attendant. She was also motivated as there were sweets made from Nora. Something she could not help but salivate just imaginating eating.



"Well then. Let us start this, alright. My name is Sora. You can call me Sora-rin or Sora-chan. It is up to you. What are you two called?". Asked Sora trying to sound easy going, or just funny.

The people whom she had asked that question kept their mouth shut. An clear sign that they did not want to talk.

"Hmmmm, not going to comment on that huh. Anyways, I will just talk on my own since you won't say a thing. First, let me say. You don't have to be scared. And I am not talking about me or anything like that. I am talking about Stray-kun". Said Sora. Which she understood that picked the interest of the two Nekomata as their ears twitched.

Thinking that it is rather easy to read them, she continued.

"I hardly know you, or your circumstances. To be honest, I don't know him that well either. I can only comment on what I have seen so far. So I will give you an advise. Jealousy, can be really bad. I know that you might've felt anxious and scared, but to follow him sneakily... I think it was too much". Speaking in a kind tone, Sora explained.

The older Nekomata lowered her head crestfallenly. Seeing that, the younger one seemed angry but she just tried to console the older one. Observing them, Sora smiled wryly. It was not going to be a happy conversation but she did not want to actually scold them. Only advise them.

"Don't lower your head, I know that you do not want to hear this. However, I think it would be better if you do listen until the end". Sora paused for a moment to sip her tea. "Feeling jealous is normal, in particular when you like someone. And that feeling is not only for romantically involved parties but family as well. Yet... When you take it too far, it can get ugly".

Once again pausing, Sora took one cookie that was given to her by the kitsune a bit it. Tasting it thoroughly, she narrowed her eyes. This flavor seemed something that certain someone really liked and looking how that child was being taken care by 'her'... she arrived at the conclusion that certain nine-tailed woman made that child bake to her tastes. Shaking her head lightly, she decided to give a visit to certain old friend. It seems that she will be really scolding someone today.

"....What do you mean-nya?". Having remained silent so far, Kuroka spoke. It could've been her curiosity over the topic.

"I won't bore you with a long story. Take a look at this...". Muttering that, Sora just turned her back to the black haired Nekomata.

As she did that, Kuroka was able to observe the spot that Nora had been checking minutes before she busted through the door when Sora tried to 'attack' the helpless(?) Nekomata.

The result?. Kuroka widened her eyes, and had to cover her mouth with one hand so she did not mutter anything strange. Not forgetting to cover Shirone's eyes with her other hand. A needless worry as Shizuka had already done that.

"....Are you ok-nya?". That was the only thing Kuroka could say. Forgetting her animosity before, she was worried for the woman before her.

What she saw was rather bizarre to be found on the skin of woman. There was a scar of what seemed to be a stab wound. But that was hardly what left her filled with worry. Starting from the wound, similar to an spider web, a black patter spread all over her back. And having it closer, she was able to feel the negative energy that it gave out.

"Worried about me? That makes me happy. Although I did not show you this to earn your sympathy. This is what I meant with jeaulosy being bad. A certain customer had an angry mate, and she could hold her animosity for me for having a relationship with her mate". Lightly saying that, Sora finally put on her kimono again, covering the wound. "It was not enough for her to attack me... But using her negative emotions as a medium, she also casted a curse on me. This wound was much bigger and did not stay closed no matter what I did. It was only thanks to that child's mother that it got to this point. Although... the curse stills remains, preventing any further healing. A truly vicious curse fuelled by jealousy".

Smiling wryly at the black haired Nekomata expression, Sora reached her hand lightly stroke her hair.

"This is actually an unfair example. What you are doing can be hardly categorized on the same level. But... Instead of acting impulsively, I think you should speak about it with Stray-kun". Concluded Sora. " So it never reaches this level".

"But... Is it wrong-nya? I am scared. What if something happens to him-nya? I also am afraid that someone else picks his interest-nya... Would he leave me? I know he won't-nya, yet...". Said Kuroka unsure of what she was speaking.

"*Sigh* What a silly child. Do you truly think he is that kind of person(youkai)? Instead of acting insecure about it... how about you just become more affectionate? In my experience, that will earn his attention more. Besides, you want that too". Looking how the girl in front of her widened her eyes in realization, Sora continued. "I think, that you should just act less reserved towards him. How about it? Want to hear about this Onee-san's advises? I will teach you how keep him close to you... Of course, I can teach the younger one too".

Shizuku on the side wondered if this was alright, knowing bits of the relationship the Nekomatas shared, she knew that Kuroka was already affectionate enough as she usually acted... if she went over that. She could only pray for the person(youkai) who will receive those advances. While she joked about Kuroka being his young wife.... it seems that it won't be a joke anymore, or at least, looking at the eager expression that black cat was making as Sora instructed her... that is how it looked.

Still, she wondered how would this relationship go if the younger one was added to the mix. She is probably too young to understand what exactly she is being told. Nevertheless... Her curious expression is proof that she might go along with what she hears.

Sighing, Shizuku questioned whether she is doing what she was asked for. They are not being harmed in any way, even when the conversation took a darker tone for a moment, it ended up like this. So... she is not suppose to interfere.


