He Must Be The Child's Father

It was not even five in the morning, and the sky was still very dark.

A black car quietly stopped in front of Gu Suisui's incense shop.

Gu Suisui had just fallen asleep when she heard a knock on the door.

She turned around and was prepared to ignore him, but…

She had never expected that the people outside would actually pry open her shutter door.

Gu Suisui had installed a simple automatic alarm device. If the door was pried open and the mechanism was triggered, the copper bell in her room would ring.

Gu Suisui gritted her teeth in anger and sat up.

"I want to see which dog has such guts to even dare to pry open my door…"

Gu Suisui grabbed a feather duster angrily and ran out angrily.

When he rushed out, he saw two figures standing in the middle of a pair of eerie and terrifying papier-mache people. One of them was especially tall.