
∆ Part 1

Finding difficult to open my eyelids, I felt a familiar pressure around me.

Somewhat expecting what will come next, I paused any efforts until I was able to move more easily.

Motioning my 'body' to sit, I was greeted by the sight of He(?) lazily laying on the floor(?) staring upwards(?). Damn this place and the lack of anything.

"Yo! Doing good? You are about to go to an interesting place so I thought I should pay attention to you for a while". Muttering a little wearily, He(?) just stayed where he(?) was. "I feel bad, but I haven't been able to find your mother yet. Although... One small glimpse at the future and I could see you wrapping her with a blanket at night, so everything will be alright... I think".

His(?) words were said before I was able to ask anything. But considering what he(?) just said, I will let go the fact that he(?) still reads my mind.

More importantly.

"A glimpse at the future? How does that work, and how far in the future was that?". I asked what I was most interested at. "Also, thank you for you hard work".

He(?) doesn't have to do this but he(?) is still trying to find her in my stead. While I do nothing.

"Don't feel bad, it is about putting the right person for the right job. I have so much free time". He(?) reassured me. "As for the other thing, that is easy... I can look this world as a whole. The beginning and the end, you consider what you see as the present but to me that is ambiguous. I just took a look at a different point which happened to be the future, never tried the past though... I just look the this world because you are here, so there is no need to check where you are not going to be".

His explaination is not making anything clear, but rather making it worse.

"Hmm, imagine this then. Let's say you are on a train". He started to explain.

"I won't ride that accursed invention ever again". I immediately declared.

Trains and me are no good.

"I said imagine *sigh*, anyways, if your life is the starting point then the destination is your death. The journey on the rails is what you would call your life. In my case, I just glimpsed at your journey a little forward. In fact, you would be surprised at the amount of time it actually happened since we last spoke". Described He(?). "Or rather, I say time but time here is impossible to gauge using your standards. I am just using a term for you to understand".

I only half understood his(?) words. But once again I am in awe at the kind of existence he(?) is.

"Something interesting is about to happen tomorrow, just give your best. And don't be discouraged!". Suddenly standing up, he(?) started to... root for me?.

No, wait. For the way he said it...

"You know more about my future?". I asked in incredulity.

If what he is saying so far is true..

"Oh, look at this. It is time to go to sleep again!". Laughing mischievously he(?) took out a watch out of nowhere at said that.

"Wait, you said-". Before I could complain about that sight, he pushed me lightly and everything when black.


Alone again, He(?) just quietly stood looking to a far away place. Which was not possible as there was nothing everywhere.

"You have arrived? I see"

At some point, a figure just appeared beside him(?).



The figure did not seem to say a word but He(?) could read the other parties thoughts regardless.


Lacking a little as his face was not exactly human, He(?) had an awkward but slightly out of place sad face.

"Are you sure? That would be hurt you, but I am just giving you an advise"

He(?), a little discouraged seemed to feel pity.

"You accepted such a terms? That is reckless"


He(?) expressed his anger in little words. But it was clearly there.

"It is your life, but I can't help but worry about you. She is still... *Sigh* ok, do as you please. Although I am not happy. If I find that sneaky little...! I will deal with it regardless of your pleas. Forcing my friend into that path..."

Defeated by the other party arguments(?), he(?) swallowed his anger.


"I don't want to wish you good luck. But... take care"

Along with those words, the other party just vanished.

Not even once he spoke using his mouth, but he(?) had a conversation anyways.

Alone once again...

"I wonder if it's alright for me to interfere. If I had done that, maybe it wouldn't have come to this. But I had taken that from him... I have no way to... No, I just have to... Yes, that would work". Muttering those words to himself, he(?) seemed to have decided something.

Not a word more was said as he(?) waited for the time to act.


Trying to shake the effects of the visit to he(?), I tried to recal what happened because my memories weree a little muddled.

Yesterday I got severely admonished by Yasaka-san. I can't really blame her, as the timing when she appeared was when the cup could not hold the poisoned tea I made, anyone would worry. But I stood my ground when she asked me to stop. There is only so much I can do to get stronger at once, so trying this method during my leisure time will be more efficient.

Of course, she did not want to back down.

Her mood was not going to help me so I just offered her some cookies... and some tea made from the leaves of special kind of plant that relaxed people.

She was suspicious of my intentions, but I reassured her that it was as an apology for upsetting her. I will keep in my heart that she accepted this when I mentioned that it had medical properties like making her nails grow stronger and prettier.

Kaa-san, your knowledge is always helping me.

Drinking the tea made her lower her guard but I could see that she was not there yet.

Complaining a little to Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan who just observed in one corner of the kitchen while eating sweets, I wondered if I could do something more to raise my opportunities convincing her.

So I offered her the only other things I could imagine, combing her hair and massaging her. She narrowed her eyes at me, thinking again that I might be up to something. However, I acted fast. Before she could mutter a complain, I started my special massage. Starting from the shoulder which seemed to be stiff due her work, or perhaps her worry for what happened.

