All actors on set? No! There are more coming...

∆ Part 1

Sitting on the bench of a park at dusk, I was using a token to communicate with a certain someone.

"...that has been all. I think I will be taking a while to go back. Convincing her has been unsuccessful so far". I explained.

Since the first time stopping that Sanzou guy, five days have passed. Every day, I have been taking care of the mother and daughter pair's safety. Sometimes acting as Akeno-chan's playmate.

It became troublesome when Kuroka-chan began sulking over me spending so much time with the purple-eyed girl. And while she did not express it as openly as her sister, Shirone-chan looked at me with blaming eyes.

"I see. It is something you have decided to do on your own so take your time... that is what I would like to tell you, but you must act considering that you have a limited time. The Five Clans won't just send a purge team after you for just staying there, however, I believe that they won't take kindly if you interfere too much. If you want to convince that woman, then do it fast". Comment Yasaka-san in response to my words, through the token I had in my hand.

Scratching my head, I was rather troubled by her comment. It was not easy to convince Shuri-san after all. If the situation worsened, I was prepared for it but I doubt she would take it kindly if I force her.

"Don't worry. I know you will be able to do it. If you still cannot... then lure her with sweets. If it's Nora, I am sure you can smoothen any conversation with it". Nonchalantly said Yasaka-san.

No way will work, you glutton Youkai!!. What is this woman saying... geez.

"That would only work on you...". I replied in a tired tone.

"Fufu, perhaps... Although I do believe that setting the perfect ambiance during negotiations can be helpful, it is the same as setting the mood. If you truly plan to go down the peaceful approach, you need to take that into account". Merrily giggling, Yasaka-san advised in a kind tone. "I have some things to take care. I am glad we could talk after a while, Kunou-chan misses you dearly so come back soon".

Along with those words, the conversation was cut.

"Such a one-sided goodbye. And you would've made me happy if you had said that you missed me too... *Sigh*". Muttering that in a low tone, I let out a sigh as well.

Despite complaining, I was thankful to hear her voice.

From what she advised me though... I smiled wryly. She is only joking so I did not consider the idea of the sweets.

Nevertheless... My times were limited as she said, so I should do this.

I have already confirmed some things with the devil's side so all that is left is... my side.


"You mean to say... that you failed again. Is that it?". A powerful and strict voice spoke.

Using a communication talisman, Sanzou Himejima was currently contacting the clan head in 'house'.

"It is as you said Sir. But please, give me another chance. I will surely find those people who keep getting in my way, and will convince Shuri-san". Sanzou exclaimed in a begging tone.

"Hmmmp, how many times have I heard this in the last few days? Your incompetence is the only thing that is being made clear after failing so much. I thought of giving a chance to failure like you to prove your worth but... *Sigh* This is beyond what I expected. You no longer need to convince my nephew, I will personally take care of that". In a displeased tone, the clan head of the Himejima Clan spoke.

Panicking, Sanzou was not happy to be released of the responsibility from the job he began hating. Even if he disliked it, this was supposed to be an opportunity to prove himself to the clan head. After all, Sanzou was one of the talentless. After years of living between the clan... he was aware of the fate of people like him.

"Sir, please. Just give me another opportunity. I will surely get you the stain and Shuri-sama. Please, let me show you what I can do". Unsightly pleading, Sanzou muttered.

"No need. I already learned of your caliber. I doubt you will do better even if I gave you hundreds of opportunities. When you come back, we will discuss what to do with you. There isn't a reason for you to stay there anymore. Bring your people with you. I heard about your methods... there will be some explanations you will need to give me in person". Coldly speaking, the clan head finished the communication.

Left with several excuses and pleas in his mouth, Sanzou had to swallow them back. Grinding his teeth, he hatefully glared at the talisman before he ripped it off.

"S-sir? W-what should be done? If we go back as it is, we will most likely...". Nervously speaking, one of his followers muttered only to close his mouth when Sanzou glared at him.

"...I know that. Before that man arrives, we must at least get rid of the stain. If we manage to accomplish that... We might have a chance to avoid a harsh judgment. The problem is... they are being protected by someone, and those people are covering their tracks so I have not been able to get a clue of who they might be". Said Sanzou.

The follower from before timidly raised his hand and when Sanzou gave a nod in approval, he began talking.

"Aren't they crows too? Maybe the 'lighting' sent them?". The followers offered a possible answer.

However, Sanzou immediately shook his head in denial.

"They wouldn't hide their tracks this much. To show the clan that they are protecting that stubborn woman and the stain, they might even act more openly. But these guys... just beat us and steal our money, taking our appearances is a trick they use to confuse us before striking. There is no excessive violence either... *Sigh* I can't fathom their reasons". Spoke Sanzou in a low tone. "Moving at night is our last opportunity. We will set up a ward to alert us of anyone getting close to us. Contact those practitioners tell them that there is a new job. Make use of them the best you can. While they distract those guys defending the sleeping pair, we sneak in and finish the job ourselves".

Finishing explaining, Sanzou produced two talismans from the chest pocket of his suit. Looking at the numerous symbols on them, he bitterly put them back. No matter how much he worked on them, he was never given enough time to use it. The attacks they receive are well coordinated. Particularly, the one who takes his own appearance is a rather scary opponent who knocks down anyone he hits with one strike. Even if they have no time to enhance their defense spells, he did not think it would make much of a difference considering their abilities.

Was this the limit he could accomplish? Could he become stronger in some other way?.

He had been contacted once by a group asking him to join him... offering him power. That suspicious group considered him one of them... but he did not find the offer attractive when he knew nothing of the other party.

