

My mind traveled into a world of unknown. Despite all that's going on in my life, I feel calm. My life at school is still a struggle, it's nowhere as near hellish as it was prior. Maybe it was mostly because Liam made it so, which was strange. I'm not saying Liam's attitude did a 360, but he certainly changed. Why? I have no idea. I haven't been bullied or talked about in weeks. That was probably due to Liam too. Sure, people still stare at me whenever I'm seen, but the stares only last a minute before I'm not everyone's focus anymore. I was extremely surprised that Brittany hadn't tried to kill me or cause me bodily harm, but I had an idea of why. Liam. I had to return to classes due to Liam being busy with important business. It's to be expected of course. He's an Alpha with alpha duties, as well as a prince with prince duties. He's a busy man. Over the past few weeks, my fear of Liam strangely lessened. Ever since his apology, that still has me surprised, he treated me like a different person. Completely different from before. I wasn't sure how to feel. I looked down at my wrist with the half-moon symbol. Ever since I found out about my rebirth through my dream, I've been completely off. What's the symbol for? Why do I have it? I thought of the woman in my dreams. I still had no clue who she was.

I sighed, sitting on the roof of one of the school buildings. It was lunchtime, and this had become my new lunch spot. I didn't want to be stared at all day, and it's kind of hard to eat with several pairs of eyes watching you. I don't know, between this and bullying, I can't tell which is worse.

"There you are, Rose!" My head turned in the direction of a blonde male standing in front of me. Not just any male, it was Edward!

"Edward? What are you doing here??" I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. He smiled gleamed with joy as he sat down beside me. 

"I came to see you silly. What are you doing here all by yourself?" 

"Oh, uh...I eat here?" I blushed. It's been weeks since I last saw Edward but he's still as handsome as ever. I'm beginning to think handsome faces are my weakness. 

"No one's bothering you right? If they are, tell me and I'll handle them for you." He spoke sternly. I couldn't help but smile and giggle. He's the same as I remember the first time. His stern face turned into a smile, "Your smile is lovely. You should do it more often." 

I felt the heat rise on my face. 

'Leave it to one compliment that turns me into a tomato' I thought. 

Edward looked down at my lunch. "Rose, is that all you're eating?" I looked down at my lunch box that only contained an orange and a bottle of water. Okay, I overslept this morning and forgot to pack my lunch the night before so I grabbed what was available. Kind of pathetic for a meal.

"That can't be what the cafeteria served." 

I quickly shook my head, "No! I got this from home! I didn't have enough time to pack a decent lunch." 

"So you don't eat the cafeteria food? They serve good meals. Are they not to your liking?" 

"I would eat at the cafeteria but I'm always late when I get there. It's always a long wait," It's true. With all the students who attend Solar Moon High, if you aren't in the cafeteria in less than 2 minutes, your stomach will hate you later. The lines are always the length of a football field, and if you're at the end of the line, there's barely anything left. So you wasted your time and still didn't eat before the next class. I only needed to learn that once, and that was way back in elementary school. Children are scary when they're hungry. 

"Well, you can't settle for that. That won't last long at all" He stood up and held a hand out to me, "Come on," 

I looked up and gently grabbed his hand, "Where are we going?" He smiled, "There's this great restaurant I know that serves amazing Italian cuisine. You'll love it. Let's go now!" 

I got nervous, I've never been to an Italian restaurant. Also, the French restaurant we went to prior cost a lot of money, I didn't want to spend his money twice. "Uh...I don't think-" 

"I'll buy you a chocolate milkshake" He grinned. I swallowed. He started leading me to the door.

I'm not saying that chocolate milkshakes are a weakness of mine. 

They're not. 

It turns out that the Italian cuisine was amazing! I didn't know there was a better way to eat pizza. Now I wish I could always have a pizza made from Italy instead of a pizza shop. Italians know their pizza.


The school seemed to become more hectic recently. There was talk all around and surprisingly, it wasn't about me. I wasn't sure what was going on, but it seemed pretty big. Especially if everyone had to meet in the auditorium. When I made it inside, I saw hundreds of students sitting in chairs. The entire auditorium was packed. I guess when a school of 200 + students is packed in one room, it can be too much. On the stage was the principal, along with the student council, and all the alphas in our school. There was Crystal, Liam, and others that I didn't recognize. 

'This must be important if everyone is gathered here' I thought.

