Trials End

∆ Part 1

An uncomfortable silence had taken over between the figure called Forest Wraith and me. We were just seated on the chairs he prepared, with just a table in the middle. He did not seem inclined to speak so I took the initiative.

"...Can I ask some questions?. What is this suppose to be? Are you also part of the 'test'?". I questioned with slight irony.

Assessing his strength was beyond me, I could not feel a thing. He was either too weak or too strong. Even then, I was able to tell in Yasaka-san's case when she did not focus on hiding her aura completely, it was possible to feel pressured if you were not used to it. Well, she was not the type to display her strength to intimidate others.

However... his presence is difficult to sense, if I had to guess, he harmonized with his surroundings. To tune or harmonize yourself with nature that much... requires high mastery over Senjutsu.

"Oh? She called them 'tests' as expected. Well, I will just tell one thing. These were training grounds for the younger ones. Such as you, or maybe a little older. Although most of the Youkais who have come here were a little disappointing so I lowered the difficulty considerably". Grumbled Forest Wraith.

...This is the lowered version?. Really? This?.

"Don't put that face, you were special so you got the regular version. No... the VIP version!". Shouted Forest Wraith as he stood up excitedly extending his arms.

I don't want such a thing.

"...Can't you go with lowered version? I am a kid. This is too harsh for me". Using a pitiful tone I asked.

The quicker I leave, the earlier I can go and finish the business with that girl. I was not sure exactly when those events would happen, but I don't want to arrive late.

"Don't you know that you can't lower the difficulty In the middle of the game? You got a message when you started playing, warning you about it". Answered Forest Wraith.


"I never got one of those, this isn't a videogame!". I couldn't help but retort.

"Well, enough jokes. You are doing ok, and since you never got the instructions about what to do, let me do that instead". As he said that, Forest Wraith stood up and pointed behind him. "Defeat all enemies to clear the stage! Well, that won't be enough. After beating all weaklings from a type of enemy, the big boss of them will appear. Get those and you win.... it's what I would like to say, but you already beat a couple of those without even trying".

Responded Forest Wraith, scratching his head.

"Although... I do have a suggestion. It will save you time. You just gotta fight a narrowly stronger enemy and it will be enough". Said the blue-eyed figure.

There is always a trick in these cases.

"... No, I think I will continue doing what I have been so far. That smells like a trap". I replied.

"What? You a going to take the offer!? Very well, let's start at once. You saved me there, I am way too lazy to create more shikigamis". Spoke the blue-eyed figure.


"I didn't say I accepted. Listen to me! I decline!". I strongly protested.

Don't joke around, this was already hard enough.

"Without further delay...! You get to fight me!". Answered back Forest Wraith as he lightly tapped the ground with his feet.

His actions raised alarm bells on my head before I was able to jump to one side however... everything went 180°. A root had grabbed my ankle, lifting me high in the air.

Since that guy seemed adamant about ignoring me, it was hopeless to convince through words so I tried to free myself.

Hands covered in Ki, I formed claws extending from my fingers and began ripping the root. It was tougher than I thought. Forest Wraith seemed to be reinforcing the wood somewhat. But my constant attacks helped me to break away.

Falling from that height was not that dangerous as I was a little over 2 or 3 meters only, but it appeared that he had no intention to let me go that easily as new roots and even branches tried to take a hold of me.

Evading mid-air was tricky, I had not footholds, but watching the roots and branches, I had an idea. As they got closer to me, I slightly changed my position, making so that I was able to push myself away using his pincer attack as my foothold.

Finally landing, I thoroughly strengthened myself, and arming myself with my bow, I aimed at that guy. Whom I failed to locate when I turned my eyes to his position, having vanished before I knew it.

Suddenly, the fog increased, hardly letting me even see my hands. Immediately, I used my ability to see my surroundings again. Just in time to react to a kick aimed at my face.

Crouching hastily, I rolled away from that position. Since I glimpsed what was below me when I crouched. Several roots had sprung out from my earlier position, intending to entangle me, or worse, stab me.

Inwardly shuddering, I thanked He(?) again for this ability... on second thought, He(?) sent me here so I am going through this because of him.

"You are getting distracted!". A voice pulled me off my thoughts.

It was accompanied with a fist into my guts, which I barely managed to avoid by twisting my body. My current child frame being a big help. Although I had to roll on the floor once again. I am becoming friends with it.

This was not good, I couldn't use my bow this way.

He was probably expecting this, so I need to change my strategy. Putting it away quickly, I began to look around as his presence was gone again. Couldn't see nor feel where he was.

However, an impact on my back pulled me out of my search. I fell face down on the ground.

"Are you forgetting attacks are not simply limited to strikes with my arms or legs?. A skilled mage could kill you easily as you mindlessly start looking around. A skilled fighter? No need for technique, overpowering you is easy, only using brute strength". The voice of Forest Wraith came from behind me. "Don't tell me that you thought... that you could dodge my attacks because you are good at it?".

Getting back on my feet, in no time, a tree stretched its branches like a whip, smacking me away from my position.