Now though... No, he can't be thinking that way. He has goals to accomplish between the clan. By his hand, he will grow his influence. There was no need for meddlesome people to get involved.


Taking a spot high up on a tree in vicinity of the Shrine, I was in my cat form. The girls did not like when I took a night shift to keep watch over Shuri-san and Akeno-chan. Complaining was mostly done by Kuroka-chan who did not feel comfortable if we were too far apart. Shirone-chan even asked me if I was going to leave them. That was a critical hit for me. It took a lot of head pats on my part to make them happy. The silly girls were lonely, but I was going to spoil them after this matter was finished so I apologized in my heart for the time being.

The night was rather cool so I had to circulate my Ki to keep my body from cooling down. I read from one of Kaa-san's books about a method to regulate my body heat as I enhanced parts of my body. By altering the way they usually function by a bit, I could do simple things like making my body hotter or colder... this however could cause severe damage if wrongly used so I have dared not to do anything more complicated than this without learning more about it.

Using my ability, I keep looking in different directions to find any suspicious movements. It might be going a bit too far to keep such tight security when there are other groups of Youkais keeping watch from outside the Shrine. However, even if those guys have not tried anything so far... I won't lower my guard until those two are safe.

A rustling sound was heard, and a sigh escaped my mouth. Lowering my sight a little, I could observe a light moving from one place to another. The origin of that light came from a lantern being held by a little girl.

"Sweety, I think the cat is not here today. You should go to bed already. If that boy comes tomorrow, you won't be able to play if you don't rest well". A female voice beside the girl seemed to advise her.

Another sigh escaped my mouth. This had happened before.

"But, but... Okaa-sama, I want to show him the cat. Such a smart child will surely be able to surprise him. Besides... I feel bad for the poor cat who is alone outside with this cold". The girl muttered in a tone laced with pity.

Please, stop. You can't show 'him' the cat. I am him, and I am the cat as well!.

Shaking my head, I decided to show up. This girl is far too kind. There was another time I expected her to give up so I hid... but she kept looking for an hour, even when her steps were unsteady because she was sleepy... the silly girl kept looking for the 'cat'.

Whether you consider Akeno-chan, Suzaku-san or Shuri-san... they are too kind for their own good.

"Look, Okaa-sama. It appeared! I told you this child was nearby!". Happily exclaimed Akeno-chan who walked my way and picked me up.

On one side, I could see Shuri-san smiling wryly. For some reason, I feel like she was sending an exasperated sight my way... but I am surely imagining it.

"Today, you will sleep with me! Hehe". Cheerily said Akeno who carried me in her arms.

I don't really mind. But I would like if she stopped petting my ears like that. Girl, you need to be more careful.

For a moment, I considered giving that notepad about petting to her. But I shot down that idea. I have not finished reading it... who knows what kind of crazy stuff is written inside.



After being petted and snuggled by Akeno-chan for a while, and with her having fallen asleep, I was able to escape my confines(the futon mattress).

Enhancing my strength with Ki, I opened the little girl's room door in my cat form. By repeating the process a couple of times, I left the place.

Even with using my ability... I could tell that some people were surrounding this place. It was rather simple to tell as they were not hiding their ill intentions.

Before I rushed to take care of them, the sound of footsteps came from behind me.

"Ara, ara... to have visitors this late, what could the reason be?". A nonchalant voice muttered that.

There was no need to guess who could this be. Shuri-san, wearing her Miko outfit was standing behind me, with the palm of her hand on her cheek carrying a troubled expression.

Nevertheless, I by no means would say that she is acting carefree though.

On her other hand, a great number of talismans are being held.

"Did you come here for reason? You have been keeping watch these days right?". Smiling kindly, Shuri-san directed those words to the cat, me.

Sweating somewhat, I wondered since when did find out. No, maybe she is just trying to sound me out?. If I act like a cat...."Nyaaa?". I muttered in cat's tongue.

In an instant, Shuri-san narrowed her eyes and her smile got scary.

"...sorry". I immediately apologized.

Back to her kind smile, she picked me up.

"You doing something reckless. A child like you should be sleeping on your own bed at these hours, not out here. Although I do appreciate your efforts". Said Shuri-san she gently patted my head. "This time, let me show you that I am not powerless as you think. So you are can sleep at night without worrying about me".

With those words, she put me on her shoulders. Her actions matched the timing when the people who surrounded this place, finally got closer.

They were familiar faces, ones I had beaten rather often. All dressed in black haoris and hakamas. At that moment, I considered that perhaps I had been too soft. Even if I was trying to avoid causing a deeper grudge on the other side... I should've been harsher. Next time, I must remember to beat them until they are not able to move for weeks. That way, they won't annoy me for a while.

The atmosphere became tense. It appeared that the group of people did not expect Shuri-san's presence. I was not sure if it was because they expected someone else(me) or maybe they just thought that she would be asleep.

No words were said, both sides began chanting in low voice. From my side, I was not sure what they where trying to do. The use of Houjutsu(Japanese magical arts) is not my specialty. Not even Youjutsu which is the arts that youkais use can be said to be something I know that much.

The first one to do something was the guy I impersonated before. I recall that he was called Sanzou.

Throwing one talisman he was holding into the air, it became enveloped in light before its shape changed.

Enlarging its size, it gradually took the shape of a three meters tall man made of... paper. Truly a shikigami.

I mean... It is impressive, but if I throw a fireball at it, I am sure it would just get burn in a jiffy.

