Mad at me

Rosalyn's P.O.V.

I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment of his words.

Oh God, what does he mean by that? For christ's sakes Rosalyn, you are just over thinking it he must have meant it in a brotherly way.

... But it didn't sound that way, even his aura said otherwise.

I huffed in annoyance as I half walked and half ran to my room, as I turned around a corner lost in my thoughts I stumbled into someone, I shrieked and closed my eyes bracing myself for the fall but it never came. I slowly peeled my eyes to come face to face with a smirking Mr. Delarosa who was feeling amused. He then helped me on my feets.

He was wearing a mettalic grey suit with a baby blue shirt underneath. The suit was hugging him perfectly showing his bulging muscles. He had a slight stubble on his chin. His blue orbs were dancing in mischief unlike his usual cold emotionless eyes. His hair as usual were slicked back in perfection.

"Rosalyn are you alright?"

He asked me while giving me one of his million dollar smile.

I blushed furiously and nodded before stepping backwards to put up a comfortable distance between us. That's when I noticed there was another man standing with him. He had copper colored hair which just like Mr. Delarosa's were slicked back in perfection. He was slightly shorter than Mr. Delarosa but really tall nonetheless. He had a smirk playing on his lips as he looked at Mr. Delarosa with his eyebrows raised. His light-blue almost sky color orbs were dancing in mischief. He too just like Mr. Delarosa was wearing a suit. He had his black colored suit's jacket in his hand and he was wearing a green shirt with his sleeves rolled up showing his perfect biceps. He was leaner than Mr. Delarosa but muscular nonetheless. As if sensing my stare he turned towards me and gave me one of his panty dropping smile.

"Hello, I am Drevon Black this weirdo's friend. You must be Rosalyn I have heard so much about."

He said with a lazy smirk painted on his face as he put his hand forward for a handshake.

Ohhh he is Alex's father.

But something about him didn't sit well with me but I shook it away.

I couldn't help but notice that Alex had taken his father's copper hair and build. But his eyes unlike Mr. Black's were green in colour.

"All good things I hope"

I told him while putting my hands in his. But he quickly turned my hands and kissed my knuckles making me blush.

He grinned at me and nodded. Mr. Delarosa was glaring at Mr. Black to which Mr. Black's grin widened.

"Soo Rosalyn, you are coming at our place for dinner tomorrow night?"

He asked me while looking at me hopefully. But I was lost. No one told me about it and I felt as if someone has stabbed me in the chest.

Of course they didn't tell you stupid you are a liability to them.

I frowned to myself trying to brush of the sad feeling.

Mr. Delarosa must have noticed my expression as he quickly spoke for me feeling slightly guilty.

"Ahh yes sorry about that principessa we just today decided for the dinner at Devon's place, I thought you would like to meet Alexander's twin sister cadence. She was actually away for a vacation and has just come home yesterday and will be joining school from day after tomorrow. We are having this dinner for Mrs. Black. She survived cancer and we decided to have a small get together for that. "

He told me in his cold voice making my sadness go away.

I turned towards Mr. Black.

" Ohh that's wonderful you must be so happy. Congratulations. And I would love to meet Mrs. Black and cadence. "

I told him while giving them a warm smile.

" Ok then see you Rosalyn. I will be waiting for you downstairs. "

He told Mr. Delarosa with a slight nod of head and waved at me while leaving me with Mr. Delarosa.

What Mr. Delarosa did next shocked me. He took the hand that Mr. Black had kissed and placed a lingering kiss right where Mr. Black had kissed while looking at me straight at me in the eye straight while radiating his possessiveness in waves

"See you at the dinner mia regina."

With that he left me in the middle of the hallway flabbergasted.

What the fuck?!


I huffed in annoyance as I scowled at my history book. My mind is haywire and I can't seem to focus on my studies. Exams are approaching and I need to learn but this stupid book with it's numerous one markers is killing me. I closed the book with a thump and quickly rose from my study chair.

I desperately need a break.

I thought to myself before flopping on the bed and staring at the celling.

Maybe I should call jasper.

I called jasper and as usual he picked up on the third call.


"hey jasper."

"how are you doing hun?"

"I dunno, I just am in shock. My mom died but it feels like I never knew her. Gosh I feel like an idiot now that I realise the main reason she would not meet you all, won't visit my PTM. I feel so stupid."

"aww sweet cheeks. Look I don't know why she did it, but from what you told me, I think she loved you babe. Enough about your mother tell me about the baby?! Oh my gosh?!"

I laughed at the way he got excited and told him about the cute doll living downstairs. After promising him to Skype him later with Iris, we said our goodbyes.

After talking to him, I felt refreshed. All though I didn't tell him about all the drama going on because I still needed to figure it all out myself.

I was broken out of my reverie to the sound of a knocking.

"Rosalyn dear, the dinner is ready."

"Yeah. I am coming"

Shitt I don't want to face the Delarosa men right now.

"Ok sweetheart"

With that I heard the sound of receding footsteps.