Swallowing a grunt of pain, I created a Kasha and threw it at a root that planned to attack me as well, one I barely managed catch at the corner of my vision.

"You can see through the fog as expected. But in the end, you only get see in a limited range. I can still sneak behind you while you look forward, and vice versa. My pace is something you can't keep against either so I could do that all day. Come on... Are you even trying?". Slightly grumbled Forest Wraith.

Oh, shut up. I am not here to entertain you. Wait... just now, he said...

Deciding to think about it later, I created Kashas non-stop. I was not thinking I could beat him with this, but I have not many choices. It is my strongest attack in this situation.

Slightly complaining, I wondered what should I do to deal with this guy.

Urgh, Yasaka-san... You are going to pay for this.


Suddenly, Yasaka shuddered but failed to understand the reason. Shaking her head, she carefully watched as Nora fought Forest Wraith.

The only reason why she has not gone there to stop this is that she knows that the guy is holding back tremendously. In fact, he is just toying with Nora. And his words from earlier remain on her mind. Not to mention, that damned... that damned guy sealed her inside the Shrine's room without her knowledge with some type of barrier. Using a complex-looking barrier that was fueled by the one being caught. It bothered her how he was able to do so stealthily and in the short amount of time she was distracted looking at the younger ones' battles.

Biting her lips, she wondered what her friend would do. Surely, Saya wouldn't care about reasons or the words she just heard. Going there just to take Nora back was her style. Even this seal would not hold her back.

Although Yasaka was not a melee fighter, she wanted to follow her friend's style. It was simpler and more straightforward. Yet, the reality was harsh.

As she stood up and moved to the place where the barrier marked she couldn't go forward and began proving around with her hands, ignoring the repulsion force that caused slightly pain when she reached it. A defeated sigh escaped her lips as she took a look at the structure that formed the barrier. It followed a simple process, or so it looked.

Following her Sensei style, it was an amalgamation of Youjutsu, Runes, and Magic. All of them being of simple nature, but leaving nothing to exploit. It even used the tricky idea of replacing a part of the barrier instantly with another part that was made in case someone managed to damage it.

Cursing inwardly, she wondered why that shikigami knew how to place this kind of barrier. It countered each of her elementals affinities. It almost looked to be made just for her.

Was this the limit of what she could do? Even having reached Ultimate-class, she would still feel helpless?.

It was at this moment that Yasaka recalled a long-forgotten memory, and began to sympathize with Nora a bit.

Her thoughts had to stop there as a loud sound coming from the crystal alarmed her so she turned just in time to see...

∆ Part 2

Wearily, Kuroka dragged her tired body to hide behind a tree.

It was exhausting to evade continuously and dodge her future-looking-self. It was not an exaggeration to say that she had pretty good stamina, but she was more the magician-type than the melee-type, and while she was capable of both... she had leaned more on the former.

Thinking that she will have to ask Nora for advice on training her body. She pondered over what to do. Brute strength, Ki amount, Quality and Quantity, Mastery over Youjutsu spells. She was behind her opponent in every aspect.

"But I can't just throw the towel-nya. Nora-nya needs me. I will go to his side-nya!". Hyping herself up with those words, Kuroka tried to shake her weariness away.

Of course, it was not going to make her recover at once. But her motivation would be higher.

"You are doing well... at running away that is-nya. You keep mumbling about Nora this, Nora that, but... Do you think you can catch up to him-nya?". Asked the young woman as she had climbed on the tree Kuroka had used as a cover, staring at the tired cat girl.

"I will-nya". Resolutely shouted Kuroka.

She was not going to stop here. Kuroka is not a fool, she knew that the silly Nekomata was someone who acted for others well being. He never asked for help during their escape because he did not want her to be hurt, and most of all, he... might've been afraid about what would happen to a rebellious devil.

Although she did not like that crimson-haired girl, Kuroka asked her what kind of consequences she would've suffered if she raised a hand against her late king. And after hearing about it Kuroka had complex feelings about it. She was happy that he went that far for her and her little sister, but at the same time, she was saddened that she became a burden.

Deciding to become his strength next time, Kuroka won't be stopped for this buxom version of herself.

Her long-range attacks fail to damage the young woman, her Touki though... she feels like it is possible if she makes an opening on her defense using Touki.

Thinking about it... Touki is her fighting spirit, her aura taking form. For Shirone and Nora, she can muster as much as that as she pleases.

Gathering her aura, she watched warily as the young woman continued to stare at her with a slight smile, which suddenly became a smirk.

"Thinking about it-nya... You asked about my body a lot... Does 'Nora' like girls like me-nya?". Said the young woman as pushed up her breast with her hands.

That action touched a nerve on Kuroka as her expression became difficult to describe, but her eyebrow was twitching.

"None of you business-nya". Replied Kuroka dryly.

Unbeknownst to Kuroka, her Touki which originally had a whiter color was taking a purplish-black hue, similar to her Kasha.

Observing the changes on the nekomata, the shikigami decided to push it a bit more.

"Why don't you stay here-nya? I will go and help him in your stead, I am sure he would be happier with me than with you-nya". Licking her lips, the young woman implied something more.