Not wasting anything, Sanzou seemed to transmit some kind of order through the talisman on his hand. Immediately, the paper man or puppet began walking or way.

Around us, the rest of the group began summoning or creating numerous manifestations like the one in front. Paper men, wooden puppets that looked like some scary human dolls, animals were included in the designs too. I thought of lending a hand as their numbers seemed too much for Shuri-san, but she just petted my ears and kept me in place.

Damn, you should focus on them. Not me.

Giving them a side glance, she seemed to be waiting for something.

It was not until the last guys of the group finished summoning his... shikigami. That she threw her talisman in the air. Similar to them, it began changing shape... before it began burning. The paper will be destroyed was what crossed my mind, but instead of burning it, they... along with the paper, took the shape of a flaming bird of the size of a dog.

Said bird, flapped it's wings before it flew ahead at a rather high speed. It seemed to be charging at those people instead of their shikigamis.

"Consider this a lesson. While summoners are able to fight using their summons as their limps by commanding them from a safe distance... Not many consider themselves to suddenly become a target. It is so easy way to take care of people like that". Explain as she watched around her, Shuri-san seemed to be lecturing me.

Just as she said, a number of the attackers seemed to be nervously retreating to take cover using the trees.

"Fufu, that is naive". Chuckling happily, Shuri-san just threw a couple of talismans more in the air.

Once again, firebirds were born out of it.

Distracted by the spectacle, I failed to see when the first bird arrived at the nearest attacker, burning the talisman he carried. Just as it burned, one of the summons creeping closer lost its energy and disappeared.

"*Hiiiii* S-stay a-away!!!"

"Idiot, get a grip. Take some distance a summon another puppet"

Words coming from the group were what made focus on what the earlier bird had done.

Just like before, the firebirds flapped their wings and began taking care of the group.

"This might end faster than I thought, what a shame". Sadly muttered Shuri-san.

Her tone was sad, but the slight sadistic grin she had... made me remember that she was Akeno Himejima's mother. Just like her daughter in the canon, her sadistic side is showing in battle.



The fight, no, the one-sided battle ended pretty fast. Shuri-san dispatched the summoned shikigamis by burning the talismans the group carried, making them less threatening. A few of them just ran away when it happened, although there were a couple of brave ones with spare talismans.

It was useless as Shuri-san took care of it, leaving those guys with no choice but to flee from the flaming birds.

"I can protect my little girl from people like them. That's why you should take care of yourself more. Go and sleep". Said Shuri-san.

I did not move through.

"I... I won't. Sorry, I know that you wanted to show me this so I can have a piece of mind. However, I can't do it. Have a good night. I will take care that none of them turn back". Replying that, I got down from her shoulder and left to chase after the group.


Left alone in the darkness of the night, Shuri undid the enhancement that allowed her to see in the dark. Looking at where the cat, no, the boy have gone, she had a complicated expression.

It was not to her liking that he pushed himself hard for something like this, but the boy was stubborn.

Since he appeared, she was aware that the number of presences around the Shrine seemed to grow. There was no ill intent, so she limited herself to observe what they were going to do. Detecting them had not been hard as she had set a concealed barrier that detected intruders. Which helped her to detect tonight's intruders.

"What to do with that child? Just like my Akeno, he does not listen sometimes". Muttering softly, she shook her head.

Raising her head, she stared at the night sky for a moment.

Tonight, someone had invaded her home with ill intent. The actions her clan took were escalating while she told the boy that she could take care of the enemies coming for her daughter... Shuri told him a white lie.

There was a limit of how many enemies she could take at once. If the Himejima seriously tried to get rid of Akeno... she doubted that she would be able to stop them on her own.

The boy's continuous attempts to convince her to live elsewhere appeared on her mind once again.

Should she really...?


Back to his 'house'. A man was punching the wall of the living room continuously.

"Damn it, Damn it!!". Angrily shouting, the man did not stop his actions.

Cursing continuously in his mind, Sanzou bit his lips in frustration. He had failed again, and not at the hands of the crows, not at the hands of the strange group, but hands of only one woman. She whom he considered being weaker, someone he would just take care of easily... defeated him and his followers in matters of second.

"Bad news! Those practitioners were defeated as well. They want to go rampant. Those guys were even trying to contact some people to aid them with revenge". Announced a follower who hastily arrived. "What should be done? They won't stop unless we offer them more money, but...".

Glancing at his follower, Sanzou pondered his actions. But it took him only one second to decide what to do.

"Don't do anything. Let them do as they please. I am done with this... gather the guys who still want to work under me. We will be leaving the Himejima's". Commanded Sanzou in a cold tone.

Those who were present had different reactions, but they were mostly surprised or anxious regarding those words.

For Sanzou, it became unnecessary to think who will leave or who would stay. He knows these people since long ago, and he is aware who will remain loyal until the end.

For those who will leave, he won't say a word. Instead, he will...

∆ Part 2

The last few days had been one of the best ones for Akeno. She by no means disliked to spend time with her mother. Akeno loved her mother and father very much, and was happy to be able by being together everyday... she would like if her father stayed with them more instead of leaving for work though.

Never feeling like her days lacked anything, she just lived a normal life.

Nevertheless, that changed little by little when she became aware of her surroundings and began noticing certain things. Like other children, playing with other children, but she was always alone. For some reason, the parents of those children did not allow them to play with her, and while initially confused, she did not feel anything... the first time it happened. When the situation was repeated over and over, loneliness began to take root in her heart.

It was not something to be worried about since her mother spoiled her more every time she was shunned. Her mother even brought a kind relative who became her playmate on numerous occasions, but she could not visit them all the time.

