Chapter 20 - Dragon Blade

The next day, Jeffrey did his daily tasks and before the abrupt mission showed up, Jeffrey decided to use his lucky draw.

"Lucky draw," Said Jeffrey, and a new notification window appeared before his eyes.

[ Lucky Draw

You have one ticket, do you want to use it? (Y/N) ]

Jeffrey answered, "Yes."

The window in front of him immediately changed it's form. He saw a huge circle that on every side of it had a lot of things and in the center of the circle, there was an arrow.

He saw healing potions, weapons, skills, and many more.

Jeffrey said, "Start the lucky draw."

The arrow in the circle started to move. Jeffrey's heart was thumping. After a while, the arrow slowed down and it finally stopped it's move.

[ Congratulations! You get a Dragon Blade ]

[ Dragon Blade (SSS)

Description: ???

• Active:

+200 Physical Attack

+50 Physical Defense

+10% Movement Speed

• Passive:

30% Physical Life Steal (if the master of the blade health is lower than 30%, then the user will get an addition of 20% Physical Life Steal) ]

He looked at the description of the blade. Although he didn't understand what it meant, however, he knew that this blade was definitely overpowered.

Jeffrey was slightly confused at it's name. The name of this weapon was Dragon Blade, but the visual of it was a dagger.

Well, he didn't care much about it since the weapon was pretty useful to him. He opened his storage and put the blade inside of it.

Jeffrey decided to go out of his room after a while.

He walked his little feet to the hospital park.

He wanted to go to Northern Park, yet his feet actually walked to Southern Park.

"Hmm?" Jeffrey tilted his head. "I think Northern Park is my purpose, so why am I here?"

He shook his head. He was thinking too much these days. His brain was tired. He decided to enjoy the sight of Southern Park.

This place was beautiful indeed.

The flower was still blooming although the season would soon change.

Thinking about Southern Park, he wondered how that girl was doing.

Ahead of him, that little girl sat at the bench of the park.

She looked calm and so cute. Jeffrey's eyes immediately locked by that sight.

Maybe, it was because her beauty was more beautiful than before at the park. He was confused as to why he was so easily being drowned by her.

He decided to approach her with his smile unknowingly appeared on his face.

Jeffrey greeted her, "Hi, nice to meet you again!"

His greet was loud and maybe that was why she slightly jumped from her seat.

She turned her head and her scared face quickly changed to her calm face.

Although the girl didn't let him sit beside her yet and he also didn't ask for permission to sit beside her, he shamelessly sat beside her.

"Today's weather is really good, right?" Jeffrey started the conversation.

The girl didn't respond to him, but it didn't make him too upset. Jeffrey said again, "Hey, won't you tell me your name? It doesn't seem appropriate to call you with hey or you."

The girl, "..."

Looks like she really didn't want to talk with him. He didn't mind it too much, however, his urge to hear her voice was getting stronger and stronger. Did it make him a pervert?

Jeffrey shrugged his head. When he gave up to make her talk to him, a small voice could be heard by him

"Abigail Vaughan," said the girl.

Jeffrey turned his head to look at the girl beside him with his sparkling eyes. He nodded and said, "I'm Jeffrey Lynch, but you can call me Jeff."

The girl nodded and fell silent again. They spent their time in silence, but strangely, it didn't seem awkward to them.

However, they couldn't spend their time just like this. So, Jeffrey asked, "Abby, do you want to be my friend?"

Jeffrey remembered the objective of him to befriend this girl beside him.

In his memory, Abby always went on a rampage in her room. No one wanted to be near his room. they weren't afraid of Abby, but what they were afraid of was her condition.

She had autism which made her refuse to talk, plus she was in a new place, so she was still in shock about the sudden change in environment.

He didn't exactly know what happens to her and the reason why she was admitted to the hospital. However, he knew that if the past was repeated again, then Jeffrey was sure that Abby would try to kill herself about a month from now.

So, what she needed the most was a comfortable environment.

Making new friends was also one of the ways to make her comfortable, but Jeffrey used to be a timid little kid. He didn't want to move out of the room, let alone be friends with Abby.

However, this time was different. He changed from a timid kid to a brave old man.

After Jeffrey said that, Abby turned her head. She looked confused as she said, "Are you really a human?"

Jeffrey widened his eyes and said, "What do you mean by that? Here, take my hand."

Jeffrey put his hand in front of her. Abby doubted whether she had to touch his hands or not. However, without waiting for Abby, Jeffrey took her hands and wrapped them with his hands.

"How do my hands feel?"Jeffrey said as he smiled at her.

Abby's face turned red and she answered, " It is warm and big."

"So, do you still doubt my identity?"

Abby shook her head.

"Good. So now, we are officially friends!"

Just when Jeffrey wanted to celebrate their friendship, a notification window appeared before his eyes.

[ Abrupt Mission - Side Quest


- Run (5 km)

Time: 30 minutes

Requirement: none

Rewards: ???

Penalty: none ]

'Damn you, Ascalapus!' Jeffrey cursed Ascalapus inside his head.

He was silent when Ascalapus gave him a weird mission, but he didn't know why he felt so upset when his time with Abby was interrupted.

"Haah... Sorry Abby, let's meet up another time," Said Jeffrey as he heaved a tired sigh. "I have something to do."

Before Abby could respond to his words, Jeffrey's body moved quickly. She couldn't stop him as his body quickly disappeared.

She dejectedly whispered, "Yes, let's meet again tomorrow."