"Good morning students. I apologize that I had to cut into one of your classes, but there are some important things I, along with the student council and alphas, must discuss. The first thing regarding the education of the school's status. As you know, education to the werewolf society is extremely important. Especially, when it comes to competing against other werewolf schools. You all must do your absolute best to achieve the best grades and maintain that. By doing this, you all have a chance in the future to attend prestigious colleges, receive outstanding awards, and even be able to join the army packs. But I'll let your alphas go into more details." 

Crystal grabbed the mic and began to speak, "Greetings students. As you all know, Solar Moon High is one of the top schools in the werewolf community, but we believe we can take it further. There are other schools that we can compete against, but we don't have to settle just for other werewolf schools. The government has decided on something big. Effective on September 15 all schools of all species will be competing in two events. One, being the Elite test where any are welcome to take part in a test of knowledge. The test will focus on all subjects such as mathematics, reading, science, social studies, and writing. Different schools from across the globe will be competing to determine two things." She raises two fingers, "The best species, and the best school. The number one spot is what everyone will be aiming for. However, I want it known that we do not have to aim for number one. Being in the top ten would be more than enough, and bring honor not only to our school but to our kind as well. We encourage you all to participate." 

The auditorium began to erupt with noise as students began talking to one another. Many sounded excited with smiles on their faces. It's a huge honor for wolves to represent their kind and show off how amazing they are. I looked down at my lap. Nothing this big happened at our school before. Even if I've been reborn, there have been many changes that I haven't gotten used to. Does dying once disrupt the future? 

Crystal then handed the mic to Liam and everyone got quiet again. 

"Early registration will begin as of today when this meeting is over. Today marks the last week of August. If you wish to participate we will have a booth set up at the student council office where you can sign yourself up. Those who sign up will go through a practice test to see where you stand and how much knowledge you possess. Those with the highest scores will be taken on the trip to Elemental Falls where they will take part in taking the Elite test." He paused and scanned the room. Suddenly I felt the hairs on my skin rise and looked up to see Liam's eyes on me. It was only for a second before he began to talk again, "As Crystal said. I hope you all participate because anyone can." 

I felt lost in his eyes, but only when Crystal looked at Liam and then followed his gaze to me did I look down blushing. Was Liam talking to me? Maybe I saw it wrong, although it probably looked like I wasn't paying attention. Yeah, that's probably what it was. Crystal saw me too. How embarrassing. The girls sitting beside me began whispering.

"Alpha Liam is so sexy. I'm gonna sign up! A free trip with that hottie? Count me in!"

"I agree, and he's so smart. If he's representing our school, then we have a good chance of winning." 

'Well, I know the female population will be signing up for this.' I thought. I felt nervous. This was a huge deal. Should I sign up? No, I can't do this. I may have good grades, but I'm no genius. I'll just stay out of this. There are tons of smart people that can get Solar Moon into the top 10 worldwide. Besides, I get nervous when a pop quiz happens. I can't stress myself with that. Kudos to the ones with smart brains, you lucky dogs. 

"The second thing I wanted to discuss with you all is that after the Elite test, we'll have a group of transfer students to come study at our school for a short period due to the government wanting to experiment to see if education from different species can be beneficial or not. I'll make this very clear, " Principal Jones made a steen glare that sent chills down our spines. "I don't want ANYONE in my school belittling the species that will come. You will show them your respect, and respect who they are. Otherwise, you will answer to me. No questions asked. Do I make myself clear?" 

"Yes, Principal Jones," We answered simultaneously.

She smiled, "Good. Lastly for discussion, if our school does good on the Elite test, no matter if we make it to the top 10 or not, I will reward you all with a little surprise that I feel everyone will enjoy. So you better work hard. That is all that needed to be said. Now head to your next classes." 


I made my way down the halls passing students by. What an announcement! If I thought a lot was going on at this school back then, I take it all back. I looked up to see a long line of students waiting for their turn. I peeked to the side and saw that the line began at the student council room. The door was open for students to walk in. Wow, a lot of people are participating. 

"Hey, are you joining?" A random guy asked me. I turned and looked, "Huh? Me? Oh, no I'm not…"

"Why not??" A girl asked with a confused expression. "Don't you wanna represent our school?" 

"Well...I just don't think I can. I'm not really good when it comes to big things like this," 

"Even if you suck, you should still try. Everyone should be signing up for this. Like, are you even a part of this school?" 

"Are you trying to make us a joke?"