The result...?. She did not stop me.

Mentally doing a victory pose, I continued doing my job. Using Ki do wonders along with massages.

The rest was just about pointing my reasons, and sneakily applying pressure in the points where she was stiffer when she was about to rebuke me.

At the end, it was an overwhelming victory, although something did happen. Kuroka-chan was blushing a little as she covered her little sister eyes as she stared at Yasaka-san... and when I moved in front of her to see what happened, I saw an alluring sight I will never forget.

Without saying a word, Yasaka-san stood up and took Kunou-chan who climbed my back during the massage.

And that is how I got permission and avoided getting scolded.

I definitely need to work on this skill more... for medical reason, purely medical reasons.

No, seriously, I don't want to do what I did to some guy. Never.

More practice is necessary... and thinking about it, there are people I need to talk(scold). Shizuku and Sora... and that Nekomata Onee-san.




Finally, today was the day to go through those so called trials. I made preparations the best I could, arming myself with the best bow I could find at home, a quiver of arrows and a set of throwing knives I bought some time ago. And while I am not that good at that, anything that raises my success rate, even if the amount is meager, will be helpful. My experience in throwing scalpels will surely come in handy here.

Almost like an RPG, I imagined a message that said...

-Kuroka wants to join the party

-Shirone wants to join the party

But, even when the two kitties appeared before me with expectant looks, I had to harden my heart and told them that I would do this alone.

I almost gave in when in unison dropped their ears and heads down. Almost.

"Hey, Don't be like that. I already told you why I have to do this. Don't worry, I will be back in a jiffy. You should know that I am pretty tough". I consoled the pair.

While Shirone-chan has an absurd strenght despite her size and age, she has not gone through actual combat training so her power level is low. For some reason she hides it so I have not asked, waiting for her to tell me.

Kuroka-chan is pretty strong too, I have seen her practice, and honestly, were it not for my advantage of having a purer and higher quality Ki, she could gain the upper hand in a fight against me. I am better in terms of Touki and strengthening my body with Senjutsu, but that's it. The black cat girl is better with Youjutsu, having a wider range of spells at her disposition. Her Kasha, besides looking cooler than mine(personal thought and preference), is nothing to scoff at as I can feel that she can more or less imbue purification on it. As for the the damage... I can still be smug about it. Only thing I can brag about.

"I can fight too-nya. Take me with you, I will be helpful-nya". Kuroka-chan tried to persuade me.

As for Shirone-chan... she just tightened her little fists and taking a boxing stance she did some shadow boxing. She might kill her opponents by acting moe. I mentally saved that image.

Patting both of their heads gently, I tried to calm them down.

"It is not about being able to fight, being or not being helpful. I have to do this for certain reasons. It is to get acknowledged, so I need to do it alone". I kindly explained.

The white one rubbed her head on my hand happily, but the black one still stared at me expectantly.

"Jeez, alright. Next time, you are coming with me". I spoke.

Nodding at that, Kuroka-chan just closed her eyes and enjoyed the caress.

Kuroka-chan is being sneaky.



After making compromises, I was free to go. Although they did come with me, apparently to see me off and not to join me during the trial.

Truly good girls.

Just as I was about to leave the barrier, I found certain fox girl waiting for me. As she slightly bowed when she saw us...

"Everyone, good morning, I am here to guide you today". She spoke in a serious tone.

Different from the mood she usually carried, Shizuku-san was acting more proffesionaly. Somehow I didn't like that so I silently walked in from of her and... pulled her cheeks.

"Id juurts! Sdop! Auuuu!". Complaining she tried to pull away but I did not allow it.

I continued to pull them a few seconds more then I released her.

"What was that for!? Shiki-sama can be such a bully! I will sue you! My boss will know about this!". Muttering nonsense, Shizuku-san pulled away from me quite the distance.

Hmm, this is better.

"You were acting too stiff, so I helped you relax". I said.

She for her part just rubbed her cheeks.

"Bullying girls is not a good hobby". Shizuku-san replied.

Feeling slightly mischievous...

"Only pretty ones, ask the two cat girls behind me. I do tease them a lot". I jested, not forgetting to praise(?) Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan as well.

Shizuku-san did not say a thing about it, just turning around, although to protect her pride, I will not speak of how she slightly blushed.

How innocent...

Hmmm, I teased a girl and now I am at full power. My motivation is through the roof. I will beat those trials in no time.

"Let's go... I will take you to the testing grounds". Mumbling in a low voice, Shizuku-san just proceded to walk away.

So they will insist in calling them testing grounds. Trials, call them trials.

Shrugging my shoulders I just followed along, and behind me I heard the steps of the cat girls following me.



The location was beyond me, I was not sure where exactly that place was located. And while I have been going around Urakyoto these days pretty often, I can't say I know every part completely.