But the young Kuroka failed to notice that for two reasons. One, she did not know too much about that topic, only that 'Nora' had those tastes, for whatever reason. Secondly... she was angry, very angry.

Her eyes were the very definition of feral cat-eyes. Narrowed, those eyes had no warmth in them. Grinding her teeth, Kuroka found herself high in the air before she was able to realize it, with the young woman in front of her. And with the target of her anger in front of her... she tightened her delicate hands into a fist, and punched the young woman on her stomach... sending her flying downwards, crashing into a tree in a rather unattractive manner. The impact producing a loud sound.

That attack drained Kuroka greatly. Her Touki thinned considerably and it returned to the whitish hue it originally had.

"Haaaaa.... Ha.... You won't-nya. I... Haaa.... won't allow it-nya. Haaaaa...". Gasping heavily for air, Kuroka spoke whenever she could.

The other party who received that fist on the guts was not moving, but it was not simply because she could not move. The young woman was debating over her next course of action.

The challenge for this girl was pretty much completed when she received the hit. The goal has always been to make the target exceed their limits one way or another. Most of the challengers are always afraid or refuse to accept the possibilities between themselves. Clinging to their initial strength. While the stronger ones just assume that it will be an easy trial as they are too confident in their superior powers.

A grave mistake, as... the challenge becomes more difficult the stronger you are. And while this girl only surpassed her limits in regards to Touki for a brief window of time, it was enough.

Besides, the creator of this place was someone who considered different scenarios. This child was not ready to face a full trial, so instead she was facing a less difficult version.


Sighing tiredly, the shikigami stood up at the end. Since the young girl did such a good job, she deserved her rewards. Those who pass the trials are worthy of receiving something in exchange for their hardships.

Dusting off the dirt of her kimono, the young woman walked slowly to not make the Nekomata suddenly attack her due looking threatening.

"You have done well-nya. Not too shabby, but you could've done better-nya. Take these, it is your reward for passing. And a little extra I got you by abusing my authority-nya". Mischievously sticking out her tongue, the young woman said as she pulled said rewards, from her cleavage which Kuroka found annoying.

Two small notepads, filled to the brim with Kanjis that gave Kuroka a headache when she caught a glimpse inside, were pulled from that certain 'location' and placed on Kuroka's hands who had unconsciously put her hands forward to receive her rewards, as she had relaxed when the young woman spoke in a friendly tone again.

"You are such a naive girl-nya. Don't lower your guard at any moment. I could've been trying to deceive you to sneak attack you-nya". Scolded the young woman as she pulled the younger girl's cheeks.

Action that she stopped doing when she saw the Nekomata furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ok, ok. I will stop-nya. I had my fun. This time, I went easy on you, but if you want to settle our score for real, come back in a few years-nya. Train hard, because at that time I won't be playing around-nya". Muttering that, the young woman slightly ruffled the younger girl's hair before stepping back.

Before Kuroka was able to complain, a gust of wind blew the leaves around her so Kuroka closed her eyes. When she opened them, the fog along with the young woman was gone.

Blinking, Kuroka took a second to look around. She did not feel or hear anything around her so she seemed to be alone.

Squirming for second, she seemed to be fighting against an impulse until she grabbed one of two notepads and took a look inside.

"All about Nekomatas-nya. Nekomatas are Youkais who have always been few so they are inclined to look for strong... Urgh, too many Kanjis. I will ask Nora-nya to read me this later-nya. But first, I have to find him... nya". Muttered Kuroka as she carefully kept the notepads in a secret pocket on her sleeve that she secretly installed to store cookies.


It was not something she was worried at the moment, but in the future, Kuroka will wonder... Why notepads?.


Shirone was taking a rest, as she sat on a rather strange-looking root. It grew above the ground so it provided a comfortable seat for her.

Pondering, she just stared at her work so far.

A large line made branches and stones she picked from the ground stretched from the place she had started. Shirone had already tested the words of the young woman, who kept looking at her from some distance not too far not too close, and they were true. She did wander until she found herself at the place she started walking.

It will remain a secret that she slightly played around when that happened, running from one place to another.

Lost in thought, she wondered if Nora will get angry at her for getting her kimono dirty. It was a gift from him after all. No, when she saves him, he will not be able to scold her. She would be the one to scold him for getting into this mess.

Sagely nodding to herself, Shirone once again started to work on picking fallen branches and rocks.

It was a tedious job to continue doing this when there was no visible end. But she is a girl who can do it if she tries.

Silent staring at the working Nekomata, the young woman couldn't help but praise her patience. By maintaining a good focus on her actions, her thoughts are less likely to wander around. Making the spell that was made to distract people to be hampered ineffectiveness.

The little girl also kept doing that for this long, and although the young woman sweated coldly when she heard the girl mutter her way of counting each branch and stone.. calling them cookies, it was still something impressive for a girl her age.

There was the only way to get out of here and that was to connect with nature which the little girl was doing unconsciously, using the said connection, would guide you to an exit by relying on nature. But not many were capable of that feat as they usually tried the brute force method of destroying all.

