Stage set, act begins and ends at once!?

∆ Part 1

Walking while warily scanning her surroundings, a figure wearing a black hooded cloak was being careful to not being seen. This was despite using a simple concealment spell.

"...I will complain to the Clan Head about this later". Muttered the figure. "What a shameless design to use"

Her new outfit was, a double-layered haori, with a white layer on the outside and a red one inside. It also had a pair of white sleeves attached only on the shoulders. Unlike normal Shrine Maiden outfits, this one did not include the red Hakama. The haori covering her as much as a short kimono. Instead, black thigh highs socks protected her legs, being kept in place by a garter belt.

Thinking again about how much protection against different spellcraft it offers, she can't help but lament why it had to be like that.


With a deep sigh, Suzaku continued in a hurried stride.

She was already later than she thought.

It was a miscalculation on her part. When she finished getting ready, the Clan Head had already departed along with the group.

Only catching sight of the fusuma closing, that connected one place to another which worked as the teleportation in special cases. Late by such a narrow window of time, she felt frustrated, but it was a stroke of good luck that she managed to convince the clan member that created the fusuma who were left behind to open it again to let her in. Although it took some time and a few small whites lies to make them think she was supposed to go with the group, and she was late because she was getting her new gear.

It irked her the looks she was receiving when she showed her outfit, but it was inevitable as it showed a lot of skin.

Back to her current location, she was somewhere near her aunt's Shrine. It gave her a bad feeling when she found no trace of her clan members, but she just took it as they making preparations such a creating a barrier to keep unrelated people far away.

That said... Suzaku needed to hurry if that was the case. She had tried contacting Nora since arrived but he doesn't answer so she was not able to warn him about the Clan Head's group arriving.

Taking one step forward, she suddenly felt discomfort all over her body. As she was already familiar with this feeling, she raised her guard, and immediately her hands were holding a pair of vermilion tessen fans.

After crossing what she believes is the boundary of the barrier, the sound of fighting could be heard. And locating the sound, she went to confirm who was fighting who.

Suppressing the anxiousness that appeared as she imagined her aunt fighting the rest of the clan members, she ran in the direction of the sound.



What she saw when she arrived was... green flames burning the ground. Only a small figure remained standing amidst that fire.

The location itself was a crossroad with several stores that were half destroyed. There were no bystanders around, probably due to the barrier's properties.

Holding her breath, she was surprised to see that figure there. Although part of that surprise came from never picturing him as a fighter due to his young appearance. She always imagínate de that he had other people following his order instead of taking care of things on his own.

"...Are you ok?". Suzaku spoke in a worried tone as she strode closer to the figure.

He was wearing the same sweater that he had when they met, but it was now missing the sleeves, and the arms of the boy were bleeding, his breath seemed forced as well.

Not turning his head the boy stared at the spot where the biggest concentration of fire was. And it was not until the fire decreased in size when he gave her a side glance.

Sighing the boy shook his head.

"What are you doing here? I told you to be a good girl and stay home. Onii-chan would've bought you an ice cream if you had not come here". Muttered the boy using a nonchalant tone.

Eyebrow twitching, Suzaku suppressed the need to retort to those words.

If despite his state he could joke around, then he was not in a precarious situation. Still, she proceeded to ignore what he said started to check his body.

"I am fine, this is but a scratch-". "Nora-kun, be quiet for a minute". "...Yes".

That exchange occurred within the two.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Suzaku found more damage than she initially thought. A deep slash wound was the one that worried her more.

Staring with worry at Nora, she noticed that the barrier had disappeared.

"We need to move to another place, people will gather here soon". Said Nora, probably noticing the same thing as Suzaku.

Nodding slightly, they began walking away. She was worried about his wounds worsened if he moved given the damage he received, but he just nonchalantly strode forward.



"They are cured? Wait, the biggest one still not completely gone... What in the world?" Muttered Suzaku as she examined the wounds of the boy.

"Miss, Don't you know about personal space? You are too close I can see various things from here despite the cloak. And I told you this was nothing. I might not look the part... But I am pretty good at healing injuries". Explained Nora smugly.

Suzaku had no time to consider his words or she would've been embarrassed. Instead, she stared intently at his wound, and how little by little it was being mended. She had heard of the incredible qualities of Ki but this was the first time she saw it. Aside from her curiosity on the matter, she felt relieved that he was going to be fine.

"I read a lot about humans who used Ki but they were not at this level. I already knew that you were not human... but this is some amazing ability. That said... It is not a reason to recklessly get hurt". Said Suzaku as she pinched Nora's cheek.

"Ouch! Are you really worried about me? I am a wounded man. You are killing me here!". Complained Nora.

Despite his words, he did not try to get rid of her hand as he seemed to notice that her slight anger came from her concern. And she was not pinching that hard.

"*Sigh* I guess I can't continue this for long. But I will stay with you. Look at the state you ended up. I recall that mentioned that help is on the way so I will help you last long enough for that. You like it or not". Exclaimed Suzaku in a firm tone

She pulled his cheek one last time before gently rubbing it.

"You are sending so many mixed signals, Miss". Commented Nora as he turned his head away.

All to hide a slight blush that Suzaku noticed but choose not to mention. She only smiled in response.

"Damn you, tastes of mine. Older girls are dangerous. *Cough* Let's go to the Shrine. For now, that is our base of operation. I will brief you there...". Said Nora.

Before going, he took something out of his pocket, and after giving it a glance he put it back. Suzaku was not able to see what it was, but she did not pry.



Just as they were going up the stairs of the Shrine, Nora quickly repeated the action from before and took something out his pocket. This time, however, a voice could be heard from it.

"Shiki-sama, we have spotted exorcists coming from the east side. Not only that, from the west side there are groups of people similar to what you described before, gathering. We believe that they first will gather their forces before coming here. What should be done?". A female voice said.

"Damn it. So they come almost all at once? Gather everyone at the Shrine, make more traps just in case. Focus on non-lethal ones for the Himejima's side. Do not engage yet. And prepare an escape route just in case. Can I leave it to you?". Asked Nora.

His face was rather tense and he seemed nervous.

"...I can do that, but what about you? You are not planning on fighting them on your own right? If that is the case, take me with you. I will be of help". Replied the voice.

Listening from one side, Suzaku thought that this had to be one of the helpers he mentioned. Although she wondered about the actual number. If there were enough of them, they might be able to hold long enough without problems.

"It's ok. I am going to the Shrine first. So wait for me there ok? I think I have an idea". Spoke Nora.

Not waiting for a reply, Nora just put what he had on his hands in his pocket again. Looking at Suzaku, he just gestured her with his head to follow him.



Having reunited inside the Shrine grounds, Suzaku heard a summary of the events so far. Like the reason why he was fighting alone when she found him. Being simply because they divided their manpower to attack any fallen angel that came along.

After that, her aunt Shuri just appeared and hugged her. Taking a seat a little far from where Suzaku and Nora were, and she remained silent. Even when an unknown beautiful young woman with blonde hair arrived, she kept her mouth shut.

The boy who had been explaining what happened so far just introduced the blonde young woman as the no-good-girl, which earned him a glare from the Blondie. Although Nora acted like he did not saw it and proceeded to explain the idea he thought of.

"...Isn't that dangerous?". Asked Suzaku in an anxious tone.

The details were simple enough, but if they screw up. Those who she wants to protect might get hurt or die.

"It is an unreasonable idea and it could go wrong. But considering our numbers, it seems like the best shot. I am not asking you to participate at all. Nor your permission. I am just telling you. I might sound cruel here, but I can only care when there is leeway. Shizuku-san... I might need to rely on you again". Muttered Nora.

"Shiki-sama is such a troublesome person. I don't mind going along with that though. But I want to question your sanity for a bit. To be honest, I would like you to stay here in a safe place... nevertheless, I've come to understand that you won't back down. *Sigh* Yasaka-sama sure gave me a complicated order this time". Even as she complained, the blonde young woman stood up and prepared to leave.

Nora for his part just smiled wryly.

"Thanks. I wouldn't be able to do this without your support. Shizuku-san, I will make sure you get rewarded properly after this, so make sure you don't get hurt... otherwise, I will deduct your pay". Nora mischievously said.

At those words, Shizuku almost tripped.

Looking at their exchange from one side, Shuri and Suzaku both had a thoughtful expression. Although Suzaku seemed to have made her mind.

"...Take me with you. It will be better if you have more helping hands. I... am honestly not sure if I will be able to be of much help against my clan members. But I will make up for it by fighting against that group you mentioned with more strength". Said Suzaku in a firm tone.

