Answered Curiosity


"And then he said, " Go to class Alan", and left," I told the group as they listened. It was me, Zack, Cody, and Sora. We were Liam's best friends and had been by his side his entire life. I had to tell them the drama that just went down before they heard throughout the school, because If we're being honest. Everyone in this damn school gossips, and once something big happens everyone is talking about it for weeks. The four of us had to come up with something. 

"Wait. So let me get this straight. Our Liam, Prince of the Knight family, Alpha to the Moon pack, punished Brittany for doing what she's always done and it was because of Rosalia?" Asked Sora as the entire group was shocked.

"Yes! That's exactly what happened!" I responded. 

"Dude, there's no way that happened. Liam wouldn't do that. Do you know who you're talking about??" Said the light ash blonde. 

"I'm telling you it's true! He was about to go full lust on Rosalia! I had to run in and stop him before the next news article about him would be, " Breaking news! Prince Liam was found having public sex! Is this what they call a Royal Kink? Is this how the Royal family gets down and dirty?" 

Groans of disappointment filled the group. 

"Damn. If what you say is true, we need to make sure everyone is tight-lipped about this. How did it even get that far??" Asked Zack, Cody's twin brother with dark black hair. 

I sighed, "Hell if I know, I think Rosalia pissed him off or something! Don't ask me what it could have been. As far as I know, when news got out that Liam was tutoring her to help her catch up on the months she's been M.I.A. I was surprised but didn't expect anything to happen. That girl has had the life of a mouse and she never does anything crazy." 

"Whatever it was, it's got me hella confused. I thought Liam didn't like her? Ever since he found out that girl was his mate, he's shown no interest in her." Sora scratched his head. 

I paused for a moment. It was true that Liam always made known his dislike for the girl. She never did anything to make Liam hate her, he just didn't want her. Something about her not being up to his standards, but after today...was that still the case.

"True, but Liam has been acting strangely for a while. When she left school, Liam wasn't acting himself. He started hanging out with us less and focused on his duties as an Alpha more. You can tell he hasn't been intimate with Brittany since he's been gone so much. It's only now when Rosalia is back, that he somewhat went back to his normal self?" Spoke Zack. 

What Zack said made some sense. Liam has been through a drastic change for a while, and all evidence seemed to point to Rosalia. 

"Something's changed. I don't know what, but there's a change in the relationship between Liam and Rosalia. Especially if Liam says he's willing to switch Brittany of all people out for some other girl. I mean, I'm not trying to be mean to Brittany, but Liam has only ever dealt with Brittany. Any other female who wanted to be with Liam was downright rejected, and we all know this" Cody looked around at the group as we nodded in agreement. 

"We need to keep the people quiet and find out what happened for ourselves," I said. 

"How the hell do we do that?" Questioned Sora. 

"We go directly to the source of the problem," I stated. Time to get some answers.


The next day was difficult to conquer. After what happened yesterday, I felt scared to face Liam, let alone anyone. I couldn't believe that I disrespected Liam in such a way as that. My whole life, I had never fought back against Liam. Not even once and yet I yelled and told him not to touch me. My mind followed back to the interaction between Liam and me. His breath, close to my ears as he whispered those mischievous words. His eyes showed lust as they glowed gold, his wolf's eye color. His entire use of his Alpha Dominance. I felt my cheeks turn red as my heartbeat quickened. 

'No' I thought, shaking my head at the thought. Liam didn't mean those words. He couldn't have! He wasn't really going to do what I thought, right? But he used his dominance on me, and it truly felt like he was going to do it in front of everyone.

Do it? Be intimate with me? "Ugh, what am I thinking?! I need to stop thinking about it!" The whole scenario caused me to stay up all night questioning why Liam would do such a thing. When I made him angry, I was expecting to be punished or feel something related to pain, not pleasure. I sighed closing my locker and was startled to see a brunette standing behind it along with Liam's other friends. Uh oh. What was about to happen now? 