Recalling that green-eye Nekomata for a moment, she wondered where could she be, it had been almost a decade since she last saw her.

"Alright...! One thousand cookies! Oh, no. Stones, those are stones". Muttering in an excited tone, the white-haired little girl seemed thrilled at her achievement.

Smiling slightly, the young woman thought that she looked cute. However, she began to think about what kind of reward she would give the little girl. No rule stated the particular reward, she was free to use her judgment, but there was a limit to what she could give... and although it was not a rule, there was a silent agreement to give what would become useful to the challengers. Training techniques, special clothes that gave special protection, or even weapons.

The young woman decided to observe a bit more before she decided, it was going to take a bit more before she was able to leave at her current pace.

"...I am getting hungry". Complained Shirone as she rubbed her stomach.

Shirone was not sure how long she have been here, but it was enough to hear her tummy say hi.

Frowning slightly, she turned to her observer.

"...Do you have food?". Adopting an embarrassed expression, she asked.

The answer came in the shape of the young woman turning her head to another side to avoid looking at her.

It was at this point that the small Nekomata recalled how lucky she was, as she was always fed by her sister, Nora... and the kind butler from the facility they were.

Many thoughts started from those memories, but she shook her head to focus on getting out this place.

This time, she could only count with herself. And that made her mood turn somewhat somber.

∆ Part 3

It was lie to say that Yasaka did not get excited when Kuroka was able to beat her challenge. She only caught a glimpse mid-way but it was a wonderful punch.

A close look allowed her to see the changes her aura presented. Originally, Ki had a whitish color, the same could be said about Touki, but upon the user getting more familiar with it, they could influence it, resulting on a change of color.

She could imagine Nora pouting or complaining later, as he was not on that level yet. Yasaka had an idea why he was not able to do so yet, but she would rather have him to find out on his own as that would make it more easier for him later when he practices on his own.

As she watched over the smallest of the trio Nekomata, Yasaka wryly smiled when she spoke about cookies. That girl was such a glutton.

Although, Yasaka did not, in the slightest consider that her intake of sweets was too much, even when she ate way more than the little girl.

Even when nonchalant thoughts crossed her mind, she was extremely worried about Nora, and if someone else had been along with her, they would've been terrified as she leaked killing intent when he was being beaten.

Nora was her best friend's son, and she wanted to protect him in her friend's place. For now, she considered that to be her reason. Although Yasaka briefly recalled his confession, she shook her head because she found it to be something that he said on the spur of the moment. He must probably be confusing familial feelings over love. Convinsing herself with that, she tried to cut her train of thoughts.

Love... how did her train of thoughts get here. She should be focusing in her situation. Being trapped.

Yasaka had to admit that she was getting rusty, years of peace had left her with a mindset that did not make her pursue more strength.

What could she do? Was there a weakness to this barrier-seal?.

Her almost undepletable reserves of Ki were not running anytime soon. Being connected to the Ley Lines had it's pros, but it also had it's cons, giving her so much spiritual power. Unless the shikigami who looked like her Sensei broke the seal, she will be drained of her Ki to power up her own cage.

For a moment, she had a crazy idea. The usually calm and collected Yasaka would never consider it. She would call it reckless and shoot down that idea at once but... the current Yasaka was flustered thanks to the number of unexpected situations.

It was worth to try, and she began to make preparations.

A quick confirmation, and she was able to see a possible weak point on the barrier.

If the barrier, used the Yasaka connected to the Ley Lines to work... it would surely become unstable once Yasaka was no longer connected to them.

She doesn't need to outright cancel her connection. Just for a moment, enough to cause a disturbance over the barrier.

To be able to accomplish her objective in one go, she would go all out from the beginning.

Hand sign after hand sign, Yasaka kept repeating them at an insane speed. Sometimes with two hands, sometimes she used only one hand as the other one wrote symbols on the air nonstop. A complex array of magic circles appeared on the ground.



A while later, Yasaka exhaled a deep breath as she sweated slightly from the effort she had to put to create the suitable spell to temporarily break her connection. It also included a number of safety mechanisms to avoid any possible repercussions from her actions.

"...I will ask him to make me a full course again as a reward". Mumbled Yasaka. "Although this can be considered cleaning the mess I caused... he is a softie that will do if I ask him. Maybe I should consider his confession, he would make me sweets all the time, fufu"

Slightly joking(?), Yasaka tried to calm her nervousness of her next actions, by thinking about food, and Nora.

Wiping her sweat with a handkerchief in a manner that Nora would've called 'unnecesarily sensual', she did a simple hand sign to use a simple spell.

In manner of second she grew in size until she took the form of a huge nine-tailed fox with golden fur.

From here on, she would forcefully break through after making unstable the barrier, and destroying it's foundations before it was able to repair itself.

As she temporarily broke the connection by a simple swung of her front paw to activated the magic circles laying on the floor.

Yasaka attacked the barrier.


For moment, I felt the ground shaking. It was enough for someone who concentrated into his fight to feel it.