We walked to the North of the city. And came to a stop in front of a rather onmionus looking stone Torii gate which was covered with talismans.

"Not going to judge but... this place looks cursed". I couldn't help but mutter.

I did not seem to be the only one who had that idea as I saw the girls nodding, clearly sharing my point of view.

"... The one who made this said that it helped to mentally prepare people to what is to come. The tr-*cough* test is not scary so don't worry. The creator only had a bad personality". Explained Shizuku-san.

Oi, you almost called them trials just now. You did.

"So, I guess that... since Shizuku-san is a splendid adult then she already completed this test. Because all adults go through it... right?". I asked.

At my question though, Shizuku-san just started to sweat.

Instead of answering, she did a number of hand signs and proceded to write a number of symbols in the air. It caused a change in the Torii as the talismans seemed to shine for a moment.

"Let's go! It is time to finish this!". Saying that in a merry tone, our guide just went through the Torii gate, disappearing after passing.


I sighed wearily.

"Nora-nya. That girl was suspicious-nya. You should be careful, Sora-nee-sama told me that Kitsunes like to deceive men-nya. Don't fall for her charms, and her body! I will grow up real soon-nya!". Declared Kuroka-chan in a serious tone.

I am sure you will, and you'll become a really attractive woman.

" too!". After a while Shirone whispered too.

That might take a while. But recalling Shirone v2... Hmmm, it is possible. Shirone adult version, I wonder how she did that. It had something to do with Senjutsu and Touki... that is a nice idea, I will try that. She got a power up that way, maybe I can do it too.

"You two are splendid ladies as you are, but yes, you will certainly become more beautiful". I replied to their words.

After that, I just followed after the kitsune. With a side glance I caught their expressions, and once again thought that I did well in bringing them with me to Urakyoto.

∆ Part 2

Inside the gate was not much different from what the outside, only... there was a stone staircase leading to a Shrine. A really long staircase. Like Saint S*iya level. What the heck? Did the trial start after crossing the gate?.

It would take too much time to go up normally so I signalled the girls to my back and front, intending to carry them.

Somehow they caught up quickly what I meant, and the start to play rock, paper and scissors.

The winner was Shirone-chan who walked in front of me and stared at me expectantly. Smiling wryly I carried her princess style, and Kuroka-chan climbed on my back muttering complains about her luck.

Not wasting more time, I jogged at full speed to reach the top, which really took me a while to arrive despite being able to observe the Shrine from bellow.



Now at the Shrine, I saw Yasaka-san standing there waiting for me. Shizuku-san, and Asamiya-san whom I had met a couple of times before were waiting slightly behind the nine-tailed woman.

This time, Yasaka-san had a difficult to hide dignified look. She stood proudly in front of me. She certainly looks beautiful, but I like it more when she is easy going around me.

So I.... lowered Shirone-chan and Kuroka-chan who were both strangely acting meek, and made massage motions with my hands.

Yasaka-san blushed.

"...Please forget that. I beg you". Muttering weakly, she pleaded.

Hmmm. I mentally snorted at that. Never.

Softly massaging her forehead, I could see Asamiya-san looking at me like she wanted to say something. This time I turned my head to avoid her. She is really strict.

"*Cough* Welcome, this will be place where the test will take place. If you take a look to your right, you will see the entrance to the place". Explained Yasaka-san while pointing to the 'entrance' in question. "There are not particular rules you need to follow, just go in there and follow the instructions given inside. If you are able to complete what is asked of you... then you pass the test. Simple, right?. Any normal adult would be able to do it... so, you should be able to".

This time, Asamiya-san stared at Yasaka-san like she wanted to say something.

Please, you people make it so obvious that something is going on... or not, I know what this is about because I read Kaa-san notes. I am not such a smart cookie.

"Sure, sure. Let's finish this alright? I just gotta do this". I tried to speak light heartedly to calm down Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan who were looking at me worriedly.

I smiled in response to their worry, just patting them lightly. Taking a deep breath, I walked in the direction Yasaka-san pointed, finding another Torii gate.

"Remember the deal then!". Declaring such a thing for the voluptuous nine-tailed kitsune, I passed through the Torii.


Once Nora was gone, the remaining people did not stay waiting for his comeback... other than Kuroka and Shirone.

"Shizuku, go. You know what to do". Ordered Yasaka.

In response, Shizuku bowed slightly and quickly made her way after Nora. Moving at a rather high-speed.

"Sorry, I know you mean well... but I can't afford to lose both of you". Whispering such a thing, Yasaka carried a complicated expression.

The only one who heard her was Asamiya who was behind her. Who could only sigh at that.

"You two, come inside. We can take a look at his progress inside. Instead of standing there, you can take a seat and watch over him". With a shake of her head, Yasaka tried to act like nothing happened.

It worked since the Nekomata sisters were not that interested in her mood or expressions.

Nodding at that, Kuroka and Shirone gazed one last time at the Torii before walking inside the building which resembles a small Shrine.