"Hey, Rosalia Gardens right? Mind if we have a chat with you?" He said. I suddenly felt my blood run cold. It was him. He was the guy who led me to my death when Liam rejected me. I didn't know his name, but I couldn't forget his face. Oh no. Did Liam send him and even more backup to make sure I couldn't escape? I knew I wasn't going to get away with what I did. He could sense my uneasiness and started speaking again, "Whoa. Calm down. We're not gonna hurt you or anything. We just wanna talk." 

Suddenly he was slapped upside the head by a boy in the group wearing glasses. "I told you you would scare her if you approached her like that! You don't listen, Alan!" Said the glasses boy. Oh, so his name was Alan? Alan was one of Liam's friends along with the other 3 I still didn't know. 

"I'm sorry about my friend. For someone who's 18 years old, he should really know manners by now. I'm Sora Skywright." He held out his hand for me to shake. I was hesitant at first but gently shook his hand. Once he saw I was loosening up, he turned to the side and introduced the other 2 boys. "And these are the twins, Cody and Zachary. The blonde one is Cody and the one with black hair is Zachary." 

"Um...I'm Rosalia Gardens. N-Nice to meet you." 

The brunette, Alan, stared at me confused. "You seriously didn't know who we were?" 

"W-Well," I felt myself choking on my words. Either that or they didn't want to come out. "You're Alpha Liam's...friends," I mumbled. 

"Yeah, that's right. Again, sorry about scaring you and all, but we were wondering if you could spare some time. It's...kind of important" Alan spoke calmly. 

I looked at the group of boys waiting for me for an answer. Whatever was about to happen. I just needed to be brave like always. I've handled being bullied, and if Liam's friends were no exception, then let's just get it over with. However, this would be a first. They never once approached me, and like Liam, they ignored or stayed away from me. 



An abandoned classroom that looked like it had not been used in years. The design of the class was small. A lot smaller than normal. I didn't even realize our school had this classroom. 

"It's one of the original classrooms when Solar Moon High was first built in 1825," Sora said to me to appease my curiosity.

 "'s still being used?" I asked, and then mentally slapped myself. What a  dumb question! 

"Yeah. Just not for school purposes. We wanted a place for ourselves, so we cleaned it up. Now we come here when we just want to hang out or be away from everybody else" Said Cody as he took a seat on a table desk. It was pretty amazing. Even though everything looked old, there was no sign of dust, and everything was organized quite nicely. But wait. I couldn't get distracted. Why did they bring me here? I get the whole possibility of beating me up so no one can see, but to an abandoned classroom that no one visits anymore? Was I going to be murdered? Oh, dear goddess. My stomach started to feel nauseous at the fact of my body rotting in an old classroom from the 1800s never to be found again. I decided to take a seat in one of the desks.

"Let's talk about why we wanted to talk. We just wanted to clarify and discuss some things with you." Alan said.

I looked up at him and nodded. "What happened between you and Liam yesterday?" 

Of course, that's what this is about. It's not like I didn't know, but a part of me hoped not to talk about it again. I opened my mouth but hesitated a bit. Should I really tell them? If I did, I was most definitely going to have to brace myself for punishment, but I walked right into the lion's den willingly. I was too afraid to say no and I knew I couldn't fight back. I'll be okay. No matter what happens. I've never lied, and I won't start now, "I...I hit the Alpha" 

There. I said it. For the longest minute, I heard absolutely nothing. I looked up expecting to see looks ready to kill, but instead, I was seeing looks of fear and shock. 

"You...hit Liam and didn't get ripped to shreds for it??" Zachary asked as he stood up from sitting on a desk. 

"I...I-I didn't mean to. It was done out of defense. I would never dare hurt the Alpha on purpose!" 

"What do you mean when you say...out of defense? Are you saying Liam was trying to hurt you?" Spoke Sora. 

I shook my head. "N-No...I just didn't...want him to see...t-that's all" I began to stutter my words. Oh no. I'm getting scared. Really scared.