"...Is this your work? Aren't you a little too into it?". I asked my unseen opponent.

If he is the one causing this, I can't help but shudder imaginating what he has in store for me.

"Not my doing, it is Yacchan doing. That woman is going all out huh. Finally". Said the voice of Forest Wraith behind me.

I quickly turned back but I only caught his shadow leaving my line of sight.

One moment... Yacchan?. Who is Yacchan? Yasaka-san?.

"Oi...! Why are you calling my beloved kitsune like that?". I spoke highly irritated.

What is with that nickname that sounds like they are close?.

"Hmm? I just happen to know her, or rather. The person whom I took my appearence from". Explained Forest Wraith, who took the change when I was listening to his words to slam the heel of his shoes on my back.

I had no time to think deeply about the meaning of his words before I found myself rolling on the ground.

"Argh...!". A small grunt of pain left my lips when I tried to stand up.

The annoying thing is that he is not causing me any excessive damage... making it so I can continue for longer. Receiving more hits. This feels familiar somehow.

Biting my lips, I stopped my protesting mind that wanted to delve further on that.

"You called her beloved... Are you into her? You are a little too young to go into mating season". Said Forest Wraith who appeared beside me viciously trying to slam his knee into my face.

His words tickled something inside of me, and instead of dodging... I crossed my arms in front of my face. Taking the impact head on. However, I was not sent flying as I held myself by clinging onto his leg and clothes. Fixing my grip I bit my tongue to regain my focus as the blow left me unsteady. Trivial as my actions might be seen...

"I can not be completely sure that what I feel is 'love', but while I am attracted to her body... My feelings are certainly not only lust. I do have feelings for her, regardless of her appearence". I asserted strongly.

This one was something I was not going to back down. My whole past life I sunk myself in purely carnal relationships so I wanted to make things different now. Not to mention, I was not going to allow anyone to think that my feelings were simple lust.

Nevertheless, the other party did not try too hard to get released.

"...mmmm, well, I don't really care. Good luck, I guess? You should be careful though... when you aim too high, it could be bad for you". Advised Forest Wraith in a kind tone.

"This is not about aiming high or low. She is the woman I like, I am not going to deny that. Nor I am going to give up easily, I knew that she is not someone I could court easily. Her status is very high compared to me. Not only her position, but her powers are beyond to what I have... but that is something I can get or match in the future. No, I will match those in the future, no doubt about it". I countered.

That's right, I was being naive. Not only her feeling is something I need to start a relationship with her. If my status is lacking, it would complicate things. I don't want to make it hard for her by asking for the impossible. Although I might be already doing that.

"That sound like an interesting goal, but it has nothing to do with our fight. Things are barely getting started.... but I will give you a piece of good news, all you said, I made sure that Yacchan heard it". Said Forest Wraith with what I believe to be a mischievous smile behind that mask judging from his tone. "Consider this part of your reward for not going down so easily. Do remember, she is a good girl. At least in my, and my master's standards, she is. Hurt her... and I will escape this place to apply proper punishment".

In a joking tone such a thing was said, but killing intent assaulted me in waves.

I was half happy and embarrassed as I heard what he did, and half scared at his dense blood lust.

Wait, she heard my words?. It was now that I felt the weight of those words that I understood the real implications behind it. I mean, I did get happy that my words would be transmitted... but, they were conveyed. Arghhhhh! Why didn't I say more gallant words!?.

Basically agreeing with me, a tremor far stronger than before was felt. My position was kept as I held Forest Wraith leg. Otherwise I might've lost my balance for a bit.

Damn, he doesn't budge one bit.

Sinking my fingers as the Touki and Senjutsu keep the shape of claws... does nothing to pierce his tough exterior that is protected simply by Touki. A slightly green hue covers his persona.

"Let's raise the speed, things are moving too fast on the other side so it would be dangerous if I don't put a stop to that. But it would be rude to abandon you after coming this far... so, sorry, I might go beyond what you can handle for a bit". Sounding truly downcast, Forest Wraith spoke and vanished at once.

I was not able to tell when left his position nor when he released himself from my grasp. The only thing that could be said to point out that he moved was some leaves that slightly rustled in front of me.

And then... I felt his knee slamming on my back. But before the force of the impact send me flying, another blow on my stomach stopped me in place... then it happened all over my body.

I was not allowed to react, his speed was absurd. The pain of a hit barely ended up getting engraved in my brain before the next one came.

It was practically a miracle I did not faint... but I had troubles to keep my conciousness.



It might've seconds but I felt it was hours when he finally sent me crashing straight into a tree. I could not even feel the irony as such a thing had become familiar to me before the pain of the impact arrived, snapping in half the innocent tree. A testament of the strenght of his last hit. I rolled on the floor along with the upper part of the tree, barely avoiding being made into a pancake by crawling away slightly.

Moving my numb body with extreme difficulty, I had a hard time making it move, but I managed to sit by using the poor tree as a support for my back.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I did a quick diagnostic of my state before I continuously tried to repair any damage with Senjutsu.

Honestly... I was lucky to be councious. That was a terrible attack. If I had to give it a name... I would call it, an all out attack. It left me numb and made it even hard to move even one finger.

