Get Young Master Lin Busy

Twenty minutes later, Su Jingting arrived at Xia Yishan's apartment. Having calculated the time, he knew she should not be home yet.

He tapped the steering wheel with one hand again and again.

He frowned a little, as he had come too quickly. He should have picked her up at Asia Entertainment directly.

Xia Yishan hardly took the initiative to talk to him. Since she shared her happiness with him this time, did that mean that she had come to like him a little more?

His efforts were worth it. Everything he did was to earn a place in her heart.

His heart had been taken by her from the start. He could put everything aside and go to her. All she needed to do was to send him a text.

Only people who had lost something knew how precious it was to own something. He had finally found Xia Yishan, so how could he watch her being taken away?