I Look Forward to Your Guidance, Best Actor

Su Jingting coughed twice when he caught Xia Yishan's gaze, "When did you come back? Did you see…"

She seemed confused. "See what?"

"Nothing." Su Jingting grabbed a bouquet of flowers from the backseat and handed it to her. "Congratulations."

She took it and replied, "Thank you."

"I've made a reservation at a restaurant. Shall we go now?"


Su Jingting fastened Xia Yishan's seat belt for her, and the Maybach departed.

He could not help but glance at her along the way. He was worried that she would ask why he was smoking. After all, she had just reached adulthood. Would she hate the smell of cigarettes?

On the other hand, he was also thinking whether not asking him about it meant she did not care about him.

"Ten more seconds," Xia Yishan said, seemingly absentmindedly as she played with the flowers.


"You'll hit the car in front if you don't hit the brake now. You'll be in the headlines right away."