"As expected, you were able to withstand that. Not my full power but my speed was beyond anything you could handle". Commented Forest Wraith like it was none his business.

I want to hit this guy.

Striding my way, I could not feel any intent to fight, but I wouldn't allow that to trick me. With that speed, I doubt I would react if he changed his mind.

Instead of replying, I hastened my recovery. Focusing in one area, I was able to make a faster job.

"Your tenancy is not up to the standard... but you body sure makes up for your lack fighting spirit. I would've liked that you were a bit more into it, but I guess you were limited by the disparity in strength". Squating in front of me, he started to check my state.

Annoyed with my situation, and my lack of ability to pay him back... I created as fast as I could a Kasha in my left hand, which I focused healing to be able to move it in case something happened. Then I swung my arm at his face, but he did not try to evade.

"Hmm". Snorting slightly, Forest Wraith stood his ground.

The attack landed perfectly on his face, or rather, mask. But even as the fire burned... it was extinguished but he remained perfectly fine.

"...That was stupid, angering someone much stronger that you could get you killed. Not to mention, I did not receive any damage". Spoke Forest Wraith.

"Hmmph, so you say. But if you wanted that you would've done it since the beginning and I would never know what happened. Besides, you were complaining about tenacy and fighting spirit. Well, screw you. You received what you asked for". I snorted as complains poured out of my mouth.

Was it easy? No. It was as he said, I have been fighting unskilled people so far. Even if this guy had not been above me in every aspect, just the technical aspect of his fighting style was going to be enough to give me headaches.

"I see, I did certainly said that. *Sigh* Alright, I can't complain then. Your challenge was stopped midway so you can't get full rewards for it but... for fighting me, let's see". Said Forest Wraith as he rummaged his pockets. "I only used about a true High-class(low) individual's strengtht so you get pretty nice stuff".

Standing up, he took out... two notepads(?) from his pocket. Why a notepad?. Roughly throwing them my way, and I barely catched those with my healed hand.

"This one too, be careful with it. Carry it with you everywhere, it brings good luck. Now then, Gotta go! A rampaging cub is making a mess". Nonchalantly saying that, Forest Wraith threw something else my way that I uncounciously catched, and he just vanished.

As soon as he did that a tremor was felt again. What is that about?. It sure sounds pretty dangerous.

Not going to see though, I can't move very well after all. I also wanted to check my spoils of war.

Opening my hand, I found a marble? No, it has a tear shape? It looks slight curved though. It has a hole in the bigger part. Wait, I think these were called.. magatamas. Only, this one is pitch black, it is shiny but black all over.

What is this thing for?. It looks cursed.

As I continued to stare at it... I kind of felt a call. And the color became brighter tinged with green?. Ahh, I don't know. Better keep this for a while. Yasaka-san will give it a better appraisal than me.

Now, what are these things for?.

Raising the first notepad, I noticed a messy and hurried message written there.

'I saw that you had a hard avoiding things midair, so I considered giving you this. It will be useful, so practice ASAP. Do come back later to fight again. I am bored.

-Forest Wraith'

Taking deep breaths I calmed my desire to throw this thing away. Who cares if you are bored!?.

Regardless of that message, I checked the next page and it hand a simple title. Air Step.

What a self-explanatory title.

As I took a look to the rest of the notepad, it contained detailed instructions to learn this spell. It was a simple Youjutsu spell from the way it was explained, but it might be tricky to actually learn it unless I focus on it for a while.

I guess this is what Yasaka-san meant with rewards huh. This is sure useful.... putting the marble-magatama I got aside.

As for the last one, it has nothing where the title should be. It jumps straight to the instructions...

'The Art of Petting is deep, you might think you have mastered it but in fact you will find yourself lacking when you find a true expert.

I live here all my notes regarding my arduous research.

May the luck be with you, ang I hope you conquer your beloved animal eared girl!'

I was left speechless.

"FOREST WRAITH!!!! YOU BASTARD!!! WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!!!??". I yelled as loud as I could, hoping to catch his attention. "ALSO... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! YOU BASTARD!!!".

Of course, I would not waste this gift.

Standing up with difficulty I moved to look for a more comfortable place to rest while I heal myself. Now that that guy is gone, the fog is disappearing.

Where should I go after recovering though?.


After an arduous effort on her part, Shirone arrived to an even more onmionus looking Torii, although it was made of wood, it was hardly noticeable as a number of talismans were covering it's surface all over. Leaving almost no place to peek what was bellow it.

"You have a really strange luck. To wander here, I am not sure if I can catalogue it as good or bad". Said the young woman who stood behind Shirone before she knew it, effectively startling her and making the poor Nekomata to jump.

Begrudgingly glaring at the young woman, Shirone wanted to complain but decided not to as she feel something beyond that Torii.

"It is an in a way, but not exactly what you were originally looking for. You will leave this trial, but you won't be getting to where you wanted. It is your choice though. At the end, you cleared the trial already by finding an exit". Explained the young woman.