Hearing her, Nora tried to reply but stopped when Shizuku signaled him to not say a word.

"You said you will help us? For what reason? Putting aside Shiki-sama, the rest of the Youkais here will follow him since we were ordered to lend a hand whenever he needed it. That said, what will you do with such a half-assed motive? I can't entrust my back to someone who will hesitate against an enemy. Miss, stay here along with your family". Exclaimed Shizuku in a strict tone before turning her back on Suzaku and leaving.

Bitterly smiling, Nora just watched her walk away.

"Don't take it the wrong way. She is being considerate of you even if she sounded a bit harsh. Stay here, protect Shuri-san... and Akeno-chan. The girl is in her room playing happily, but she is bound to understand that something bad is going on and get anxious. Comfort her. And if you can... then keep the two kitties that are with her safe as well". Nora muttered in an apologetic tone. "Now then... SHIZUKU-SAN! YOU ARE GOING THE WRONG WAY!".

Yelling that, Nora began walking in a different direction from Shizuku.

Stopping in place, Shizuku just turned to look in Nora's direction with a resentful look. A slight blush that perhaps was proof of her embarrassment covered her face.

"TELL ME THAT SOONER! SHIKI-SAMA IS SUCH A BULLY!". Shouted Shizuku as she began running after Nora.

Looking back, Nora picked his pace in an attempt to run away from the blonde young woman.

Suzaku remained silent in her place. She did not notice how much time she spent doing that, but her state of mind didn't seem bothered by it.

"It is my belief... and that boy probably realized it as well that you are a very kind person. I don't think you have to feel bitter about it. Neither you need to force yourself to change". A soft voice was heard from behind Suzaku.

Shuri, who had sneaked behind her without a sound spoke to Suzaku in a kind tone.

Smiling wryly, Suzaku unconsciously raised a hand to her face. She was curious if her aunt had read all that from her expression.

"Ufufu, you were making faces that pretty much told me what you were thinking. Not only you are a kind girl, but very honest too. That said... I am sorry that you got mixed in all this. This is something I had to face on my own. But now many people will end up hurt because of me. *Sigh* I wish at least my child wouldn't have to go through this...". Muttered Shuri in a sad tone.

"It is not your fault! You did nothing wrong. Akeno-chan did nothing wrong. It's the fault of those obsolete rules from the clan. Without them... you would be able to live happily with Uncle Baraquiel and Akeno-chan. But now... the Clan's Head is trying to do something terrible. Why is it like this?". Suzaku replied in a strong tone.

Smiling sadly, Shuri affectionately looked at her nephew, happy that there were people who supported her when she was shunned.

"Listen Suzaku, you must not hate or resent anyone no matter what happens today. Hatred would only breed more hatred. I don't wish that such a kind girl would live with such a thing eating her from inside the rest of her life". Said Shuri.

Suzaku had a bad feeling when she heard it, but something picked her interest before she was able to question her aunt for it.

Smoke was rising in the distance.

Her first impulse was to go and see, but the young woman's word passed through her head.

Pondering for a moment, she recalled what Nora told her to do, so she decided to at least accomplish that goal.

"I will go and see Ak-".

Just as Suzaku was about to tell her aunt that, she shut her mouth when she heard the flapping of wings.

A terrible feeling arouse in her and she raised her head, only to see something that chilled her heart.

A pair of people were suspended mid-air, and behind their backs they had black wings.

What scared her was, the number each of them carried.

Fallen angels like angels had their strength expressed by the number of wings behind their backs. One of the individuals, a man wearing a mask, with back shoulder-length hair, had two pairs of wings... but the one who truly made her wary was the other one, a woman with short black hair and a skin-tight suit, had four pairs of wings.

"W-W-what?". Fearfully muttered Suzaku.

She could feel their cold eyes scanning her and in froze her.

"Which one is the wife of that b*stard? They both look the same to me". The male fallen angel said.

"Is your brain just an accessory? They might look similar, but the older one is the one we are looking for..". Exclaimed the female fallen angel.

Despite her fear for them, there was now another kind of fear inside Shizuku.

Looking for the older one... they must be talking about her aunt.

They look difficult to deal with and she doubted that they could be defeated using ordinary means.

Besides the safety of her aunt, there was the possibility of they targeting Akeno as well.

Putting her hands on her pair of tessen, she was about to pull them out when the pair of flying fallen angels reacted by changing their positions mid-air.

Suzaku managed to see with little difficulty that they seemed to be evading something. Were those... arrows?.

"Hmph, I thought it was something threatening but these are just normal arrows. What a waste of time. Later I will find that b*stard and kill him. Making me evade something like this. Hmph". The male fallen angel snorted in resentment.

"Don't let your guard down. The killing intent behind the attack was the real deal. If the archer had hidden his emotions... and had used special arrows, it would've been dangerous. Even I wouldn't be able to remain unscathed by a sneak attack". Seriously warned the female fallen angel.

Shrugging his shoulders, the male fallen angel did not seem to take it to heart.

"Yeah, yeah. So you say, but these things wouldn't be able to hurt us even if we don't raise our guards. You are getting paranoi-AaaaaaA". The male fallen angel screamed when an arrow pierced his arm.

Before he was able to pull it out, several arrows pierced his chest, legs and one almost pierced his head if it isn't because he squirmed in pain, barely evading it.

The female fallen angel just created a light spear and swung it in front of her. Breaking several arrows that Suzaku was not able to see.

"Tsk, at the end. The first attack was meant to distract us huh". Clicking her tongue, she complained.

Not caring about her companion she lowered her altitude to what Suzaku believed to avoid being targeted.

Considering the situation, the red-eyed Miss pulled several talismans from her modified Shrine Maiden outfit.

Muttering a quick chant, she turned the talismans in her hand into small flaming birds that she sent to attack the male fallen angel.

She was not sure who was giving them a hand, but she could not waste the chance.

"That little piece of sh*t! When I find him I will-Urgh!". Cursing mid-air, the male fallen angel did not react until the flaming birds landed on him.

He staggered a little but he pulled himself together very fast. Giving a hateful glare to Suzaku, he did not notice a bigger flame bird ambushing him from behind.


A groan of pain was heard as he fell to the ground, and constants firebirds rained upon him.

"Listen Suzaku, never give them the time to rest. They are much stronger than they look. Humans are innately weaker so we need to be very thorough when we deal with non-humans or we might not be able to live to tell the tale". Scolded Shuri in a light tone but with a serious expression.

Standing behind Suzaku, Shuri did not stop her attacks on the male fallen angel. It irked her how the female fallen angel did not seem to care. Something very different from her spouse who worried about his subordinates.

Noticing how serious her aunt was, Suzaku choose to just nod in response.

Fear still invaded her body and she felt like they will struggle a lot to survive, but acting upon her body impulses would spell their doom.

Taking out more talismans, she concentrated on creating something stronger. She was 'Suzaku', the one who inherited the name of the sacred beast. Being able to draw its powers, she was able to use stronger flames, more than anyone from her clan... that is why she will protect her beloved family.

Carrying such a resolution, three new firebirds were born in from of her. Two of them had over one meter in length, while the last one... exceeded the two meters mark. Different from earlier, they burned in a vermilion color.

The forms were very defined, appearing to be alive, and they stood faithfully in front of their master.

"I will ask just in case... Would you please go back quietly? There is no need to fight". Muttered Suzaku as she drew out her weapons.

Several Firebirds of small size appeared around the vicinity of Suzaku, created by Shuri.

The female fallen angel just snorted at those words.

"Those are my words little girl. Back off, I only have business with that woman behind you. I don't care about anyone else. Although... I can't say the same thing about the guy over there. Is it ok to focus your attention on me? From what I can recall... the woman there has a daughter, right?" Commented the female fallen angel as she gestured them to look at the house.

Just like the fallen woman mentioned, the injured fallen man was staggering at the door. Despite the wounds that seem to be lethal, he kept moving.

"So, what will you do little girl? Will you stay here helping out this woman? Or will you help the little girl? One thing you should know... he is very ruthless no matter the other party". Muttered the female fallen angel.

Not bothering to answer, Suzaku ran in the direction of the house. The biggest firebird tagged along, but the fallen man was already inside the house by then.

Filled with anxious feelings, just as she got closer to the door... a figure came flying out of it. It was enveloped in dark purplish flames.

"Nora-nya left her in my care-nya. So I won't let you lay a finger on her-nya. Kuroka-nee-chan to the rescue-nya!!!". The spirited voice of a young girl could be heard coming from inside the house.