Minutes went by, I was in a rather comfortable and uncomfortable state. I felt anxious about Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan. But I am reflecting that perhaps I went too far with my threat at the end. Sora-san is not a bad person, and she has suffered enough. That the child of her friend said things like that when she only wanted to offer advise is too much. However... the words left my mouth before I knew it.

It was not something I ever denied, but I really got attached to those two. I really am such an useless guy. Instead of trying for real to solve their issues... I unconsciously let the matters remain as they were.

"Nee, nee... Would you like to play with this Onee-san?"

"You are way too old to call yourself like that, instead of her, why don't you play with me?"

"Such an impure motives, let me help you to escape from these girls. By the way, do you want to come to my room? I can 'offer' a more comfortable envoirment"

"Stop trying to seduce him, and let me pet him too"

There really is not peaceful place to think and reflect on my actions...


I knew it, following that Onee-san on the hallway when she said she would take me to another room to wait for the girls was not such a good idea.

As soon as I put a foot inside, I was surrounded by a large amount women. They ranged from different ages(?) and sizes, but they seemed to work here one way or another. And while I can't deny that this popularity streak is... likeable for reasons *cough*... I am not in a good mood right now as I am worried.

It is also kind of scary how much these women are joking(?) about certain things. Yes, they are joking. They are surely because they are law abiding citizens. Wait... Do Youkais care about things like age?. No, no. Don't go there.

"Are you bored? I knew it... these girls are bothering you. Everyone, please stop! You are making him uncomfortable... Come with me, I will take you to a quieter pla-"

A quieter place sounds nice, but your breathing is kind of strange. And your eyes...

"Dream on! I know what you are trying to do. He will stay here, that is what we all decided!"

When? I don't recall that happening when I arrived here earlier.

At that moment, I happened to share a look with a certain someone, she just avoided me by turning her head but... Damn, the nekomata Onee-san I met at the door.

Damn you, thank you very much.



Sometime later, the girls were ready with their chat or so I was told by Shizuku-san who came to pick me up. For some reason she was looking at me with... pity. Incomprensible.

"What's with that look?". I asked.

"No, nothing at all... Just... Good luck?". Replying something that left me with more questions than an answer, Shizuku-san turned her back to me and walked away.

What's with her.... wait. Is it the girls? Did something happen!?.

"Shiki-sama!? Where are you going?". Asked the kitsune.

Without bothering to wait for her, I ran straight to Sora's room.

I'm gonna have to burn someone if something happened.



My worries were unfounded. As I arrived at Sora's room....

"Hehe, yes. And that is why you should be wary of tanukis". Said Sora-san in a merry tone.

"That was so funny-nya". Exclaimed Kuroka-chan, greatly having enjoyed whatever they were talking about.

"Do you have more stories?". Asked Shirone-chan clearly interested in hearing a yes.

Ok... I am so lost.

"Hmmm, I do. But, it seems that he came for your girls already. Don't worry, you two are welcome anytime. Although only during the day. I will make sure to instruct you two in...". Glancing my way, Sora-san spoke those words, not finishing the sentence.

For some reason... I felt like putting my guard up. It was like... this was going to be dangerous somehow. How strange.

"Too bad-nya. Then, I will come soon, take care Sora-sen-*cough* Sora-nee-sama... nya". Kuroka muttered that, and she did an obvious fake cough.

Kuroka-chan... you couldn't be more suspicious. Don't avoid my stare either. It is almost like confessing a crime.


Whatever, as long they are doing fine... it's all good to me. Although she wanting to come here again is surprising. She doesn't like when Yasaka-san offers them to sleep over in her place... no, she probably dislikes Yasaka-san for some reason if I think about more deeply.

"If you girls want, you can stay here during the day. I still have stuff to do. And it was suppose to be an outing for you. As long as you enjoy it... You can go anywhere". I spoke as I saw the reclutant expression the younger Nekomata was making.

"No-nya. We will go around and looking at things-nya. There are also things we would like to buy.... Isn't that right Shirone-nya?". Glancing subtly to her lil sister, Kuroka said that.

Said sister though just tilted her head in a puzzled manner. Observing everything without interfering, Sora-san had an amused smile.

"Shirone-nya, Did you forget what we were going to do-nya?". With a defeated look, Kuroka-chan asked.

Tilting her head further in a manner that made me wonder if her head hurt, Shirone-chan stared at her sister at a loss... until she seemed to get what her kin meant.

"....I did not forget". Muttering that, she stood up and went before Sora-san.

You certainly acted like you did though...

"What is it? Do you want to say good-bye? How sweet... Here". Said Sora-san as she took the white Nekomata for a hug.

Not resisting, Shirone-chan hugged her back.

I was left speechless. What the heck? If I had done that the first time we met she would've run away.

Looking at the side, Kuroka-chan had an expression that seemed to mirror mine... a somewhat complicated expression. As I saw her... I uncounciously opened my arms. Which she answered by basically pouncing on me and hugging me.

"Nora-nya. Shirone-nya is nice to everyone but me. How cruel-nya". Complained Kuroka-chan although a small wink I noticed when she spoke proved that it was not as serious as it sounded.