She knew what laid beyond, but it was not her place to tell the little girl. No one so far had been able to get here. In fact you can technically arrive this place from every trial ground if you look hard enough, unless the trial rules prevent you. The shikigamis were capable of traveling using special means so they didn't use convencional roads. Making it the reason why she forgot to mention that to the white-haired Nekomata.

Shirone had a slightly desire to see what could be there, because the exterior of the Torii gate might look scary but she gets a peaceful feeling pouring out from inside.

"I want to go. Maybe Onee-sama and Nora are there. If they are not there... Can I go back?". Asked the white-haired Nekomata.

The young woman smiled wryly at her question, even if was curious she did not forget about the other two.

Before she was able to answer her, a terrible tremor was felt. The ground shook and the white haired ones almost fell.

The young woman inwardly cursed at Forest Wraith, the guardian of this place for causing unnecessary ruckus. It had been a while since these tremors had been going, caused by nine-tailed fox he caught using the creator's barrier. It was all part of their instructions but she found it tasteless to do that. Among the shikigami, she was more the type to like challenges that put the qualities of the challenger to test using non-fighting methods.

"...Can I?". Asked Shirone again, as she walked closer to the young woman and pulled her clothes to get her attention.

A cool reaction considering that she looked flustered when the first tremor occurred.

Pulled out of her musings, the young woman lightly ruffled the young one's hair.

"You certainly can come back. Don't worry about that. Just do what you feel like doing. Although I will give a piece of good news, just for you, ok? Keep it a secret that I told you this. Those two are fine. They went through similar things like you, but they already finished them". Replied the young woman, as she slightly leaned forward and put a finger on her lips to signal the Nekomata to keep this a secret.

Taking a serious expression, Shirone nodded.

"...Thanks". Muttering that, the white haired cat girl turned around and walked away. Just to be stopped by the young woman.

Turning her head in confusion, she just blinked at this.

"You forgot this. It is your reward... so keep it on you". Said the young woman as she handed a notepad to Shirone.

Tilting her head, the white haired little girl wondered what to do with it. At the end, she thought that having Nora read her the contents would be more fun.

"...Thanks... again". Replied Shirone.

As she walked away, she turned her head a few times just in case the young woman wanted to stop her again but since the other party remained silent, it seemed like a waste of time.

Not wasting a moment more, she walked through the Torii in one go.

∆ Part 4

The place once having a Shrine was completely destroyed.

It had been a while since Yasaka broke through the barrier after pulling her reckless plan. Not much time had gone by but the burden of keeping any repercussions from occurring and breaking away left her tired beyond anything she had done in a while.

Back to her human form, Yasaka stood amidst the destruction she cause as she was out of breath.

"Ha.... Haaa.... I... Haaaaa.. did it. Going all out in a while... Haaaaa... felt refreshing. Now... to look for those children.... Haaa... rest can come later". Gasping for air between words, she turned to the intact crystal, and happened to see Shirone walking through the Torii.

Feeling slightly annoyed that the damn crystal was able to withstand all the ruckus, she couldn't help but wonder the origins of it.

"So you are going to act like you didn't hear his words huh. You are not making it easy for the poor cat." Said a voice sounding exasperated. "Besides... I don't think I have to say this, but I can't allow you to destroy my master's work".

Glaring hatefully at the shikigami with her Sensei appearence, Yasaka raised her guard. Her fox ears did twitch at his words, and only she knew what part did she react to.

"No need to glare. I know that you are angry. But you would've interfered otherwise so you left me no choice. Oh, Would you look at that? The white haired one was the first to find the path. Master did say it would happen but I didn't think he would be that accurate". Ignoring the glare from Yasaka, Forest Wraith commented on what the crystal showed.

"What is that place? I never saw something like that when I took the trials". Asked Yasaka with a frown.

Never did she see that Torii. It's appearence seemed creepy enough so she was worried about the youngest Nekomata.

"That is because you have no MC aura as you are now. Do you know about them? They trigger every hidden mechanism in ancient tombs... or get mixed up in troubles almost like it's their job". In a serious voice, Forest Wraith lectured the nine-tailed fox.

Of course, Yasaka could not stand his nonsense.

"That is hardly what I asked. Why can't I see her next location? Kuroka-chan and Nora-kun can be seen but not her. Speak". Threatened Yasaka as she started to make hand signs in case she need different methods to 'get' her answer.

While her primary worry was Nora, Yasaka would never stop worrying about the two Nekomatas that he brought home. She sympathized with them, and came to like them after basically living together.

Shaking his finger left and right, Forest Wraith did not say a word about it. Instead, he pulled a scroll who knows where and proceeded to open it.

As her alertness was high enough, Yasaka wanted to reach and stop whatever that scroll could cause. But she failed as the other party did not let her to do so as he threw it high up on the air.

Instantly, a new barrier covered both parties surroundings.

"I can't allow you yet to interrupt them so I will keep you company. Let's see how good your skills are". Cheerfully saying that, Forest Wraith waved his hand and icicles of all sizes appeared above Yasaka. "You might have the Ley Lines on your side, but it doesn't mean you are invincible".