Suzaku was curious who was there but she first confirmed that the figure enveloped in flames was the male fallen angel before making her firebird attack him. Whether he was alive or dead, she will not care. Reducing him to ashes will be proof that he will no longer bother them.

"Hmmm, so there was someone there too huh. Another little girl won't make a difference though. Shuri Himejima, I have come to take your life. Will you willingly hand over? Or will you involve more people in the struggle?". Asked the fallen woman in a mocking tone.

Suzaku expected an instant answer, but Shuri had even stopped creating Firebirds. She remained silent like she was considering those words.

"She won't die-nya! Nora-nya won't allow it, you are just wasting your time-nya!". The voice from the young girl replied strongly to the fallen woman.

Suzaku and Shuri turned to see who was this girl, and they saw her coming out of the house. She looked a couple of years older than Akeno, with black hair in a bob-cut and hazel-gold-eyes, she was a cute girl wearing a black one-piece dress, with a golden ribbon tied on her waist. Although she was not a regular girl as there were a pair of cat ears on top of her head, and a pair of tails moving behind her back.

"So that is how the other black kitten looked like...". Whispered Shuri as she watched her appearance.

Shuri had noticed the true nature of Nora so she was able to tell that whenever those kittens appeared, they were Nora and this girl. Although there was still the white one that recently showed up.

On the other hand, Suzaku just furrowed her eyebrows in discomfort as she recalled that a couple of times the boy had mentioned that name during their calls. If she was here protecting her cousin, then Nora considered her to be trustworthy. And reaching that conclusion, her expression loosened. It was out of worry for her cousin that she was bothered, or so she believed. It certainly did not bother her when she heard a voice asking Nora to take a bath together during their calls.

"What a funny girl. You say that but... that Nora you mentioned is not here, is he?. How will he stop me? Maybe you plan to stop me in his place? Why would you do that? Why would a Youkai help this woman? She comes from a family who dedicated their life to exterminating your kind. More of her family members are nearby when they arrive... they won't hesitate to kill you. So, Why would you stay? There is no reason, right?". Speaking in a light tone, the fallen woman seemed amused as she tried to question Kuroka.

"I don't care about her family-nya. Nora-nya wanted to help her and that is enough for me to be here-nya. I don't need a reason other than that, as the Onee-chan... It is my job to be on Nora-nya's side". Kuroka answered back without a speck of doubt in her tone.

The fallen woman stared at the hazel-gold-eyed girl for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

"I tried to make you leave since I don't have the hobby of killing children, but you are not going to back down. Be my guest and share that woman's fate. Although... You picked my curiosity, for a little girl you have guts to stand up against me... or you are just a fool". The female fallen angel muttered before creating a spear of light on each of her hands.

Kuroka gulped when she saw that but she stood her ground... or not, she walked forward and started to make hand signs. In one breath she planted her hands on the ground and a wall of earth rose from the ground blocking the access to the house.

Suzaku and Shuri smiled seeing that, and the fallen angel woman acted as nothing happened.

Flapping her wings, the fallen angel used the impulse to fly forward and reach Shuri, but she had already sent a flock of the smallest firebirds to block her path. Which proved almost useless as the fallen angel swung one of her spears and destroyed what crossed her way. Nevertheless, it bought enough time for Shuri to move out the way.

The fallen angel woman wanted to change her course to chase after Shuri, but this time a large firebird stood in front of her. Considering it risky to deal with it at close distance, she stepped back and turned to the person who interfered with her just now. Suzaku had drops of sweat running down her face and a relieved expression, but she tensed up when the fallen angel woman threw a light spear her way.

A little unprepared Suzaku wouldn't be able to evade on time, so she used her tessens to divert the path of the spear by hitting it from one side. The impact left her arms shaking but if she backed down then it would pierce her. Without much choice, in the short window of time where her tessens had collided with the spear, she released flames from them and was finally able to avoid being hit.

Soaked in sweat, Suzaku had a grim look. It was a short exchange, nonetheless, both Shuri and she could've been killed if they had reacted a bit slower.

The biggest problem was that the fallen angel was perfectly fine after their small bout.

Biting her lips, she turned her sight to the little girl who had been raising walls of earth around the house in the time they were fighting. Perhaps she could help them for bit.

∆ Part 2

Lowering my bow, I had just shot the final arrow at the male fallen angel. The enchantments Shizuku-san added helping me greatly to land a hit. That said, I would not be able to fire more as I was in a bit of a pinch myself.

"Speak, What is a Youkai doing here? Was it you who called the detestable crows?". Inquired a male voice coming from behind me.

Smiling bitterly, I turned to see the man who was standing a few meters away from me.

The only reason that he allowed me to shoot some arrows was that my support did not allow him or any of his 'friends' to get close to me by erecting a small barrier around us to protect me.

He is related to the Himejima's as he is wearing a Shinto Priest outfit, he also has a katana tied to his waist. His looks are that of an aged man, who has reddish eyes, and a head full of short white hair. Only two groups are attacking. He isn't a fallen angel as I saw him cut down one before I had to shoot the treat I saw at the Shrine.

Damn it.

I don't have time to deal with him, but getting away won't be easy either.

"I did not call them. I am just trying to clean the mess you guys caused. It was your people who caused this. Now there are who knows how many of those guys crawling around here". I replied.

I can't just tell him that I came to stop them, can I?.

The aged man just narrowed his eyes and pondered my words.

"You said it was 'our' fault, wasn't it? I wonder how did you get to that conclusion". Questioned the aged man.

Arghhhhh!!! Who cares about that?.

"This annoying guy was calling himself a Himejima who was dealing with a suspicious group. That group called these guys out of revenge for getting beaten by us after they started to destroy the city for some reason". I explained.

In the meantime, I strengthened myself fully and got closer to a nearby tree.

"Hmph, your excuse makes no sense. You don't seem to belong to any Youkai faction either. A youngling like you can't be up to any good out here". Exclaimed the aged man before signaling the people around us.

Those people proceeded to aim the weapons at us.

Before they could attack us though, I stroke first.

Controlling the trees around me, I made their roots grow and leave the ground to entangle those people, keeping them in place. Some others who avoided the roots and tried to get closer were blocked by the branches that formed a division between us.

That was not going to last too much considering the Himejima's specialty, but I don't want to stay here so I can only hope this buys us enough time.

"Shizuku-san! We leave at once!". I shouted.

Her response came in the form of the barrier disappearing and running in my direction.

Good, with Shizuku-san and I... we might be able to deal with that fallen pair, or at least buy time everyone to run, as long as that person who Sirzechs-san sends arrives, they will take everyone to a safe place.

My plan failed though since the trees blocking the Himejima's split in two and soon enough burst into flames. The responsible for that being the aged man from before.


Clicking my tongue, I stopped Shizuku-san and put my hands on her waist after throwing my bow in the air.

"Eh?". Confusedly muttering that Shizuku-san tilted her head cutely.


I raised her in the air and despite her kicking... I threw her in the direction of the girls. I also opened my pouch wide enough to store my bow that was falling to the ground inside.

"SHIKI-SAMA!!! YOU IDIOT!!!". Shizuku-san's shouts could be heard as she got further away from my position.

Hmmm, she will be angry later. But I at least managed to confirm something... Kitsunes can fly.

That useless thought crossed my mind, and it almost made me receive a serious wound as I had to cross my arms above my head fully covered in Touki to protect myself from a katana being swung my way.


Thankfully(?), the bracelet Ajuka-san gave me stopped the katana in place. Although the sound I heard was not good. The bracelet had gotten cracks on the impact location. Hope it was not expensive.

"You know.... if you lack patience women will not like you". I said in a spiteful tone.

I was annoyed at him so I could not help but try to provoke him.

His face lacked any expression, however as we were at a close distance and with my good eyesight... I noticed the slight twitching of his eyebrows. Sorry, I did not think it was true.

Nevertheless, I was not going to stop and offer him counseling. What I could offer was... a kick.

Which he evaded effortlessly.

Planning to follow up the attack, I had to get rid of that idea as the other members of the Himejima Clan had used the opening this guy created to get closer. Some of them throwing what seemed to be strings of folded paper at me that I hastily evade as they gave the chills. Was it some Shinto tool for exorcism?. They also used talismans and amulets to create differently shaped shikigamis, having one thing in common, and that was... they were burning.

How does that even work? It is a piece of paper and it isn't burning with the fire?. Damn this word and its logic.

Creating a Kasha on each hand, I slowly backed off after throwing them at the katana-wielding aged man A.K.A. Old man.

