What's wrong Ava?

Noah entered the class. He looked around and felt glad that Ava was not there in the class. He saw George waving his hand to him, so he went and sat next to George.

"Noah, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" George asked checking Noah to see any kind of wound.

"No, no, they did not." Noah tried to hide his face. Ava's fingerprints were clearly visible on his jaw.

"Why is your face red? What are these marks?"

George closely observes Noah's face, worry clearly visible on his face.

"It's nothing Georgie. She just wanted to warn me to listen to her that's it. No one did anything. Don't worry." Noah smiles as he tries to calm down George.

Ava and her friends enter the class. This is one of the class that they all share.

Ava made them so that to keep everything in hand. She scans the room and smirks as soon as she spots Noah. Her smirks drops as she notices his face still bear the marks of her finger. 'Did I use too much force?' She thought. 'But he is the one who provoked me. It is all his fault. He deserved it.' She tries to calm her mind. She goes to her seat.

Suddenly David enters the class and sits near Noah, as those were the only empty seats. This made Ava frown.

"What is he doing here?", Gray got upset on seeing David's face. Cole puts his hand on Gray's to calm him down.

"Guess, he took the same class as us.", Olivia stares down at David.

Ava did not say anything. David sitting near Noah somehow made Ava feel insecure for some reason.

"Why aren't you saying anything Ava?", Allen asked as he notices Ava being unusually quiet.

"Why did he sit near him?" Ava mumbles.

"What?" Allen asked as he could not hear her clearly.

"Huh? I mean why did he come to this class?", Ava gets out of her thoughts.

"Let me get him to talk.", Allen was about to go but Ava stopped him.

"No, not in class. We can deal with him later."

She did not want someone to see the feud.

David looked back and smirked at Ava. Ava gritted her teeth.

The teacher came in.

"So, class we are gonna have a group activity today. Since, this is a communication class. I want you people to pair up with each other but not with your friends."

Everyone whines at the last choice of words.

"Teacher, are we gonna decide who to sit with?", one of the students asked.

"Of course not. I call you and make you sit randomly."

"Here we go. So, we in kindergarten or something.", one of the students mumbled making others laugh.

"Silence!... Okay now let's get going." teacher starts calling names in pairs with students making faces as they sit beside complete strangers, some are happy as they get to sit with their friends.

"Noah and Olivia"

"George and Gray."

"Allen and Cole and the last pair."

"Ava and David."

All five of them look at each other. David's mood just got better.

"But I don't want to sit with him." Ava insists.

" No arguing. The pairs are decided."

With much resistance, Ava goes and sit beside David.

"See, we are meant to be." David chuckles sarcastically.

"It would be best if you shut up." Ava groans.

"Alright. So, here, I am distributing you these sheets with a different scenario in each of them. I'll give you 20 minutes. You have to come up with a storyline around the scenario.", the teacher explains.

"Well, look what we have here. A scene based on friendship. What a coincidence?"

Ava was not paying attention to him. She had her gaze fixed on someone else.

David followed her gaze to see her staring at Olivia and a random guy.

'Why is she staring at Olivia? Or is it...', David mind started working.

Ava's POV

Why does it have to be Olivia who got to sit with him while I'm stuck with this stupid jerk? No, no I am not jealous. It is because I can't bully him sitting so far. And yeah, I got stuck with David. Yes, that is what it is. That is the only reason.

I don't know what scenario they got to perform. I hope it's nothing too out of line. Not like I care, but I do care about Olivia's comfort. After, all she is my friend.

Third person POV

"Hey Nerd. Let's see what we got here." Olivia said playfully.

Noah was not comfortable at all which was clearly visible on his face. Who gets comfortable around their bullies anyway?

" Oh, would you look at that. It's a romantic scene." Olivia puts her arm around Noah. Noah flinched and removed Olivia's arm.

"Oh, your poor face. Marked with Ava's fingerprints. She is too much, isn't she?," She touches Noah's face.

Olivia just wanted to tease Noah and get a reaction from him but it was not good for someone else's liking.

Ava was too busy in her thoughts. Suddenly her expression changed into a frown. David noticed this to see what happened.

"I guess I was right." David says slowly with happiness.

" What?", Ava looks at David.

"Oh, this scenario. I mean we have to perform something right?" David said trying to change the topic.

"I got nothing to work on with you. I will just make an excuse to skip this." Ava said with disgust.

"Okay class, time's up."

One by one everyone started performing.

"Next we have Noah and Olivia."

Noah walked ahead hesitatingly. They started doing there part when suddenly Olivia got closer to Noah's face which was not the part of the act. Noah stepped back clearly uncomfortable.

Ava dropped her book on the floor making everyone look back at her.

"What is it?", teacher demands.

"Oh sorry, I am just feeling a little off. Can I go to the restroom?", Ava holds her head.

"Okay, you may."

Ava gets up but pretends to feel dizzy.

"Emm, Oli could you please help me?"

"Yeah sure.", Olivia goes near Ava and supports her.

Olivia and Ava leaves the class.

"I think I found your lose end Ava." David eyes Noah with a devilish grin.

"You okay Ava?", Olivia asked with concern. "You look upset."

"Yeah, of course. I just didn't want to... I didn't want to act with David. Yeah, I was trying to get out of it. He is such a pain in the ass." Ava said convincing Olivia, but she was still upset about something else.