My Daddy’s Name Is Lu Junhan

The last child that appeared in front of the young master was thrown out of the compound without a word.

He heard rumors that the child was so traumatized by his interaction with Young Master Lu that he still has nightmares every night. Whenever he saw Young Master Lu, he would react like a mouse seeing a cat—he'd turn around and leg it immediately.

It's clear how deep the inflicted trauma was.

He took a deep breath and right before Lu Junhan actually exploded, he turned to his bodyguards and maids and asked in a dead-serious tone, "I will ask this again. Whose child is this? Take her home immediately."

It was not like it hadn't happened before.

Two months ago, there was a foolhardy maid who, either went mad or simply read too many amateur romance novels.

She secretly snuck her own nephew into a banquet that the Lu family organized and when no one was looking, she told the kid to call Young Master Lu his father.

That maid's intention was pretty easy to guess. When she saw that he was not interested in women, she attempted to use the boy to melt away the ice that encapsulated his stone-cold heart. 

She hoped that in the process of Young Master Lu helping the kid find his relatives, an opportunity would arise for him to get to know her better.

Still, despite all the nefarious scheming, it was all in vain!

Young Master did not dislike children. He hated them. He hated kids more than he hated pesky women.

He immediately threw that little nephew out of the mansion, as if he was discarding trash.

That maid was also sacked immediately after her plan was uncovered. What followed did not end well for her.

From then onwards, everyone became aware that Young Master Lu hated children. No one dared to make any more gambles and for better or worse, the mansion had been relatively quiet for the past few months. He didn't expect that someone would make such a foolish attempt again.

When the butler saw that no one was speaking out, his face slowly darkened.

"Uncle, I'm not anyone's child."

At this time, the little girl tried her very best to climb up from the pond. She had mud caked all over her, and despite her grubby appearance, she sounded fairly serious when she said, "I am from the Lu Family."

She extended her tiny hand and pointed at Lu Junhan, who stood next to her with his back straightened. With much pride, she announced to the butler, "This is my daddy! My daddy is super strong!"

Seeing how prideful she was, Lu Junhan felt his heart skip a beat. It was a very strange feeling as if the joy he was feeling came from being praised by his own daughter.

"I am not your daddy,"

He suppressed this odd feeling as he looked at his servants. There was nothing out of the ordinary as if they really didn't know who this little girl was.

His eyes scanned their faces before shifting his attention back to the little girl. He looked down at her face. With an ominous voice that reeked of danger, he told her, "If you dare, say that again."

The violence and frigidness contained within his words caused even the butler to shudder in fear.

"Of course I would!" What surprised them was how fearless she was in the face of Young Master Lu. She planted both her hands on her hips as she pouted. With a child's voice, she asked, "You're called Lu Junhan, right?"

Lu Junhan, "…"

Then, she said to him with a serious expression, "My dad is called Lu Junhan."


When the little girl noticed how little response she got from him, she happily made the decision for him. "In other words, you're my daddy!"

"No, I'm not," The man looked at her calmly. There was zero warmth in his eyes. Since he couldn't find the suspects, for the time being, he wasn't going to waste any more time here. He turned and left immediately, "You got the wrong person kid."

"No! Daddy, I did not get the wrong person!"