Not bothering to evade, he signaled the people behind him who came forward and each pulled out from their Shinto priest outfit a mirror and began making hand signs as they chanted in a whispered tone.

I did not pay attention to their chant, but I did get to see as the mirrors shined and reddish shield or barrier formed in front of them. My Kashas crashed right into it but that shield barely budged and nothing else happened.

That was not a good sign for me.

"...I can offer you advises on how to meet women though. Earlier I was able to get a pretty Onee-san to follow me so I can surely help you to do the same. Let's talk this out". I awkwardly said as I kept backing off.

Not taking my eyes off them, I move reached to a nearby tree and started to send Ki through it. Last time I did not add much so it was easily dealt with. I also did not focus on making them grow... let's hope this time it keeps them busy for longer.

I received a glare from the old man. If looks could kill, then I would be dead by now.

"Use the Shige to form a chain and capture him, he is about to escape!". Exclaimed the old man.

Not delaying any further, I made the nearby trees grow in size, also making them move their roots and branches to cover for me... to block the attack of the old man who had already leaped in my direction after

Not staying to see how long it will take him, I ran off. And at every step I took I could hear how the trees were being attacked.


Breathing with some difficulty, Suzaku stood up again. As she wiped the blood running down her face with her hand, a voice made her stop in place.

"You still got a lot of energy from what I can see. Although you are not responding as fast as before so you should be close to your limit". The female fallen angel pointed out.

Grinding her teeth, Suzaku did not have the strength to retort. It was as the woman had mentioned. Taking care of the first fallen angel had been mostly luck since he had been injured by those arrows, then being attacked when his guard was down had been what spelled his doom.

However, fighting the woman... they were made to understand the difference between them rather quickly.

Still standing had been thanks to their number and while she did not consider it at the beginning... the timely support that the youkai girl lends them.

Behind her, her aunt was in no better state as used a hand to press her side. Which had broken some of her ribs.

The youkai girl... or rather, the youkai-devil girl was flying and kept herself at a safe distance avoiding any direct clash with fallen woman so she was relatively safe.

The fallen woman did not seem too keen on flying after her, perhaps wary of any arrow attacking her.

"Suzaku... *Haaa* You have done enough... *haaah* Take Akeno with you and leave. I will keep her busy for enough time for you to run". Muttered Shuri with some difficulty.

Swinging her arms, she sent a flock of Firebirds to delay the fallen woman who leisurely tried to shorten the distance.

Said woman just waved her spear of light and destroyed the Firebirds, but she did retreat after a dark purplish flame wheel came flying at her.

Thanking in her heart at the help from the youkai-devil girl, Suzaku did not even stop to consider her aunt's words.

"I only want to hear you say that we will all get out this alive. I said I won't abandon you". Replied Suzaku.

Muttering a silent chant, she used a spell to strengthen her body again as the effects of last one had already worn of after the continuous clash with the fallen woman.

Biting her lips, she leaped in the direction of the fallen woman. Covering her tessens with vermillion flames, she did a thrusting motion with them closed.

Having gotten at close distance, the fallen woman would have trouble waving her spears of light or so Suzaku thought, but the woman just dropped one of her spears and formed a sword of light that she used to parry her attack.

Although Suzaku did not explicitly expect the fallen woman to avoid getting hurt that way, she did expect the possibility of her attack failing. So she swung her other tessen after opening it, creating a wave of vermillion flames to burn the fallen woman.

"Aaargh!! You little...!". Screaming in pain, the woman backed off.

Suzaku's attack was not the only one though. A flock of Firebirds collided with her before she was able to react, courtesy of Shuri. And lastly, a flaming wheel with a dark purplish color hit her.

Not wanting to give her any time to rest, the red-eyed Miss tried to get closer again. However, the fallen woman blasted her away with an explosion of Holy power released from her hand.

With an irked expression, the woman leaped at Suzaku who was sent flying after the blast.

Being mid-air made it almost impossible for her to evade. Being aware of that, Shuri tried to stop the fallen angel by throwing a long Shide string and trying to tie the woman up, but it only delayed her for a moment.

At close distance, when the fallen was about attack Suzaku, she abruptly stopped in place and tried to defend herself but she failed as her head twisted the other way and was sent flying, followed by spikes of stone that grew out of the earth and pierced her...

For the bystanders, it just looked like the fallen woman stopped and threw herself to one place. This thought changed when from the place where the woman had been, a new figure appeared.

With blonde hair and fox ears, she was another youkai, one that Suzaku had seen earlier.

"By the orders of the idiot of Shiki-sama, I will lend you a hand. He is a little busy at the moment so please don't put that disappointed expression as I just saved your life". Said Shizuku as she glanced at Suzaku.

"I did not put that kind of expression". Sulkily replied Suzaku.

Shaking her head, Shizuku turned to the flying Kuroka who was staring at her.

"He will come back soon so don't look at me resentfully. Shiki-sama literally threw me this way to come and help you". Explained Shizuku.

Even as she explained, Shizuku was making hand signs, and in one breath, her figure disappeared again.

"Continue fighting like before, I will lend you a hand this way". Shizuku's voice was heard even as her figure was not visible.

Nodding in response, Suzaku glanced at her aunt that had a thoughtful expression.

"Any ideas?". Asked Suzaku.

At this point, even if they had the help of the two youkai, there was no guarantee of taking down the fallen angel.

"Have you studied the method of purification I told you before, the harae?". Replied Shuri.

Pulling talismans out of her sleeves, she seemed to be running out of them as the quantity was lesser than before.

Nodding in response, Suzaku got an idea what her aunt was thinking.

"Remember one thing. No matter what we do, it is important to have a clear image of the target. If we don't, we might end up targeting those girls as well. Can you do it?". Muttered Shuri in a serious tone.

A little anxious, she could only nod as they would need to do it regardless of her thoughts.

Smiling wryly, Shuri could tell what her nephew was thinking, but she did not try to say anything else. Even as they talked, a fog began covering the area a while ago. It worked as a cover for them so this was probably done by the new youkai that joined the fight. Sounds of the battle could be heard, and Shuri could imagine that the youkai girl was having trouble now that she was doing this without them.

"Wait here, I will look for everything we might need. Keep her busy for a moment". Said Shuri at last before sprinting with some difficulty to her house.

Now alone, Suzaku felt that she needed to do more. Everyone was doing so much while her efforts could barely count.

Gripping tightly her pair of tessens, she dragged her tired body to help the youkai girl.

∆ Part 3

Having considerably shortened the distance between the girls and me, a new problem arose.

It came in form of the remaining fallen angels. These guys did not all engage in battle with the Himejimas, so now I got to fight them.

Luckily, I received some support from the youkai that Yasaka-san sent. A gust of wind swept away some of the flying fallen angels and a pair of Crow Tengu wearing masks went flying after them.

Not every fallen angel was swept away though, but then some of the ones that remained became entangled in some kind of strings when they tried to attack me. A beautiful woman in kimono appeared behind a tree and by raising her hands, I could see how that 'string' began to cover them. Upon a more detailed inspection, I noticed its true form, along with the woman. Those were spider webs... so judging from her appearance, she was a Jorougumo.

Bowing slightly my way, the woman smiled and pointed me in the direction I was headed.

Wondering if I should support the youkais here for a little, the woman who seemed to read my thoughts shook her head and pointed again where I was headed.

Wryly smiling, I made a mental note to thank all these people(youkai) later.

Before leaving, I created a Kasha that I threw at one fallen angel that had sneakily avoided getting caught by her.

"You guys should leave this place, the Himejimas are going to catch up anytime. Just leave these guys trapped and focus on surviving". I gave a warning as I turned my back to the woman and the Crow Tengu that were battling close by.

Not staying a second more, I ran forward.



Hearing the sound of battle from the distance, I used my ability to see through the trees and the first thing I could see was Shuri-san running in the direction of her house, and fog covering the place. Trying to take a look at the situation of the girls, I caught sight of Kuroka-chan flying around using the fog to hide and attack from distance using that way cooler-looking-than-mine Kashas. Suzaku-san sent wave after wave of a vermilion-colored fire at a female fallen angel who was doing her best to evade. Looking carefully, Shizuku-san was looking for an opportunity to strike nearby... although the fallen woman did not seem to be able to see her. The missing ones... Ah, Akeno-chan and Shirone-chan(Neko version) were waiting in Akeno-chan's room with anxious expressions.

The most important thing is that they are alive, Suzaku-san and Shuri-san seem injured but if they can still move like that then I can take care of it pretty quickly.