As Forest Wraith exclaimed that, the icicles impaled Yasaka... or so it looked as 'Yasaka' vanished. Outside the icicles range, a new Yasaka appeared. Continuously writing symbols on the air, she had a serious expression.

Never was she able to beat her Sensei. It was long ago, but she can't deny that she has no confidence in doing so now. Even if this was a shikigami with his appearence, she would not let her guard down. If he had another trump card like the first barrier, it would delay her further.

A little out of her character, she cursed her Sensei for causing her troubles. He always did as he pleased... and while she was thankful about his teachings, Yasaka thought he could've acted a little more dignified and prank other less.


Poundering deeply, I was in front of a Torii gate that basically screamed 'Go Away'. But it was only it's outward appearance. I could not feel anything bad, or so I think.

Looks can be deceiving, or maybe they could be accurate.

After recovering, I wandered for a while looking for an exit, but the first place I found was this suspicious looking place.

I could try to turn around but I somehow feel that I should go there. My body kind of disagrees though.

Using my ability, I could see beyond and what was on the other side did not seem that bad. A simple Japanese house, a number of flowers arranged in pots adorned the outside yard.

Movement from inside the house did catch my interest. Walking out from the front door, a woman looked left and right like she expected something or someone.

She had red eyes and shoulder-length pink hair with Chinese-style double buns, her right arm is wrapped in ribbons, looking like bandages. The woman wears a white shirt and a green skirt, over those a brown front panel that has a thorny vine motif and a large rose-shaped ornament just below collar level. Although she did look beautiful, there was something that left me tilting my head in wonder. After all, she also appears to have a shackle on her left wrist.

Regardless of curiosity, I had to stop using my ability as my eyes started to hurt.

Confirming that it was not some strange place, I struggled for a moment before I walked right in.

Hope that the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' doesn't apply to Nekomatas... otherwise, I am in serious troubles.



Shaking the uncomfortable feeling of using the Torii, I looked around. Different from before, this area was still a forest but it had animals which were easy to confirm as I heard their cries and could vaguely feel their life signatures without overly focusing on doing it.

"I hope you like what you are seeing, I take pride in keeping this place clean and trimmed. Although I don't really get any visitors, hehe". A kind voice and a chuckle pulled me out my actions.

Slightly turning my head, I found the woman from before staring at me kindly from a close distance. It almost looked like she was waiting for me.

"You are the third visitor I get today. And from your looks... green eyes and long black hair. Yes, that makes you... N- Shiki-kun, right?". Asked the woman in a soft tone of voice. "Hmm, I can't help but agree that he was right about your timely appearances. How frustrating, now I lost the bet".

I frowned at her words. Why does she know my name?. I don't recall having a stalker... not like they introduce themselves when they do their stuff though.

One thing is for certain, I don't feel the slightest ill will from her. She is looking at me like I am an acquaintance she met after a long time, somewhat fondly. Does she know me from before?. Her looks are not something I would forget, in particular, that shackle is very difficult to miss.

"...Who are you?". I asked, not denying or affirming her question.

At my words, she seemed sad for a moment before she quickly erased her expression and replaced it with the same kind smile from before.

"How impolite from me, I forgot to introduce myself... You can call me Kasen. I am but a humble hermit. Pleased to make your acquaintances". Replied Kasen-san.

"I am Nora... Nora Shiki. Pleased to make your acquaintances as well". As she told me her name, I did the same.

For a moment, we just stared each other before a ruckus from inside her house, picked both of our interests. Smiling wryly, she turns her back to me.

"Why don't you come inside? some people are waiting for you in there. I will make some tea and refreshments so we can talk in peace". Offered Kasen-san as she walked back to her house.

But I did not pay too much attention to what she said as... the ruckus had some voices mixed. Ones I was very familiar with.

Before the pink-haired self-proclaimed hermit took one more step, I passed her as I ran the fastest I could to see inside her house, and there... I found Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan fighting for what it looked to be... an apple.

Not commenting over the irony of the conflict over an apple. I just exasperatedly stared at the two catgirls.

"You two... I think you need to tell me what you are doing here". Using a somewhat strict tone, I asked the two.

Title: I did it, now what...

∆ Part 1

After ending the conflict of the cat girls by handing some sweet bread to Kuroka-chan who apparently lost but could not accept the results and began to get rody with Shirone-chan. I made the two to sit in seiza, and asked them what happened.

Long story short, they got worried when they saw me in a pinch, or what it looked to be that when they were in the Shrine watching my trial. Getting angry at Yasaka-san for not trying to stop the 'test', they both ran to the Torii and looked for me, only to be made to go through a similar experience.

It froze my blood when I considered the possibility of these two facing all those Youkais. Kuroka-chan might be able to do something about it, but the Shiro Neko had no fighting skills.

"You two, I think you should think about your actions some more.





Author's notes

There is not much to say this time as I added a new character, her image is that of Kasen from Touhou games, I left her name and job because I liked it.

Comment on many parts, particularly Yasaka.

I wonder how that part turned out.

See ya next time, have a nice day.