Having withstood the force of the pouncing, I did not fall. Although I almost did. This girl... she used Touki.

Her words... I could not help but to agree with them. So I just patted her back.

"It will be just you and me now... Let's go". Trying to sound hurt I said that.

A subtle glance at the people around and I could see how Shirone-chan turned our way with widened eyes, she extended her hand but Kuroka-chan was not looking at her.

Don't put that look...

"....Don't go". Muttering weakly, Shirone-chan just continued to stare at us.

"Ah, ah, I think I heard something-nya. But since my cute imouto does not love her Onee-chan anymore... I can't recognize her voice-nya". Not bothering to turn an look at her sister, Kuroka-chan exclaimed with faked-sadness.

I was on the verge of being defeated by Shirone-chan's expression.

"...I luv you... Onee-chan... Onii-chan too". Blushing, Shirone-chan said almost whispering that.

At that moment, many things happened at the same time.

Both Kuroka-chan and I flinched. I imagine that it was the same for her, but in my case... those words were a damned critical hit. Like the father of the critical hits. I just felt so complete. Such a simple words... and it made my day. I might be a really simple guy. And for the looks of things... Kuroka-chan too.

Her expression was one that could not hide her joy despite working hard to maintain her faked-sadness look. It seemed to be a lot of things but it all happened really quickly. Just as I was going to leap and hug Shirone-chan... Kuroka-chan pushed me back and pounced on her little sister.

I for my part, awkwardly fell backwards. But I instantly stood back up and jumped to join Kuroka-chan as she hugged and rubbed her own cheeks with Shirone-chan.

....I did the same.



-1 HP, Ouch.

So, at the end. We confessed to Shirone-chan that it was all a joke.

-1 HP, Ouch.

As a punishment, we had to apologize to her... or not. The traitor of Kuroka-chan told her that it was all my idea. So now I am the bad guy.

Critical hit, -5 HP, Ouchy.

One thing led to another, and now I have to at least go to have lunch with the girls. Not like I minded as we spent quite some time with Sora-san whom we said our good-bye for the day.

Miss, No damage.

I kinda wanted to talk to her to make sure that she did not go overboard when talking to the kitties but... the above mentioned kitties just dragged me out. Thankfully, Shizuku-san was still around so I could ask her later.

-1 HP, Ouch.

This could be called distracting myself, but right now... just as we walk, Shirone-chan is lightly jabbing me. Her wronged look makes it impossible to actually blame her. And her tiny fist do not do much damage so she is not being serious.

-1 HP, Ouch.

Still, she must be holding quite a grudge since the white kitty has not stopped. I will certainly punish the one who blamed it all on me and is observing all while laughing. Certain escort who is laughing discreetly will get what she deserves too.

-1 HP, Ouch.

Life can be hard when you don't have allies.

∆ Part 3

A couple of days went by. It was all uneventful and nothing changed... or so I would like to say. But lately, how to say it. I wake up at night finding Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan sneaking in my room. Of course, I asked them what happened the first time but they just fled. The next day they were really adamant on not speaking about it... I was so surprised when Shirone-chan did not talk even when I used sweets as an 'incentive'.

Deciding not to mind it, the next night I just acted like I was asleep until they repeated the same actions, I was curious but I left it be when they just layed beside me. I still took the pair to their room when they fell asleep. Although Kuroka-chan looked frustrated the next day.

Not sure what that was all about.



One day when I decided to chill out at home(no, I actually had manuscripts to deliver and was delayed on my schedule), being alone as the Nekomata pair when to Sora-san's place to chat, being taken there by Shizuku-san... certain buxom kitsune with nine-tails came to pay me a visit, while bringing a small nine-tailed kitsune.

"By the way, Nora-kun. Have you prepared my payment? I got info on certain people you asked me to find... and I am not joking when I say that it was not easy". Demanding for sweets, Yasaka-san just took a seat on the kitchen table like she owned the place. It is not a lie to say that I was slightly distracted when she pulled her kimono a little to wipe her sweat with a handkerchief.

I wanted to retort at her actittude, but instead focused on her certain something.... about the people she found. Yes. On that. Damn this child body.

"Who did you find? What about their whereabouts? How about their situation?". I asked in one breath.

"Calm down, jeez. You are being unexpectedly pushy this time. Here, I think it will be easier to give you the report that my subordinates compiled". Sounding a little exasperated, Yasaka-san pulled a bunch of pages out of nowhere.

Ignoring how she chantlessly used a spell that must not be easy to master and that I desesperately want to learn, I took it at once and began reading.

'Subjects of search: Shuri and Akeno Himejima

Whereabout: Outskirts of Tokyo, in a small Shrine that does not receive many....'

The report said many things, but in summary, it explained a lot of things about the situation of those two. Considering the timeline, I wondered if this would be something I would not be able to find on time... but it seems I was not late.

My adventure or rather, disadventure that led to meeting a number of people like Masaomi-san and Cleria-san... or Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan made question many things. Like if it was right for me to interfere. It can be seen as rather stupid of me since I went and changed how the events would playout, and now I am worrying over it... But recalling the pityfully looking Kuroka-chan when we were at Naberius', I just don't want to accept that kind of reality.