Moving constantly always brought a faint hope that she might meet someone who could become a friend. Unfortunately, she had no such luck.

It was not until one day, when her mother had conversation with her. During one of her lessons to learn techniques her mother called 'driving away scary ghosts'.

"Okaa-sama. Will I also be able to make a friend?". Asked Akeno.

This question seemed to be a troubling one as her mother put on a complicated expression, but she smiled kindly before replying.

"Yes, I am sure you will definitely be able to. Akeno, what do you want to do with your friend when you make one?". Shuri answered back.

Softly caressing her daughter's hair, she waited patiently for a reply.

"Etto... ummm, Akeno wants travel and see numerous places, go to the same school, and maybe we could make a club together as well". Happily muttered Akeno.

Pausing for a moment, Shuri stopped her hands.

"…Do you want to go to school, Akeno?". In a low tone of voice, Shuri inquired.

Having noticed her lack of movements as Akeno shook her head to catch her attention, Shuri smiled wryly and resumed caressing her daughter's hair.

"Hmmm... It's okay. I will be alright as long as I have Kaa-sama and Tou-sama with me". Replied Akeno in a bright tone.

Stopping her actions again, Shuri hugged her daughter tightly.

"...I hope that you make a kind friend". Even many emotions to convey, Shuri could only say that.

Unaware of Shuri's thoughts, Akeno just enjoyed the hug.

"Yes! I also want a husband who will be strong and kind like Tou-sama!". Muttered Akeno after poundering for a moment.

"Ara ara, if your father hears that, then he will be very troubled". Commented Shuri.

Tilting her head, Akeno could almost be said to have a question mark on top of her head.

"Ehhh? Why?". Innocently inquiered Akeno

"Your father would get jeoulous of any man who got close to you... after all, he would afraid of leaving his beloved little girl in your future husband's hand. Fufu, really... he is such a troublesome man". Kindly explained Shuri. "But, I wonder if I could perhaps help my Akeno if that happens".



It was not until two days later, when Akeno met him. Green eyes that reminded her of a cat, long black hair that went past his neck. Wearing a hooded sweater despite the heat, and cargo pants. The boy, who introduced himself at that time, joked about him being her husband.

Such a topic took her by surprise, and she could help but feel embarrassed. In fact, she ended up dropping the ice cream they boy had given her.

A strange meeting, she considered it as such. But Akeno found it a likeable memory, as that day... she gained a friend.



From there on, the boy would come and spend a lot of time with her and her mother. Mostly playing with her. Where Akeno had to admit that he had a lot patience with her.

Her excitement over getting a new friend, made her act more childish than usual. It made her slight apprehensive as her new friend could find her dislikeable, but she could not hide her desire to try so many things that she observed other children doing. Thankfully, the boy continued to hang out with her despite her actittude.



Sometimes, her friend would not appear. It made her sad and lonely. Although it wasn't that bad, as she found her second friend during those times. The little guy was a small call, with green eyes that she found to be rather familiar.

It made her happy, when the small creature did not run from her when she tried to approach it. He seemed to be interested in her as he was hanging around her vicinity, or so Akeno thought. The little one, looked at her with a friendly gaze.... so she tried to pick it up.

Nevertheless, the small cat was not alone as there was a slight bigger black cat with golden eyes, nearby. Differently from the green-eyed one, the hazel-gold-eyed one did not seem to like her as it kept getting him her way whenever she tried to lift the other cat. However, the smaller one stopped the bigger one when it raised a paw and began petting it.

It was a comical sight, but with that she was able to lift both cats... although the hazel-gold-eyed one refused to stay in her arm as it jumped down.

Even when she met two amusing cats... only one became her friend.



Days went by, and she was able have fun. Whenever the boy wasn't visiting, Akeno did not get lonely as the cat became her companion. It even aided her whenever her mother sent her to buy something nearby.

It was somewhat strange that it would sometimes insist that she took different routes. It was really adamant as even used its mouth to bit on her kimono or hakama to pull her in a different direction.

Amused by the spectacle, she entertained it. Whenever that happened, it would climb on her shoulder with a little bit of help and pat her head happily. Whether it happened, it brought a smile to her lips.

It could be said, that her days were getting more colorful whenever the date changed, and she was enjoying them to the fullest.


In a wide hall, located inside a building made for gatherings or even social parties, a great number of people were reunited. It could be said that group of them were present to hear the words of an individual who stood up from the rest. An aged man, who had reddish eyes, and a head full of short white hair, was wearing a haori with a red hakama. His expression seemed stern, but it also was filled with dignity.

Despite the number of people in front of him, he did not falter for even one moment. A proof that he was used to doing this type of thing.

"...I take as you all being ready for this mission. I have gathered you all because of one reason. It is no longer possible to postergate the situation with the 'lighting'. Right now, he is not there to stop us. It is time to make things right. The purity of our clan is promise our ancestors made to the Shinto Gods when we became guardians of these lands. That said, allowing a half-breed with our blood to roam freely is not possible". Exclaimed the aged man with vigor.

Among the people present, no one raises an objection seemly agreeing with the aged man's words.

"Make your preparations, we depart as soon as everything is prepared. Disperse!". Concluded the aged man as he signaled the people leave the building.

Watching as everyone began leaving, the man loosened his expression a little, to replace it with a complicated one.

"Shuri... I am sorry. But this must be done. It is the fate of those who carry stained blood in our clan to be erased. You might hate me for this, but I can't let Akeno go. The Shinto Gods' will is something that has been followed for generations by the Himejimas, and they seek purity. *Sigh* If you interfere... I might have to raise my hand against you as well...". The aged man whispered in a soft but tired tone.

