Chapter 21 - I will Kick His Butt

Jeffrey's tired face could be seen as he went inside his room.

He wanted to sleep. He just returned after completing the mission from Ascalapus. As usual, the mission given at night was to prank him.

He, with his tired face, said to Page, "Page, can I get more experience without that God's mission?"

Usually, if Page didn't know the answer or if she doubted, she decided not to answer him. However, she was speaking to him right now.

"Yes, you can. Master, your new weapon is really a great weapon. I recommend you to go back to the penalty dungeon and kill the monsters inside. It will help you gain a lot of points and experience."

Jeffrey heard her voice when he was half asleep and just lightly answered, "Yeah... Let's just do that tomorrow."


In the underworld, Hades was looking coldly at his servant, Thanatos.

If Ascalapus called Thanatos as the God of Death, then Hades had a higher position than Thanatos. He was the King of The Underworld.

Hades was one of the Twelve God of Olympus. He was the true owner of death.

Right now, he was extremely angry at his servant.

The old man with his wings in his back was kneeling and bowing his head. He didn't have any expression on his face. He didn't make any sounds as he just kept on his kneel.

Hades" mood turned bitter and said, " So, Thanatos, tell me. Why did I get reports that we lost one soul?"

Hades rubbed his beard and the black robe he wore cried. The black robe was threaded by a lot of evil souls who wanted to be released.

However, Hades wouldn't let those souls be free because they were evil souls and their souls were the symbols of him as the king of the underworld.

He liked to hear their cries. He felt powerful by it. But right now, he didn't feel happy to enjoy it since he lost one soul.

"Your Highness, your lowly servant was indebted to Ascalapus as the God of Life. He already helped me with Ares—the God of War—to release me from Tartarus, so I gave the soul back to him."

Hades was furious. How could that lowly God disturb his business?

Just by hearing his name, he already felt nothing good would happen.

Once he ordered Thanatos to capture a human named Sisyphus. Sisyphus was a king in Korintus. He was a sly and greedy person.

He had slept with his own nephew, usurped his brother's throne, and spilled Zeus's secrets.

Because of this reason, Hades ordered Thanatos to capture him and imprisoned him in Tartarus, a prison in the most bottom world. It has an expansive space, with a triple-walled perimeter to prevent sinners from escaping, all surrounded by the flaming river Phlegethon.

However, instead of imprisoning Sisyphus, Thanatos was the one who trapped there.

When Thanatos was about to chain Sisyphus, Sisyphus asked Thanatos to first try the chain to show how it worked. After Thanatos chained himself up, Sisyphus locked it up so that Thanatos was trapped

Ascalapus was laughing loudly when he first heard this. He said, "Hahaha... I'm glad that even Thanatos, the servant of Hades, could be this stupid. Oh my... quick quick! Share this story to everyone!"

And it was because of Ascalapus that this story was spread widely.

Although some of them believed that it was Sisyphus who was too sly, some of them also wondered what Thanatos' thinking at that moment.

Anyways, after Thanatos being imprisoned, humans could no longer die and Ares as the God of War was feeling frustrated. The war that he initiated never finished since no soldier died.

Ares had clearly decided to free him from Tartarus because his thirst for blood from the war had never satisfied him and only grew stronger.

He needed to end the war at that moment. Ascalapus heard this news and he quickly visited Ares in his house, he begged Ares to let him accompany Ares as he freed Thanatos.

He wanted to see with his own eyes how fool was this Thanatos.

Ares was too lazy to care about that reason, so he just agreed and...

Just stopped thinking about what he might do when he saw Thanatos. You might want to clench your hands and punch him on his face :)

Because of this incident, whatever the reason, Thanatos felt indebted to Ares and Ascalapus.

So, that was why he gave Jeffrey's soul to Ascalapus.

Hades who heard his reason suddenly felt dizzy and pinched his forehead.

That God...

Hades twitched his eyes and remember how his reputation used to fall because of this.

"I don't care what reason he has and that soul from the start is mine. So, get it back!"

"But, Your Highness..."

"Stop and just give me back the soul!"

Thanatos couldn't do anything but to obey him, "Yes, Your Highness."

Far away from the underworld, Ascalapus was eating grapes casually in his room. The green puco from Cooking Department was patiently feeding him.

The green puco was peeling the grape skin before it went to Ascalapus' mouth.

He giggled looking at the Cronus' Ball. Inside of it, he could see Jeffrey's suffering in these two days.

His stomach was hurt from laughing so hard. He occasionally rolling on the floor when he looked at Jeffrey.

"Hahaha... look look, puco! This guy is so funny. Oh my... my stomach hurts!"

The green puco then responded to him, "God, maybe it is enough to prank him. I feel that something bad would happen."

"No way! What would happen when there is me, the great holy god?"

The green puco then said, "Do you remember that at first, Jeffrey's soul belonged to Hades? What will happen if he came here to ask for his soul?"

Hearing the green puco said that, Ascalapus fell into silence. If it happened, then what would he do?

He lightly answered, "Humph! If it is like that, then I will kick his butt."

The green puco sighed tiredly at not being taken seriously by Ascalapus.