

I stomped down the sidewalk as people moved out of my way or ran from me. I heard Alan shouting after me, but I ignored him. Where the hell is she?! She's usually always close by to annoy the fuck out of me. At that moment I heard obnoxious laughter nearby. My head turned to the blonde I had been looking for. Brittany had been at one of the outside picnic tables laughing and conversing with her minions. I started making my way towards her.

"Liam! Liam come on dude, wait!" Alan used his speed to stop in front of me, blocking me from her. 

"Get out of the way Alan. This has nothing to do with you." 

"Dude you look like you're about to kill her! What's gotten into you? You've never gotten this mad before. All this over that girl-" 

I grabbed Alan by the collar and pulled him close to where I was staring him in the eyes. My eyes shifted from blue to bright gold as I glared him down. "Don't talk about her. I won't repeat myself. Interfere, and you'll be sorry" I pushed him to the side. He lost his balance and fell to the ground. His eyes widened in shock as I made my way to Brittany's table.

Brittany laughed with her little friends until she spotted me. A big smile appeared on her face, "Oh, Liam!" She got up from the table and came up to me. "Hey, baby! You came to see-" 


Everything went dead silent as all eyes witnessed what happened. Brittany's head faced the side as her cheek became red instantly. I was nowhere near done. 

"L-Liam...you hit me?!" Brittany shrieked in shock as she looked at me. 

"You have a lot of nerve to think that just because you're an easy fuck that you're entitled to do whatever the fuck you want" I spoke menacingly. 

"W-What are you talking about?! An...an easy fuck?!" 

I grabbed her face and pulled her to mine as my eyes glowed in anger. The fear was set on her face almost immediately. "Let me explain this to you. You mean as much to me as a decoration that you fill in an empty house. It looks nice, but it's not necessary for survival. Any girl could fill your place, but you've been lucky thus far. Don't think for a second that YOU are ever in control of anything that's involved in my life!" With a harsh shove, she fell to the ground and looked up at me horrified. 

"In the past, I've always let you get away with shit. That ends today. If you ever step out of line again, I'll cut you off. Or maybe it's about time I replaced you. Someone who knows their place." I turned around and looked at her one last time, "Slut." I walked away leaving the dead weight I felt behind. 

"Liam! Liam, wait! I didn't mean it! Don't be mad at me! Liam!" Her cries became more silent the more distance came between us. Who the hell did that blonde bitch think she was. Before, I never cared about the crazy shit she did, but now, she had crossed the line. No one controls me or my life. 



"Liam! Liam, wait! I didn't mean it! Don't be mad at me! Liam!" I cried out to him as he walked further away from me. He just ignored me. I stood up and tried to go after him, but his Alpha aura was too strong and pushed me away. He didn't want me to follow him. If I tried, he would probably hit me again. My cheek stung as I touched it. Liam...hit me? Alan gave me a sympathetic look saying sorry before running behind Liam trying to catch up to him. What...happened?! Why did Liam get mad at me?! What did I do?! I've never seen Liam so mad before. And mad at me!?  I heard whispers behind me that came from the girls I was chatting with. Were they bad mouthing me? Anger suddenly arose in me as I quickly turned around. "Get the fuck out of here! NOW!" I screamed as they scattered away. My body began to shake in anger as tears formed in my eyes. Why would Liam do that?! I didn't do anything! Unless...it was her! 

Gardens. That fucking bitch! She told him! Liam was defending her…? Did he call me a slut, for her? The tears I had been holding finally fell free. I will never forget this humiliation! 

"UGH!" I screamed! 



"Liam wait up!" I called out to my friend as he stomped off. Had I just seen all that go down? Liam's never gotten this pissed before, and if he did he usually kept it in. Liam's always been this calm, cool, and collected guy who usually didn't give a damn about anything. He preferred to stay out of things that were too much of a hassle. I knew this from being one of his good friends since childhood. We met when we were 6 years old. He was the prince to the Knight family, and I was a son of one of the greatest warriors who fought in rouge packs that protected the royal family and the Moon pack. We had fought side by side and grew up together. I knew all there was to know about this guy, but I didn't know the Liam in front of me. This Liam was a stranger. I caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder. "Liam, buddy talk to me! What's going on with you?!" 


I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a deep sigh. "There's nothing wrong Alan." 

"Not if you made that big of a scene man. You've never cussed Brittany out like that. Hell, you've never cussed her out ever." He started and crossed his arms wanting an explanation.

"I just needed to remind that bitch of her place, and if she can't even do that right, I'll let her know that I can find anyone who can stay in their lane." I defended. 

"All that because of Rosalia?" He asked. I gave him a fierce look which made him tread carefully with his next words, "I... thought you didn't like that girl? You know, cause… you haven't liked her since we were kids?" 

I thought for a moment and remembered what I had done in 30 minutes. I was about to take Rosalia in front of everybody and then I punished Brittany. I did all that because of the mark on Rosalia's cheek? Damn, I lost my cool. 

"I...I don't. Look don't question me right now Alan. I'm not in the mood." 

"Trust me pal I can tell. Look I'm not getting on your case, I was just trying to figure out the problem." 

"There is no problem. Not anymore." I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out to see who was calling. "Look, I gotta go. I got some business to take care of. Go to class Alan." I walked off leaving Alan behind.