No one was able to hear his words, and he wouldn't want it otherwise.

Waiting for everyone to leave, he walked away when he confirmed the emptiness of the hall.

Just when the door was closed, a very small red bird perched in one the windows who listened attentively from the beginning flew away.



In a completely different direction, certain girl had a talisman on her hands. Just like many users, this one worked as the medium to command shikigamis. Depending on the skills of the user, it could be made into a one-way or two-way communication talisman, and be used to exchange conversations from afar or simply to spy others.

A sad expression adorned her face, and she was able to realize why there had been a heavy air in the clan since the morning.

Immediately, the girl took her phone out. While she wanted to do something from her side, she knew what kind of hardships would be present if she tried to stop the actions of the clan head. Trying to convince them was not going to be possible. She had been doing that on numerous occasions but failed every time.

Looking through her contact list, she found the name she was searching for and called.

"...This an emergency. You need to get them to leave somehow, a decision has been taken in the clan, and that is to get rid of Akeno-chan". The girl, Suzaku, explained all in one breath.

Not a word was said from the other side. It made her anxious but she waited.

"...It might be hard to do so. A large group of suspicious individuals arrived in town some time ago. I found them by pure chance". In a somber tone, Nora's reply came from the phone. "The worst is that they are looking for Shuri-san and Akeno-chan. I planned to contact you to ask you if the Himejima's hired those guys. In any case, I do believe that is possible to leave, although we might engage in a fight".

Biting her lips at that answer, Suzaku cursed inwardly. She doubted that it was this side who did anything, otherwise... they wouldn't form a team to deal with Akeno.

Why did it happen at this time!?.

"I will go, wai-". Instantly, Suzaku said.

"No, stay there. What are you saying, you fool?". Nora replied in a firm tone.

Blinking confusedly, the red-eyed teen did not seem digest the words at once.

"F-fool!? You are being rude. I am going there to help you!". Complained Suzaku in a sour mood.

As a talented individual, she had never been called that way. Now, the boy whom she met not long ago just did it. It was not something that she liked.

"No need, if you are here I won't be able to protect you". Muttered Nora.

"I-I c-can protect myself just fine. You will need all the help you can get". Suzaku answered back.

She was being serious with her words. While she did not completely master the use of her abilities, it was enough to take care of regular threats.

"Suzaku-san, if you come... will you be able to fight against your clan members?". Asked Nora.

Hitting where it hurts, Nora's words were one thing that Suzaku worried about.

"Urgh. However... if it's those people you told me about, I might be able to lend a hand". Replied Suzaku, who did not wish to back down.

From the other side of the phone a troubled sigh was heard.

"I asked for help from my side. They might take a while, but they will surely arrive. Holding my ground until then is all I need. I have to go, there are preparations to be made". Spoke Nora before he ended the call.

Stomping her feet angrily on the ground, Suzaku was trying to bent her frustration.

"This guy! He is being so rude to me. I can be of help. It is not time to think about my safety... Urgh". Still angrily stomping the floor, Suzaku muttered.

Stopping only when her breath started to get ragged, she began to calm down.

Closing her eyes, Suzaku collected her thoughts.

All he said made sense from his perspective. Perhaps, he also told her to stay where she was because he doesn't trust her abilities. The same could be said from her, which it is why she is desparate to go. She is afraid that the boy will not be able to handle the problem this time.

Although she was frustrated when he repeatedly told her to stay away, Suzaku also felt somewhat happy that he was considering her safety. Nevertheless, she did not wish to stay here hidding when her aunt and cousin were in danger.

That said, what could she do to help?. An idea appeared inside her head just as she wondered that, what if... she used the fact that those people were looking for Akeno and Shuri in her favor?. They really looked alike so it would be easy to attract their attention.

Going on her own could be tricky if they surrounded her, so scouting the area before trying to attract them will be necessary. Looking for a place to engage in a fight is something to take note of. A barrier to keep unrelated people away too.

In one moment, the things she needed to prepare grew exponentially, but for her this what not something complicated.

She had decided to go, so she was going to get everything ready.

Her battle outfit was necessary too, although she only got it today. Despite her exciment over getting a new garment, she couldn't exactly enjoy wearing it given the situation.

Putting a hand on her bossom, she could feel her beating heart. It was already like this and she did not even get to fight. The nervousness of failing made her scared, but Suzaku had to steel her heart if she wanted to save her family.

∆ Part 3

It was one morning like any other, and Akeno woke early like she had been doing these days.

Today, her new friend was going to come. She had already asked him befores so she was sure of it. Akeno thought that it was a shame that the small cat had gotten away while she slept, but she was going to keep it here the time the cat appeared, Akeno was going to buy a bottle of milk to lure it after all.

Grining happily as she thought about the green-eyed cat fawning on her because of the milk, she did not notice the creeping shadow of... Shuri, her mother, who at some point sat beside Akeno and gave her a hug.

"What are you grining foolishly like that on your own?. Happy to meet him again? Your hubby~". Shuri said as a teasing grin adorned her face.

Despite knowing that her mother was just joking, Akeno couldn't help to blush in embarrassment. She recalled that conversation she had with her mother back then everytime she was teased.

"Mouuu, Okaa-sama! Stop making fun of me, Akeno will get angry!". Spoke Akeno in a pout.

Giggling at her daughter's appearence, Shuri did not continue the teasing.

