A science fiction...
Rosalyn a seemingly normal person who is 'oblivious' of her dark past and her 'true' self looks seemingly innocent with a caring family,
Or so she thought.
After her mother's death she ends up on The Delarosa men's threshold.
The Ruthless and cruel Mr. Vincenzo Delarosa known for his mansion's west wing full of whores and a billionaire, who is The King of Italian mafia and is known in the underworld for his torture techniques and his only son Rosario Delarosa who is the biggest playboy known in the mankind.
What will happen when people of past start reminding Rosalyn of who she is?
What will happen when Rosalyn realises that she is far from innocent girl, in fact she isn't human at all.
How will she prevent herself in becoming the villainess she was designed to be.