Take Her Away

When the young girl realized that he didn't believe her and was about to leave, she started to become nervous and fidgety. With tears swelling up in her eyes, she finally said to him, "I have reincarnated so many times to become your daughter. It's impossible that I got it wrong. You're my dad! You really are!"

Reincarnated so many times…

Lu Junhan chuckled to himself and he raised his brows. He totally did not expect her to turn out to be so ugly, and worse, to turn out to be such a knuckle-head.

"Daddy, you have to believe me.'

The little girl's dark eyes were filled with tears as she pouted. She was so cute when she didn't get what she wanted. Lowering her voice, she told him, "… I really didn't lie to you. You are Lili's daddy."

Seeing how sad and distressed she was, Lu Junhan was reminded of a little stray kitten that had no home to return to. He felt his heartstrings being yanked violently. It was truly a heartbreaking sight. 

But this feeling was incredibly alien to him. His long brows furrowed as he pursed his lips. He felt irritated. He wanted her to stop crying. The face she was making as she sobbed was too hideous.

The little girl possessed a will that was stronger than what he had originally anticipated. Before he said anything, she sniffed and prepared herself to make her final stand. 

She pointed at her little face and squealed at him with a dead-serious tone, "Bad daddy! Why don't you believe me! You're my daddy! See, we look so alike!''

And she pointed to her little face. It was all dirty, like the face of a stray kitten.

And because she had just climbed out of the lake, she was soaking wet. She didn't pay much attention to her surroundings as she hauled herself out of the water, meaning she wasn't aware that her face was currently caked with dark mud.

Other than her pair of glittery big eyes, she was, for the most part, rather ugly.

Lu Li said with confidence, "We look like we were cast from the same mold, no?" 

Back in the Celestial World, everyone would tell her how much she resembled her daddy.

Lu Junhan: "…"

Everyone else: "…"

Were they blind? Or was the little girl blind?

Lu Junhan was far from amused. A vein on his forehead almost burst from anger. He started questioning his own sanity, for wasting his time on this little fool whose head was thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. 

He always did things decisively. When he realized that the ball going to start soon, he did not say anything nor did he spare one final glance at Lu Li. Turning around, he walked away after coldly issuing an instruction to the butler.

"Take her away."

The little girl pouted grumpily. A sad expression appeared on her face as she tugged on the sleeve of her daddy with her dirty little hands. "Daddy, don't go! I want to stay next to you!"

After she said that, she lowered her head and gave her flat little tummy a massage and said while sniffling, "And I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten for a very, very long time. I'm going to die from hunger. Daddy, can you bring me to eat something good?"



Lu Junhan looked at her sad little face. He wasn't sure how she managed to pull it off so well. Her face was soiled, but it managed to break his heart. Out of nowhere, he felt obliged to help her.

He became even more irritable, but he couldn't exactly point out why.

He hated little children.

This was especially so when he remembered how women would use kids to get closer to him. His demeanor became frigid all of a sudden. 

He frowned and averted his gaze by looking away. Coldly, he said to the butler, who was still stupefied, "Why are you still standing there? Quick, take her away."

"Huh? Take, take her away?" The butler regained his senses. He looked at Lu Li, and then asked his master awkwardly, "About that… Young Master Lu, Where, where should we take her?"

Especially when she's a living, breathing person. Worse, she was just a child…