Taking a seat on the tatami mat, everyone turned to look at... a huge crystal located in the middle of the room. Which Nora would've recognized as a similar material to what he saw in Naberius lab.

Making a number of hand signs, the crystal lit up and along with the audio, it showed...

"...I AM SO GONNA COMPLAIN TO THAT WOMAN!!!! THIS IS TOO MUCH!!!". Yelled Nora as he ran for his dear life.

In the image, he was running from what it looked to be a large group of Youkais of all kind. And they did not seem friendly.

Their speed however could not match the Nekomata, who took the opportunity to shot arrows that took down the weaker ones easily. Strangely, there was no blood, the youkais just busted like blooms and in their place what was left were pieces of paper.

Everyone in the room froze at that sight. But it quickly change into panic for some, and to anger for others.

"What's this-nya!?". Shouted Kuroka as she stood up angrily.

Shirone for her part was just panicking, she just turned her gaze between Nora's image to her sister then to Yasaka, unsure what do or say.

Furrowing her eyes brows, Yasaka was not sure what to answer.

"Asamiya, check what this is about". Ordered Yasaka.

While she was worried, it was more important find out what was exactly happening. Nora was not hurt yet so it was not as bad as it looked. There was also the trump card named Shizuku, in case things were too dangerous.

As Yasaka spoke, Asamiya just vanished with a poof of smoke.

Despite her trying to calm herself, Yasaka's mind was a mess. It was after all her idea to send him there. Should she try to forcefully enter...? The creator of the training ground was adept at making barriers so it won't be an easy task. It would be too late if she started breaking the barrier later.

"I am speaking to you-nya. You always take Nora-nya's attention, now you put him there-nya!". Growled Kuroka.

She was losing her self control as she watched him getting surrounded.

"...It is ok. It is not as bad as you think. Those are shikigamis, not real youkais. They were made so they matched the tester strenght. So don't worry". Speaking in a kind tone, she tried to soothe the older Nekomata. Although she might've been trying to persuade herself as well.

"Ah...". Muttered weakly Shirone who was paying attention to Nora.

Turning their heads, they saw as Nora who was stopped somehow by kurasu tengus that sneaked behind... got swallowed by the mob of Youkais.

That scene chilled Yasaka's mind and spine.

"Do something-nya.... No, if you are not going to do anything, then I will-nya. I miss judged you-nya". Mumbling that as she glared at Yasaka, Kuroka just left.

Shirone followed along.

"Wait, you two. It's dangerous! Let me... Urgh, they are gone". Said Yasaka as she finally stood up and went after them.

Failing to see when in the image Nora managed to escape in cat form by himself.

But she was more worried about the girls who were about to do something reckless, so after leaving the Shrine, she suppressed a groan as she saw when the two dissapeared through the trials' gate.

"I will have to do this the hard way then...". Muttering that she started to make a series of complex hand signs.

Instantly the temperature around the area started to raise. Whisps of golden colored flames started to appear around her, having a fist size and numbering dozens... then hundreds, continuing to raise in amount. And a magic circle materialized bellow her. Further raising the temperature and the size of the whisps of flames.

"I feel bad doing this after all his effort building this but... those children are more important right now". Apologizing, she was about to forcefully break through to get all of them out at once but...

"I think that would be bad so... I better stop you". With those nonchalant words, a male voice interrupted Yasaka.

Appearing before her, was a figure that left her tongue tied.

"You! What are you doing here!?". As surprised as she was, Yasaka managed to utter those words.

"*Tsk* *tsk* Is that the way to talk to me? Yacchan? Well, I am not the real deal... but I am still looking looking like your Sensei". The figure muttered with a shrug of shoulders. "Before that... Let's turn down the heat".

Raising his hand, a wave of cold air spread over the area, easily countering the flames and extinguishing them.

"Now, why don't we have a chat? Don't worry, the kids will just play for a while...". Spoke at last the figure as it pointed at the Shrine.

∆ Part 3

After escaping from the mobs of what seemed to be youkais, I managed to gain some distance to take a breather.

It is useless to try and run from them. A fog is covering everything around me but even with that I can tell that I am walking in circles. The forest setting around me does not help either.

If I move too far from them, I end up finding them in front of me, like I take a turn somewhere just to come back. Not sure what's this for.. however, it seems like I won't be going anywhere until I deal with the enemies chasing me.

Those guys... no, I am not even sure if they can be called that. Initially I did not want to hurt them too much in case they were Yasaka-san's people, but those bunch of Youkais who appeared out of nowhere were not stopping and I happened to injure one badly with my arrows despite aiming to immobilize him. But the strange thing was when he blew up leaving a piece of paper in his place.

After that, I used my ability and could bee therough them, and they were not youkais, but were somehow created using Youjutsu, or maybe magic as they had youkais shapes but their insides were empty besides that piece of paper.