"Ara, I wouldn't like if you got angry at me so I better stop. Then, how about I make that pout disappear by preparing you your favorite breakfast?". Muttered Shuri.

Hearing those words, Akeno's expression loosened and she nodded.



Having finished eating, Akeno reading one of her mother's books about 'driving away scary ghost' in her room.

Thanks to numerous practices, she had been able to make amazing 'tricks'. Although her mother scolded her when she had thought of showing it to other childrens. For her, it was simply an idea to make friends. But her mother had explained to her that those 'tricks' were meant to protect herself, not to amuse others.

It was not something she could understand very well, but since her mother told her that it was that way, then it surely had to be like that.

Just as she was focusing on a part where they mentioned about youkais similar to cats, the sound of footsteps distracted her.

"You didn't call me but here I am!". Nora spoke in a strangely hyped tone.

Akeno could only blink confusedly at his smug expression, but it began little by little to change into an awkward look.

"No one understand my jokes now days... Ah, ah". Complained Nora. "How are you doing, Akeno-chan?".

"Nora-kun... sorry, I did not understand your joke". Akeno, feeling a bit of pity, apologized.

"Ah, don't worry about it. Half of what I say can usually be taken as a joke". Said Nora while shrugging his shoulders.

Leaning closer, Nora took a peek of what she was reading and his eyebrow began twitching.

"Say there, why don't I invite you to eat some ice cream on the way back home? Shuri-san forc- I mean, Shuri-san kindly requested me to buy a few thing for lunch, and forc- I mean, gently asked me to take you with me. It is your choice though". Explained Nora.

While there were a few strange words mixed in what he said, Nora did not seem particularly against the idea, and Akeno... never considered turning down his offer.

"I will get ready so get out of my room!". 'Requested' Akeno as she shoved Nora outside the room.

"Geez, I know, I know. You are pushy. Your husband is going to have a hard time... Eh, this sounds like a flag. No, no, no, I am on Yasaka-san's team, yes". Nora's mutters could be heard through the closed fusuma(vertical panels used as doors).

It made Akeno 'very' curious the name 'Yasaka' that Nora mentioned, but she decided to ask later as she had to get ready.



Walking side by side, Akeno was cheerfully humming. One reason was that Nora praised her looks when she showed him her outfit, the other one was that hazel-gold-eyed cat had joined them in their outing... and it even brought another cute cat with it.

Just as they stepped out of the house, the small hazel-gold-eyed cat brought an even smaller cat. It had golden eyes, and it was as white as snow. Although it seemed to be walking rather awkwardly. A short introduction from Nora, and she learned that the black one was called Kuroka, and the white one was called, Shirone. And when he approached them, they happily moved closer to him and climbed on his shoulder. Like that, they departed.



"Eh, uh, Nora-kun... Could we stop by other stores on the way?". Timidly asked Akeno.

Having recalled something, she wanted to use this opportunity that her mother was not with her. Thanks to Nora's company, she would be able to go to different places without feeling shy or scared.

"Hmm? You don't want ice cream? I don't mind if you wish to eat something else. What do you want? Pizza? Pancakes? Cakes? Just ask, it's on me so you don't need to hold back". Replied Nora as he gave her a side glance.

"N-No, it's... w-well, you see? Kaa-sama's birthday will be soon so... I want to buy her a present". Akeno spoke in a nervous tone. "Saving the small bits of my pocket money... I think I have enough for a present. But I want to look for something nice for her".

Afraid that he might turn down her request, she did not look at him in the eyes, instead she turned her head to away and kept walking. Just as she thought that he was taking too long to answer, Akeno noticed that she could not even hear the sound of his footsteps.

Turning her sight everywhere, she found him still standing on the spot where she vaguely recalled telling him her request.

His expression... was one Akeno did not wish to see him making again. A sad smile was on his face, staring with lonesome eyes at the ground, Nora did not move from his spot. The cats, one on each shoulder, were rubbing their heads on his cheeks. From Akeno's perspective, they seemed to be comforting him.

Just as she tried to reach him with her hand, he shook his head and gave her a bright smile.

"Let's get your Kaa-sama the best present you can get. I will make sure of that so rest assured". Nora exclaimed in a firm tone. "Let's go. We need to hurry to get the stuff Shuri-san asked, and window shop first before you decide on a present. Oh, eating ice cream can be done within all that so don't worry".

Taking her outstretched hand, he used it to pull her and lead the way.

Remaining silent, Akeno was not able to mutter any words as she just let him guide her.



Having spend the whole morning going left and right, Akeno had decided upon a bracelet that she was able to buy with her saved money. Nora even bought a present box for her to keep it since she did not have anything more after she got the bracelet.

Just after they got the groceries, they were sitting in a nearby park eating icecicles from the market.

"I wouldn't mind walking some more to get you a bigger ice cream". Commented Nora as he licked his icecicle.

An interesting sight when you combined it with him holding another icecicle for the black and white cat to take a lick as well.

"Hmm, hmm. Akeno is happy with this". Replied Akeno as she stared at the sky.

Shurgging his shoulders, Nora just limited himself to take care that the cats did not dirty themselves with the icecicle.

Looking at his movements, she saw a bracelet on his hand. In the short time she had met him, he always carried it with him, not taking it off.

"Nora-kun, you always carry that. Do you like it?". Curiously asked Akeno.

Following her line of sight, Nora was able to tell what she was refering to.

"This? You see, I am actually supeeeeer strong. But I use this to train myself. It seals a great deal of my powers so I must not take it off. In order to get stronger". Replied Nora with a mischievous expression.

