Child, Your Boss's?

She finally walked into her illegal clinic from her underground business.

Gong Chenye saw Gong Xin lying on the old bed. His body was wrapped in gauze. Gong Suisui had stripped him from head to toe, leaving only his underwear. Gu Suisui had already put a splints on his left leg.

But ...

However, Gu Suisui didn't kindly get him a blanket, even if it was a newspaper.

This woman was the kind of woman who would not give you anything extra regardless of what you gave her money or what she did.

Lan Dongzhi was also not covered by a blanket.

Gong Chenye glanced at Gong Xin before turning to look at Lan Dongzhi.

She was curled up on the broken sofa, her long hair covering her face. She was still wearing Gong Xin's clothes. The patient's clothes inside were covered in blood, and her hands that were hanging by her side were also covered in dried blood.

Gu Suisui's house was dark and cold, without any heating.