The lunch

"No, you may not.", Ava replied.

"I did not ask you though. Wow, did not know my dad's school has such rude students.", Katie replied and looked back at Noah for an answer.

"Your dad's school?", Olivia asked Katie.

"Yeah. My dad is the principal, you know.", Katie replied not showing any interest in the conversation.

"So, why did you just start schooling here? Why not before?", Olivia asked again.

"Well, I was not living in Yorkshire. I used to live in London.", Katie answered.

"Then why did you leave London and come back?"

"Don't you think you are too intriguing into others matter? Well, just wanted to try Yorkshire for once, so, I came back.", Katie answered.

"So, Noah. May I join you?", Katie asked again.

"Yes. Why not?", It was George who said that. He knew that Ava's gang cannot harm Katie as she's the principal's daughter and also being friends with her might help Noah get out of the mess he is in.

"Oh, thanks. You are...?",

"George. I am Noah's best friend.", George said smiling.

"Nice to meet you, George. And the others who are staring at me like I am some sort of alien or something?

"Hey, I am Olivia and these are my friends Allen and Ava."

Great. Hope we get along. Let's dig in then.", Katie sat beside Noah and started eating.

They started eating. Ava really wanted to step in, but Allen and Olivia stopped her. You can mess with others, but not the principal's daughter, can you? They too started eating.

Ava clenched her fist when she saw Katie and Noah getting along too well for her liking. Katie would sometimes slightly hit Noah's arm while joking or out her hand on his shoulder. This made Ava feeling uncomfortable.

Seeing them laugh together and have their own fun time was not something Ava wanted to be a witness to, but she had to hold her anger as she could not create a mess in front of Katie.

"Hey, would you like to hang out after school?", Katie asked Noah and George.

"Yeah, sure.", George said excitedly.

"I would love to but you see, I am still recovering, so maybe later.", Noah smiled at Katie.

"Oh, that's absolutely alright."

Allen and Olivia also got into a conversation with Katie. Katie seemed to be a cool girl. Without much of an issue, she got along with others.

"Ava, you are not much into talking, I see.", Katie said as she finished the last bit of her food.

"Well, I don't see any reason for me to answer that question.", Ava smiled as Katie.

"Umm... It's just you have been staring at me for so long I thought you wanted to say something, but since you did not.... maybe try speaking with words not eyes.", Katie smiled back at Ava.

"Or maybe you should stop forcing your leg into others matters and mind your own business.", Ava answered.

"Yeah, maybe you should stop staring at people you meet for the first time. Kind of freaks them out you know. I almost thought you are interested in or something. Maybe you are...?. Katie mocks Ava.

Ava clenched her fist and stands up. Allen and Olivia get up to, ready to stop the ongoing tension between the two.

"Well, maybe I will show you how interested I am.", Ava gets out of her chair and was headed towards Katie, but Allen and Olivia interrupted.

"Oh see. Looks like it is time for the next lecture to start. We should get going, right Oli?", Allen stands in front of Ava.

"Yeah.. yeah, you are right. Let's go Ava", Olivia holds Ava's hand and leaves the cafe. Allen gets their things and follows them.

"She seems a bit weird to me.", Katie said after Ava left.

"Yeah, well she is....", George was cut off by Noah.

"I think we should also leave for the class.", Noah stood up and started walking.

Katie looked at George. George just shrugged his shoulders.

"I will see you later. I have to get my schedule from the admin office.", Katie left the cafeteria.




Noah and George entered the class to see Ava, Allen, and Olivia already there. Noah turned his gaze in another direction and went to his seat. No other student was present in the class as they arrived 10 minutes earlier.

Ava picked up her phone and texted.

"Come to my seat this instant."

Noah's phone beeped. He looked at the notification and turned back.

Noah picked up his cane and started walking as he reached Ava's seat. He felt an electric shock from the cane and fell on his knee.


"What happened?", George rushed to Noah.

"STAY BACK.", Ava growled.

She signaled Allen to close the door.

"I asked you to get us the plates, didn't I?", Ava said.

Noah nodded.

"I asked you to use your words when I am talking to you.", Ava said as she grabbed Noah's hair who was kneeling on one knee in front of her.

"Ye... yes.", Nosh flinched in pain.

"Then why did you let her carry them for you?"

"I did not. She... she herself took the tray from me. I.. I... I could not stop her.", Noah was struggling under her hold.

"And when I was against her joining us for lunch. How dare you say yes to her.", Ava pulled on more tightly.

"He did not. It was me. I allowed her.", George interrupted.

Ava left Noah's hair and went to George,"Oh yeah, it was you. wasn't it? Always rebelling against whatever I say.", Ava punched George's stomach. He fell down while holding on to his stomach. She was about to kick him when Noah immediately went in front of her to stop her.

"You... you promised me you will not hurt him.", Noah covered George.

Ava looked at him in anger. "I did. But this piece of shit here keeps testing my limits.", She pulled Noah away from George and was about to hit him again.

"Ava, the class will start soon. Let's continue this after the class.", Allen stopped Ava from punching George.

Ava stared at Allen. Allen had never stopped her before, no matter how brutally she treated others. She wanted to say more but decided to listen to Allen.

"This is not over. Better meet me after the classes.", Ava grabbed Noah's jaw.

"I will.", Noah manages to answer.

"Good.", Ava went back to her seat. Allen opened the door.

Noah helped George to get up and took him back to the seat.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt a lot?", Noah asked concerned,

"Oh, if this is what it takes for me to get pampered by you, maybe I will try it again.", George said playfully.

"This kid. Seems like you are all good now.", Noah shakes his head in disbelief.

"Haha. Yeah, I am okay. I just wanted to try acting like a hero to save my damsel in distress, but got turned out to be the damsel myself needing your protection.", George lowered his head.

"Oh my dear hero turned damsel, I am happy that you stepped up for me. Just don't do it again. I will handle it all.", Noah flicks George on his forehead.

George flicks him back.

After a minute the students start entering the class for the lecture.