The sound of wings flapping caught my attention and I turned my head. I was expecting a fallen angel but... it was the same old man from before. He was using a rather large Firebird as his ride. Looking at me from a rather high height, he probably chased after me using this since it would be hard to catch me by running.

Hey, that is unfair. That is cheating.

My complaints were kept inside my head as he immediately jumped down, and swung his sword at me.

Evading by back stepping, I only expected to avoid the sword, but mid-way the sword produced flames that send a wave of flames trailing being the slash. Unprepared, I used my hand to cover my face.

Feeling the heat, I could smell how my clothes got a little burned despite the Touki I had them covered with since my first encounter with this guy.

"Remember when I said I will you to hook up with girls? Forget it, we are no pals. Pals don't burn each other". I joked.

Hoping to engage in conversation, I wanted to distract him as I walked near a small flower garden. The words 'Akeno's little garden, please be careful' pretty defined it. My interest lay in a forgotten small pouch filled with seeds that the little girl did not pick up.

"Your ability to speak nonsense is only second to your ability to run away". Replied the old man.

"Thanks, I train both every day". I lightly commented back.

That seemed to make him angry as he just shut his mouth.

"That aside... Do we have to do this? I mean, I understand you want to get rid of any kind of threatening supernatural individual. For humans is normal to do so. But this time, the real enemies are the fallen angel you see flying around. That's the reason why you came here, right?". I asked.

It would be nice if he doesn't continue trying to cut me down, but I don't think I will be that lucky. I am interested in his answer though. They came after Akeno-chan's life so I am curious about what goddamned reason they are using to sleep nicely at night.

"Those crows are indeed evil and they must be eradicated. But to join hands with a Youkai, you have a strange sense of humor. Are you here to just really kill those crows? I can't help but wonder". Questioned the old man with narrowed eyes.

"Hehe, your guess is correct. I do have a deep and underlying reason. I wanted to... tour around Akihabara but we stumbled upon those guys. Man, I just wanted to go to see some maids. Now I am getting in a fight with some unpopular exorcist". I replied in a joking tone.

So they are just an evil to get rid of, huh. No need to seriously talk with this guy.

My words hit a nerve as the veins on his forehead were about to blow judging by how much they grew.

Old man, that can't be healthy at your age. That aside, I managed to grab handfuls of seed and put them in my pockets.

He did not say a word and just sent the Firebird after me.


It is never easy.


Minutes of engaging in a melee fight with the fallen woman, Suzaku along with Shizuku and Kuroka had managed to cause many wounds around her. Although Suzaku and Shizuku were on the receiving end as well.

"Can you still go on?". Asked Shizuku as she wiped the sweat on her forehead.

Part of her outfit was tattered, and wounds could be seen from those missing parts. The good thing was that they were not deep, but it did not change the fact that she was injured.

"This is nothing. How about you?". Suzaku questioned back.

"Ha, this is nothing". Replied Shizuku with a fearless grin.

Suzaku smiled wryly at that. That girl was quite tough, she thought.

The fallen woman seemed busy trying to escape from a trap Shizuku had put her into, softening the ground and having her sink until her waist then hardening the ground again.

Using this chance to take a breather, Shizuku had started to make hand signs a moment ago.

"You have something prepared right? Go help that woman, I will be able to handle things on my own for a minute. I also have the help from that girl... that said, Shiki-sama will kill me if he finds out that I am having her fight". Said Shizuku with a bitter smile.

The girl in question had finished preparing a spell, a huge rock came out from a magic circle in front of her and dropped on top of the fallen angel woman. Having a size over two meters, it was bound to do some damage. But the woman threw a spear of light at it, shattering the rock.

Taking that as a sign, Shizuku put her hand on the ground and her spell took shape. The ground shook and stone pillars raised from the area around the fallen woman before forming a circle that shrunk, leaving the woman trapped. Impacts coming from inside could be felt so Shizuku did not think it was going to hold her for long.

Using this opportunity, Suzaku went to help her aunt prepare everything.



In minutes, Shuri and Suzaku were back, each carrying several things.

Tree branches with strings of paper attached a small bag of salt and wooden charms.

Not bothering with useless chattering, Suzaku started to place the charms on the ground which sprinkling salt around one side of area around the fallen angel, and Shuri began to do the same thing in the other area.

Pillars of stoner raised from the ground and kept pulling up on the location of the fallen angel so they had time to finish their business without being interrupted.

After the preparations were done, Shuri and Suzaku began chanting a prayer.

Having exhausted herself a little, Shizuku retreated from the area and stood behind Shuri. Kuroka took Suzaku's side to see what they were about to do.

The pile of stone pillars continued to shake despite the size it had grown to.

With eyes closed, Shuri and Suzaku continued their chants in perfect synchrony. Lightly shaking the branches they carried, the sound those made was very soothing for the listeners although... it seemed to have a completely different effect for certain someone.

"YOUUUUU!!!! AGHHH!!". Shouting from inside the pile of stone pillars, the fallen angel was angrily hitting the pile from her position with all her strength.

Despite her silence so far, she broke it after Shuri and Suzaku began the ritual.

Cracks formed on the pile as seconds happened, and the pile finally broke, sending pieces of stone lying around. Too focused on the ritual, the praying pair did not move even as pieces of stone flew their way. Nevertheless, they never got hurt as Shizuku and Kuroka prevented it from happening by standing in front of them and destroying any fragment that might hurt them.

What appeared after the pile was cleared was the fallen angel woman with heavy wounds. One of her arms was hanging limply and she was covered in blood that spilled from different places.

Even as she stood there finally free, the fallen woman had trouble standing still. With one hand covering her face she had her head down.

Widening her eyes in realization, Shizuku ran forward as she used Touki to increase her physical abilities. She couldn't wait any longer as...

"Be blown away...". Muttered the fallen angel woman with a smile as a green magic circle appeared below her. Strong winds surrounded her before they expanded and routed away anything in her immediate surroundings.

Expecting this, Shizuku immediately jumped backward and got a hold of Shuri. With the brown-eyed woman in her arms, Shizuku took as much distance as possible from the magic circle.

Glancing at Kuroka, she saw the little girl grabbing Suzaku and flying away. Inwardly praising the girl, Shizuku just focused on getting Shuri to safety.

The fog that had been covering the area had been blown away first, then the wreckage of stones sent flying almost hitting the two pairs that had to hastily evade. The one who remained unaffected was the fallen woman who proceeded to extend her hand and as she made grabbing motion, a magic circle appeared above her hand and with it, a glass vial came out.

Not wasting any second, the fallen woman took the vial and drank the content after sprinkling some of it on her most life-threatening wounds, and in seconds, her wounds began healing.

Thanking that they were at a good distance from her house, Shuri furrowed her eyebrows when she turned her eyes onto the fallen woman now fully recovered.

"You have my respect, even with your meager strength, you managed to corner me that much. I could give excuses by saying I was not going serious, but it is unreasonable to blame it on something like that. I might've lowered my guard when that little girl appeared... but I won't do that anymore. Prepare to-". The fallen woman spoke but her speech was cut by...

"OUT IF THE WAY! CAT COMING THROUGH!". A childish voice was heard.

Following it were the sounds of trees catching fire and... a boy who was sent flying by a Firebird of considerable size when he left woods surrounding the area.

No one expected this to happen so their reactions were delayed.

The boy in question was flying straight into... the fallen woman who failed to evade him and after colliding, both rolled on the ground.

A moment later, they stopped. With the fallen angel woman laying bellow, and the boy on top of her.

"That b*stard, using that kind of attack on poor lil' ol' me. A normal child would've died the moment of the impact... Ah, my sweater is almost rags by now". The boy nonchalantly commented as he checked his 'sweater'.

Silence covered the area.

During actions, the content of his pockets spilled, but the only one who paid attention to that was the boy.

All the present parties felt the need to retort about several things but... there was one thing that was on top of the list.

The closely related party, the female fallen angel, was the one who spoke first.

"...I don't know who you are, but... Don't you think you could move aside? I think you already enjoyed this enough". Said the fallen woman.

Tilting his head, the boy did not seem to understand until the woman pointed at his other hand. Which was grabbing her...

"Oh, eh... sorry about that. I swear I did not do this on purpose. If I wanted this to happen... I seriously wouldn't be able to pull it off". Replied the boy as he took his hand off her chest.

Smiling 'kindly', the woman restrained her anger.

The boy felt some cold stares directed at him but decided to ignore them.

"Is that all you have to say?". The woman said in a dark tone of voice.