"Nora-kun, as you surely have read... Those two live quite a difficult life as they prosecuted by their clan. I am not sure what you had in mind when you asked me about them but... the Himejima Clan is one of the five great families. They are are force to reckon with since they are onmyojis". Explained Yasaka-san in serious tone, pulling me out of my musings.

"...I know what you are trying to say. But, if you could, well, let me get involved with this. I won't cause any trouble for the Youkai faction". I exclaimed.

"Are you perhaps thinking that I am worried about that? Causing trouble for the Youkais is indeed something I care. But your safety is more important. Do you think I would let you do something dangerous?". Sternly warned me Yasaka-san.

I must say... I am kind of happy that she is worried about me. But... yes, I expected this. I wouldn't be able to find anyone on my own with so little time so relying on her was my only option.

"I just want to keep an eye on them, and it is not like those guys keep a track of the two all the time. As long as I avoid their eyes, nothing bad will happen. Although I honestly would like to have a chat with the older one". I tried to reason.

"Why are you so interested in this? I agreed to your request half-curious but... I can't really understand what you want". Asked Yasaka-san, her tone firm.


"You wouldn't believe me...". I replied wearyly.

"Try me". Said Yasaka-san, she was staring at me rather firmly, but she softened the stare when she spoke.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I tried to think of a way to say what I had in mind.

"Let's say... that they could be in danger, and I just want to offer them a way out". I spoke.

Yasaka-san just stared at me... until she sighed and shook her head. And just as I started to plan the 'Escape Urakyoto V2' plan, she smiled.

"You can be very troublesome, you know that?. Alright, I guess I will 'allow' it. Although you would technically do that regardless of what I said". Replied Yasaka-san. "However, you will have to prove that you are able act upon your words. Above all... You need to prove that you are strong enough to protect yourself".

That smile looked heavenly at the beginning... But it latter started to look a little scary.


"...I don't have too much time to waste, making sure that they are safe is a priority. Can we leave this fo-". "Not a chance, I will continue to treat you like a kid and you won't leave this place if you don't do this. I do trust you, and like you. But private matters are different for work related matters... and while you are not my subordinate, you are a Youkai under my care. I can't very well allow you to act recklessly and run off". I tried to offer a fair argument, but it was shot down by Yasaka-san.

Urgh. Even though her words were not an agreement... I was happy to hear that she likes me. I will work hard to level up that word.

"...ok, what do I have to do?". I muttered with a bitter smile.

"Don't sulk, I will keep an eye on them in the meantime. If something bad happens... I will take care of it. You can trust me on that. Youkais have an adulthood test they must go through to be trusted with adult affairs, so you will have to take it. There is also the fact that you intented to use the faction resources... and you are not officially inside. So...". Started to explain Yasaka-san.

I feel that she is throwing punches at my actions, but I can really say anything back. It was thoughtless of me, even if I asked as a favor, to use the resources of a faction. What am I? Some big shot? No. Although she still demands the sweets...

"Well, don't worry too much. This test was designed to avoid letting people who were not ready to the outside world to be prepared. Although it pretty much to test your strengh...". Using a kinder tone, she spoke.

"*Sigh* ok, I already said I will do it. Let's get over this with... where do I have to go, and what do I have to do? Test strengh? It surely won't be about beating you or it won't be a test but an one-side beating". Slightly annoyed with all this I replied.

Another thing I don't recall hearing about in the canon. What's next?.

"There is no way you can beat me, as for that... You have two days to make preparations. It takes a while to prepare the testing grounds. Not every youkai is the same so the test differs somewhat depending the tested person. Will you really be alright? I did tell you to do it but for Nekomatas, in particular Nekoshou... the test is not easy". Hesitating Yasaka talked with a worried expression.

"Doesn't matter. You won't give me permission otherwise". I answered back.

Maybe I should've sneaked away...

Talking about sneaking away, we got someone here who moved from her previous location unnoticed. Picking the little one who was crawling under the table... coming my way. I was not sure what face to make when Yasaka-san looked at me teasingly.

"Don't say a word!". I declared when I saw her opening her mouth.

"You are no fun... Fufu, you should be careful though, girls can be scary, if you get too popular... then be prepared.". Speaking some rather onmionus words, Yasaka-san had a slightly smile on her face". "Let's forget everything about the previous topic. You have have a debt to pay, remember? Hmmmm, what should I ask you to make~? What~? What~? So many choices... Oh, I know. A full course!".

Making a face like she had a revelation, she turned to look at me with a bright smile.

I felt like she is too 'my pace' sometimes, I would like to hear more about the test. Whatever... as long as she is happy, that is enough for me.

"Sure... Now, what should I make for Kunou-chan? Something a little one can eat". In a slightly conundrum, I stared at the baby in my arms.

"Wait, Isn't kind of unfair to make her something? I worked hard for my full course... no, I mean, She is too young to eat too many sweets". In a righteous tone, Yasaka-san expressed her worry but...

I wonder why, I think this woman can be no good despite being a capable leader.

"*Sigh* I used to believe you were a really dignified person but...". Shaking my head I lamented in faked-disappointment.