"I uh…" My words got caught in my throat as I clenched my shirt. Maybe I should just get in line. A hand wraps around my shoulder breaking me from my thoughts. I look up and see Alan glaring at the two with Cody, Zach, and Sora behind. 

"She doesn't have to sign up for the damn thing if she doesn't want to. Who the hell do you two think you are?" 

The two became afraid and bowed before them, "W-We're sorry Beta Alan!" 

"Are you alright Rosalia?" Sora asked, concerned. I stared at them blankly. This was new. Liam's friends were being nice to me. I hadn't spoken with them since the whole interrogation thing that scared me to hell and back, but I wasn't expecting this. 

"I...I'm fine. Thank you, Beta." 

"Hey, you don't have to address us like that. Just call us by our names like we call you by yours," Stated Zach.

I'm allowed to do that?! Since when?!

"Let us handle these bozos Rosie. You just go on with your day" Cody glared at the two. 

Rosie? Is that a nickname for me? We have nicknames now?? Wait, I gotta stop this. "I'm okay! Really, you don't have to get mad." 

Alan looked down at them, "Be grateful that she's merciful to you two. Get outta here." 

"Y-Yes, Beta!" They got out of the line and ran down the hall. Just like that, they were gone. 

"Um...t-thank you guys. But you didn't have to do that for me." 

"Yes, we did. No one should be treated like that. Not even you. Besides, it seems like some of the students here forget who you are." Alan crossed his arms. It was easy to tell that he was angry with the students. 

Oh. He's talking about how I'm Liam's mate. Didn't I make it clear the first time? They probably didn't believe it. Deep down I know that I am, but...somewhere deeper I feel that I'm not. I'm not sure what that means. 


The wind blows through my hair as I sit under a tree. The end of the day has come as students are leaving the campus. Maybe I just needed a moment to myself before leaving. I don't know why but I feel like something's keeping me from leaving. 

"What's on your thoughts?" A deep voice calls. I look up to see Liam walking from behind the tree. When did Liam get there?!

"Alpha? I didn't know you were here…" My voice became lower. I still don't know how to feel around him. Now I'm nervous again. Liam sat down beside me and turned to face me. 

"I'm not going to hurt you Rosalia, or do anything you're uncomfortable with." 

My nerves calmed down. Why is it that even if he's speaking to me, I feel okay? I'm calm. I feel safe. But, should I really feel this way towards him? With my rebirth months ago, and my acceptance day never happening, I can be honest when I say a lot is on my mind. Liam is here, talking to me. Not ignoring me. I'm not getting bullied because he forbids it. He even apologized recently, and that was unheard of. Had Liam really changed because I died on acceptance day? If so, why has he changed? Why has anyone changed? Well, except for Brittany. She still hates me. Maybe even more due to Liam. I was so shocked to hear people gossip about how Liam slapped Brittany in the face. But why did he do that? So many unanswered questions.



"What?" I looked at him. 

"Call me Liam. I don't want you to address me as Alpha anymore. From now on, just call me by my name" 

First Alan and the others and now Liam? It's official? My life is always going to be full of surprises and craziness, but if I want to keep my sanity, I need to just go with it.

"You didn't sign up." 

"Sign...up?" For a second I was confused but then I quickly understood what he meant, "Oh...the Elite test. No...I don't think I can do it." 

"And why is that?" 

"I'm not that smart...and the test seems really serious. I don't have what it takes." I looked down at the grass. It was silent for a moment until Liam spoke again, "I think you can do it," 

Huh? I looked back up to Liam staring off in the distance. "Earlier, in the auditorium, I looked at you for a reason. That was my way of telling you to join." 

"But...why?" I tilted my head.

He looked over to me, "I tutored you for a while, and I saw how good you were at your work. You're a smart girl. I wouldn't recommend you to take the test if I didn't believe you could do it" 

My face felt hot as I touched my burning cheek. Liam complimented me. He said I was smart. Only teachers have called me smart. 

Liam stood up, "I think you should sign up. You never know what will happen. Who knows," He put his hands in his pocket, "Maybe you'll surprise yourself."

He walked off making his way down the hill, my eyes not leaving his figure getting more distant. I looked to the school building and thought for a few moments, before standing up and heading back inside. 


Here we have another post! It took me a while to think of how I wanted the chapter to go. A part of me feels like I rushed it, but I hope you all will give your opinions on this chapter. I'm feeling good about what's to come in the next few chapters. So I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks for reading!