The tricky part is that if I try to take them down one by one... they refill their number. Or someone does it. It is hard to see thanks to the fog, and even with my ability I fail to find the one behind it.

That kitsune, I will take my revenge.

Taking one last deep breath, I raise my bow to aim my pursuers.

The ones taking the lead this time seem to be Kitsunes, or at least the mask they wear is what I used to indentify them as such. About 20? No, there are more hidding. The double of that.

Carrying wooden swords, they take a spread out position. Having at least one tree nearby.

Now they are learning to take cover huh.

"Still, you guys don't know me enough, otherwise... You would stay away from the trees as well". Saying those words without expecting and actual answer.

I lowered my bow, and extended the hand I used to pull the arrow to touch a nearby tree.

It's been a while since I used this. Other than catching Kuroka-chan when she runs away...

Sending large amounts of Ki, I spread it carefully to reach the nearby vegetation... including the trees those fake-youkais are using as a cover. Taking the feeling of connecting with nature, I start manipulating the roots to attack those... guys(?).

Not hesitating, I uprooted the... roots, and made them pierce the nearby enemies. Managing to get those who were about to pounce on me. The others were not taken care of but some did get entangled.

That takes care of two ...only about almost forty left. Yay.

Expecting this, I sent more Ki to make the vegetation grow more. Engulfing the ones entangled. Although that did not stop the others from trying to attack me so I had to stop my attack mid-way.

Not wanting to be swept away with their numbers again, I quickly created Kashas which I threw while I jumped backwards in order to gain more distance.

Looking at my bow, and their large numbers... I had an idea.

Turning around, I took even more distance by reinforcing myself with Senjutsu and Touki. Not forgetting to send more Kashas their way to keep them busy.

Having suffered before from running too far from them, I stopped at an appropriate distance.

Once again, I put a hand on the trees, and started to manipulate the surrounding vegetation to fit the scenario I had in mind.

Enlarging the trees, making them extend their routes to create a 'hallway' which blocked any entry or escape other than my position... or the fake-youkais position.

It was time to test this. It had a high chance to fail but it could save me the bother of taking them down one by one.

Raising my bow, with arrow in place, I began loading with Ki my arrows. Carefully to not exceed the amount tht it could withstand or it will blow up in my face.

I had done this process a number of times, but it was not always successful. Last real fight I used it was... when I rescued Masomi-san and Cleria-san

Aiming, I watched as the mob got closer. They were tightly packed. Perfect.

So I shot the arrow, and in a matter of seconds, it pierced the first fake-youkai, then the second, and the one behind... and I repeated the process a couple of times more.

I could not help but to grin at that sight. If they learn to spread out to avoid this, I just have to create the environment again.

Not wasting time, I pulled the next arrow. Repeating the process, I shot again.

Another success.

The next arrow however... broke. I was too excited and added too much Ki.

Shaking my head, I tried to keep my head cooler.



Somewhat wearily, I shot the last arrow to deal with the last fake-youkai.

I managed to take care of them quickly enough. Even when a second wave came, I steadily continued to diminish their numbers the same way as before.

Nothing strange there, as these guys were not that strong. Their abilities were slightly higher than a human, which only became threatening with their numbers.

Still, I don't think I have taken care of all these guys. They were far more when they first appeared, only the faster ones having caught up to me.

Although, instead of trying to think about that, I better use this change to meditate and replish my Ki. Who knows how long this will take. A trial it is... but they never gave a time limit or any instructions.


Kuroka was extremely concerned at this moment, she had crossed that gate to follow after Nora to help him, but she was not able to find him.

Even worse, her precious little sister who had followed along was not with her either.

She had read that depending how the barriers to certain places were set, such a thing was possible. But experimenting in person was not as exciting as she thought when she read about it as she was now alone.

But as the oldest, she could not allow herself to act depressed. She will bring Nora and Shirone back by herself. She can't trust that fox lady again.

Still, she wondered what kind of place was this. It was a forest, but everything was extremely quite. Not animals, not people. Only trees.

It felt somewhat creepy, so she began walking more carefully. A fog around covering her surrounding gave her a bad feeling, like something might pop out.

"...You are too careless-nya. Your back is open... for an ambush-nya!". A familiar but not so familiar voice sounded behind Kuroka.

Hearing the voice, and feeling the sudden intent to attack her, Kuroka jumped forward and rolled on the ground. A crashing sound was heard on the position she was standing. As she planted her feets on the ground and stood up quickly, she saw something strange.

A beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils, a pair of black cat ears and two black tails adorned her head and rear.Her attire consisted of a black kimono, a yellow obi, a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving view to her large breasts.

"...Done looking-nya?". Spoke the young woman playfully.

Once again for hearing her voice, and looking at her appearence, she felt something strange. Her looks... were familiar, along with her voice.

"....Are you... me-nya?". Carefully asked Kuroka.

It was not an exaggeration that she found this a crazy idea. But the young woman before her had looks like her, just more... grown up.