Ughhhh....I seriously can't face them.... specially Rosario.....I literally saw him touching himself...but I am confused....He wasn't thinking about me right?..




I facepalmed myself and rubbed my hands on my face. I glanced at my reflection in the vanity.

Shittt...I am red as a tomato just thinking about him.....what will happen when I meet him?!

I shaked that thought away and put the picture of Rosario rubbing his impressive len-


You are going to hell bitch...

I mean he is your step brother for heaven's sake.....

Ughh you are right.....

I then took so me deep breaths and before I knew it I was making my way towards the dinning room.

To distract myself I observed the numerous family pictures adorning the hallways. They were not normal family pictures like we had...They were all royal looking in which everyone was wearing regal outfits.... One of them caught my eye... It must have been the latest one..

It was a picture of my mom, Mr.Delarosa and Rosario as usual but in it Rosario was his current mom was wearing a green slit dress which matched her eye colour and golden hair was curled to perfection. She had her usual charismatic smile on her face while the Delarosa men as on other pictures had the usual cold and emotionless look on their face. Seeing my mother look so happy and charismatic in the picture made my heart ache as I quickly made my way towards the Dinning room.

I saw Mr. Delarosa sitting at the head of the table as usual and Rosario sitting to his right they were talking in hushed tones. They must have heard me coming because they both looked up at the same time making me blush. Their was something about the way they looked at me intensely as it they could see my soul that caused me to heat up.

I sighed feeling satisfied as I immersed myself in their addictive warmth.

Mr. Delarosa nodded at me in acknowledgement and Rosario just kept looking at me coldly before abruptly looking away.


I gave them a tight lipped smile before taking my seat.

Seconds later Linda started serving us and we were all eating in a comfortable silence.

I was thinking about calling Gabrielle tomorrow and asking him if he wanted to practice tomorrow since I was behind them in practicing for the winter ball and I had received the notes just today when Mr. Delarosa spoke up.

"So Rosalyn, mind me asking how you know Ivan Volklov?"

He asked me in his deep cold and commanding voice that left no room for objection as I with a jolt realised that he was feeling jealousy.

I looked up from my plate to find Mr. Delarosa and Rosario staring at waiting for me to answer them. The tick in their jaws and the slight twitch and in their eyes told me that they were getting impatient.

"Ivan and I met in a cafe by coincidence 3 years ago and we just clicked. We have been friends since then. "

I don't know why but I felt that on my statement the aura around us went x2 colder and they both looked mad.

Do they think....I lied to them?

Now I remember they asked me this question before.

Did they thought I lied to them before.

I frowned in confusion.

Mr. Delarosa nodded at me stiffly and Rosario just glared at me before looking away.

Huh? What was that about?

I shrugged it off and zoned out as they started talking to each other in hushed tones even though they were talking in Italian.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw it was Ivan calling me. A smile made it's way on my face as I quickly picked it up.

"Hey Roza"

"Hi...did you have your dinner."

"Yes I just had it and I was just going for bed. Look I didn't get time to apologize but I cannot explain why I did what I did but trust me all this time I had wanted to talk to you. I am so sorry sweet thing. I wish I was there to attend your concerts I hated that you had to go alone."

"Hey Ivan it's cool you had your reasons and if you really want to repent for your "sins" I have an idea"

I heard his deep sexy chuckle from the other side .

"Ok Love, tell me what do I need to do to repent my sins"

" Well... You need to buy me a buger some fries, cold Coffee tomorrow at school during lunch. How does that sounds?"

I heard him laugh.

"Sure thing sweet cheeks. Guess I will see yah tomorrow?"

"Yeahh..see yah"

I said with a smile on my face before pressing the red button. It was then I realized that the table was pin drop silent.

I looked up and saw Rosario glaring at his food furiously and Mr. Delarosa's Knuckles white while he stared at the champagne glass in his hand intensely.

"Who is he to you?"

Rosario asked me suddenly before dropping his cutlery with a clang and wiping his hands with the table cloth. He asked feeling intense jealousy.

Suddenly the picture of him pleasuring himself popped up in my mind making my cheeks burn in embarassment.

"He is just a friend."

I told them in a small voice.

I think the blush on my cheeks didn't make it believable because the next thing I knew Rosario stood up from his seat almost throwing it back and sauntered of to the stairs. His back was taut and his fists were clenched. I quickly started getting up but Mr. Delarosa stopped me with a wave of hand.

"Let him be Rosalyn. And I won't advice any kind of relationship with a Volkov"

Mr. Delarosa told me coldly before stalking off after his son feeling intense rage.

He looked cool calm and collected but his taut back muscles and his harsh words told me he was mad at me.

I was shocked for a moment and felt ashamed as I looked at their half eaten food. Suddenly I lost my appetite and I too pushed my chair back and left for my room while my mind was going Haywire.

What did the girls meant when they said that Ivan was Russian mafia?

Was that why Mr. Delarosa and Rosario so mad at me ?

But I couldn't help but think there was another reason behind their strange reaction and feelings.