For My Friend

Noah gets up, as usual, to go to school but today he is not in his right state of mind. He takes a shower, lost in deep thoughts. He does not want to go to school but he does not miss any lecture. Being a disciplined student somehow gets you into this habit.

Today he did not prepare his breakfast. He is not hungry at all.

His phone rings which startle him. He goes near the bed, gets his phone to see the caller id. It is from George.

"Hey, Noah. You ready for school.", George tries to sound cheerful but was not sounding as enthusiastic as he usually does.

"Yeah, Georgie. I am all done. You reached?"

"I am waiting down here, come fast."


Noah gets inside George's car.

"I hope the lectures won't be as boring as the first day." George whines.

"You always find every class boring though, except physical education class, of course," Noah chuckles as he teases George.

"Well, they are boring. I don't know how you sit through all of them without losing your concentration. I guess being a topper does that you." George elbows Noah.

"Don't call me that."

"What else do I call a topper then?" George complains while pouting.

'This kid.' Noah thought to himself. He knows George is trying to change his mood.

He did kind of lightened the mood for Noah.

They reach the parking lot to see Ava and her friends waiting for them.

Ava's POV

Allen and I were on our way to school. I am kind of excited to go to school today as I will get to see that nerd. Oh, his not so peaceful life will definitely never be peaceful again.

We reach the parking lot to see others waiting for us.

"Hey, Ava. Hi All.", Cole greets.

"Wow, what a pleasant surprise. You and Gray are not fighting today. Did you wake up on the right side for once?", Allen said.

"WE DON'T ALWAYS FIGHT.", Cole and Gray, both said in unison.

"Well, well. You both are even on the same track today.", Olivia said as she pretends to be taken back.

"Who are you both? Where did our friends go?", I touch Cole and Gray's hand as a joke as if checking they are real or no.

"Enough, enough.. You guys are too much. It is just we decided that we will not argue with each other today no matter what.", Cole said.

"And whose idea was it?"

"It was Gray's idea.", Cole responds.

I immediately understood why Gray did that. It is better this way at least Gray will be near Cole if anything happens.

"Okay folks, enough of all these talks, Let's get going," Olivia said as she started walking out of the parking lot towards the class.

"WAIT," I said. I mentally facepalmed myself for being so loud.


"I need to wait for my prey. You know, I just want to have some fun." I try to cover up.

And here he comes.

Oh, he is with his friend again. Why is he always with his friend? This just reminds me of how he stood up for that… what did Allen call him…. Yeah, George. I find him so annoying. Why did Noah take a stand for him when he cannot even protect himself? I get this weird feeling inside of me. Gosh, he is making me feel strange again. I am not going to spare him for doing that.

Noah's POV

There she is. Do I really have to start my day by being bullied by her? Why is she waiting there? Can't she even wait for me to get inside the school? Does she hate me to this extent?

I look at George who looks kind of angry as he saw Ava and her friends. I don't want him to get outraged and do something stupid that will harm both of us. I am not weak. I can fight back but I don't want to. It just provokes the bullies even more and on top of that, it is a gang.

"George, don't get so worked up. I can handle it. You go to the class; I will catch you soon."

"But Noah, I …"

"Go. I said I will be fine." By saying this I get out of the car and walk towards the gang. They all have that smug face on. Such a lovely start to the day.

Third POV

Noah walks towards Ava.

"Hey, scaredy-cat." Noah does not respond to Ava's greeting.

"I said Hey. Are you playing deaf?", Noah still did not bother to reply. Her presence was annoying him.

"You dare to not reply to my greeting?", Ava grabs Noah's jaw. Noah did not look up, he lowered his gaze still not answering.

This made Ava feel annoyed, no one ever dared to ignore her, "You really are asking for it, aren't you?", she tightens her hold on his jaw that it starts to hurt.

Noah removes her hand and pushes her hand away, "DON'T TOUCH ME.", Noah groans.

This surprised Ava, but soon she got angry.

She grabbed Noah's hair with one hand and again holds his jaw too tightly that Noah teared up.

"YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO DO?", Ava pulled his hair way too tight. Noah was struggling to remove her grip, but she dragged him and pushed him on the ground.

"Yesterday, you made an agreement, and you are trying to act out of it today? I guess your friend is not all that precious to you. I better get even with him."

"Maybe break a bone or two or if I am a little too much in feel, might even vanish all his traces of existence for my liking."

Ava starts walking away.

Listening to this Noah felt frightened and he held Ava's hand, "No, please, no. Don't hurt George.", Noah pleads.

'Again, begging for your friend but not for yourself. Why is he so important to you?', Ava thought. This got her even more annoyed. She did not stop and tried to remove Noah's hold on her.

"I am sorry. Please, I will do anything. Don't hurt him." Noah begs while holding Ava's hand.

Ava was having this strange feeling that she could not define.

"Alright. This is your first and last warning. Do not try to act cocky with me." Ava pushes Noah to the ground and walks out of the parking lot, the others follow her.

Noah gets up, dusted his clothes, and walks towards his class as if nothing happened.