"No, no, you are just joking right? What do you me as? I am still reliable". Asked in a light tone Yasaka-san.

"Someone I have fallen for. A very attractive and buxom woman who might look dignified and reliable but it is actually no good when it comes to sweets, she also needs to fix her habit of hugging people tightly on her sleep... or she might suffocate me with her... wait, I just said that aloud?". I instantly paled when I noticed how I spoke my mind.

Oh no. I might've gotten a little to relaxed that I let my mouth loose.

There is no denying that I was very scared. Although I considered her at all I said... People might get creeped out when a child just starts talking like that.

Thankfully, she just smiled in response.

"Heeee.... So you look a me that way. How precocious and cheeky of you. Perhaps I should be worried in a few years?". With a teasing smile, she just stared at me fondly. "Aiming for me huh. Fufu, I feel flattered... but Saya-san would not accept that easily... so I think it won't be possible. Sorry".

As expected, she won't take me seriously. Being turned down even if it was done kindly, makes me kind of sad. But I won't give up that easily. So, against the fear I had for rejection... I continued to speak my mind.

"I will find Kaa-san. And I will convince her". I declared seriously. "I will also... make you take me seriously. Someone you can rely on... I will become like that. I know it might sound like nonsense from a kid. But do... do keep in mind that I am serious".

I slowly said those words, staring straight in to her eyes. Hoping to convey how serious I am. That said, she might just take my words as nonsense like I told her. However... I felt that I should say those words.

Other than my family... I did not have any strong ties with anyone else in my past life, so I really can't be said to be an expert in love. As I only involved myself with women to seek pleasure, I think that my understanding of feelings can be the lowest. In fact, I might be worse than a innocent teenager... but I know. I need to little by little try to convey what I feel.

"Hmmm". Just nodding at my words, she did not say anything else.

Pushing the topic will just worsen things. It was an accident that I said those words, and now it is unknown whether it was something good or not.

Instead of saying anything more, I went to prepare Yasaka-san her full course. Not forgetting to leave Kunou-chan to her... even when she was clinging to me unusually strong.

∆ Part 4

The mood for the rest of visit was a little awkward. Such a thing I expected. Gladly, Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan arrived later... with Shizuku-san who looked at me with pity again. She also gave me a thumbs up.




That night... I was checking some stuff on Kaa-san's room.

It was an habit I took, keeping everything tidy and giving a slight maintainance to any equipment she has stored here.

Although I was not exactly alone as two pair of eyes were staring at me from the gap of the door. Thinking that perhaps I didn't notice them, they just seemed to be observing me carefully without stepping inside.

"...You girls can come in. It is not like I forbid you too enter". I spoke to the owners of the two pair of eyes.

They quickly pulled away and hid. These two were so bold in the canon, but as a pair small girls, I suppose that they are not the same. Hmmmm... Smol Kuroka and Smol Shirone. No, no, calling them like that... I will we stared weirdly again.

Patiently waiting, they showed themselves again, this time... carefully opening the door. Pushing Shirone-chan first who was surprised when she was suddendly shoved inside... Kuroka-chan seemed to pay attention to my expression.

What are you doing to your beloved imouto? This is why she sometimes gives you the cold shoulder. To prove my words, Shirone-chan turned her head and glared hatefully at her Onee-chan.

"...what are you two doing?. Just enter, as I said. I never forbid you to come here". Smiling wryly at their interactions, I questioned.

"But, but, this is her room-nya". Timidly said Kuroka-chan.

"....we heard that she is missing. Nora must be lonely so we are afraid that coming her could make you angry. Onee-sama is worried that she would break something". Speaking way longer than her sister, Shirone-chan even while having a mirror expression as the black kitty, explained.

"Shhhh-nya. You can't tell him that, Shirone-nya! It will ruin my image as a reliable Onee-chan, you dummy-nya". A little startled, Kuroka-chan had a betrayed look as she signaled, with her hand on her lips, to the white kitty to not speak.

Sorry, I already heard that.

"....Eh? Does Onee-sama really thinks that she is reliable?". Widening her eyes in surprise, Shirone-chan asked.

Ouch. That was ruthless.

"....You are getting cheeky-nya. It is time for the big sister to show you how to behave... nya". Narrowing her eyes, Kuroka-chan exclaimed. She raised her hands and pounced on Shirone-chan, only to proceed to tickle her.

As the older(mentally) one, I can't overlook an one-sided attack so... I joined the fray.



Minutes later, after rolling on the floor after fighting by tickling. The three of us were laying on the tatami mats with exahusted looks.

I could help but to smile after this silly display.

"...I am glad. Nora-nya is smiling again-nya". Sounding relived, Kuroka-chan muttered.

"Onee-sama, you weren't suppose to mention that". Complained Shirone-chan to her sister.

I see. It all seemed strange but it was about that.

"...You were worried as well-nya". In a reproaching tone, Kuroka-chan replied.

Instead of answering her, Shirone-chan turned her head away. Although she ended up looking at me as a result. I stared at her without saying a word and she did the same. Neither of us blinked.

"Thanks...". Moments later, I lightly muttered and hugged the younger Nekomata.