She almost exploded when the boy put a pondering expression. Putting a serious face.

"It is just a simple advice, but... although using skin-tight clothing can be a way to attract the attention of guys, I would say that you should think about your health first. It is bad for your blood flow if you use this kind of outfit too often. That said...". Said the boy as he gave her a thumbs-up sign.

Only known to him as the attention of everyone was on his face as he spoke, the boy kept emptying his pockets.

Her patience running out, she created a dagger out of Holy power and tried to stab him.

However, the boy seemed to be waiting for that as he caught her hand easily.

The fallen woman furrowed her eyebrows at the strength he displayed to stop her. For such a small child, he was absurdly strong. On a closer look, he seemed to be using Ki to accomplish this feat.

"Miss, I will ask just in case. Would you please leave quietly? I am a pacifist... well, sort of. And fighting will only lead to casualties. What do you say?". The boy asked.

His expression seemed to be hopeful, but unfortunately... the female fallen woman did not plan on doing as he wanted.

"Give up, boy. I came here only to kill that woman. Only her, once I kill her, I will go quietly". Icily replied the fallen woman. With her free hand, she created another holy dagger.

Lowering his head, the boy had a bitter smile.

"I see, I guess there is no other way to solve this". Muttered the boy.

Jumping to one side, he took his distance from the woman.

"I told you, there is no need to negotiate with those b*starts". A stern voice could be heard coming from the woods.

A figure walked out slowly and looking at that person few people reacted to it.

"Uncle!?". "Grand-uncle!?". "Old man, Did you hide behind those trees and came out when you thought it would be cooler? Wait, Uncle? Is this guy...?".

Ignoring the last person, the old man turned to look at Shuri and Suzaku.

"Suzaku, I don't recall bringing you with us this time... there will be a punishment for you later". Sternly said the old man to the red-eyed Shrine Maiden. "Shuri... Do you finally see? Getting involved with the crows only brought you troubles".

The aunt and nephew pair lowered their heads at his words.

"Hey, hey! Stop with that. Leave them alone. I need some help here!". Shouted the boy.

"Nora-nya, I won't leave you-nya. No matter what you say-nya". "Be a good kitty and go with Akeno-chan, leave this to Shizuku-san and me". "No... Uh, Can I rest? Kuroka-sama is eager to take my place so...". "No".

This exchange occurred between the youkai trio.

Irritated, the old man, decided to pay attention to the fallen angel first. There were no other reinforcements from her side, but he won't get help anytime soon either.

Suzaku and Shuri are both pretty hurt so counting on them is not realistic. The boy has a terrible personality but he is tough to beat. He has two youkais on his side, both exhausted and one is even hurt. Not to mention that one is a little girl... although he isn't much older either.

Taking that into account, he is supposed to take down the fallen with the help of that group...? Agreeing to cooperate with the boy was a terrible mistake. In any case, it was better to have the youkais expend their forces during the fight toan haveing his clan members face this themselves. The woman is not a simple crow so casualties can appear if they face her directly.

Hesitating for a moment, he concluded that it was better to observe the boy's fight for a moment and join when the time was right.

Said boy... stopped quarreling with his youkai companions when the fallen woman created holy daggers and kept throwing them one after another at the boy.

"Uncle... Are you here to kill.. my little girl?". Shuri asked beside the old man, the Clan Head of the Himejimas.

"Those are the rules of the Clan, I am afraid that we must execute them to avoid the wrath of Shinto Gods". He replied in a neutral tone.

Suou Himejima had to give the example as the Clan Head, and the rules have been maintained for generations after generations. It was not going to be any different this time.

"Isn't there any way? I would do anything for her to be able to live a happy life... I would even give my life". Muttered Shuri.

Raising an eyebrow, this was the first time he changed his expression into something that was an sad look.

"...It would make no difference. The child must be disposed of. You are to be taken into custody and be punished under the laws of the clan. Those are the rules". In a softer tone, Suou answered back.

Lowering her head crestfallenly, Shuri stayed in silence. Tightening her fists, tears formed in her eyes.

Hearing the faint sobbing sounds, Suou inwardly sighed.

His soul will surely face a terrible punishment when he dies... But he had to follow the rules since he was the one who leads the whole clan.

A figure was sent rolling on the ground near them just as he thought of that.

It was the boy, Nora. Who quickly stood up and gave a side glance at both.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about. But I won't allow it to happen. Shuri-san and Akeno-chan, I will keep both safe. No matter what". Said the green-eyed boy with conviction before turning to see the fallen angel. "Also... Make yourself useful for once. Those two are at their limits, and Suzaku-san just fainted. Her injuries are not that bad, but we need to finish the fight to apply first aid or she might be in danger".

Saying that the boy stared at the bracelet on his wrist and gripped it hard until it broke. Having done that, he ran at full speed in the direction of the fight.

The last words put the remaining people in an anxious state as they began to look for Suzaku with their sight. Finding her seated leaning on a tree, unconscious.

Angered, Suou gripped his katana tighter.

∆ Part 4

Having gotten rid of the bracelet, I could feel the 'demonic power' flowing freely inside my body. It was on a small scale, but my body felt stronger.

Using Touki as the base, I created claws made of Ki and after getting closer to the fallen angel I began to attack her from wherever I could. The problem was she seemed to be strengthening herself with magic, mKing it hard to land a hit.

Honestly, it was rather difficult to get around certain areas since her light spears gave her certain advantage due their length.

But, having Kuroka-chan(who did not back down no matter how I tried to coax her), and Shizuku-san(who wanted to back down but I did not allow it), lowered the difficulty.

Inside my pouch there were throwing knives so after getting an idea, I grabbed some and loaded them with plenty of Ki. Creating fireballs that had a slight bluish tinge and sending them after the fallen angel, I hid the knives inside the fire.

Just when the female fallen angel swung her spear to get rid of the attack thinking that the fireballs were the only threat... the knives passed through the gap she left after that swing, piercing deeply into her skin.

"Urgh, the little runt even called himself pacifist... Argh, what a joke. He is too vicious for that". Muttered the fallen woman while she tried to pull out the knives.

I did say I was a sort of pacifist, not a full one.

Mentally retorting back, I did not give her time to recover and repeated the attack, although this time I reduced our distance after giving someone a subtle glance.

This time, she swung her spear but jumped sideways to avoid being in the trajectory of the knives. Or at least she tried.

Shizuku-san who had disappeared at some point to move the unconscious Suzaku-san near Shuri-san, was back. And without me having me to say anything, she created an earth wall beside the fallen angel, blocking her evasion plan.

With no way out of the attack, she awkwardly twisted her body to not get stabbed, but her stance ended up broken.

However, that was not all that was to the attack. Kuroka-chan had been waiting to act after I subtly let her know that it was her turn. A particularly large Kasha spun wildly on top of her and she threw it at the woman who only managed to use her hand to avoid serious injuries on her head. The last part of the attack was done by me who had shrunk the distance to match it after Kuroka-chan's attack. Leaping, I used my knee to strike her unprotected stomach.

"Guuuu! *Cough* *cough*". Instantly groaning and coughing, the fallen woman bent her body forward.

After the hit, I landed and grabbed her head with both hands, then I brought it into my knee again. The impact sounded pretty hard, but I did not think it was enough to deal with her.

Unfortunately, I was right as she had grabbed me with one hand, locking me in place for an instant. Which was enough to bring her other hand holding a holy dagger and stab me in my guts.

"Guh!". Groaning from the pain, I did not let her go.

"NORA-NYA!!!". "SHIKI-SAMA!!!". I heard the girls yelling but I focused on my task at hand.

With my left hand still on her head, I raised my right arm and using my elbow, I brought it down on her head. I stroke once, twice and was about to do it once more but she twisted the dagger and I could feel my insides being cut apart.

As I stopped for a moment, she used that time to pull us apart and kick me away using the dagger she left in my guts as the striking point.

I just saw everything spin until I came to stop. A crying Kuroka-chan was holding me as I was half-laying on the ground.

Inwardly apologizing, I stood after patting her head softly.

"Nora-nya, stay down, we need to do something about that-nya". Muttered Kuroka-chan in a worried tone as she pointed at the dagger stuck in my guts.

Smiling wryly, I was not sure if should be happy to have someone worry about me this much... or be angry for causing her to be like that.

"Shiki-sama, as someone who works by healing and treating others, you should know how serious that injury is". Commented Shizuku-san in concern.

Turning my eyes to the fallen angel woman, she hatefully glared my way.

