Apology Accepted?


"Where the hell is she?" It's been 4 days since I last saw Rosalia. On Monday, I was a few hours late due to some business that needed to be taken care of. I'm the leader of the Moon pack, so obviously, I have to do my part as a leader when need be. When I made it to the school, I searched the entire damn campus. No sign of her anywhere. I expected as much. I went over the top that day when I got mad. I've never done anything that "out there", but it happened. It's been on my damn mind the entire time. 

Tuesday, I waited for her in the library. We still had the tutor lessons, so she had to come. After an hour, I realized she wasn't coming.

Wednesday, I waited by her locker. She has to get her books, and if she's not gonna come to the library that means she's going to classes instead. I stood by for 3 class periods. 

Thursday, I decided to catch her during lunch. She's been sitting at one table by herself for as long as I can remember. I scanned the area 3 times. She didn't come to eat. Nothing.

Friday. Fuck this. I'm taking a different approach. I spotted her in the far distance walking to the next building. I watched from the 5th floor of the building I was in. I'm done playing nice. I'm not letting you get away this time. I opened the window as people in the hallways began to stare. I don't care. Once it was open, I jumped down and landed on the ground. There were some gasps and shrieks from behind me. In a full sprint, I ran and grabbed her by the waist and threw her over my shoulder. Once she realized what was going on, she started kicking and screaming. I jumped over the nearby building into the forest leaving the campus altogether. 



"No! Put me down!" I struggled to get out of Liam's tight grip as he walked into the forest. We were probably in the middle of it by now since he ran so fast. He jumped out of a building from the 5th floor. Even if he's a wolf, that's still dangerous! 

"Not happening. You and I need to talk. And you're going to listen." He kept a straight face as he walked. I sighed and stopped my pointless struggles. Is this what life has come to? I had a long run I suppose. I'm surprised that Liam has me in a death hold but he's not hurting me. Wait, no I can't stop struggling. What if he brought me out here to punish me!? I start moving again.

"Stop moving! You're not getting out of grip." He sounded frustrated. 

"Please…let me go!" I thought that maybe he was going to when he took me off his shoulder, but I was immediately pinned against a tree. So much for that. I closed my eyes tight, not opening them once.

"Look at me Rosalia" His deep voice sent shivers down my spine, but I obeyed and slowly opened them. His blue eyes gazed down at me that made my knees weak. This man terrified me, but I still…

I looked back down. 

"You've been avoiding me this whole week. Enough's enough. We're talking about what happened, now." 

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. What would be said at this moment? Was he going to say the incident was a mistake? That he didn't mean the words he said? That if I thought he was concerned about the slap, I was sorely mistaken? Well. I've handled worse. I can handle this. 

"I'm sorry." 

My eyes instantly looked back at him. What? 

He moved one hand down from the tree where he pinned me in but still kept the other one up. He used his free hand and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry for what I did that day. It wasn't right. I shouldn't have done that to you," 

I blinked. I blinked a few times. Liam was apologizing to me? Completely unheard of. My brain couldn't process what was going on, but my mouth opened to speak.


It's okay.

Two words that I was so used to saying. For so long. Before I knew it, it was an automated response. 

"No. It's not. I should have never got so out of control with the situation," He paused for a moment, "I won't let that happen again." 

I was stunned. Liam apologized. This has never happened before. A few minutes ago, I was terrified of what he was going to do, but now...I felt calm. I felt okay. He seemed sincere with his apology. I observed his face as he looked to the side. Perhaps he was thinking, or maybe it took a lot for him to do this. Maybe...he was sorry.

He turned his gaze back to me and caressed my cheek. "Was it...bad?" 

My face turned several shades of red. Wait, he's touching my face now. "W-What??" 

"When I…used my dominance on you that day...was it too much or uncomfortable?" He pressed his forehead against mine, and I stopped breathing. Oh, my goddess! What is happening?! 

"I...I-I uhm! W-Wha??" Am I this illiterate?! What was that?? That wasn't even a sentence!

Call me crazy, but I swear I saw Liam smile for half a millisecond. Maybe I saw wrong? With the way this day is going, maybe the Moon Goddess will appear from the sky. Let's not go that far. 

Liam leaned back for a second before leaning in close to my neck. He inhaled deeply and opened his eyes. He seemed annoyed. 

"Who's scent is over you?" He growled. Scent? What scent is he talking about? Before anything else could be said, Alan was running up the hill.

"Hey, Liam! You out here? You're needed for…" He paused when he saw us then cursed loudly and turned around. "I'll give you a minute" He walked back down the hill. 

Liam sighed in frustration and backed up letting me free. He turned around, but before he walked away, "Rosalia" 


"I'll let it go this time, but don't get close to other males." With that, he was over the hill and gone. 


Hello readers! Author here! I've been having a hard time figuring out the next chapters, and that's bad. Well, for me. I read stories all the time and wonder if they brainstorm it all or just wing it and it comes naturally. I'm not sure if I'm happy with this chapter because I don't want to make it seem like I'm going too fast. I have a lot of ideas, so before I post the next chapter, I'll write down my ideas of what I want to happen in the story, so I can show I've improved my writing skills. But until then, please let me know what you think of this chapter and the story overall. Am I going too fast? Is the story decent? Please tell me in the comments!