Before the other one said a word, I pulled her for a hug as well.

"Thanks to you too, Kuroka-chan". I offered those words to the older Nekomata.

Can't deny. I felt down... what happened with Yasaka-san was an expected outcome, and it was actually one of the best possibilities. However, it left a complicated mood on me. And these two probably sensed it despite me trying to act like usual.



After recharging my energies with a dose of Kurokanium and Shironenium, I continued what I was doing. I took the opportunity to arrange the books I was studying in an easy to access manner.

"What's that-nya?". Asked Kuroka-chan as she peered over my shoulder.

"A book...". I replied feeling a little mischievous.

Kuroka-chan did not find it funny as she pinched my side. But Shirone-chan had a slightly smile hanging on her lips. Half succes huh.

"It is a book about strengthening your resistance to poisons. Kaa-san wrote it a long time ago following the teaching of her Sensei. Although the method was so absurd and unrealistic that they did not allow her to publish it". I kindly explained to appease the angry kitty.

Truly a method that not everyone can use.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she seemed to be curious about the book but when her expression relaxed, she would stubbornly try to keep her angry look. So I will have to use it huh.

"I luv u, Onee-chan!". I said.

My words probably did some critical damage because Kuroka-chan tried to suppress a smile that was trying to take over.

One more push.

"Onee-chan is the best". I attack- I mean, I spoke again

She turned bright red and had to cover her face with her hands.

Not bad even if it came from me..

"Let's speak about the book-nya... please-nya". Still covering her face, she begged pitifully.

Deciding that it would be bad to take it too far, I accepted her request.

*Soft clapping noises*

A sound distracted me however, when I was about to talk about the book. Turning my head, I saw an impressed looking Shirone-chan.

I... decided not to ask. For Kuroka-chan's sake....

Although I did share a discreet thumbs up with the white kitty.



"...and that pretty much is what you have to know about it". I ended summarizing lightly the contents of the book.

Half of my audience just looked at me puzzled.

"Sorry, Shirone-chan. It was probably too much for you. I will read you a book of your choice later". I kindly muttered feeling a bit guilty for making her heard me out.

"...I like to hear Nora's reading. But I accept the offer". Said Shirone-chan after pondering for a moment.

What a good kitty. You get one more cookie during your snacks tomorrow.

"Nora-nya. I have a question-nya". The other half of the audience that understood my talk, asked.

Hmmm, Kuroka-chan might not like to study... But that is only when is not related to magic or Youjutsu. This girl is the real deal. Other than my techniques over plants... she is literally the 'Onee-sama' between the two of us.

I briefly nodded to signal her to speak. Although a smile crept to my lips as she had raised her hand to ask a question. I feel like a teacher.

"... Are there people who actually could finish all that-nya?. Okaa-sama... no, I am sorry-nya". Avoiding my eyes, she just left her words unfinished.

"You can call her like that. Although if you call her Saya-chan, it will bring a funny result. When you meet her, try it". I tried to sound as gentle as possible. "As for the other question... I only explained the basic 3 levels. It is not as dangerous as you think, although it could be improved more. There are a total of 10. Kaa-san was around the seventh level as I recall...".

Unsure, I replied without basis. Kaa-san is truly impressive to arrive there.

"...Uhm, Oka-, Saya-okaa-sama is amazing". Exclaimed Shirone-chan a little awkardly.

Little girl, I think you don't know what you are talking about.

Well, Kaa-san is indeed amazing.

"How many people actually went through this-nya?". Regaining her mood, student A asked.

"The number is rather big. Can't say...". I replied unsure again.

I was told that countless people were curious about it gave it a try.

"How many actually continued training-nya?". Questioned Kuroka-chan, aka, Student A. Her eyes shining with curiosity made her look like a different person from the one who was fooling around a while ago.

I raised two finger to answer her.

"Twenty people-nya? So few-nya?". Incredously asked Kuroka-chan.

I shook my head at that.

"Two people... Kaa-san... and me. Most people were fine with level one. But they gave before they could reach higher levels. For the record, I am at the third level myself". Shrugging my shoulders, I spoke.

"...Nora is awesome!". The first one to say something was surprisingly the white kitty.

You can praise me more. It was really hard.

She would sneak stuff into my food, some were tasty... while others? Ha.

"But... Does it work-nya?". Asked the black kitty as she took the book and began to read it.

"It certainly does... Nevertheless, I don't recommend you to imagine going through it. Unless you plan to finish it all. After all, stopping midway will make all the previous effort go to waste". I explained. "That said... I have been postponing my training".

Taking a deep breath, I recalled certain thing. Mixing poison I would ingest was done always by Kaa-san. Doing it on my own... I don't think I can apply it to food and make edible just yet. Still, I need to find the way sooner or later.



We spent talking about random topics for a while, but then, the smol Shirone started to feel sleepy. When I offered her to carry her to her room, she just stood up and walked my way. Laying on my lap... is something I did not expect. The little girl just curled there without care for the world.

"Nora-nya. You are grinning too much-nya". Pointed Kuroka-chan who had gotten closer to pat her little sister kindly.