Seeing that, I knew that she won't give me the time to take care of my injury. Damn it, why is she still standing?.


Clicking my tongue, I turned my back to Kuroka-chan. Creating a fireball with my left hand and pulled the holy dagger with my right one. I brought it closer to my open injury and burned it, biting my lips, I kept the groan of pain inside my mouth. Wound cauterization is a simple method to stop bleeding. And it will have to do for now.

One look a Kuroka-chan concerned expression and shaking self, I could tell that she won't be able to continue fighting. Shizuku-san is not looking good either so I will have to go on my own.

I would like a little help from the old guy, but he seems busy checking on Suzaku-san's status.

"Shiki-sama... we should wait for the other youkais, or at least retreat. As we are now...". Muttered Shizuku-san as she glanced at my wound then at herself.

"Do me a favor and take her to Akeno-chan's place. Carry Suzaku-san and Shuri-san too. Stay with them. Can you do that?". I spoke as I ruffled her hair.

Sulking slightly, she lowered her head.

"You are still making me work hard". Complained Shizuku-san.

Wryly smiling, I left her to deal with the woman.

"Nora-nya... Please stay here-nya... I want to help you-nya...". Muttered Kuroka-chan, tears could be seen running down her face.

I froze as I saw that but I continued walking nonetheless.

"I will accept any kind of punishment you decide later...". I replied even as felt the guilt eating me from inside.


While Nora had a chat with the youkai girls, Suou was furrowing his eyebrows at the state of Suzaku. He could not understand why she pushed this hard.

"The silly girl... She was just trying to do her best. If she has stayed at the clan...". Muttered Shuri sadly.

Grinding his teeth, Suou turned his head to see Nora relentlessly throwing blue-ish green flame wheels at the fallen angel woman.

She seemed to be a little disoriented as she had trouble evading on foot. One particular fire wheel hit her arm, causing severe burns. The woman had difficulty putting down the fire too.

Changing her strategy, she took the skies. Using her new advantage, this time she did the throwing, although her method included holy spears.

Narrowing his eyes, Suou decided that it was time to intervene. Both sides had exhausted enough, and if he waited any longer then he will have to face the woman alone.

Pulling a talisman out of his sleeve, he began chanting. His next action was to throw the talisman in front of him and start doing hand signs. And after he completed the process, the talisman took the shape of a large Firebird, one that was able to carry him after he mounted it.

Directing his mount, he flew after the fallen woman.

In one breath, he caught up to her and swinging his sword, a trail of fire followed. The attack missed the target, but she was no longer paying attention to the boy.

Recalling what the boy was doing when he found him, Suou decided to give him some opportunity to show off his skills.

"You crows are such troublesome individuals. Your existence is wrong by itself. Allow me to put you out of your misery!". Muttered Suou as he kept slashing at the woman.

The fallen angel did not let herself get cut. Being more used to fight in the sky, she was able to evade with more ease.

More than once did their weapons collide. Despite the superior strength the woman had thanks to her non-humans linage, Suou was able to parry her spears skillfully to avoid receiving the full impact, thus maintaining the status quo during the fight.

A simple horizontal slash was stopped by two intersected spears that the woman used to push the sword away. Dropping them, she created a pair of light swords to cut Suou who was now open since his katana was shoved away.

Just the woman thought she would cut him down, she got a bad feeling but it came too late as arrow after arrow pierced her.

"Aaaa! The archer was YOU! Damn it!". Screaming from pain, the woman tried to escape by flying away.

Nonetheless, her actions were read by Nora and Suou, the latter who took out from his sleeve a long strip of folded paper. Hastily muttering a chant, the strip of paper moved on its own and tied itself to the fallen angel woman, keeping her in place.

Using one hand to hold her, Sou raised his katana with the other hand and by ordering his mount to get closer, he stabbed her in the chest using the chance when she tried to counter-attack Nora by chanting a spell, stopping her actions.

"Guh". The fallen woman groaned in pain.

However, there was no mercy from Suou who twisted his katana, worsening her wound.

Angrily glaring at Suou, the woman extended her hands and grabbed the old man's arms. The katana sank deeper inside her but she seemed to not care about that.

With the old man in her grasp, she flew higher... ignoring the arrows that targeted her wings. Once her height reached a certain point... she dove down, putting Suou in front of her.

The man in question was covered in cold sweat as he tried to free himself from her. Yet, she did not budge, no matter how much he twisted his katana or struggled, she seemed determined to get rid of him.

Out of options, he made his ride come to him flying at full speed... and making it ram them together.

This reckless idea managed to save him from a sure full dive, although they were both sent rolling on the ground.

"Uncle! Are you ok!?". The worried voice of Shuri was heard.

When he noticed it, Suou was laying near Shuri and Suzaku's previous location. The latter could not be seen through.

Sounds of footsteps were heard and Shuri could be seen running his way.

Shaking his head, he found it hard to focus after the crash. He wanted to tell her to stay away, but blood came out of his mouth when he opened it.

"I... won't go down... until she is dead... but you... are going down too!". Darkly muttered the fallen angel who was laying nearby.

Standing up with difficulty, she pulled the katana out of her. And started to drag her body forward.

Her destination was Suou, and Shuri would go next as she was getting closer to the laying Suou.

Pushing himself the most he could, Suou managed to sit down, but he could not speak yet. His insides receive more damage than he initially thought as blood kept coming out.

Closer step by step, the fallen angel woman seemed to have gone mad, Her blood-shot eyes were only looking at him, ignoring everything else.

Raising the katana in her hand, a twisted smile adorned her face. Suou, just closed his eyes for a moment, as he tried to concentrate to chant a spell. Although he was aware that he would not make it in time.

The katana was swung down... and blood was spilled.

Opening his eyes, Suou had an ominous feeling when the pain never came. What he saw was, Shuri with her back on him, blood was dripping on the ground.

"AAAAAaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! YOU! YOUUUU!!". An angry yell was heard nearby, the owner of the voice seemed someone familiar.

Suou had not time to focus on that as Shuri fell backward. She ended up laying on top of his legs. Sadness and anger invaded him when he saw the slash wound running from her shoulder to her stomach.

Hastily pressing his hand on the injury, he tried to reduce the bleeding. Fearing that she could be attacked again, he glared at the fallen angel but she could not attack them as... the boy had tackled her in a maddened rush.

Both rolled on the ground, and Nora used every opportunity he had to hit her, not caring in the slightest where he struck.

When they stopped, the two of them ended up in a rather compromising position again, but this time, Nora did not have a nonchalant expression but one filled with rage.

"What is wrong with you!?". Shouted the fallen angel woman somewhat surprised at the way Nora was acting.

Nora just looked at her expressionlessly and his now blue eyes did not seem to be looking at someone but... at something.

"This was I line I did not want to cross". Muttered Nora in a somber tone as he placed his hand on her chest. "Grow".

Bewildered, the woman could not understand his actions until she saw them. Stuck on her clothes and body, small seeds were reacting. Their size made it hard to notice them but she couldn't recall when he covered her with them. Until she widened her eyes and the moment when the boy crashed into her briefly appeared on her mind.

"You planned this since back then!?". Exclaimed the woman.

She tried to free herself, but her injuries had weakened her more than she thought as boy was able to hold her down.

It took a moment for the seeds to grow and start entangling themselves around her. Normally it would be easy to break away from something of that level, but they seemed to be stronger than normal plants. One look at Nora and she inferred that he must the responsible for their toughness as well.

The freedom to move her arms was taken, then her legs. Only after she couldn't move a muscle did Nora stop.

"...Is this a pathetic attempt of pacifism?". In a mocking tone, the woman asked.

Ignoring her, Nora pried open her mouth despite her resistance and deposited some seeds inside. Making her swallow them. It immediately brought a chill down her spine.

"Grow". Said Nora.

It took less time for the effect to take place.

"Why? Why are you helping her!? She is the woman of Baraquiel. That b*stard killed my lover. Why can he have a happy life? Why not me?". Exclaimed the fallen angel woman.

Perhaps feeling her doom, she had an emotional outburst.

"Don't care. The moment you cut her, you lost any possible sympathy from me". Replied Nora.

Covering her mouth, he stopped any further words from being said.

The fallen angel woman struggled, but Nora did not allow her to break free, even tightening the entanglement. The plants, that had started to flourish gave a strange contrast to what was happening to the woman.

It did not take long for her struggles to die down, blood spilled from her mouth when Nora raised his hand. Looking one last time at the woman's eyes which carried a grudgeful look, he stood up and hastily made his way to Suou and Shuri's location.