His words made Akeno feel like he was just joking around, but they indeed made her smile so she did not question him further. Being an understanding girl, she was able to tell that he tried to divert the topic. But she did not mind. Maybe when they became better friends, he will tell her.

Just as she was happily thinking that.. Nora carried her and ran with her on his arms. Using the park foliage as a cover, he hid her in a bush, then he joined her after glancing left and right.

"Stay here, I know that Akeno-chan is a good girl so you will surely listen. In the meantime, take these two to make you company. I will answer any questions you might have later, ok?". Hastily said Nora, lifting the cats on his shoulders and passing them to her.

With only those words, he ran off.

Many questions coursed through Akeno's head, but for now. She decided to follow what he told her to do. After all... his expression was a worried one.

"Don't worry, I am here. Kuroka, Shirone, he will be back soon. Let's wait for him together". Akeno muttered in a kind tone to the restless cats she had on her arms.


Walking slowly, I took my time to glance around. A suspicious individual maintained her stare fixed in the direction I took Akeno-chan.

The woman, who had long brown hair in braids and purple eyes, had a voluptuous figure but dressed in a reserved manner not showing her skin that much.

She certainly was a beauty, however... when she laid her eyes on Akeno-chan, her presence was disturbed for a bit. And I easily took notice of her. One look and I could tell that she meant nothing good for the little girl.

That is why...

"Pre-etty O-onee-san... C-could we-e talk a little? I-I want to be friends with you!". I muttered in the most innocent tone I managed to speak.

The woman was obviously belwildered that I spoke to her, but after a meaningful stare, she smiled.

"Fufu, You make me flattered. Alright, Why don't we talk in that area over there?". Said the Onee-san as she pointed at the area nearby the public toilets.

Although it works for me... I couldn't help but getting certain ideas.

Shaking my head, I smiled and nodded my head.

In that manner, I followed the Onee-san who took the lead. And I acted like I did not feel when she started to use a spell.



Arriving at the place, she lead me to a more secluded spot, behind the toilets. We found that it was devoid of people. And as soon as she stopped, she turned to give me a seductive smile. Narrowing the distance, she knealed and gently raising my head with her hand.

"Boy, You followed me here. Don't you know that cute boys shouldn't follow strangers like me? Tell me... Why did you start to talk to me? Where is that cute girl that was with you? Come on, tell me". The Onee-san whispered in a sweet tone that gave me chills but not because of fear.

Her eyes glimmered for a moment, and I feel something trying to make answer what she asked.

Was it magic too? This damned pervert. Want to play with me? I will do the same.

"...I saw a beautiful Onee-san, and I thought I wanted to talk you. Mommy said that there will be a time when I will meet the girl of my dreams. Just by staring her, I would feel my heart skip a beat... It was like that when I saw y-you. D-did I do something wrong?". I replied as I made a pityful expression, even faking nervousness at the end.

Hearing my words, she just licked her lips and gulped.

"Then, Onee-san will take you to better place to get to know better later, alright?. But before that... Where is that little girl? My friends and I are looking for her. We would like to meet her... Won't you tell me?". Asked the Onee-san.

Hmmm, her friends and her huh.

This should be enough for now. I doubt she will spill more than that willingly. And her eyes are dangerous in a different meaning. I might really get 'attacked' by her. Although it never hurts to be sure.

"Hmm, I know where she is. Is Onee-san looking for her to become friends with her? She is a good girl". I asked, faking a naive tone.

Taking a step forward, we now were between each other's reach.

At such a close distance that I could see my reflection in her eyes, I did not miss the changes in her expression. For a moment, a look of pure hatred emerged on her face but it was soon replaced with a smile.

"Ufufu, of course. We all want to do that". Replied the Onee-san.

Then there is no need to hesitate.

"As expected, you are an enemy. Sorry, Onee-san... Will you please die for me?". Dropping my facade, I muttered.

Reaching my hands to her neck, I immediately formed claws made of Ki, and stabbed her.

"YoU... TrIcKE...". In a strange tone of voice, she spoke. Might've been because of vocal cords.

Damn, she is still alive?. What a toughie.

Just as she formed what I believe to be a light spear... I changed my method. Releasing the claws, the holes on her neck were fully open and they began to bleed in large quantities. But that was not my intention. For my part, as I was strengthened by Senjutsu and Touki, I grabbed her neck and... twisted it.

With a snapping sound, I managed to break it without much effort.

Her light spear dissapered as soon as I did it. She remained in her knealed position, her body devoid of strenght. However, her eyes still had life in them.


Sighing tiredly, I just layed her down on the ground.

"It is nothing personal. Just as you have your reasons to hate her... I... I have mine to protect that girl. You might probably hate me though, I did take your life. But that is ok, it is a small price to pay for what I did. Rest in peace...". I muttered at last when her eyes did not show any other sign of life.

Doing a quick check over her body, I confirmed her death. Another thing I found was a picture where Shuri-san and Akeno-chan who seemed to be grocery shopping.

Is this how they know their appearences?. If they took this then why are they looking for them instead of capturing or attacking them back then? No, maybe there is another reason... in the canon, as I recall, the people who failed to kill Akeno-chan and were beaten by Baraquiel, contacted Baraquiel's enemies.

What a sh*tty situation.

Taking out the token I have to contact Sirzechs-san, I tried to reach the sis-con Maou.

"Nora-kun? What happened? The arrangements on this side will take a bit more. If you want to talk to Grayfia then you will have to wait though. She is taking care of some business". The voice coming from the token said.

His nonchalant voice made me smile wryly. His offer sounds tempting though. Maid-sama's help would be appreciated.