Narrowing her eyes at that question, the young woman neither affirmed or denied that claim.

"What would you if that were true-nya?". Questioned the young woman.

At that, Kuroka just grinned widely.

"Nothing-nya. But looking at you, I can see I will be able to beat that woman-nya!". Said Kuroka cheerfully as she pointed at the young woman's body.

The young woman almost almost fell and planted her face on the ground when she tried to take a step forward and heard it.

With a drop of cold sweat running down on her face, she looked at the happy little girl.

"...Isn't there something more important you wish to ask-nya?". The young woman could not help to ask.

At those words, Kuroka put a serious expression.

"...Do I need a special diet-nya?". Questioned Kuroka in what she considered her most serious tone.

The young woman felt the need to just turn around and leave. Not only because those questions were making her angry... but she herself did not know what to tell her.

The trials for each person would vary, and so would most of the enemies the people who entered will face.

Their true form were that of simple shikigamis. And aided with the complex spells laid all over this special space, they were capable of matching the strenght of those who came.

In certain cases, they would be slightly weaker and have large number of them, other cases such as this... involved having only one foe. However, her specs were higher than the challenger. And following the spells specifications, she took the most fitting and best form of the challenger, taking into account their current abilities.

In the case of the girl who had an expectant look, an adult form.

Although it is not like it would always follow this pattern, sometimes the shikigamis would take on a younger form. It all depended on the aspect and characteristics of the challenger.

Nevertheless... she was feeling like her common sense was having problems following.

Normally, the people who find another version of themselves just get spoked. Even getting attacked by them is more normal, but this girl...

"Then? Are you going to tell me or not-nya?". Asked again Kuroka, who did not seem to give up finding the answer to her questions.

The young woman decided to finish her job at once. But not because she found that look she was getting burdensome. It was all for her duty.

"...You are not here to play-nya. Defeat me, or get defeated-nya. A simple situation-nya". Muttered the woman as she raised her hand and... a dark colored Kasha appeared on her hand.

Kuroka, read the change in the mood and armed herself with Touki. Unfortunelately for her, she was not able to use both Senjutsu and Touki at the same time, like Nora did. It really surprised her the first time she saw Nora nonchalantly doing it. It is not something easy to do, not to mention to maintain.

Raising her line of sight, she saw the Kasha being formed from scratch. Just as the young woman had a grown up appearence of herself, the Kasha she created had the same qualities as hers... only, it burned hotter, and it had a bigger size. About the size of the older looking Kuroka's head.

Feeling threatened by it, she quickly responded by doing a number of hand signs. Finishing just in time when the young woman was about to swing her arm at her. And being familiar with what that would cause, she hastily planted her hands on the ground.

As she did so, the soil began to shake and in front of her, an earth wall rose, perfectly covering her and taking the hit of the Kasha for her.

Even after successfully blocking the attack, Kuroka did not let her guard down. The wall managed to resist, but that was an optimistic way to see it. In fact, it meant that it only barely held. A little more and she would've been unable to defend from the Kasha.

Writing symbols on the air, she casted a spell that temporarily enhanted her hearing. The fog made diffult to look around so her next option was to enhance her cat ears to catch the sounds from her surroundings more clearly.

After the first attack, there was not a follow up. And Kuroka refused to believe that it would continue like that for long. In fact...

Kuroka had to take a few steps back as she heard when the wall started to crack and it broke apart. Leaving the young woman in the position of throwing a punch, just in front of the wall... or were it was.

"...That was a wonderful reaction-nya. You did very well-nya". Complimented the young woman honestly.

To Kuroka however it sounded...

"Taking this opportunity to praise yourself, I am not that kind of cat girl-nya. You must be a fake-nya". Declared Kuroka as she pointed a finger at the young woman.

Think that it would lead to another pointless conversation, the young woman did not reply. Choosing to do a high jump to land a flying kick. One kick with Touki covering and strengthening her leg.

Frightened at the possibility of the kick landing, Kuroka jumped to one side, then landed and repeated her actions to take a safe distance. Just to see the damage the attack caused, a huge crater was left in her previous location.


Gulping loudly, Kuroka began feeling nervous.

"...I am not here to play-nya. If you are not careful... You will die-nya" Declared the young woman.

Of course, she did not plan to go that far. They had forbidden to openly kill challengers. However, accidents could happen... and it was not her responsibility to prevent them.

∆ Part 4

A tense mood was present on the Shrine. Yasaka was observing the children's battle with a complex and uneasy expression.

"...As much as you get worried, it won't change anything. Just take a look, they are holding pretty well". Spoke the figure seated beside Yasaka.

"Why are you doing this? You never appeared again no matter what. Is it for them?". Asked the blonde kitsune.

Turning from the image of Kuroka jumping all over the place because of the young woman's attacks, he stared at the youkai beside him.