I raised a hand to my lips and it proved to be true what I was told. I blame my simple mind.

Confirming that the younger Nekomata was truly asleep, I decided to share a certain worry I had.

"...You might think I exagerate, but I feel like she avoids me sometimes. My mind can't help but to think that she does not like me". I began explaining. "It is kind of why I get happy when she actually sticks close to me".

I am a little embarrassed to admit it, however, the feeling I get is not that of dislike. She does seem to have a liking towards me. But...

" is not your fault-nya. She is actually... no, I think you should talk to her alone-nya. And don't force her to tell you-nya. Otherwise... I will get angry! Angry-nya!". Resolutely saying that, she just stared at me.

As my cat-like green eyes were being stared by her cat-like golden eyes.. I quickly gave her a kiss on her forehead and she just blushed a little. Yeah, I kind of wanted to dispel the serious mood but... now I am embarrassed by her reaction. A blashful Kuroka-chan is too powerful.

"...Sure, I will". I muttered that in response although I was not sure if she paid attention.

∆ Part 6

The next day, I began doing a little search on Kaa-san's documents and books about that test I am suppose to go through.

More info is always good.

For some reason, the first thing I found was her diary. I was curious but it would be rude to peek at it so I carefully put it where it was.

After hours of searching, I came upon what I was looking for.



Yasaka-san called them tests, but Kaa-san refers to them as trials. They are not easy to beat, or so it said, and they are definitely not an adulthood test. The point is that everything you face will be in a pocket dimension like the one this house is. So that kind of explains a doubt I had... the location of the place.

The details regarding what I will have to do are not exactly clear. The creator of these trials was someone whom Kaa-san and Yasaka-san met hundreds of years ago, and one who taught them when they were young. And he seemed to have made that place more as a training grounds than to test the general public.

Wow, this is first time I have heard(read) a clue about their ages. I better keep this secret in my heart. Not like it will change how I treat them. I have met people like Grayfia-san, Serafall-san and Sirzechs-san who are over hundreds years old... and Venelana-san should be over thousands. Better stop, I just felt a chill.

Back to that place... It seems to contain a spell that will judge the 'appropiate' level of difficulty for you. That is good to know.

As for what to expect... Kaa-san fors not mention too much regarding that. She only says that from what she could compile, there is not a set pattern. Both of your weakness and strengths will be tested and if you succeed there is a possibility to receive a reward.

I can't help but wonder... Is this really alright?. This doesn't look remotely like what that woman told me. And whether I like it or not, considering the difficulty... It is not far fetched to think that she expects me to fail.

Jeez, she can be really harsh. But I guess that even if she crearly told me not to go, I wouldn't have paid attention. Perhaps this pattern was because she knows me.

Still, I like her more when she is upfront... so next time I won't give her any sweets.


Sighing wearily, I decided that I would practice some more. Better pay attention to all my skills and make arrangements to all kind of possibilities. Truly what Yasaka-san told me to do.

...Looking around me, I wondered, What should I start with?.


Finishing her duties for the day, Yasaka was taking a little break as she played with her daughter. And she could help to feel a little resentful at certain person, as Kunou would sometimes stare at the entrance to the room like waiting for something or someone.

As the young nine-tailed fox seemed to get tired of staring, it suddenly opened. She got excited but later became disappointed as the one who entered was one of the subordinates of Yasaka.

Her mother who watched all this just shook her head with a bitter smile. Turning her gaze to the woman had entered bringing tea and some snacks she...

"Can you bring her plushie when you leave? It is about time for her to take a nap". Spoke Yasaka while gently caressing her daughter's hair.

The woman who had just laid the tea besides Yasaka just nodded her head in acknowledgement to the request.

"...Also, Did you prepare that place like I asked? Remember to put all the safety measures. I don't want any real harm to come to him". Said Yasaka in a rather serious tone.

Her subordinate did not nod at once and seemed to to struggle with some thoughts. But she did not take long doing that.

"As you wish". Replying like that, she vowed and began walking out of the room.

Having noticed the hesitation on the woman, Yasaka stopped her.

"Wait, Asamiya-san. Is there something?". Asked Yasaka.

The woman, Asamiya, was a loyal subordinate who had worked for her for a really long time. The silent type who did not hesitate to follow her orders. Her reaction just now was not normal. So the blonde kitsune could not help but to feel that something could've gone wrong.

Immediately obeying Yasaka, Asamiya just turned her head and still hesitated and struggled with her words until she managed to gain the courage to speak.

"...Is it alright to make him go through that? He is Saya-sama's child. Also... to tell him that this was a test that all youkai take, I... might be overstepping my boundaries by saying this but denying his request would've been much easier". Said Asamiya.

It was something normal to think.

"...He is not the type to listen. Last time.. he just left without telling anyone". With complex emotions, Yasaka spoke. "Over a year. It was over year that I spent looking for him after that. And this time, he is just recklessly planning to get involved with exorcists. They won't be so kind. So I want to make him understand that he not yet strong enough to be playing the hero out there".

Shaking her head, Asamiya seemed to be denying something, but she did not mention what it was. Instead...