"The situation changed. The enemies this time are more difficult than before. There was a fallen angel just now who was looking for the ones I told you about. I know that getting your help fending them off is not possible... I just want you to shelter Shuri and Akeno. That is all I need. I will manage somehow on my end. Please...". I requested.

Without a proper peace treaty, they could be said to be still in 'war'. If the Maou or anyone related to them began acting against fallen openly, it could create friction. Neither side would like that. My wish is simply to keep those two safes. I don't want to exterminate Baraquiel enemies... He is a big boy, he can take care of them later.

Dealing with the Himejima's will take more effort and it can be done when they are safe.

"...Give me the location. I will send the best support to take them here". Seriously replied Sirzechs-san.

That is a relief.

"If things get tricky... Could Support-san take other people with her? My helpers might need to flee too". I asked.

Few in number they might be, but Yasaka-san sent them to help me. Whether they were ordered or not is not important. They are her people, and I don't wish that they get killed. Although I must admit that my priority is to have the kitties and the kitsune safe.



A minute later, I was about to meet Akeno-chan again. I got a positive reply from Sirzechs-san so I will surely get a hand soon. I did not forget to get rid of the blood from the earlier act though. A special kind of token given to me by the kitsune, just in case I soiled my clothes... or I left a location full of it. The body of the Onee-san was turned to dust since I could not leave it there either.

Before I arrived at her location though, a black blur flew a full speed my way. I was about evade when I felt the familiar presence.

A black kitty had leaped my way. The only one that fit the description was none other than Kuroka-chan, kitty version.

"I have told you to be careful. What a reckless one. *Sigh*". I muttered as I extended my arms to catch her.

When I did, she just rubbed her head on my chest.

Focused on the black one, I noticed the white one awkwardly walking my way when it was closer. The small one seemed to be in a hurry, but she was not able to walk properly.

Shirone-chan who recently learned to change into a cat form was not used to move using her four paws so she had trouble reaching me.

Kneeling, I picked her up... just for her to imitate her sister.

At times like this, they act the same way.

A rustling sound was heard, and the last party member showed up.

"...Is everything ok now?". Asked Akeno-chan.

Watching her as she glances left and right cautiously made me smile bitterly.

"I need to take you home... something came up". I said.

"But... the groceries...". Akeno-chan spoke.

Oh... I forgot.

"We will pick them when we leave, but we must hurry". I replied. "...Walking normally will take a while, so I will carry you".

Before she was able to even take my words, I picked her up in my arms and took off to where the groceries were left. The kitties on their own crawled inside my sweater and left their heads out to breathe.

I am sure that our appearances will be the gossip of whoever sees us, but I can't bother myself with that.



Minutes later, I took Akeno-chan home.

I was slightly confused why she was blushing when I put her down though.

With little time, or so I thought, I did not dig deeper on the topic. I called Shuri-san and gave her a summary of what happened. The all-ages version.

"...With proof at hand, I can't very well deny your claims. But... to just leave out of the blue". Muttered Shuri-san in a concerned tone as she watched the picture I handed her.

I had told her to be ready to leave but she is still reluctant. In the worst case, I will knock out this woman and deal with her anger later. If that lets me take her to a safe place without resistance, I will do so.

"Listen, I asked a helper to gather more information about those people for now. But simply by asking around they will find this place if they don't know about it already". I explained. "If you have a way to call your husband, do so. Any help will be needed. Please, don't be stubborn. I understand that you might not trust me enough, but try to think about your safety, about Akeno-chan's safety".

If she could have that guy come here, he would be able to take care of those people.

Shuri-san just remained quiet, not accepting or refuting my words.

"Think about that for a moment... I will take some fresh air". I muttered weakly before I walked away.

On the way out, I saw Akeno-chan in her room happily putting her clothes and belongings in a large travel bag. The two kitties were keeping her company in case she left the room and headed to the living room, where I was discussing with Shuri-san. Those two were supposed to stop her... but they were merrily playing together with a small ball that belonged to Akeno.

Said girl, was doing what I asked her, she was preparing her stuff for 'a little travel'. It was technically true, but I feel bad for deceiving her.



After a while out, I had received a report from Shizuku-san. And things did not look good. The common escape routes from the town were covered.

Just by hearing that, I had her and the other youkais gather here. I asked if it was possible to set things like traps around the Shrine grounds to delay those guys and there was positive reply. Right now, they should be preparing this place to have better security'.

With all that done... or underway, I think I got all bases covered.

Just as I thought... the pocket of my sweater began vibrating.

I have a bad feeling about this. Taking what I had inside, my phone, I noticed that caller was Suzaku-san.


My guts are telling me that this is nothing good.












Author here!

Another delayed chapter, and with less edition too. Sorry!.

Anyways, I covered a bit of things from Akeno pov this time. There is a part that for those who have read the canon short stories will make you feel like it is similar. I mean, I tried to recall that part and write it, more or less. That bit, I had to put it.

The Himejima's actions are pretty much like in the canon or not. I have doubt regarding how they handled that situation. Sending hired practitioners to deal with Akeno and possibly Baraquiel seems odd, if you consider what happened on Slash Dog. There are differences but I don't think they would leave it to an outsider.

If you got questions, you know what to do.

Oh, I will leave this here as well.

I am informing you that after repeatedly been told to fix my grammar on earlier chapters(I haven't fixed Grayfia status in the second volume either), I plan to take a break to edit... *Sigh* and edit. It will be after finishing the current volume though. I won't stop writing though, so rest assured.

That said... Good day to you!