"...I am just following what I was told to do. As a shikigami, I obey orders. No more, no less. But I can at least tell you that... this is as important for them as it is for you". Explained the figure. "You know the rules, no one will die in here. So you don't have to worry that much. Just observe, they are more skilled than what you think".

Done with his words, the figure proceeded to watch over the struggling Nekomatas.

"...Where is Shizuku? I can't see Shirone-chan either". Questioned Yasaka.

"The no good kitsune girl is fighting as well. I had to keep her busy to prevent her from interfering. As for the white neko, I am not as heartless to make a non-combatant fight. I changed her challenge". Replied the figure nonchalantly.

Despite wishing to punch that figure, she can't help but be thankful that the smaller of children was not fighting, many Youkai got traumatized after going through... what Nora was skillfully dealing with.

"He... is strong. More than the regular youkai. He reached Mid-class(low) but I can see that it was not because of what he went through". Yasaka commented. "He is only using Ki, and not demonic power yet he is holding well".

With no other choice, she started to look more clearly at the figure of her best friend's child. His idea of interfering with an exorcist's issues might be reckless... but if she lend a hand, he would be able to take care of it and if things got ugly, Nora wouldn't be helpless.

"*Sigh* What do you hope to accomplish by making me see this?". Inquired Yasaka.

She was getting tired of all this. Even if he was doing fine, watching him struggle was not an enjoyable view.

"This is a wake up call. For you, and him. You will both learn something, as for what that is... only yourself will now". Giving an answer that was not an answer, the figure stood up and walked away.

Pondering over his words, Yasaka wondered if... learning about his abilities was all she was supposed to realize.


Walking aimless around, Shirone kept moving without stopping. She had to find her beloved Nee-chan who disappeared, as well as picking up Nora. Who she won't call Onii-chan because he can be a meanie.

Still, it was not going that well. No matter where she tried to walk, she did not get anywhere.

At moments like this, she wished to have accepted when her sister tried to teach her Youjutsu for real. Being honest, she was a little scared about hurting someone so she did not want to learn. Thinking about it, her Nee-sama was really amazing for being able learn and control all those techniques. As well as Nora, who she always saw training during his free time. A little secret she never told anyone is that he looked cool when he practiced archery.

In secret, she tried to do the same as him but... she was not able to pull the bow's string correctly.

Shirone stopped for a moment, her thoughts were taking a strange turn. She was suppose be thinking for a way out. Not about Kuroka, or Nora.

"Hmm, it took you a while to finally find something strange". A voice located just behind her said.

Her tail stood straight in surprise and Shirone turned around to see who sneaked behind her, but her feet got caught on a tree root and she tripped... loosing her balance, she was about to fall when the owner of the voice extended her hand to catch her. Hanging on her hand, Shirone was able to finally see that person.

With white hair and golden eyes. The front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut, she had a sizeable bust but a rather short height. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair. A pair of white cat ears and a pair of matching white tails adorned her persona. Wearing a short white kimono and a light blue skirt.

"...Be carefull, I would get yelled at if you get even a tiny scratch". Muttered the young woman worriedly.

Tilting her head, Shirone found something unusual regarding the one who held her. Somewhat familiar looking. But she was not sure why.

Suddenly, Shirone was able to spot what was making ponder so much.

"You have two tails! A two tailed Nekomata like Nee-sama and Nora. Everyone have two but I just have one. Am I that different? Am I a bad Neko?". Sadly spoke Shirone.

The young woman resisted the urge to pat and hug the challenger in front her. The moment those cat ears lowered, it became difficult... but she managed to hold back the impulse.

"Little Miss, that topic is something you should ask another Nekomata. And you really won't comment anything regarding my appearance?". Exclaimed the young woman while pointing at herself all over. Particularly focusing on the face... and her bust.

The young woman, a shikigami ordered to watch over the challenge for the little girl, received an interesting report from one of her colleagues. From to time to time, they would share a detailed report, written using special means, between themselves to be able to work more efficiently. And to cope with unexpected situations. A few minutes ago, the report of her colleague who is facing the other golden eyed Nekomata came. It was pretty funny. To think she would get asked that.

She expectantly waited for a similar situation, but the little Miss in front of her had other worries. Her puzzled look when she tried to point all over herself did not help.

"... Don't I look like someone? Suppose, I don't know. You? An adult you? How about it? Excited?". The young woman tried to feign calmness, but her tone of voice leaked a bit of her excitement.

Tilting her head further, Shirone repeated those words over and over on her mind.

It was not like she did not understand that it was quite odd for this to happen. But she seemed completely puzzled over one fact. Why did she insist on pointing at her bust?.

Widening her eyes in realization, Shirone recalled something.

-Flashback starts

Sora was teaching them a few tips to keep Nora for themselves. And while Shirone never understood most of what was said. She would try to follow it as she wanted Nora to pat her head and give her cookies a lot.