Being the one who saw what happened, Suou did not have much reaction but he felt his anger over what happened to be lessened somewhat.

"*Cough* *cough* Are you ok?". Weakly muttered Shuri.

Biting his lips, Suou had trouble replying. But he managed to speak the words that had been bothering him.

"Why? You silly girl. I came here to kill your daughter. It was my duty to do so. You could have let that crow kill me and use that opportunity to run away with Akeno". Inquired Suou in a pained tone.

He keeps pressing her chest to prevent her from bleeding more.

"*Cough* I don't want to lose my family. I wouldn't be able to live with that. This whole situation happened because of me. *Cough* Although I don't regret falling in love or having my little girl. *Cough* Promise me... to let her go. It is the wish of a dying woman". Replied Shuri with a sad smile.

Suou was about to reply when...

"You are an idiot. Who would be happy with you doing something like that!? Do you plan to leave that girl alone!? She won't have her mother, how much do you think she will suffer!?" Angrily said Nora who arrived beside the pair.

Kneeling on one side, he removed Suou's hand and used his own to stop the bleeding.

"What are you...". "Shut up".

Suou tried to complain but Nora just glared at him told to keep quiet.

Shuri smiled wryly. Despite his words... he had tears running down his face.

"I can trust that you will take care of her. *Cough* She is your wife now... *Cough* remember?". Shuri tried to talk in a mischievous tone.

"Woman, you should stop trying to give me your daughter. I will consider if you get out of this one. So don't you dare to give up yet. The speech of leaving everything else to me... don't use it". Muttered Nora.

With a serious expression, he did not part his eyes from the wound Shuri had. Using one hand to move her clothes, he got a clearer view of the slash wound.

"Severe blood loss is the issue I won't be able to take care of, but sealing this is... done". Said Nora.

As he said that, the bleeding had stopped, although the wound was still open.

"Boy...". A voice interrupted Nora.

He just ignored that and proceeded to close the wound. Sweat poured out of his head, but he did not stop.

"You are not in pain right? Tell me if it hurts". Asked Nora a little nervous.

"Ufufu *cough* What a bold kid. *Cough* Is my girl not enough for you? *Cough* You attack her mother too *cough*". Jokingly said Shuri.

Nora was not sure if he should reply to that. But her situation required that you kept her conscious.

"Boy". The same voice called to him.

Ignoring it again, he looked at Shuri who was having trouble keeping her eyes open.

"Hey, don't close your eyes. Don't fall asleep. If you sleep, then you won't be able to hear what that fallen angel told me. She was an old lover of your husband, and many of the women in the group appear to be like that. They came to kill you out of jealousy". Trying to keep her from closing her eyes, Nora said the first thing that came to his mind.

Nonetheless, it worked as Shuri's eyes opened fully and a grin appeared on her face.

"Ara *cough* I think I need to have a chat with my dear when he comes back *cough*". Even her voice gained more strength.

Sweating for a different reason, Nora decided to never mention that he was the one who told her that.

Little by little, the injury was closing. Nora thought that he was going too slow but most healing magic takes more time than what he was doing, even with less threatening wounds. Although he had never seen someone else other than his mother at work so he did not know that.

"Boy!". The urgency of the voice this time made Nora turn around.

Wanting to shut up Suou, he stopped in place when he saw a group of injured fallen angels that were coming their way. Their speed was slow and they seemed to have trouble walking, but they carried weapons made of Holy power. And the targets were them.

Cursing inwardly, Nora blamed Suou for not telling him sooner.

He could not use his bow since he was busy applying treatment and he could not stop mid-way or his work so far would become useless if Shuri's injury worsened. Her state was stable only thanks to his help. She was barely conscious thanks to her anger and that wouldn't last forever.

Creating a Kasha using one hand and the other maintains Shuri's treatment, he waited until they were in range.

"Can you do something? You were honestly very useless, come on". Exclaimed Nora.

His words were directed at Suou, but Nora did not expect that the old man stood up to take care of those people as he had Shuri laying on his legs.

"I am afraid there are not many options... If you can move her, I could do something...". Muttered Suou in a frustrated tone.

Biting his lips, his mood sunk when one the fallen angels started to chant a spell from the distance.

A magic circle appeared and a ray of light was shot at them, and just when Nora and Suou braced for the attack. The ray of light collided with a crimson-colored ray. Destroying the ray of light and erasing the caster as well.

Finding the sight somewhat familiar, Nora turned his head to the origin of the Crimson tinted attack.

There stood a crimson-haired girl wearing a purple-colored dress like the ones an aristocratic lady would use, and beside her stood a silver-haired woman who was wearing a maid outfit.

Both carried angry expressions.

Just as the silver-haired woman raised her hand and pointed it at the fallen angels... Lighting started to rain down upon the group, so she lowered it back.

Looking up, Nora could see a man with five pairs of black angel wings. A fallen angel, but of a different caliber from the ones before.

Seeing that the silver-haired woman was not wary about the man, Nora slightly relaxed. Although Suou nerves did not have the same reaction.

The Crimson-haired girl ran in the direction that Nora was, and he just sighed in relief.

"Nora-chan! Are you ok!? You are bleeding all over. Here, use this quickly. Let me open it for you". Anxiously muttered the girl when she saw his state. Taking out her pocket a vial containing some liquid, she opened it for Nora.

"Sorry, I will be using this... but not for me". Nora replied.

Taking the vial, he sprinkled it on Shuri's injury. And the rest was carefully poured on her mouth.

The effect was shown at once, with her recovery being incredibly fast.

"It is frustrating, but my skills are not up to the level of these things... Although I have to be thankful that they exist". Mumbled Nora.

"Nora-chan!? That was for you!. Now you are still injured!". Anxiously exclaimed the girl.

Raising a hand, he used to gently pat the girl's head. She seemed to calm down down a little after he did that.

"She needs it more than me. You understand that, don't you?". Nora said gently.

The girl just nodded.

Having caught up, the silver-haired woman had her eyes on Suou. But she glanced at Nora when they were at close distance.

"You guys took your sweet time. But I am glad you are finally here. As expected, a Maid never disappoints". Nonchalantly said Nora as he stood up. "Grayfia-san, let me give you a brief introduction, the woman over there is the one I told you about, Shuri-san. The old man here... is the one who needs to be talked to, Suou Himejima if I did not get it wrong, the Clan Head of the Himejimas. I think it is about time we all have a nice chat now".








Author's Notes

A really long delay for the chapter, sorry about that.

Well, let's talk about the chapter for a bit.

One of the greatest problems I had was... describing Suzaku's clothes. Man, there aren't many pages where you get details about Japanese clothing. Describing it becomes hard to do. If you guys got a better way to describe it... Tell me, I beg ya.


That aside, I want to ask you about how was the chapter in general, I mean, there was a lot of fighting. Many more people got involved so I am not sure if it became confusing.

One more thing I want to tell you is that I started to add term related to Shinto here. I made a small glossary down here so check it.

The more I involve with Youkais and Exorcist, the more of these terms that will appear. It might be hard to understand at some places but cut me some slack as the info is not only in one place, I take my time finding sources.

Good day to you!

Gimme your thoughts about the chap!







Fusuma: Usually a sliding door that also works as a wall to divide interiors in Japanese-styled houses. You can think along the lines of the thing the Shinigamis use on Bleach when they go to the human world.

Ounusa: or simply nusa is a wooden wand used in Shinto rituals. It is decorated with many shide (zig-zagging paper streamers). When the shide is attached to a hexagonal or octagonal staff, it can be also called haraegushi. It is waved left and right during purification rituals.

Shide: are strips of paper cut and folded in a specific way that are attached to and suspended from Shimenawa (a sacred straw rope), tamagushi (branch of a sacred tree), haraegushi (branch of a white tree), or gohei (wooden wands).

Harae or harai: is the general term for rituals of purification in Shinto. Harae is one of four essential elements involved in a Shinto ceremony. The purpose is the purification of pollution or sins (tsumi) and uncleanness (kegare). These concepts include bad luck and disease as well as guilt in the English sense.

Harae is often described as purification, but it is also known as an exorcism to be done before worship. Harae often involves symbolic washing with water or having a Shinto priest shake a large paper shaker called Ounusa or haraegushi over the object of purification. People, places, and objects can all be the object of harae.

Ofuda (ofuda, a charm): are inscribed strips of paper or other material used within the Shinto religion as amulets or talismans for purification, exorcism, or protection. It is common for ofuda in manga or anime to have other abilities, such as timed explosion ("paper bombs").