Alan stared at me for a moment. "Can you take your hoodie off so we can see your face?" I clenched the end of my hoodie tight. I didn't want to take it off, but I had to comply. I gently grabbed the top of my hoodie and pulled it down showing my face.

They all leaned in a bit closer. Almost as if they were examining. Then Cody spoke. 

"Your face is pretty injured. That's a pretty big band-aid you got there."  

"Um…" Would there be a point in saying who caused the entire left side of my cheek to swell so badly? Only after I got home yesterday, did it start swelling worse. Brittany must have used some of her wolf strength. Figures she would. But would it even matter to them? Telling them would feel like tattle-telling. 

"Looks like we found our answer. Wouldn't you agree Alan?" Asked Sora as they gave me some space. What? Answer? I didn't even answer. 

"Yeah. Brittany did that alright. Sorry that you had to go through that Rosalia. Looks like she did go overboard this time." Alan said. 

"I...I don't understand." I said. Sora stepped in to speak. "It's obvious that Brittany threatened you. I can guess that when Liam noticed your injury, you got scared of the consequences that would come. So you tried to block Liam out. When Liam didn't take lightly to that you got even more scared and ran away. Is that right?" 

I sat there dumbfounded. I didn't even have to explain the story, and they knew from bits and pieces of information. "Am...Am I…" I looked down starting at my hands, "Going to be punished?" 

I don't know why I asked what I was dreading. Even though the knew the whole truth, I still admitted to hitting Liam, and you NEVER disrespect an Alpha or anyone higher in rank if you know what's good for you. 

"What? No. We just wanted to figure out why Liam acted so out of order. We were worried about what it could be, but now we think we understand why he's acting so weird." Alan said. 

'Oh,' I thought. I couldn't hold back anymore as my tears swelled up and fell down my face. They were all taken aback by my reaction. 

"Whoa! Whoa! Rosalia, why are you crying??" Alan asked as he looked concerned. 

"I...I thought you…were going to hurt me….or kill me…" I covered my face trying to block them from seeing my tears. What happened to me staying strong no matter if I got punished or killed? I thought I could handle being hurt, but the thought of death terrified me. I'm so pathetic. 

"What?? No! Rosalia we weren't going to do that! We promise! Yeah, we haven't been nice to you, but we haven't been mean either! I mean, I guess picking on you when we were kids counts, but-" Cody was cut off by his twin. 

"Shut up Cody! You're making it worse!" 

"Well, I'd like to see you calm her down!" Cody fired back.

"You both need to shut up!" Sora yelled, causing the twin's argument to cease. 



I looked at the weeping girl who looked scared for her life. Dammit. This was not what I was trying to do. I only wanted information, that's all! Hearing her soft sobs, pulled at my heartstrings. Yeah. I fucked up. We all did. 

"Rosalia we weren't going to do anything bad to you. You're Liam's mate. We would never…" I tried to touch her shoulder. She must have felt me getting close because she spoke.

"I'm not his mate!" She yelled. That shocked us. That was the first time during the whole conversation she had spoken so loudly instead of her mumbling. 

"Please…" She begged as she looked up at us tearfully. "Just leave me alone. I just wanna be left alone…"


After that happened, we all watched her as she walked down the halls and down the stairs. She disappeared as I let out a sigh. 

"Well. We totally fucked up. I didn't mean to scare the poor girl" Zachary said. 

"Maybe we should have talked with Liam," Sora suggested. 

I shook my head, "He would have never told us if we asked him" 

"She really thought we were gonna kill her just because we brought her to our hang out area…" Cody leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. 

"I guess...the only thing going through her mind was when we picked on her in elementary. When Liam made it known he didn't like her, we all just...followed. Even if we stopped doing it after elementary, she probably never forgot. Or it's still happening to her now. That's all I can assume. She's probably scared of everybody because of us." 

We all looked down feeling like the one word that could describe us right now. 