"Remember girls, males have different tastes. And from what you told me, Stray-kun seems to be attracted to bigger... breasts, or maybe just Yasaka's type". Explained Sora, who whispered in an almost inaudible tone 'That woman, she avoided to meet me the other day... urgh, I will have to go again later'.

Her audience, Kuroka and Shirone, were taking notes over her advises.

The white cat, was not sure why it pissed her off when Sora mentioned that Nora liked bigger ones. But she could not find the reason for that. She, for once liked when Yasaka slept with all of them. They were soft, and Yasaka allowed her to to nap while laying her head on them, or using them as pillows. So it was odd to feel irritated.

- Flashback ends

"...I will get many cookies!". Yelled Shirone as she jumped happily.

Instantly, the excited expression of the young woman froze. She did not know what to say about that.

"...Sure, you will get many". Muttered the young woman a little dispiritedly.

Thinking about it, she could now sympathize with her friend when she heard something difficult to retort to.

"*Cough* Anyways, welcome to the youkai trials. I will give you an explanation. Consider this a great freebie as you are too young". Trying to sound professional, the young woman spoke in a business tone. "Your task is simple. Leave this place, find the exit. The thing is... you need to use any means you can to do so, other than walking aimlessly. As it would be considered as a failure and you will be sent back discreetly to the starting point".

The young woman however did not meantion that making complex plans was going to be difficult here. As a spell that confused the five senses was working it's magic on the little girl. And one that made thoughts turn strange.

Shirone paused her actions as soon as the young woman spoke. She was not really sure what to do.

"It will be ok. I will watch over you, I won't leave you alone. So do your best!". Encouraged the young woman.

Shirone felt relief when she heard that. Being alone was not something she liked. She hated to be left alone. It was somewhat contradicting, but leaving on her own to be alone was not the same to be left alone. After all, it reminded her of...

Shaking her head, she got rid of those thoughts. Instead, she turned to look at her surroundings, maybe she could use something laying over the place to leave.


Realeasing the bow's string, the arrow left the bow at once. Accurately piercing the gori- Yuuki Onna.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed my breathing. The waves of Youkais we're not always the same. And they seem to be learning. At the begining, my strategy worked quite easily. But it became difficult to gather that many in one place afterwards.

There was also the fact that I tried to recycle my arrows to save the ones I carry in my pouch the most I can. But they had a limit of uses as I lacked technique. I was not always capable of applying the perfect amount of Ki to the arrows, destroying quite a few that way. It is a difficult process during normal times, but during the battle it's more difficult as I need to split my concentration.

However, what truly caused me headaches was how the fake-youkais would try to destroy the arrows too.

It made me wonder if they can communicate with other waves. As it not only happened between one wave. But after wiping one, it happened when the next one arrived.

Learning abilities, communicating between each other.

Jeez, Yasaka-san sure went all out this time.

*Clap clap*

Suddenly I tensed when I heard clapping sounds.

I was not able to spot the precise location as it seemed to come from all over the place.

"That was an amusing show, you are pretty good, Young man". Muttered a figure who appeared after a gale of wind brought a number of leaves that blocked my view for a moment.

Warily aiming at the guy, I was ready to shot anytime.

A tall figure, wearing a mask with white and black marks. Blue eyes that seem to shine, an attire composed fully of ebony color. What I would call a light armor was visible on him.

His appearence was pretty strange though... I felt like I had seen this guy before. In my old world, there was this video game...

"...Sand Writh". I mumbled the name I thought of.

"I go by the name of Forest Wraith. But... As expected, you recognized these appearence. He did tell me it would happen, but I did not believe it". Said the figure, named Forest Wraith.

His words confused me greatly. Ignoring the name which only changed slightly. He expected this? No, someone told him? How did they now that I would recognize that appearence?.

Even if I wanted, I doubt I would be able to furrow my eyebrows more than now. And at the same time, I became more cautious.

"Relax, I want to chat for bit. We can settle this later". With a shrug of shoulders, Forest Wraith pointed lightly to a torn down tree, and it came to life.

It immediately began to shape itself as it grew, to form a table and two chairs.

As it was finished, the figure took a seat first, gesturing me to take the only other place.

Inwardly sighing, I just thought that everyone likes to force others to go their pace.














Author Note's

So, here is the next chapter.

Not the best chapter name, but... meh.

This time, another character appeared, I am sure you got many questions but... I am too lazy to answer them.

A bit more of Yasaka here, and Shirone room Kuroka got less screen time though.

I know, I know... You guys are gonna say something about what happened with Yasaka, right?. Well, massages are op. If you don't think that... You never received a good one.

About He(?)... I recall reading one comment once that complained about me creating him just to make Nora reincarnate and how lame that was... It was on chapter one. How unfair comment.

I did create that guy with other ideas in mind than just reincarnating the MC. He(?) is a friend, a talking partner, etc. He(?) will appear occasionally.

Oh yeah, I have yet to correct about Grayfia being single. So don't ask me why is different. I write on my free time, if I got work or rl issues, I can't fix it.

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