"You should know that it is not until they are much older that youkais are allowed enter that placee. Even you, in your younger days had a difficult time in there. And although I can't deny that the creator of these trials made an impeccable job, even adding a feature that gives rewards to those who pass... he, Saya's child still will get hurt". Rebuked Asamiya.

Biting her lips, Yasaka quietly tightened her hands into a fist.

"...It will show him the reality of things. I will send that child after him too. Although she would be sent back if she interferes, Shizuku will put an end to anything threatening. I won't allow him to get hurt badly. I would never do that". Answered back Yasaka, her words seemed to be trying to convince herself instead of Asamiya.

Hesitation was crearly written on her face, but Yasaka did not seem like she would change her mind.

Mentally complaining a little, Asamiya did not pursue the topic again.

"...then I won't say anything else. Just remember that there are not absolutes. Things could always go wrong so make ample preparations". Advising such a thing, Asamiya did not say anything else. Without waiting for a possible reply she just left.

While her actions could be considered rude, if Yasaka needed her... she would come back when called.

"...Only you treat me like a young girl. I know what I am doing". Muttering to herself, Yasaka couldn't help to recall how long has Asamiya been working for her.

A really long time.

As she was lost in thoughts, she was surprised when...

"Yasaka-sama! Yasaka-sama! It's Nora-nya! He has gone mad-nya. He... he... is drinking poison!". A distressed Kuroka entered the room unannounced.

And while Yasaka was surprised that the young girl had come looking for her when she was not liked that much... her words were enough to raise alarm bells on her head.

For a moment she considered the chat he had with him the other day. She had taken his words as a joke when he first said that he liked her... and she had tried to gently turn him down.But looking at his serious expression... she was not sure what to tell him so she remained silent regarding the topic.

It was without any ill intent, she just considered that he should focus on someone his age. Although part of her couldn't help but to be flattered. During his dissapearence she had met with the devils... And people like Grayfia, Venelana and even Serafall were very attractive, so being choosen over them had made her a bit happy, yes, a bit. So she would save this story to brag about it later.

Would her intentions be understood by him? She did not explain it to him but he was smart... He is not the type to go through that route.

With a large amount of conflicting thoughts, she missed the fact that he was in fact trained by her dear friend using the same method. But she was not thinking clearly as a guilt about her actions from before dulled her judgment. So she just took her daughter and Kuroka who was staring at her with begging eyes, and casting a teleportation spell... she left at once.



Arriving in a jiffy at Saya's home, Yasaka almost flew to find Nora. Whom she found nonchalantly drinking what it seemed to be tea on the kitchen table.

"Oh, Yasaka-san. I thought you would come to pick me up tomorrow for the 'test'". In a carefree voice, Nora spoke.

For a moment her head was in a blank state, so she just turned to look at kitty responsible for her rush here. But said kitty still looked anxious. Meaning that this was not a joke.

Once again she turned her head to look at the male Nekomata. Ignoring her daughter who was struggling on her arms to reach said individual but failing to do so.

He looked fine... no, a closer look showed that his skin was tinged with a purplish hue almost impossible to distinguish. Only after silently casting a spell that enhanced her eyesight did she notice. Another problem came up when she caught a certain faint smell coming from the cup on Nora's hand. It did not smell like tea, with a slight sweet smell... it left her with a bad feeling.

"...Could you tell me what you are drinking?". Doing her best to smile as kindly as possible but failing as Nora seemed scared for a moment, Yasaka asked.

"...Nothing? Ok, ok. I was just joking. Don't stare at me like that... jeez, you might awake something strange inside me". Replied Nota.

jokingly. "Consider this my training, version 'Self-made Nora style'. Don't worry, I am not doing anything dangerous".

Doing her ultra best to ignore his nonsense(?), Yasaka started to feel a headache. Which increased when the cup he had on his hands spilled the contents... from bellow, as a hole had opened there. The headache quickly grew as she saw said contents starting to melt the table.

"...If I tell you that this cup was too old and that is why that happened, would you believe me?". Trying to act innocently, Nora asked. As he discreetly took a glass bottle containing some sort of liquid from his pouch, only to spill it over the old contents of the cup, or what was left of it.

At this moment, Yasaka thought, that perhaps the day where he becomes reliable will never come. But in a sense, she felt relieved as he would depend on her for some more.

Hiding her thoughts behind a smile(?), Yasaka tried to calm her mind as it was still in chaos.

One thing she was certain of, she would scold him.














Author's notes

Hello there, readers.

Sorry for the delay, due personal reasons I was not feeling well enough to write. My health does not help me either.

Anyways, here is the chapter.

There was an important topic I touched this time, and that was Nora telling what he felt to Yasaka. As expected, it would not go well. It is difficult to take a child serious. I mean, thing about it. How many crazy thing did you say as a kid? Come on, pull that dark history out and try to recall. Anyways, she did not take him seriously. But he was able to convey a tiny bit of what he was really thinking, so... while this could be seen as a bad move... it will be the bases for his futures actions. As he starts acting more 'reliable', he would try to convince Yasaka of his resolve to follow through his words.

What else?. Well, I am sure that you will ask even if I explain so... Ask away.

Good day to you all.