Chapter 19 - Lucky Draw

[ Abrupt Mission - Side Quest


- Run around the hospital for 20 laps

Time: none

Requirement: none

Rewards: ???

Penalty: none ]

On the second day, after Jeffrey finished the daily quest, he immediately got another abrupt mission.

Jeffrey breathed out as he looked at the mission. Fortunately, there was no more weird mission again from Ascalapus.

Within 5 hours, he managed to finish that mission. So, another window popped out.

[ Congratulations! You have completed The Side Quest


- 30 EXP

- 10 points

- 1 Healing Potion ]

He felt like he was dying. His body was drenched in sweat. He couldn't wait any longer, so he said, "Storage, 1 Healing Potion."

The same thing happened to him as before when he tried the storage feature. A glow of light appeared on his hand and magically, the bottle of Healing Potion was already in his hand.

He quickly drinks it. The moment he felt that strange yet tasteless liquid slowly going through his throat, his body's status immediately went back to normal.

The day went so well that it made Jeffrey's started to be cautious.

There was never a single good thing when one day went too well. It was like a storm would be coming after the good days.

And his guess... was correct.

Around dinner time, he suddenly got another abrupt mission. Unlike the first one he received, this time, Ascalapus was definitely pranking him.

[ Abrupt Mission - Side Quest


- Jump as high as you can 50 times

Time: 30 minutes

Requirement: In the lobby

Rewards: ???

Penalty: Reduction in EXP ]

Jeffrey immediately raised his body and sat on his bed. When he looked at the mission, he saw the penalty in this mission.

He twitched his mouth as he called Page, "Page, can I hit Ascalapus?"

Page quickly replied with her usual tone, "You can, master. However, you have to die again if you want to do that."

Jeffrey, "..."

Without replying to her answer, Jeffrey jumped down from his bed and quickly went into the lobby.

Unexpectedly, there were a lot of people in the lobby. Jeffrey went into a panic as he couldn't find any quiet place.

"Page, can you find a quiet place in here?" Jeffrey asked Page.

Page didn't answer and it means that there was no good spot in this lobby.

Looking at the time, he went into the corner of the lobby with the least of people.

He stood still in there and suddenly, there was a loud thump that could be heard by the people nearby.




It didn't just stop at one time and it could be heard repeatedly by the people in the lobby.

Jeffrey's face flushed as he realized that many confused gazes glanced at him.

Some people felt annoyed by it and some others felt nothing, or some people found his act a bit funny.

In his thirty jumps, the security approach him and said, "Child, what are you doing in here?"

The security's face was really scary. He even had a scar on his cheek. His face looked annoyed by what was he doing.

Maybe his boss has scolded him because he didn't make Jeffrey stop at whatever his doing.

Yet, his voice sounded calm and nice. It was likely because of his clothes.

He wore a set of hospital gowns and it made the security realized that he was one of the patients.

Jeffrey could already guess. If he was not a patient in this hospital, he might be already kicked.

"Jumping," Jeffrey answered.

The security twitched his mouth and he tried to stay calm, "I mean, why are you jumping in here? Follow me, I will show you another good place to do this."

Jeffrey didn't stop his jumping even before the security talk to him.

Jeffrey shook his head and said, "No, it has to be in this place."

"No need to be like that. Quick, you will love that place."

The security almost lose his patience and grabbed him while he still jumping.

Jeffrey brushed aside his hands and kept jumping.

He was embarrassed but he needed to end this perfectly. He couldn't just do one thing and after somebody told him to stop, then he would definitely stop.

"Just 3 more jumps," Jeffrey said to his head.

The security really wanted to scream out loud, but he couldn't do that. The lobby was full of people, so if he did something violent to this child, he might lose his job

Luckily, Jeffrey really stopped at the third jumps. The security heaved a sigh of relief.

"Good boy. Let me take you to your room," Said the security.

However, Jeffrey raised his hand and he said while panting, "No need."

He then slowly walked back to his room, leaving the security dumbfounded. He scratched his head and muttered to himself, "Is he really a child?"

After he finished the abrupt mission, he got another notification window.

[ Congratulations! You have completed The Side Quest


- 30 EXP

- 10 points

- 1 Lucky Draw ]

He was lying down on his bed. Just as he wanted to curse at Ascalapus, he looked at the rewards from the last side quest.

"Hmm?" Jeffrey tilted his head. "What is this Lucky Draw?"

Paged answered, "Master, Lucky Draw is one of the features in the system. You can randomly get any kind of things from the system."

"Wow, it's actually that cool?" Jeffrey was shocked. "Why the hell did that god suddenly became nice?"

Meanwhile, Ascalapus was sleeping on his bed and puco felt satisfied after helping Jeffrey.

The white puco from the administration department praised the yellow puco from the operating department, "You did good, yellow."

The yellow puco nodded, "This is my reward to him for my child's mistake. Please keep this as a secret from God."

The white puco nodded.

Back to the earth, Jeffrey had finished admiring the new system.

Before, in his second and last reincarnation, the system was not as good as it was now.

Before he did the lucky draw, he opened up his status.

[ Name: Jeffrey Lynch

Age: 3 years old

Job: None

Level: 3 (150 EXP / 500 EXP)

Description: Because of some reason, your body has an incurable illness that the cure hasn't been found.

Skills: Cooking (Lvl. Max), Healing (Lvl. Max), Page of The World (Lvl. Min 1,5-Star)

*Due to the low level, another skill information is being locked. If you wish to open it, then work hard to increase your level.


Health: 19

Strength: 5

Energy: 12

Stamina: 6

Agility: 1

Luck: -10

ASP: 56 ]

Jeffrey smirked at his status and said, "Let's start to allocate my wealth."

He said to the system, "Allocate 40 ASP to luck, 5 to agility, 3 to stamina, 5 to strength, and the last 3 points to my health."

[ The system has updated your status. You may check your new status window ]

Jeffrey smirked as he looked at the results. He said, "Now, it's time to do the lucky draw."